function getSubCustomers($customer_id) { $domain_id = domain_id::get(); $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . TB_PREFIX . "customers\n WHERE parent_customer_id = :customer_id\n AND domain_id = :domain_id"; $sth = dbQuery($sql, ':customer_id', $customer_id, ':domain_id', $domain_id); return $sth->fetchAll(); }
function insert() { global $db; $domain_id = domain_id::get($this->domain_id); $sql = "INSERT INTO \n\t\t\t\t" . TB_PREFIX . "customers\n\t\t\t\t(\n\t\t\t\t\tdomain_id, attention, name, street_address, street_address2,\n\t\t\t\t\tcity, state, zip_code, country, phone, mobile_phone,\n\t\t\t\t\tfax, email, notes, custom_field1, custom_field2,\n\t\t\t\t\tcustom_field3, custom_field4, enabled\n\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t\tVALUES \n\t\t\t\t(\n\t\t\t\t\t:domain_id ,:attention, :name, :street_address, :street_address2,\n\t\t\t\t\t:city, :state, :zip_code, :country, :phone, :mobile_phone,\n\t\t\t\t\t:fax, :email, :notes, :custom_field1, :custom_field2,\n\t\t\t\t\t:custom_field3, :custom_field4, :enabled\n\t\t\t\t)"; return $db->query($sql, ':attention', $this->attention, ':name', $this->name, ':street_address', $this->street_address, ':street_address2', $this->street_address2, ':city', $this->city, ':state', $this->state, ':zip_code', $this->zip_code, ':country', $this->country, ':phone', $this->phone, ':mobile_phone', $this->mobile_phone, ':fax', $this->fax, ':email', $this->email, ':notes', $this->notes, ':custom_field1', $this->custom_field1, ':custom_field2', $this->custom_field2, ':custom_field3', $this->custom_field3, ':custom_field4', $this->custom_field4, ':enabled', $this->enabled, ':domain_id', $domain_id); }
public static function rewind($node, $sub_node = 0, $domain_id = '', $sub_node_2 = 0) { $domain_id = domain_id::get($domain_id); $sql = "UPDATE " . TB_PREFIX . "index \n SET id = (id - 1) \n WHERE node = :node\n\t\t\t\tAND sub_node = :sub_node\n\t\t\t\tAND sub_node_2 = :sub_node_2\n AND domain_id = :domain_id\n\t\t\t"; $sth = dbQuery($sql, ':node', $node, ':sub_node', $sub_node, ':sub_node_2', $sub_node_2, ':domain_id', $domain_id); return $sth; }
function smarty_function_online_payment_link($params, &$smarty) { global $LANG; $domain_id = domain_id::get($params['domain_id']); $url = getURL(); if (in_array("paypal", explode(",", $params['type']))) { $link = "<a \n\t\t\t\thref=\"" . urlencode($params['business']) . "&item_name=" . urlencode($params['item_name']) . "&invoice=" . urlencode($params['invoice']) . "&amount=" . urlencode(number_format($params['amount'], 2, '.', '')) . "¤cy_code=" . urlencode($params['currency_code']) . "¬ify_url=" . urlencode($params['notify_url']) . "&return=" . urlencode($params['return_url']) . "&no_shipping=1&no_note=1&custom=domain_id:" . urlencode($domain_id) . "; \">"; if ($params['include_image'] == "true") { $link .= "<img border='0' src='" . urlsafe($url) . "/images/common/pay_with_paypal.gif'/>"; } else { $link .= htmlsafe($params['link_wording']); } $link .= "</a>"; echo $link; } if (in_array("eway_shared", explode(",", $params['type']))) { $link = "<a \n\t\t\t\thref=\"" . urlencode($params['business'] . "\n\t\t\t\t&item_name=" . urlencode($params['item_name']) . "&invoice=" . urlencode($params['invoice']) . "\n\t\t\t\t&amount=" . urlencode(number_format($params['amount'], 2, '.', '')) . "¤cy_code=" . $params['currency_code']) . "\n\t\t\t\t&return=\">"; if ($params['include_image'] == "true") { $link .= "<img border='0' src='" . urlsafe($url) . "/images/common/pay_with_eway.gif'/>"; } else { $link .= htmlsafe($params['link_wording']); } $link .= "</a>"; echo $link; } }
public function check_reorder_level() { global $db; global $auth_session; $domain_id = domain_id::get($this->domain_id); //sellect qty and reorder level $inventory = new product(); $sth = $inventory->select_all('count'); $inventory_all = $sth->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $email = ""; foreach ($inventory_all as $row) { if ($row['quantity'] <= $row['reorder_level']) { $message = "The quantity of Product: " . $row['description'] . " is " . siLocal::number($row['quantity']) . ", which is equal to or below its reorder level of " . $row['reorder_level']; $return['row_' . $row['id']]['message'] = $message; $email_message .= $message . "<br />\n"; } } //print_r($return); #$attachment = file_get_contents('./tmp/cache/' . $pdf_file_name); $email = new email(); $email->notes = $email_message; $email->from = $email->get_admin_email(); $email->to = $email->get_admin_email(); #$email -> bcc = "justin@localhost"; $email->subject = "Simple Invoices reorder level email"; $email->send(); return $return; }
public function insert() { global $db; global $auth_session; global $dbh; $domain_id = domain_id::get($this->domain_id); $sql = "INSERT INTO ".TB_PREFIX."payment_types ( pt_description, pt_enabled, domain_id ) VALUES ( :pt_description, :pt_enabled, :domain_id )"; $sth = $db->query($sql, ':pt_description',$this->pt_description, ':pt_enabled',$this->pt_enabled, ':domain_id',$domain_id ) or die(htmlsafe(end($dbh->errorInfo()))); return $sth; }
public function check() { global $db; global $dbh; $domain_id = domain_id::get($this->domain_id); $run_date = empty($this->run_date) ? $today : $this->run_date; $sql = "SELECT count(*) as count FROM ".TB_PREFIX."cron_log WHERE domain_id = :domain_id AND cron_id = :cron_id AND run_date = :run_date"; $sth = $db->query($sql, ':domain_id',$domain_id, ':cron_id',$this->cron_id, ':run_date',$run_date ) or die(htmlsafe(end($dbh->errorInfo()))); return $sth->fetchColumn(); }
function getExtensions() { global $LANG; $domain_id = domain_id::get(); $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . TB_PREFIX . "extensions WHERE domain_id = 0 OR domain_id = :domain_id ORDER BY name"; $sth = dbQuery($sql, ':domain_id', $domain_id); $exts = null; for ($i = 0; $ext = $sth->fetch(); $i++) { $exts[$i] = $ext; } return $exts; }
function smarty_function_online_payment_link($params, &$smarty) { global $LANG; global $siUrl; global $config; global $siUrl; $domain_id = domain_id::get($params['domain_id']); $url = getURL(); if (in_array("paypal", explode(",", $params['type']))) { $link = "<a \n href=\"" . urlencode($params['business']) . "&item_name=" . urlencode($params['item_name']) . "&invoice=" . urlencode($params['invoice']) . "&amount=" . urlencode(number_format($params['amount'], 2, '.', '')) . "¤cy_code=" . urlencode($params['currency_code']) . "¬ify_url=" . urlencode($params['notify_url']) . "&return=" . urlencode($params['return_url']) . "&no_shipping=1&no_note=1&custom=domain_id:" . urlencode($domain_id) . "; \">"; if ($params['include_image'] == "true") { $link .= "<img border='0' src='" . urlsafe($url) . "/images/common/pay_with_paypal.gif'/>"; } else { $link .= htmlsafe($params['link_wording']); } $link .= "</a>"; echo $link; } if (in_array("eway_shared", explode(",", $params['type']))) { $link = "<a \n href=\"" . urlencode($params['business'] . "\n &item_name=" . urlencode($params['item_name']) . "&invoice=" . urlencode($params['invoice']) . "\n &amount=" . urlencode(number_format($params['amount'], 2, '.', '')) . "¤cy_code=" . $params['currency_code']) . "\n &return=\">"; if ($params['include_image'] == "true") { $link .= "<img border='0' src='" . urlsafe($url) . "/images/common/pay_with_eway.gif'/>"; } else { $link .= htmlsafe($params['link_wording']); } $link .= "</a>"; echo $link; } if (in_array("paymentsgateway", explode(",", $params['type']))) { // $today = date('Y-m-d',$x); /* $datetime1 = new DateTime('0001-01-01'); $datetime2 = new DateTime('now', new DateTimeZone('UTC')); $interval = $datetime1->diff($datetime2); //$interval->format('%a %h %i %s ') ; $seconds = ( $interval->format('%a') * 24 * 60 * 60) + ( $interval->format('%h') * 60 * 60 )+ ($interval->format('%i') * 60) + ( $interval->format('%s') ) ; */ //$time = time() + 62135596800; //$seconds = $time . '0000000'; //get biller secure trans key here // $hash_info = $params['api_id'] ."|1|1.0|". number_format($params['amount'], 2, '.', '') ."|". $seconds. "|". $params['invoice'] ; //$hash = hash_hmac('md5', $hash_info, $params['transaction_password']) ; $link = "<a \n href='" . urlencode($params['api_id']) . "&pg_billto_postal_name_company=" . urlencode($params['customer']['name']) . "&pg_version_number=1.0&pg_total_amount=" . urlencode(number_format($params['amount'], 2, '.', '')) . "&pg_transaction_order_number=" . urlencode($params['invoice']) . "&pg_billto_postal_name_first=" . urlencode($params['customer']['attention']) . "&pg_billto_postal_name_last=-&pg_billto_postal_street_line1=" . urlencode($params['customer']['street_address']) . "&pg_billto_postal_street_line2=" . urlencode($params['customer']['street_address2']) . "&pg_billto_postal_city=" . urlencode($params['customer']['city']) . "&pg_billto_postal_stateprov=" . urlencode($params['customer']['state']) . "&pg_billto_postal_postalcode=" . urlencode($params['customer']['zip_code']) . "&pg_billto_telecom_phone_number=" . urlencode($params['customer']['phone']) . "&pg_billto_online_email=" . $params['customer']['email'] . "&pg_consumerorderid=" . $params['invoice'] . "&pg_return_url=" . $siUrl . "/api-ach&pg_save_client=2'>"; if ($params['include_image'] == "true") { $link .= "<img border='0' src='" . urlsafe($url) . "/images/common/pay_with_ach.gif'/>"; } else { $link .= htmlsafe($params['link_wording']); } $link .= "</a>"; echo $link; } }
function sql($type = '', $dir, $sort, $rp, $page) { global $config; global $LANG; $domain_id = domain_id::get(); $valid_search_fields = array('', '', '', '', 'p.description', 'status_wording'); //SC: Safety checking values that will be directly subbed in if (intval($page) != $page) { $page = 1; } if (intval($rp) != $rp) { $rp = 25; } /*SQL Limit - start*/ $start = ($page - 1) * $rp; $limit = "LIMIT {$start}, {$rp}"; if ($type == "count") { $limit = ''; } /*SQL Limit - end*/ if (!preg_match('/^(asc|desc)$/iD', $dir)) { $dir = 'DESC'; } // can this line be removed ? $req = array_merge($_GET, $_POST); $where = ""; $query = isset($_REQUEST['query']) ? $_REQUEST['query'] : null; $qtype = isset($_REQUEST['qtype']) ? $_REQUEST['qtype'] : null; if (!(empty($qtype) || empty($query))) { if (in_array($qtype, $valid_search_fields)) { $where = " AND {$qtype} LIKE :query "; } else { $qtype = null; $query = null; } } /*Check that the sort field is OK*/ $validFields = array('id', 'status', 'amount', 'expense_account_id', 'biller_id', 'customer_id', 'invoice_id', 'date', 'amount', 'note'); if (in_array($sort, $validFields)) { $sort = $sort; } else { $sort = "id"; } $sql = "SELECT\n as EID,\n e.status as status,\n e.*,\n as invoice,\n as biller,\n as expense_account,\n as customer,\n p.description as product,\n (select sum(tax_amount) from " . TB_PREFIX . "expense_item_tax where expense_id = EID) as tax,\n (select tax + e.amount) as total,\n (CASE WHEN status = 1 THEN '" . $LANG['paid'] . "'\n WHEN status = 0 THEN '" . $LANG['not_paid'] . "'\n END) AS status_wording\n\t\t\tFROM \n\t\t\t\t" . TB_PREFIX . "expense e\n LEFT OUTER JOIN " . TB_PREFIX . "expense_account ea \n ON (e.expense_account_id =\n LEFT OUTER JOIN " . TB_PREFIX . "biller b \n ON (e.biller_id = AND e.domain_id = b.domain_id)\n LEFT OUTER JOIN " . TB_PREFIX . "customers c \n ON (e.customer_id = AND e.domain_id = c.domain_id)\n LEFT OUTER JOIN " . TB_PREFIX . "products p \n ON (e.product_id = AND e.domain_id = p.domain_id)\n LEFT OUTER JOIN " . TB_PREFIX . "invoices i \n ON (e.invoice_id = AND e.domain_id = i.domain_id)\n\t\t\t\tWHERE\n e.domain_id = :domain_id\n\t\t\t\t\t{$where}\n\t\t\t\tORDER BY \n\t\t\t\t\t{$sort} {$dir} \n\t\t\t\t{$limit}"; if (empty($query)) { $result = dbQuery($sql, ':domain_id', $domain_id); } else { $result = dbQuery($sql, ':domain_id', $domain_id, ':query', "%{$query}%"); } return $result; }
function sql($type = '', $dir, $sort, $rp, $page) { global $config; global $LANG; $domain_id = domain_id::get(); $valid_search_fields = array('id', 'name'); //SC: Safety checking values that will be directly subbed in if (intval($page) != $page) { $page = 1; } if (intval($rp) != $rp) { $rp = 25; } /*SQL Limit - start*/ $start = ($page - 1) * $rp; $limit = "LIMIT {$start}, {$rp}"; if ($type == "count") { $limit = ''; } /*SQL Limit - end*/ if (!preg_match('/^(asc|desc)$/iD', $dir)) { $dir = 'DESC'; } $where = ""; $query = isset($_POST['query']) ? $_POST['query'] : null; $qtype = isset($_POST['qtype']) ? $_POST['qtype'] : null; if (!(empty($qtype) || empty($query))) { if (in_array($qtype, $valid_search_fields)) { $where = " AND {$qtype} LIKE :query "; } else { $qtype = null; $query = null; } } /*Check that the sort field is OK*/ $validFields = array('id', 'biller_id', 'customer_id'); if (in_array($sort, $validFields)) { $sort = $sort; } else { $sort = "id"; } $sql = "SELECT \n\t\t\t\t\tid, \n\t\t\t\t\tname\n\t\t\t\tFROM \n\t\t\t\t\t" . TB_PREFIX . "expense_account \n\t\t\t\tWHERE \n\t\t\t\t\tdomain_id = :domain_id\n\t\t\t\t\t{$where}\n\t\t\t\tORDER BY \n\t\t\t\t\t{$sort} {$dir} \n\t\t\t\t{$limit}"; if (empty($query)) { $result = dbQuery($sql, ':domain_id', $domain_id); } else { $result = dbQuery($sql, ':domain_id', $domain_id, ':query', "%{$query}%"); } return $result; }
public static function getInvoiceItems($id, $domain_id = '') { // $domain_id is a parent class member $domain_id = domain_id::get($domain_id); $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . TB_PREFIX . "invoice_items WHERE invoice_id = :id AND domain_id = :domain_id"; $sth = dbQuery($sql, ':id', $id, ':domain_id', $domain_id); $invoiceItems = null; for ($i = 0; $invoiceItem = $sth->fetch(); $i++) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . TB_PREFIX . "products WHERE id = :id AND domain_id = :domain_id"; $tth = dbQuery($sql, ':id', $invoiceItem['product_id'], ':domain_id', $domain_id); $invoiceItem['product'] = $tth->fetch(); // a.display_name was in old schema and is now $attr_sql = "select \n CONCAT(a.display_name, '-',v.value) as display\n FROM\n " . TB_PREFIX . "products_attributes a INNER JOIN \n " . TB_PREFIX . "products_values v ON ( = v.attribute_id)\n WHERE\n = :attr_id"; // $invoiceItem['attribute_#'] (# = 1,2,3) was in old schema $attr1 = dbQuery($attr_sql, ':attr_id', $invoiceItem['attribute_1']); $invoiceItem['attr1'] = $attr1->fetch(); $attr2 = dbQuery($attr_sql, ':attr_id', $invoiceItem['attribute_2']); $invoiceItem['attr2'] = $attr2->fetch(); $attr3 = dbQuery($attr_sql, ':attr_id', $invoiceItem['attribute_3']); $invoiceItem['attr3'] = $attr3->fetch(); $invoiceItems[$i] = $invoiceItem; } return $invoiceItems; }
<?php if ($_POST['op'] == 'edit' and !empty($_POST['invoice_id'])) { $cron = new cron(); $cron->domain_id = domain_id::get(); $cron->invoice_id = $_POST['invoice_id']; $cron->start_date = $_POST['start_date']; $cron->end_date = $_POST['end_date']; $cron->recurrence = $_POST['recurrence']; $cron->recurrence_type = $_POST['recurrence_type']; $cron->email_biller = $_POST['email_biller']; $cron->email_customer = $_POST['email_customer']; $result = $cron->insert(); $saved = !empty($result) ? "true" : "false"; } //$invoiceobj = new invoice(); //$invoice_all = $invoiceobj->get_all(); $get_cron = new cron(); $get_cron->id = $_GET['id']; $cron = $get_cron->select(); //$smarty -> assign('invoice_all',$invoice_all); $smarty->assign('saved', $saved); $smarty->assign('cron', $cron); $smarty->assign('pageActive', 'cron'); $smarty->assign('subPageActive', 'cron_view'); $smarty->assign('active_tab', '#money');
public function get_admin_email() { global $db; global $dbh; $domain_id = domain_id::get($this->domain_id); $sql = "select email from ".TB_PREFIX."user where role_id = '1' and domain_id =:domain_id LIMIT 1"; $sth = $db->query($sql,':domain_id',$domain_id) or die(htmlsafe(end($dbh->errorInfo()))); return $sth->fetchColumn(); }
<?php if ($_POST['op'] == 'edit' and !empty($_POST['invoice_id'])) { $edit = new cron(); $edit->domain_id = domain_id::get(); $edit->id = $_GET['id']; $edit->invoice_id = $_POST['invoice_id']; $edit->start_date = $_POST['start_date']; $edit->end_date = $_POST['end_date']; $edit->recurrence = $_POST['recurrence']; $edit->recurrence_type = $_POST['recurrence_type']; $edit->email_biller = $_POST['email_biller']; $edit->email_customer = $_POST['email_customer']; $result = $edit->update(); $saved = !empty($result) ? "true" : "false"; } $invoices = new invoice(); $invoices->sort = 'id'; $invoice_all = $invoices->select_all('count'); $get_cron = new cron(); $get_cron->id = $_GET['id']; $cron = $get_cron->select(); $smarty->assign('invoice_all', $invoice_all); $smarty->assign('saved', $saved); $smarty->assign('cron', $cron); $smarty->assign('pageActive', 'cron'); $smarty->assign('subPageActive', 'cron_edit'); $smarty->assign('active_tab', '#money');
* GPL v2 or above * * Website: * */ #table //stop the direct browsing to this file - let index.php handle which files get displayed checkLogin(); #get the invoice id $defaults = getSystemDefaults(); $master_customer_id = $_GET['customer_id']; $customer = getCustomer($master_customer_id); if ($_GET['action'] == 'update_template') { /* update default template for customer */ $sql = "UPDATE " . TB_PREFIX . "customers SET custom_field4 = :cf4 WHERE id = :id AND domain_id = :domain_id"; dbQuery($sql, ':cf4', $_GET['id'], ':id', $master_customer_id, ':domain_id', domain_id::get()); $smarty->assign("view", "quick_view"); $smarty->assign("spec", "id"); $smarty->assign("id", $_GET['id']); # print("debug=$sql"); } else { $template = $defaults['default_invoice']; /* GET DEFAULT TEMPLATE, OR NULL */ $customer['custom_field4'] != null && ($template = $customer['custom_field4']); /* OVERRIDE WITH CF4 IF IT EXISTS */ $invoice = getInvoice($template); $template = $invoice['id']; /* CHECK IF TEMPLATE EXISTS, OR NULL */ if ($template == null) { /* No template for this customer */ $smarty->assign("view", "itemised");
public function get_admin_email() { $domain_id = domain_id::get($this->domain_id); $sql = "SELECT \n\t\t\t\tFROM " . TB_PREFIX . "user u \n\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . TB_PREFIX . "user_role r \n\t\t\t\t\t\tON (u.role_id = \n\t\t\t\tWHERE = 'administrator' \n\t\t\t\t\tAND domain_id = :domain_id \n\t\t\t\tLIMIT 1\n\t\t"; $sth = dbQuery($sql, ':domain_id', $domain_id); return $sth->fetchColumn(); }
public function select_all_where() { global $logger; $domain_id = domain_id::get($this->domain_id); if ($this->filter == "date") { $where = "AND date BETWEEN '{$this->start_date}' AND '{$this->end_date}'"; } $sql = "SELECT i.*, p.pref_description AS preference FROM " . TB_PREFIX . "invoices i LEFT JOIN " . TB_PREFIX . "preferences p ON (i.preference_id = p.pref_id AND i.domain_id = p.domain_id) WHERE i.domain_id = :domain_id ORDER BY"; $sth = dbQuery($sql, ':domain_id', $domain_id); return $sth->fetchAll(); }
* GPL v2 or above * * Website: * */ //stop the direct browsing to this file - let index.php handle which files get displayed checkLogin(); #get the invoice id $customer_id = $_GET['id']; $customer = getCustomer($customer_id); $customer['wording_for_enabled'] = $customer['enabled'] == 1 ? $LANG['enabled'] : $LANG['disabled']; //TODO: Perhaps possible a bit nicer? $stuff = null; $stuff['total'] = calc_customer_total($customer['id'], domain_id::get(), true); #amount paid calc - start $stuff['paid'] = calc_customer_paid($customer['id'], domain_id::get(), true); #amount paid calc - end #amount owing calc - start $stuff['owing'] = $stuff['total'] - $stuff['paid']; #get custom field labels $customFieldLabel = getCustomFieldLabels(); $invoices = getCustomerInvoices($customer_id); //$start = (isset($_POST['start'])) ? $_POST['start'] : "0" ; $dir = "DESC"; $sort = "id"; $rp = isset($_POST['rp']) ? $_POST['rp'] : "25"; $having = 'money_owed'; $page = isset($_POST['page']) ? $_POST['page'] : "1"; //$sql = "SELECT * FROM ".TB_PREFIX."invoices LIMIT $start, $limit"; $invoice_owing = new invoice(); $invoice_owing->sort = $sort;
public function run() { global $db; global $auth_session; $SI_BILLER = new SimpleInvoices_Db_Table_Biller(); $SI_PREFERENCES = new SimpleInvoices_Db_Table_Preferences(); $today = date('Y-m-d'); $domain_id = domain_id::get($this->domain_id); $cron_log = new cronlog(); $cron_log->run_date = empty($this->run_date) ? $today : $this->run_date; $check_cron_log = $cron_log->check(); //only proceed if cron has not been run for today $cron = new cron(); $data = $cron->select_all('no_limit'); $return['cron_message'] ="Cron started"; $number_of_crons_run = "0"; foreach ($data as $key=>$value) { $cron_log = new cronlog(); $cron_log->run_date = empty($this->run_date) ? $today : $this->run_date; $cron_log->cron_id = $data[$key]['cron_id']; $check_cron_log = $cron_log->check(); $i="0"; if ($check_cron_log == 0) { $run_cron ='false'; $start_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime( $data[$key]['start_date'] ) ); $end_date = $data[$key]['end_date'] ; $diff = number_format((strtotime($today) - strtotime($start_date)) / (60 * 60 * 24),0); //only check if diff is positive if (($diff >= 0) AND ($end_date =="" OR $end_date >= $today)) { if($data[$key]['recurrence_type'] == 'day') { $modulus = $diff % $data[$key]['recurrence'] ; if($modulus == 0) { $run_cron ='true'; } else { #$return .= "cron does not runs TODAY-days"; } } if($data[$key]['recurrence_type'] == 'week') { $period = 7 * $data[$key]['recurrence']; $modulus = $diff % $period ; if($modulus == 0) { $run_cron ='true'; } else { #$return .= "cron is not runs TODAY-week"; } } if($data[$key]['recurrence_type'] == 'month') { $start_day = date('d', strtotime( $data[$key]['start_date'] ) ); $start_month = date('m', strtotime( $data[$key]['start_date'] ) ); $start_year = date('Y', strtotime( $data[$key]['start_date'] ) ); $today_day = date('d'); $today_month = date('m'); $today_year = date('Y'); $months = ($today_month-$start_month)+12*($today_year-$start_year); $modulus = $months % $data[$key]['recurrence'] ; if( ($modulus == 0) AND ( $start_day == $today_day ) ) { $run_cron ='true'; } else { #$return .= "cron is not runs TODAY-month"; } } if($data[$key]['recurrence_type'] == 'year') { $start_day = date('d', strtotime( $data[$key]['start_date'] ) ); $start_month = date('m', strtotime( $data[$key]['start_date'] ) ); $start_year = date('Y', strtotime( $data[$key]['start_date'] ) ); $today_day = date('d'); $today_month = date('m'); $today_year = date('Y'); $years = $today_year-$start_year; $modulus = $years % $data[$key]['recurrence'] ; if( ($modulus == 0) AND ( $start_day == $today_day ) AND ( $start_month == $today_month ) ) { $run_cron ='true'; } else { #$return .= "cron is not runs TODAY-year"; } } //run the recurrence for this invoice if ($run_cron == 'true') { $number_of_crons_run++; $return['cron_message_'.$data[$key]['cron_id']] = "Cron ID: ". $data[$key]['cron_id'] ." - Cron for ".$data[$key]['index_name']." with start date of ".$data[$key]['start_date'].", end date of ".$data[$key]['end_date']." where it runs each ".$data[$key]['recurrence']." ".$data[$key]['recurrence_type']." was run today :: Info diff=".$diff; $i++; $ni = new invoice(); $ni->id = $data[$key]['invoice_id']; $new_invoice_id = $ni->recur(); //insert into cron_log date of run $cron_log = new cronlog(); $cron_log->run_date = $today; $cron_log->domain_id = $domain_id; $cron_log->cron_id = $data[$key]['cron_id']; $cron_log->insert(); ## email the people $invoice= invoice::select($new_invoice_id); $preference = $SI_PREFERENCES->getPreferenceById($invoice['preference_id']); $biller = $_SI_BILLER->getBiller($invoice['biller_id']); $customer = customer::get($invoice['customer_id']); #print_r($customer); #create PDF nameVj $spc2us_pref = str_replace(" ", "_", $invoice['index_name']); $pdf_file_name_invoice = $spc2us_pref.".pdf"; // email invoice if( ($data[$key]['email_biller'] == "1") OR ($data[$key]['email_customer'] == "1") ) { $export = new export(); $export -> format = "pdf"; $export -> file_location = 'file'; $export -> module = 'invoice'; $export -> id = $invoice['id']; $export -> execute(); #$attachment = file_get_contents('./tmp/cache/' . $pdf_file_name); $email = new email(); $email -> format = 'cron_invoice'; $email_body = new email_body(); $email_body->email_type = 'cron_invoice'; $email_body->customer_name = $customer['name']; $email_body->invoice_name = $invoice['index_name']; $email_body->biller_name = $biller['name']; $email -> notes = $email_body->create(); $email -> from = $biller['email']; $email -> from_friendly = $biller['name']; if($data[$key]['email_customer'] == "1") { $email -> to = $customer['email']; } if($data[$key]['email_biller'] == "1" AND $data[$key]['email_customer'] == "1") { $email -> to = $customer['email'].";".$biller['email']; } if($data[$key]['email_biller'] == "1" AND $data[$key]['email_customer'] == "0") { $email -> to = $biller['email']; } $email -> invoice_name = $invoice['index_name']; $email -> subject = $email->set_subject(); $email -> attachment = $pdf_file_name_invoice; $return['email_message'] = $email -> send (); } //Check that all details are OK before doing the eway payment $eway_check = new eway(); $eway_check->invoice = $invoice; $eway_check->customer = $customer; $eway_check->biller = $biller; $eway_check->preference = $preference; $eway_pre_check = $eway_check->pre_check(); //do eway payment if ($eway_pre_check == 'true') { // input customerID, method (REAL_TIME, REAL_TIME_CVN, GEO_IP_ANTI_FRAUD) and liveGateway or not $eway = new eway(); $eway->invoice = $invoice; $eway->biller = $biller ; $eway->customer = $customer; $payment_done = $eway->payment(); $payment_id = $db->lastInsertID(); $pdf_file_name_receipt = 'payment'.$payment_id.'.pdf'; if ($payment_done =='true') { //do email of receipt to biller and customer if( ($data[$key]['email_biller'] == "1") OR ($data[$key]['email_customer'] == "1") ) { /* * If you want a new copy of the invoice being emailed to the customer * use this code */ $export_rec = new export(); $export_rec -> format = "pdf"; $export_rec -> file_location = 'file'; $export_rec -> module = 'invoice'; $export_rec -> id = $invoice['id']; $export_rec -> execute(); #$attachment = file_get_contents('./tmp/cache/' . $pdf_file_name); $email_rec = new email(); $email_rec -> format = 'cron_invoice'; $email_body_rec = new email_body(); $email_body_rec->email_type = 'cron_invoice_receipt'; $email_body_rec->customer_name = $customer['name']; $email_body_rec->invoice_name = $invoice['index_name']; $email_body_rec->biller_name = $biller['name']; $email_rec -> notes = $email_body_rec->create(); $email_rec -> from = $biller['email']; $email_rec -> from_friendly = $biller['name']; if($data[$key]['email_customer'] == "1") { $email_rec -> to = $customer['email']; } if($data[$key]['email_biller'] == "1" AND $data[$key]['email_customer'] == "1") { $email_rec -> to = $customer['email'].";".$biller['email']; } if($data[$key]['email_biller'] == "1" AND $data[$key]['email_customer'] == "0") { $email_rec -> to = $biller['email']; } $email_rec -> invoice_name = $invoice['index_name']; $email_rec -> attachment = $pdf_file_name_invoice; $email_rec -> subject = $email_rec->set_subject('invoice_eway_receipt'); $return['email_message'] = $email_rec -> send (); /* * If you want a receipt as PDF being emailed to the customer uncomment * the below code */ /* $export = new export(); $export -> format = "pdf"; $export -> file_location = 'file'; $export -> module = 'payment'; $export -> id = $payment_id; $export -> execute(); $email = new email(); $email -> format = 'cron_payment'; $email_body = new email_body(); $email_body->email_type = 'cron_payment'; $email_body->customer_name = $customer['name']; $email_body->invoice_name = 'payment'.$payment_id; $email_body->biller_name = $biller['name']; $email -> notes = $email_body->create(); $email -> from = $biller['email']; $email -> from_friendly = $biller['name']; if($data[$key]['email_customer'] == "1") { $email -> to = $customer['email']; } if($data[$key]['email_biller'] == "1" AND $data[$key]['email_customer'] == "1") { $email -> to = $customer['email'].";".$biller['email']; } if($data[$key]['email_biller'] == "1" AND $data[$key]['email_customer'] == "0") { $email -> to = $customer['email']; } $email -> subject = $pdf_file_name_receipt." from ".$biller['name']; $email -> attachment = $pdf_file_name_receipt; $return['email_message'] = $email->send(); */ } } else { //do email to biller/admin - say error $email = new email(); $email -> format = 'cron_payment'; $email -> from = $biller['email']; $email -> from_friendly = $biller['name']; $email -> to = $biller['email']; $email -> subject = "Payment failed for ".$invoice['index_name']; $error_message ="Invoice: ".$invoice['index_name']."<br /> Amount: ".$invoice['total']." <br />"; foreach($eway->get_message() as $key => $value) $error_message .= "\n<br>\$ewayResponseFields[\"$key\"] = $value"; $email -> notes = $error_message; $return['email_message'] = $email->send(); } } } else { //cron not run for this cron_id $return['cron_message_'.$data[$key]['cron_id']] = "Cron ID: ". $data[$key]['cron_id'] ." NOT RUN: Cron for ".$data[$key]['index_name']." with start date of ".$data[$key]['start_date'].", end date of ".$data[$key]['end_date']." where it runs each ".$data[$key]['recurrence']." ".$data[$key]['recurrence_type']." did not recur today :: Info diff=".$diff; } } else { //days diff is negaqtive - whats going on $return['cron_message_'.$data[$key]['cron_id']] = "Cron ID: ". $data[$key]['cron_id'] ." NOT RUN: - Not cheduled for today - Cron for ".$data[$key]['index_name']." with start date of ".$data[$key]['start_date'].", end date of ".$data[$key]['end_date']." where it runs each ".$data[$key]['recurrence']." ".$data[$key]['recurrence_type']." did not recur today :: Info diff=".$diff; } } else { // cron has already been run for that cron_id toda $return['cron_message_'.$data[$key]['cron_id']] = "Cron ID: ".$data[$key]['cron_id']." - Cron has already been run for domain: ".$domain_id." for the date: ".$today." for invoice ".$data[$key]['invoice_id']; $return['email_message'] = ""; } } // no crons scheduled for today if ($number_of_crons_run == '0') { $return['id'] = $i; $return['cron_message'] = "No invoices recurred for this cron run for domain: ".$domain_id." for the date: ".$today; $return['email_message'] = ""; } //insert into cron_log date of run /* $cron_log = new cronlog(); $cron_log->run_date = $today; $cron_log->domain_id = $domain_id; $cron_log->insert();*/ /* * If you want to get an email once cron has been run edit the below details * */ /* $email = new email(); $email -> format = 'cron'; #$email -> notes = $return; $email -> from = "simpleinvoices@localhost"; $email -> from_friendly = "Simple Invoices - Cron"; $email -> to = "simpleinvoices@localhost"; #$email -> bcc = $_POST['email_bcc']; $email -> subject = "Cron for Simple Invoices has been run for today:"; $email -> send (); */ return $return; }
<?php if ($_POST['op'] =='edit' AND !empty($_POST['product_id'])) { $saved = "false"; $inventory = new inventory(); $inventory->id=$_GET['id']; $inventory->domain_id=domain_id::get(); $inventory->product_id=$_POST['product_id']; $inventory->quantity=$_POST['quantity']; $inventory->cost=$_POST['cost']; $inventory->date=$_POST['date']; $inventory->note=$_POST['note']; $result = $inventory->update(); $saved = !empty($result) ? "true" : "false"; } $invoices = new invoice(); $invoices->sort='id'; $invoice_all = $invoices->select_all('count'); $get_inventory = new inventory(); $get_inventory->id = $_GET['id']; $inventory = $get_inventory->select(); $product_all = product::get_all(); $smarty -> assign('product_all',$product_all);
public function payment() { global $config; global $logger; $SI_BILLER = new SimpleInvoices_Db_Table_Biller(); $SI_PREFERENCES = new SimpleInvoices_Db_Table_Preferences(); //set customer,biller and preference if not defined if(empty($this->customer)) { $this->customer = customer::get($this->invoice['customer_id']); } if(empty($this->biller)) { $this->biller = $SI_BILLER->getBiller($this->invoice['biller_id']); } if(empty($this->preference)) { $this->preference = $SI_PREFERENCES->getPreferenceById($this->invoice['preference_id']); } $eway = new ewaylib($this->biller['eway_customer_id'],'REAL_TIME', false); //Eway only accepts amount in cents - so times 100 $value = $this->invoice['total']*100; $eway_invoice_total = htmlsafe(trim($value)); $logger->log("eway totla: " . $eway_invoice_total, Zend_Log::INFO); $enc = new encryption(); $key = $config->encryption->default->key; $credit_card_number = $enc->decrypt($key, $this->customer['credit_card_number']); $eway->setTransactionData("TotalAmount", $eway_invoice_total); //mandatory field $eway->setTransactionData("CustomerFirstName", $this->customer['name']); $eway->setTransactionData("CustomerLastName", ""); $eway->setTransactionData("CustomerAddress", ""); $eway->setTransactionData("CustomerPostcode", ""); $eway->setTransactionData("CustomerInvoiceDescription", ""); $eway->setTransactionData("CustomerEmail", $this->customer['email']); $eway->setTransactionData("CustomerInvoiceRef", $this->invoice['index_name']); $eway->setTransactionData("CardHoldersName", $this->customer['credit_card_holder_name']); //mandatory field $eway->setTransactionData("CardNumber", $credit_card_number); //mandatory field $eway->setTransactionData("CardExpiryMonth", $this->customer['credit_card_expiry_month']); //mandatory field $eway->setTransactionData("CardExpiryYear", $this->customer['credit_card_expiry_year']); //mandatory field $eway->setTransactionData("Option1", ""); $eway->setTransactionData("Option2", ""); $eway->setTransactionData("Option3", ""); $eway->setTransactionData("TrxnNumber", $this->invoice['id']); //special preferences for php Curl $eway->setCurlPreferences(CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0); //pass a long that is set to a zero value to stop curl from verifying the peer's certificate $ewayResponseFields = $eway->doPayment(); $this->message = $ewayResponseFields; $message =""; if($ewayResponseFields["EWAYTRXNSTATUS"]=="False"){ $logger->log("Transaction Error: " . $ewayResponseFields["EWAYTRXNERROR"] . "<br>\n", Zend_Log::INFO); foreach($ewayResponseFields as $key => $value) $message .= "\n<br>\$ewayResponseFields[\"$key\"] = $value"; $logger->log("Eway message: " . $message . "<br>\n", Zend_Log::INFO); //header("Location: trasnactionerrorpage.php"); //exit(); $return = 'false'; }else if($ewayResponseFields["EWAYTRXNSTATUS"]=="True"){ $logger->log("Transaction Success: " . $ewayResponseFields["EWAYTRXNERROR"] . "<br>\n", Zend_Log::INFO); foreach($ewayResponseFields as $key => $value) $message .= "\n<br>\$ewayResponseFields[\"$key\"] = $value"; $logger->log("Eway message: " . $message . "<br>\n", Zend_Log::INFO); //header("Location: trasnactionsuccess.php"); //exit(); $payment = new payment(); $payment->ac_inv_id = $this->invoice['id']; #$payment->ac_inv_id = $_POST['invoice']; $payment->ac_amount = $this->invoice['total']; #$payment->ac_amount = $ewayResponseFields['EWAYRETURNAMOUNT']/100; #$payment->ac_amount = $_POST['mc_gross']; $payment->ac_notes = $message; $payment->ac_date = date( 'Y-m-d' ); $payment->online_payment_id = $ewayResponseFields['EWAYTRXNNUMBER']; $payment->domain_id = domain_id::get($this->domain_id); $payment_type = new payment_type(); $payment_type->type = "Eway"; $payment_type->domain_id = $domain_id; $payment->ac_payment_type = $payment_type->select_or_insert_where(); $logger->log('Paypal - payment_type='.$payment->ac_payment_type, Zend_Log::INFO); $payment->insert(); #echo $db->lastInsertID(); $return = 'true'; } return $return ; }
<?php header("Content-type: text/xml"); $start = isset($_POST['start']) ? $_POST['start'] : "0"; $dir = isset($_POST['sortorder']) ? $_POST['sortorder'] : "ASC"; $sort = "id"; $rp = isset($_POST['rp']) ? $_POST['rp'] : "25"; $page = isset($_POST['page']) ? $_POST['page'] : "1"; $domain_id = domain_id::get(); $valid_search_fields = array('id', 'name', 'description'); $xml = ""; $extension_dir = './extensions'; $extension_entries = array_diff(scandir($extension_dir), array(".", "..")); //Skip entries starting with a dot from dir list $available_extensions = array(); foreach ($extension_entries as $entry) { if (file_exists($extension_dir . "/" . $entry . "/DESCRIPTION")) { $description = file_get_contents($extension_dir . "/" . $entry . "/DESCRIPTION"); } else { $description = "DESCRIPTION not available (in {$extension_dir}/{$entry}/)"; } $available_extensions[$entry] = array("name" => $entry, "enabled" => 0, "registered" => 0, "description" => $description, "id" => ""); } //SC: Safety checking values that will be directly subbed in if (intval($start) != $start) { $start = 0; } if (intval($rp) != $rp) { $rp = 25; } if (!preg_match('/^(asc|desc)$/iD', $dir)) {
public function insert() { global $db; global $auth_session; $domain_id = domain_id::get($this->domain_id); $sql = "INSERT INTO ".TB_PREFIX."payment ( ac_inv_id, ac_amount, ac_notes, ac_date, ac_payment_type, online_payment_id, domain_id ) VALUES ( :ac_inv_id, :ac_amount, :ac_notes, :ac_date, :ac_payment_type, :online_payment_id, :domain_id )"; $sth = $db->query($sql, ':ac_inv_id',$this->ac_inv_id, ':ac_amount',$this->ac_amount, ':ac_notes',$this->ac_notes, ':ac_date',$this->ac_date, ':ac_payment_type',$this->ac_payment_type, ':online_payment_id',$this->online_payment_id, ':domain_id',$domain_id ) or die(); return $sth; }
<?php /* * Script: manage.php * Manage Invoices page * * License: * GPL v2 or above * * Website: * */ //stop the direct browsing to this file - let index.php handle which files get displayed checkLogin(); $sql = "SELECT count(*) as count FROM " . TB_PREFIX . "cron where domain_id = :domain_id"; $sth = dbQuery($sql, ':domain_id', domain_id::get()) or die(htmlsafe(end($dbh->errorInfo()))); $number_of_crons = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); //all funky xml - sql stuff done in xml.php //$smarty -> assign("invoices",$invoices); $smarty->assign("number_of_crons", $number_of_crons); $smarty->assign('pageActive', 'cron'); $smarty->assign('active_tab', '#money'); $url = 'index.php?module=cron&view=xml'; $smarty->assign('url', $url);
/* end validataion code */ $today = date("Y-m-d"); $master_invoice_id = $_GET['id']; $invoice = null; if (isset($_GET['id'])) { $invoiceobj = new invoice(); $invoice = $invoiceobj->select($master_invoice_id); } else { $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . TB_PREFIX . "invoices WHERE domain_id = :domain_id"; /* $sql = "SELECT iv.* FROM ".TB_PREFIX."invoices iv LEFT JOIN ".TB_PREFIX."preferences pr ON (pr.pref_id = iv.preference_id AND pr.domain_id = iv.domain_id) WHERE pr.status = '1'"; */ $sth = dbQuery($sql, ':domain_id', domain_id::get()); $invoice = $sth->fetch(); #$sth = new invoice(); #$invoice = $sth->select_all(); } $customer = getCustomer($invoice['customer_id']); $biller = getBiller($invoice['biller_id']); $defaults = getSystemDefaults(); $pt = getPaymentType($defaults['payment_type']); $invoices = new invoice(); $invoices->sort = 'id'; $invoices->having = 'money_owed'; $invoices->having_and = 'real'; $invoice_all = $invoices->select_all('count'); $smarty->assign('invoice_all', $invoice_all); $paymentTypes = getActivePaymentTypes();
public function __construct() { $this->domain_id = domain_id::get($this->domain_id); }
/** * Function: show_custom_field * * If a custom field has been defined then show it in the add,edit, or view invoice screen. This is used for the Invoice Custom Fields - may be used for the others as wll based on the situation * * Parameters: * custom_field - the db name of the custom field ie invoice_cf1 * custom_field_value - the value of this custom field for a given invoice * permission - the permission level - ie. in a print view its gets a read level, in an edit or add screen its write leve * css_class_tr - the css class the the table row (tr) * css_class1 - the css class of the first td * css_class2 - the css class of the second td * td_col_span - the column span of the right td * seperator - used in the print view ie. adding a : between the 2 values * * Returns: * Depending on the permission passed, either a formatted input box and the label of the custom field or a table row and data **/ function show_custom_field($custom_field, $custom_field_value, $permission, $css_class_tr, $css_class1, $css_class2, $td_col_span, $seperator) { $domain_id = domain_id::get(); # get the last character of the $custom field - used to set the name of the field $custom_field_number = substr($custom_field, -1, 1); #get the label for the custom field $display_block = ""; $get_custom_label = "SELECT cf_custom_label FROM " . TB_PREFIX . "custom_fields WHERE cf_custom_field = :field AND domain_id = :domain_id"; $sth = dbQuery($get_custom_label, ':field', $custom_field, ':domain_id', $domain_id); while ($Array_cl = $sth->fetch()) { $has_custom_label_value = $Array_cl['cf_custom_label']; } /*if permision is write then coming from a new invoice screen show show only the custom field and have a label * if custom_field_value !null coming from existing invoice so show only the cf that they actually have */ if ($has_custom_label_value != null and $permission == "write" or $custom_field_value != null) { $custom_label_value = htmlsafe(get_custom_field_label($custom_field)); if ($permission == "read") { $display_block = <<<EOD \t\t\t<tr class="{$css_class_tr}" > \t\t\t\t<th class="{$css_class1}"> \t\t\t\t\t{$custom_label_value}{$seperator} \t\t\t\t</th> \t\t\t\t<td class="{$css_class2}" colspan="{$td_col_span}" > \t\t\t\t\t{$custom_field_value} \t\t\t\t</td> \t\t\t</tr> EOD; } else { if ($permission == "write") { $display_block = <<<EOD \t\t\t<tr> \t\t\t\t<th class="{$css_class1}">{$custom_label_value} \t\t\t\t\t<a class="cluetip" href="#"\trel="index.php?module=documentation&view=view&page=help_custom_fields" title="Custom Fields"><img src="./images/common/help-small.png" alt="" /></a> \t\t\t\t</th> \t\t\t\t<td> \t\t\t\t\t<input type="text" name="customField{$custom_field_number}" value="{$custom_field_value}" size="25" /> \t\t\t\t</td> \t\t\t</tr> EOD; } } } return $display_block; }