Exemple #1
 public static function OutputMockagendaUpdate($updateCurrentEvents = FALSE, $updateFutureEvents = FALSE, $showOnlyAgendaOptions = FALSE)
     $stdout = "";
     $options = $headers = $allConfids = $allConfidsUpdated = array();
     $eventTitle = $updatedRecords = array();
     $numberOfUpdatedRecords = 0;
     // ----------------------------------------------
     // -- GPC and initiations
     // ----------------------------------------------
     // UPDATE manually kept fields from legacy file - ALL events:
     functions::gpc_declare_input("uf", false, true);
     // UPDATE VM fields [disabled]:
     functions::gpc_declare_input("uv", false, true);
     // UPDATE Agenda fields - ALL events:
     functions::gpc_declare_input("ua", false, true);
     // UPDATE Agenda fields - CURRENT events:
     functions::gpc_declare_input("uc", $updateCurrentEvents && !$updateFutureEvents, true);
     // UPDATE Agenda fields - CURRENT and FUTURE events:
     functions::gpc_declare_input("un", $updateCurrentEvents && $updateFutureEvents, true);
     // Recreate 'menulookup' cache:
     functions::gpc_declare_input("um", false, true);
     if (!class_exists("fromdb_nwevents", FALSE)) {
         require_once PATH_CLASSES . "/fromdb/nwevents.php";
     if (!isset($dbEv) || !is_object($dbEv)) {
         $dbEv = new fromdb_nwevents();
     $allConfids = $dbEv->getAgendaConferenceIdsForNorditaEvents();
     $noRecordsInDB = (bool) (!is_array($allConfids) || empty($allConfids));
     if ($noRecordsInDB) {
         $GLOBALS["uv"] = $GLOBALS["ua"] = $GLOBALS["un"] = false;
     // ----------------------------------------------
     // -- Act on selected option
     // ----------------------------------------------
     // UPDATE manually kept fields from legacy file - ALL events
     if ($GLOBALS["uf"]) {
         $numberOfUpdatedRecords = $dbEv->updateEventsFromLocalFile();
         if ($numberOfUpdatedRecords) {
             $noRecordsInDB = false;
     } elseif ($GLOBALS["uv"]) {
         //if (!class_exists("fromdb_vm",FALSE)) require_once PATH_CLASSES . "/fromdb/vm.php";
         //$dbEv = new fromdb_vm();
         //$numberOfUpdatedRecords = ...();
     } elseif ($GLOBALS["ua"]) {
         $updatedRecords = $dbEv->updateEventsFromAgenda("");
         $numberOfUpdatedRecords = is_array($updatedRecords) ? count($updatedRecords) : $updatedRecords;
     } elseif ($GLOBALS["uc"]) {
         $updatedRecords = $dbEv->updateCurrentEventsFromAgenda();
         $numberOfUpdatedRecords = is_array($updatedRecords) ? count($updatedRecords) : $updatedRecords;
         // also recreate menu cache, to make sure
     } elseif ($GLOBALS["un"]) {
         $updatedRecords = $dbEv->updateEventsFromAgenda(date("Y-m-d", strtotime("-50 days")));
         $numberOfUpdatedRecords = is_array($updatedRecords) ? count($updatedRecords) : $updatedRecords;
         // also recreate menu cache, to make sure
     } elseif ($GLOBALS["um"]) {
         if (document::recreateMenulookupCache()) {
             $stdout .= "\r\n" . functions::boxMessage("confirm", "<strong>Cache 'menulookup'</strong> was successfully recreated.") . "\r\n";
         } else {
             $stdout .= "\r\n" . functions::boxMessage("error", "<strong>Cache 'menulookup'</strong> could not be recreated") . "\r\n";
     // -----------------------
     $allConfidsUpdated = $numberOfUpdatedRecords ? $dbEv->getAgendaConferenceIdsForNorditaEvents() : $allConfids;
     // ----------------------------------------------
     // -- Output
     // ----------------------------------------------
     $stdout .= "  <p class='largefont'>There are currently <strong>" . count($allConfidsUpdated) . " events</strong> in the local 'nw_events' database.</p>\r\n";
     // -----------------------
     $stdout .= "<div class='col c1of2'>\r\n";
     $stdout .= "  <p><strong>The local database 'nw_events'</strong> collects information of Nordita events (programs, workshops, conferences, meetings, schools) from several sources: most data comes from the <strong>AlbaNova Agenda database</strong>; some fields are fetched from the <strong>VM database</strong>; and some metadata fields are <strong>manually kept only in the 'nw_events' database</strong>.</p>\r\n";
     if (!$showOnlyAgendaOptions) {
         $headers["manual"] = "Manually Kept Files";
         $options["manual"][] = "<a href='" . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "?uf=1'>UPDATE manually kept fields from legacy file - ALL events</a>";
         if (!$noRecordsInDB) {
             $options["manual"][] = "<a href='" . str_replace("nw_events_update", "nw_events_edit", $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]) . "'>" . "EDIT manually kept fields - SINGLE event</a> " . "<span style='padding-left:1em;font-weight:normal;white-space:nowrap'>(use [Edit] links)</span>";
     $headers["agenda"] = "Agenda Fields";
     if (!$showOnlyAgendaOptions) {
         $options["agenda"][] = "<a href='" . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "?ua=1'>UPDATE Agenda fields - ALL events</a> " . "<span style='padding-left:1em;font-weight:normal;white-space:nowrap'>(going back to 2007)</span>";
     if (!$noRecordsInDB) {
         $options["agenda"][] = "<a href='" . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "?uc=1'>UPDATE Agenda fields - CURRENT events</a>";
     if (!$noRecordsInDB) {
         $options["agenda"][] = "<a href='" . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "?un=1'>UPDATE Agenda fields - CURRENT and FUTURE events</a>";
     if (!$showOnlyAgendaOptions) {
         if (!$noRecordsInDB) {
             $options["agenda"][] = "<a href='" . str_replace("nw_events_update", "nw_events_edit", $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]) . "'>UPDATE Agenda fields - SINGLE event</a> <span style='padding-left:1em;font-weight:normal;white-space:nowrap'>(use [Update] links)</span>";
         $options["agenda"][] = "<a href='" . AGENDA_URI . "/'>EDIT Agenda events</a> " . EXTERNAL_LINK;
     if (!$showOnlyAgendaOptions) {
         $headers["vm"] = "VM Fields";
         $options["vm"][] = "[UPDATE VM fields - disabled]";
         //$options["vm"][] = "<a href='".$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]."?uv=1'>UPDATE VM fields</a>";
     if (!$showOnlyAgendaOptions) {
         $headers["varia"] = "Varia";
         $options["varia"][] = "<a href='" . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "?um=1'>Recreate 'menulookup' cache</a>";
     //$stdout .= "<p><strong>&#187; Update event records in database 'nw_events'...</strong></p>\r\n";
     foreach (array("manual", "agenda", "vm", "varia") as $db) {
         if (!empty($options[$db])) {
             $stdout .= (!empty($headers[$db]) ? "<h4>" . $headers[$db] . "</h4>\r\n" : "") . "<ul class='bold tightlist'>\r\n" . "  <li>" . implode($options[$db], "</li>\r\n  <li>") . "</li>\r\n" . "</ul>\r\n";
     // -----------------------
     $stdout .= "</div> <div class='col c2of2'>\r\n";
     if (!empty($_REQUEST) && !$GLOBALS["um"] && !$noRecordsInDB && isset($numberOfUpdatedRecords)) {
         $stdout .= $numberOfUpdatedRecords > 0 ? "  <p class='box padding confirm background'>Successfully updated " . "<strong>" . $numberOfUpdatedRecords . "</strong> records in the database 'nw_events'.</p>\r\n" : "  <p class='box padding error background'><strong>Could not update any records</strong> " . "in the database 'nw_events'." . (!$noRecordsInDB && $numberOfUpdatedRecords == ERROR_NO_EVENTS_REQUESTED ? " [No events requested]" : "") . (!$noRecordsInDB && $numberOfUpdatedRecords == 0 ? " [No events updated]" : "") . "</p>\r\n";
         if (count($updatedRecords)) {
             $stdout .= "  <ul>\r\n";
             foreach ($updatedRecords as $confId) {
                 $stdout .= "    <li><a href='http://agenda.albanova.se/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=" . $confId . "'>" . $dbEv->getEventTitle($confId) . "</a></li>\r\n";
             $stdout .= "  </ul>\r\n";
     // -----------------------
     $stdout .= "</div><div style='clear:both'><br></div>\r\n";
     // -----------------------
     return $stdout;
Exemple #2
 public static function OutputRoomsEditor()
     return "<div class='box error background bold padding'>UNDER CONSTRUCTION</div>";
     $stdout = "";
     $showform["list"] = 1;
     $showform["edit"] = $showCacheUpdateLink = 0;
     $error = $warning = $founderror = array();
     functions::gpc_declare_input("edit", false, true);
     functions::gpc_declare_input("delete", false, true);
     functions::gpc_declare_input("c", "", false);
     // $confId
     functions::gpc_declare_input("e", false, true);
     functions::gpc_declare_input("u", false, true);
     functions::gpc_declare_input("d", false, true);
     functions::gpc_declare_input("menulookup", false, true);
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------
     // -- If 'recreate menulookup cache' requested
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------
     if ($GLOBALS["menulookup"]) {
         if (document::recreateMenulookupCache()) {
             $stdout .= "\r\n" . functions::boxMessage("confirm", "<strong>Cache 'menulookup'</strong> was successfully recreated.") . "\r\n";
         } else {
             $stdout .= "\r\n" . functions::boxMessage("error", "<strong>Cache 'menulookup'</strong> could not be recreated") . "\r\n";
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------
     // -- If 'edit' requested
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------
     if ($GLOBALS["edit"]) {
         $showform["list"] = 0;
         // --------------------------------
         // -- GPC handling
         // --------------------------------
         functions::gpc_declare_input("title", "", false);
         functions::gpc_declare_input("eventtype", "0", false);
         functions::gpc_declare_input("subpath", "", false);
         functions::gpc_declare_input("venue", "", false);
         functions::gpc_declare_input("surveyid", "0", false);
         functions::gpc_declare_input("surveyresponse", "", false);
         functions::gpc_declare_input("youtube", "", false);
         functions::gpc_declare_input("blurb", "", false);
         // --------------------------------
         // -- Check for errors in input
         // --------------------------------
         if (!in_array($GLOBALS["eventtype"], event::$eventTypeId)) {
             $founderror["eventtype"] = 1;
             $error[] = "Please select an event type.";
         if (empty($GLOBALS["subpath"])) {
             $founderror["subpath"] = 1;
             $error[] = "Please write a non-empty subpath.";
         // --------------------------------
         // -- If errors found, display form with error messages and warnings
         // --------------------------------
         if (!empty($error)) {
             $stdout .= functions::boxMessage("error", $error);
             $GLOBALS["e"] = 1;
         if (!empty($warning)) {
             $stdout .= functions::boxMessage("warning", $warning);
             $GLOBALS["e"] = 1;
         // --------------------------------
         // -- If no errors, update database with submitted data
         // --------------------------------
         if (empty($error)) {
             $record = array("confid" => $GLOBALS["c"], "title" => $GLOBALS["title"], "eventtype" => $GLOBALS["eventtype"], "subpath" => $GLOBALS["subpath"], "venue" => $GLOBALS["venue"], "surveyid" => $GLOBALS["surveyid"], "surveyresponse" => $GLOBALS["surveyresponse"], "youtube" => $GLOBALS["youtube"], "blurb" => $GLOBALS["blurb"]);
             $res = false;
                     $res = $this->updateEventManualData($record);
             if (!$res) {
                 $stdout .= "\r\n" . functions::boxMessage("error", "Could not update the event") . "\r\n";
                 $GLOBALS["e"] = 1;
                 $showCacheUpdateLink = 0;
             } else {
                 $stdout .= "\r\n" . functions::boxMessage("confirm", "The event was successfully updated.") . "\r\n";
                 $GLOBALS["e"] = 1;
                 $showCacheUpdateLink = 1;
         // end if ($error)
     // end if
     if ($GLOBALS["e"]) {
         $showform["list"] = 0;
         $stdout .= self::outputRoomsEditorForm($GLOBALS["c"], $founderror, $error, $showCacheUpdateLink);
     // end if ($GLOBALS["e"])
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------
     // -- If 'update from Agenda' requested
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------
     if ($GLOBALS["u"]) {
         $showform["list"] = 0;
         // --------------------------------
         // -- GPC handling
         // --------------------------------
         // --------------------------------
         // -- Check for errors in input
         // --------------------------------
         if (!is_numeric($GLOBALS["c"]) || $GLOBALS["c"] <= 0) {
             $founderror["confid"] = 1;
             $error[] = "There is some problem with the ID of the event you selected.";
         // --------------------------------
         // -- If errors found, display form with error messages and warnings
         // --------------------------------
         if (!empty($error)) {
             $stdout .= functions::boxMessage("error", $error);
             $GLOBALS["u"] = 1;
         if (!empty($warning)) {
             $stdout .= functions::boxMessage("warning", $warning);
             $GLOBALS["u"] = 1;
         // --------------------------------
         // -- If no errors, update database with submitted data
         // --------------------------------
         if (empty($error)) {
             //TODO: keep 01-01 events when updating from Agenda
             $res = false;
                     $res = $this->updateOneEventFromAgenda($GLOBALS["c"],TRUE);
             if (!$res) {
                 $stdout .= "\r\n" . functions::boxMessage("error", "Could not update the event with ID=" . $GLOBALS["c"]) . "\r\n";
                 $GLOBALS["u"] = 1;
             } else {
                 $stdout .= "\r\n" . functions::boxMessage("confirm", "The event with <strong>ID=" . $GLOBALS["c"] . "</strong> was successfully updated.") . "\r\n";
                 $GLOBALS["u"] = 1;
         // end if ($error)
         $showform["list"] = 1;
     // end if ($GLOBALS["u"])
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------
     // -- If 'delete' requested
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------
     if ($GLOBALS["delete"]) {
         $showform["list"] = 0;
         // --------------------------------
         // -- GPC handling
         // --------------------------------
         functions::gpc_declare_input("xxx", "", false);
         // --------------------------------
         // -- Check for errors in input
         // --------------------------------
         // --------------------------------
         // -- If errors found, display form with error messages and warnings
         // --------------------------------
         if (!empty($error)) {
             $stdout .= functions::boxMessage("error", $error);
             $GLOBALS["d"] = 1;
         if (!empty($warning)) {
             $stdout .= functions::boxMessage("warning", $warning);
             $GLOBALS["d"] = 1;
         // --------------------------------
         // -- If no errors, update database with submitted data
         // --------------------------------
         if (empty($error)) {
         // end if ($error)
     // end if
     if ($GLOBALS["d"]) {
         $showform["list"] = 0;
         //      $stdout .= self::outputRoomsEditorForm($GLOBALS["c"],$founderror,$error);
         $stdout .= "DELETE" . "  <p class='largefont'><strong>&#171; <a href='" . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "'>Edit other events</a></strong></p>\r\n";
     // end if ($GLOBALS["d"])
     // --------------------------------
     // -- Output form, if requested
     // --------------------------------
     if ($showform["list"]) {
         $stdout .= self::outputRoomsEditorList();
     // --------------------------------
     return $stdout;