function dk_speakup_sendmail() { // set WPML language global $sitepress; $lang = isset($_POST['lang']) ? $_POST['lang'] : ''; if (isset($sitepress)) { $sitepress->switch_lang($lang, true); } include_once 'class.signature.php'; include_once 'class.petition.php'; include_once 'class.mail.php'; include_once 'class.wpml.php'; $the_signature = new dk_speakup_Signature(); $the_petition = new dk_speakup_Petition(); $wpml = new dk_speakup_WPML(); $options = get_option('dk_speakup_options'); // clean posted signature fields $the_signature->poppulate_from_post(); // get petition data $the_petition->retrieve($the_signature->petitions_id); $wpml->translate_petition($the_petition); $options = $wpml->translate_options($options); // check if submitted email address is already in use for this petition if ($the_signature->has_unique_email($the_signature->email, $the_signature->petitions_id)) { // handle custom petition messages $original_message = str_replace("\r", '', $the_petition->petition_message); if ($the_petition->is_editable && $the_signature->submitted_message != $original_message) { $the_signature->custom_message = trim($the_signature->submitted_message); } // does petition require email confirmation? if ($the_petition->requires_confirmation) { $the_signature->is_confirmed = 0; $the_signature->create_confirmation_code(); dk_speakup_Mail::send_confirmation($the_petition, $the_signature, $options); } else { if ($the_petition->sends_email) { dk_speakup_Mail::send_petition($the_petition, $the_signature); } if ($the_petition->user_send_email) { dk_speakup_Mail::send_subscriber($the_petition, $the_signature, $options); } } // add signature to database $the_signature->create($the_signature->petitions_id); // display success message $success_message = $options['success_message']; $success_message = str_replace('%first_name%', $the_signature->first_name, $success_message); $success_message = str_replace('%last_name%', $the_signature->last_name, $success_message); do_action('dk_speakup_petition_signed', $the_signature); $json_response = array('status' => 'success', 'message' => $success_message); $json_response = json_encode($json_response); echo $json_response; } else { $json_response = array('status' => 'error', 'message' => $options['already_signed_message']); $json_response = json_encode($json_response); echo $json_response; } // end AJAX processing die; }
function dk_speakup_signatures_page() { // check security: ensure user has authority if (!current_user_can('publish_posts')) { wp_die(__('Insufficient privileges: You need to be an editor to do that.', 'dk_speakup')); } include_once 'class.speakup.php'; include_once 'class.signature.php'; include_once 'class.petition.php'; $the_signatures = new dk_speakup_Signature(); $the_petitions = new dk_speakup_Petition(); $options = get_option('dk_speakup_options'); $action = isset($_REQUEST['action']) ? $_REQUEST['action'] : ''; $pid = isset($_REQUEST['pid']) ? $_REQUEST['pid'] : ''; // petition id $sid = isset($_REQUEST['sid']) ? $_REQUEST['sid'] : ''; // signature id // set variables for paged record display and for limit values in db query $paged = isset($_REQUEST['paged']) ? $_REQUEST['paged'] : '1'; $total_pages = isset($_REQUEST['total_pages']) ? $_REQUEST['total_pages'] : '1'; $current_page = dk_speakup_SpeakUp::current_paged($paged, $total_pages); $query_limit = $options['signatures_rows']; $query_start = $current_page * $query_limit - $query_limit; switch ($action) { case 'delete': // security: ensure user has intention check_admin_referer('dk_speakup-delete_signature' . $sid); // delete signature from the database $the_signatures->delete($sid); // count number of signatures in database $count = $the_signatures->count($pid); // get all signatures for display $signatures = $the_signatures->all($pid, $query_start, $query_limit); // set up display strings // set up values for the table label ie: All Signatures (36) if ($count == 0) { $petition = ''; } elseif ($pid != '') { $petition = $signatures[0]->title; } else { $petition = __('All Signatures', 'dk_speakup'); } $table_label = esc_html($petition) . ' <span class="count">(' . $count . ')</span>'; $base_url = site_url('wp-admin/admin.php?page=dk_speakup_signatures&action=petition&pid=' . $pid); $message_update = __('Signature deleted.', 'dk_speakup'); break; case 'petition': // count number of signatures in database $count = $the_signatures->count($pid); // get all signatures for display $signatures = $the_signatures->all($pid, $query_start, $query_limit); // TODO: Make this always show petition title (maybe use join in query) // set up display strings // if signatures exist, show petition title, else show petition id number if (count($signatures) > 0) { $table_label = esc_html($signatures[0]->title) . ' <span class="count">(' . $count . ')</span>'; } else { $table_label = __('Petition', 'dk_speakup') . ' ' . $pid . ' <span class="count">(0)</span>'; } $base_url = site_url('wp-admin/admin.php?page=dk_speakup_signatures&action=petition&pid=' . $pid); $message_update = ''; break; case 'reconfirm': check_admin_referer('dk_speakup-resend_confirmations' . $pid); include_once 'class.mail.php'; $petition_to_confirm = new dk_speakup_Petition(); // get unconfirmed signatures $unconfirmed = $the_signatures->unconfirmed($pid); foreach ($unconfirmed as $signature) { $unconfirmed_signature = new dk_speakup_signature(); $unconfirmed_signature->first_name = $signature->first_name; $unconfirmed_signature->last_name = $signature->last_name; $unconfirmed_signature->email = $signature->email; $unconfirmed_signature->confirmation_code = $signature->confirmation_code; dk_speakup_Mail::send_confirmation($petition_to_confirm, $unconfirmed_signature, $options); // destroy temporary object so we can re-use the variable unset($unconfirmed_signature); } // count number of signatures in database $count = $the_signatures->count($pid); // get all signatures for display $signatures = $the_signatures->all($pid, $query_start, $query_limit); // set up display strings if (count($signatures) > 0) { $table_label = esc_html($signatures[0]->title) . ' <span class="count">(' . $count . ')</span>'; } else { $table_label = __('Petition', 'dk_speakup') . ' ' . $pid . ' <span class="count">(0)</span>'; } $base_url = site_url('wp-admin/admin.php?page=dk_speakup_signatures&action=petition&pid=' . $pid); $message_update = __('Confirmation emails sent.', 'dk_speakup'); break; default: // count number of signatures in database $count = $the_signatures->count($pid); // get all signatures for display $signatures = $the_signatures->all($pid, $query_start, $query_limit); // set up display strings $table_label = __('All Signatures', 'dk_speakup') . ' <span class="count">(' . $count . ')</span>'; $base_url = site_url('wp-admin/admin.php?page=dk_speakup_signatures'); $message_update = ''; } // get list of petitions to populate select box navigation $petitions_list = $the_petitions->quicklist(); // Set up URLs for 'Download as CSV' and 'Resend confirmations' buttons // Show buttons only when we are viewing signatures from a single petition if (count($petitions_list) == 1 || $pid != '') { // if $pid (petition id) wasn't sent through the URL, then create it from the query if ($pid == '') { $pid = $petitions_list[0]->id; } $csv_url = site_url('wp-admin/admin.php?page=dk_speakup_signatures&action=petition&pid=' . $pid); $reconfirm_url = site_url('wp-admin/admin.php?page=dk_speakup_signatures&action=reconfirm&pid=' . $pid); } // display the Signatures table include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/signatures.view.php'; }