function diy_compile($payload, $storage) { global $app; $result["controller"] = __FUNCTION__; $result["function"] = substr($app->request()->getPathInfo(), 1); $result["method"] = $app->request()->getMethod(); $params = loadParameters(); $result->function = substr($app->request()->getPathInfo(), 1); $result->method = $app->request()->getMethod(); $params = loadParameters(); $srcfile = OAuth2\Request::createFromGlobals()->request["srcfile"]; $srclib = OAuth2\Request::createFromGlobals()->request["srclib"]; $device = OAuth2\Request::createFromGlobals()->request["device"]; $comp = OAuth2\Request::createFromGlobals()->request["comp"]; $filename = OAuth2\Request::createFromGlobals()->request["filename"]; $writedevice = OAuth2\Request::createFromGlobals()->request["writedevice"]; $up = json_decode(base64_decode($payload)); $client_id = $up->client_id; $diy_error["post"]["device"] = $device; $post["srcfile"] = $srcfile; //organisation oauth_devices $post["device"] = $device; //organisation oauth_devices $post["comp"] = $comp; //organisation oauth_devices $post["filename"] = $filename; //organisation oauth_devices $post["writedevice"] = $writedevice; //organisation oauth_devices $gump = new GUMP(); $gump->validation_rules(array('device' => 'required|alpha_numeric', 'filename' => 'required|alpha_numeric', 'comp' => 'required|alpha_numeric', 'writedevice' => 'required|alpha_numeric')); $gump->filter_rules(array('device' => 'trim|sanitize_string', 'filename' => 'trim|sanitize_string', 'comp' => 'trim|sanitize_string', 'writedevice' => 'trim|sanitize_string')); $validated = $gump->run($post); if ($validated === false) { $result["parse_errors"] = $gump->get_readable_errors(true); $result["message"] = "[" . $result["method"] . "][" . $result["function"] . "]:" . $gump->get_readable_errors(true); } else { try { $sourceWriteDir = __DIR__ . '/../../../data/sketches/' . $client_id . '/' . $device . '/' . $filename; if (file_exists($sourceWriteDir)) { throw new \Exception('Filename ' . $filename . ' for user ' . $client_id . ' and device ' . $device . ' already exists'); } $stmt2 = $storage->prepare('SELECT * FROM oauth_devices WHERE device = :device'); $stmt2->execute(array('device' => trim($device))); $row2 = $stmt2->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if ($row2["organisation"]) { $org = trim($row2["organisation"]); } if ($row2["mode"]) { $mode = trim($row2["mode"]); } if ($row2["status"]) { $status = trim($row2["status"]); } if ($row2["client_id"]) { $devclient_id = trim($row2["client_id"]); } $orgscopeadmin = "no"; $orgscopedevel = "no"; if ($mode == "devel" && $status == "org") { $userscopes = explode(' ', trim($userscope)); $adminscope = $org . "_admin"; $develscope = $org . "_admin"; // o user aniki sto scope for ($i = 0; $i <= count($userscopes); $i++) { if (trim($userscopes[$i]) == $adminscope) { $orgscopeadmin = "yes"; } if (trim($userscopes[$i]) == $develscope) { $orgscopedevel = "yes"; } } // einai o owner if ($devclient_id == $client_id) { $orgscopeadmin = "yes"; } } // einmai o owner if ($mode == "devel" && $status == "private" && $devclient_id == $client_id) { $orgscopeadmin = "yes"; } $result["result"]["sketch1"] = $orgscopeadmin; if ($orgscopeadmin == "yes" || $orgscopedevel == "yes") { try { $stmt2 = $storage->prepare('SELECT * FROM oauth_clients WHERE client_id = :device'); $stmt2->execute(array('device' => trim($device))); $row2 = $stmt2->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if ($row2["apiport"]) { // *************************************** compiler ********************************* // srcfile echeis se base64 ton kodika // compiler echeis ton compiler pou thelei o user mechri stigmis echoume gcc, ino // filename to filename pou edosse o user // o poros compilesketch // afou kanei compile // epistrefei // error ta lathi h noerrors // binfile to hex file $compilerserver = diyConfig::read(""); $compilerserver .= ":" . diyConfig::read("compiler.port"); $data1 = 'filename=' . $filename; $data1 .= '&compiler=' . $comp; $data1 .= '&srcfile=' . $srcfile; $fixedFiles = array(); foreach ($srclib as $curName => $curFile) { $fixedFiles[] = 'srclib[' . $curName . ']=' . $curFile; } $data1 .= '&' . implode('&', $fixedFiles); $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "{$compilerserver}/api/compilesketch"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 60); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); $or = curl_exec($ch); if (!$or) { $or = curl_error($ch); } $result["compiler"] = $or; $result["message"] = "[" . $result["method"] . "][" . $result["function"] . "]: NoErrors"; $result["status"] = "200"; $r = json_decode($or, true); if (!$r) { $result["message"] = "[" . $result["method"] . "][" . $result["function"] . "]: CompilationError"; $result["compiler"] = $or; $result["status"] = "500"; return $result; } if ($r['status'] != 200) { $result["message"] = "[" . $result["method"] . "][" . $result["function"] . "]: CompilationError"; $result["status"] = "500"; return $result; } unset($result["compiler"]); // No need to transfer this to the user //$srcfilebase64encode = base64_encode($srcfile); $apiport = trim($row2["apiport"]); // *************************************** compiler ********************************* if ($r['status'] == 200 && $writedevice == "yes") { $apiport = trim($row2["apiport"]); $binfile = $r['hex']; $data1 = 'file=base64'; $data1 .= '&binfile=' . $binfile; $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "{$apiport}/api/writesketch"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 90); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); $r = curl_exec($ch); $result["sketch"] = $r; $result["message"] = "[" . $result["method"] . "][" . $result["function"] . "]: NoErrors"; $result["status"] = "200"; //$result["result"]= $r; } // If we are here with no exceptions then everything went well. Lets save the sketch. $ziptmp = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'diytmpzip') . '.tgz'; file_put_contents($ziptmp, base64_decode($r['zip'])); $p = new PharData($ziptmp); $p->decompress(); // creates /path/to/my.tar $ziptmpextracted = str_replace('.tgz', '.tar', $ziptmp); $phar = new PharData($ziptmpextracted); $writeDir = __DIR__ . '/../../../data/sketches/' . $client_id . '/' . $filename; $phar->extractTo($sourceWriteDir); } } catch (Exception $e) { $diy_error["db"] = $e->getCode(); $result["status"] = $e->getCode(); $result["message"] = "[" . $result["method"] . "][" . $result["function"] . "]:" . $e->getMessage(); } } } catch (Exception $e) { $diy_error["db"] = $e->getCode(); $result["status"] = $e->getCode(); $result["message"] = "[" . $result["method"] . "][" . $result["function"] . "]:" . $e->getMessage(); } } if (diyConfig::read('debug') == 1) { $result["debug"] = $diy_error; } return $result; }
function diy_removedevice($payload, $storage) { global $app; $result["controller"] = __FUNCTION__; $result["function"] = substr($app->request()->getPathInfo(), 1); $result["method"] = $app->request()->getMethod(); $params = loadParameters(); $result->function = substr($app->request()->getPathInfo(), 1); $result->method = $app->request()->getMethod(); //$params = loadParameters(); $up = json_decode(base64_decode($payload)); $client_id = $up->client_id; $userscope = $up->scope; $device = OAuth2\Request::createFromGlobals()->query["device"]; $diy_error["post"]["device"] = $device; $post["device"] = $device; // to client_id tou device oauth_devices oauth_clients oauth_public_keys //$result["result"]["up"] = $up; $gump = new GUMP(); $gump->validation_rules(array('device' => 'required|alpha_numeric')); $gump->filter_rules(array('device' => 'trim|sanitize_string')); $validated = $gump->run($post); if ($validated === false) { $result["parse_errors"] = $gump->get_readable_errors(true); $result["message"] = "[" . $result["method"] . "][" . $result["function"] . "]:" . $gump->get_readable_errors(true); } else { $dev = $storage->prepare('SELECT * FROM oauth_devices WHERE device = :device'); $dev->execute(array('device' => trim($device))); $rowdev = $dev->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if ($rowdev) { $org = $rowdev["organisation"]; } else { $result["result"]["error"] = ExceptionMessages::DeviceNotExist . " , " . ExceptionCodes::DeviceNotExist; } //check if org name exists $orgexists = "no"; $stmtorg = $storage->prepare('SELECT * FROM oauth_organisations WHERE organisation = :org'); $stmtorg->execute(array('org' => trim($org))); $roworg = $stmtorg->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if ($roworg) { $orgexists = "yes"; //$result["result"]["error"] = ExceptionMessages::OrgExist." , ". ExceptionCodes::OrgExist; $orgadmin = "no"; $orgowner = "no"; $userscopes = explode(' ', trim($userscope)); $orgscope = $org . "_admin"; for ($i = 0; $i <= count($userscopes); $i++) { if (trim($userscopes[$i]) == $orgscope) { $orgadmin = "yes"; } } if ($orgadmin == "no") { //check if org name exists and client_id $stmtorg1 = $storage->prepare('SELECT * FROM oauth_organisations WHERE organisation = :org and client_id = :client_id'); $stmtorg1->execute(array('org' => trim($org), 'client_id' => $client_id)); $roworg1 = $stmtorg1->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if (!$roworg1) { $result["result"]["error"] = ExceptionMessages::OrgOwner . " , " . ExceptionCodes::OrgOwner; } else { $orgowner = "yes"; } } } else { $result["result"]["error"] = ExceptionMessages::OrgNotExist . " , " . ExceptionCodes::OrgNotExist; } //check if device name exists $orgdeviceexists = "no"; $stmt = $storage->prepare('SELECT client_id FROM oauth_clients WHERE client_id = :device'); $stmt->execute(array('device' => trim($device))); $row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if ($row) { //$result["result"]["error"] = ExceptionMessages::DeviceExist." , ". ExceptionCodes::DeviceExist; $orgdeviceexists = "yes"; } else { $result["result"]["error"] = ExceptionMessages::DeviceNotExist . " , " . ExceptionCodes::DeviceNotExist; $orgdeviceexists = "no"; } if ($orgexists == "yes" && ($orgowner == "yes" || $orgadmin == "yes") && $orgdeviceexists == "yes") { //}else{ try { // oauth_public_keys table $encryption_algorithm = "RS256"; $stmt5 = $storage->prepare('DELETE from oauth_public_keys where client_id = :client_id'); $stmt5->execute(array('client_id' => $device)); $stmt1 = $storage->prepare('SELECT * from oauth_clients where client_id = :client_id'); $stmt1->execute(array('client_id' => $device)); $row1 = $stmt1->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if ($row1) { $dataport = $row1["dataport"]; $apiport = $row1["apiport"]; // oauth_users table $user_id = $row1["user_id"]; $stmt = $storage->prepare('DELETE from oauth_users where user_id = :user_id'); $stmt->execute(array('user_id' => $user_id)); // oauth_ports table $stmt2 = $storage->prepare('DELETE from oauth_ports where port = :port'); $stmt2->execute(array('port' => $dataport)); $stmt2 = $storage->prepare('DELETE from oauth_ports where port = :port'); $stmt2->execute(array('port' => $apiport)); // oauth_clients table $stmt1 = $storage->prepare('DELETE from oauth_clients where client_id = :client_id'); $stmt1->execute(array('client_id' => $device)); // oauth_devices table $stmt11 = $storage->prepare('DELETE from oauth_devices where device = :device'); $stmt11->execute(array('device' => $device)); } //result_messages=============================================================== $result["result"]["result"] = $post; $result["result"]["session"] = $session; $result["error"] = $error; $result["status"] = "200"; $result["message"] = "[" . $result["method"] . "][" . $result["function"] . "]: NoErrors"; } catch (Exception $e) { $result["status"] = $e->getCode(); $result["message"] = "[" . $result["method"] . "][" . $result["function"] . "]:" . $e->getMessage(); } } } if (diyConfig::read('debug') == 1) { $result["debug"] = $diy_error; } return $result; }
function diy_diyexec($payload, $storage) { global $app; $result["controller"] = __FUNCTION__; $result["function"] = substr($app->request()->getPathInfo(), 1); $result["method"] = $app->request()->getMethod(); $params = loadParameters(); $result->function = substr($app->request()->getPathInfo(), 1); $result->method = $app->request()->getMethod(); $params = loadParameters(); $device = OAuth2\Request::createFromGlobals()->request["device"]; $exec = OAuth2\Request::createFromGlobals()->request["exec"]; $up = json_decode(base64_decode($payload)); $client_id = $up->client_id; $diy_error["post"]["device"] = $device; $post["device"] = $device; //organisation oauth_devices $post["exec"] = $exec; //organisation oauth_devices $gump = new GUMP(); $gump->validation_rules(array('device' => 'required|alpha_numeric', 'exec' => 'required|alpha_numeric')); $gump->filter_rules(array('device' => 'trim|sanitize_string', 'exec' => 'trim|sanitize_string')); $validated = $gump->run($post); if ($validated === false) { $result["parse_errors"] = $gump->get_readable_errors(true); $result["message"] = "[" . $result["method"] . "][" . $result["function"] . "]:" . $gump->get_readable_errors(true); } else { try { $stmt2 = $storage->prepare('SELECT * FROM oauth_devices WHERE device = :device'); $stmt2->execute(array('device' => trim($device))); $row2 = $stmt2->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if ($row2["organisation"]) { $org = trim($row2["organisation"]); } if ($row2["mode"]) { $mode = trim($row2["mode"]); } if ($row2["status"]) { $status = trim($row2["status"]); } if ($row2["client_id"]) { $devclient_id = trim($row2["client_id"]); } $orgscopeadmin = "no"; $orgscopedevel = "no"; if ($status == "org") { $userscopes = explode(' ', trim($userscope)); $adminscope = $org . "_admin"; $develscope = $org . "_admin"; // o user aniki sto scope for ($i = 0; $i <= count($userscopes); $i++) { if (trim($userscopes[$i]) == $adminscope) { $orgscopeadmin = "yes"; } if (trim($userscopes[$i]) == $develscope) { $orgscopedevel = "yes"; } } // einai o owner if ($devclient_id == $client_id) { $orgscopeadmin = "yes"; } } // einmai o owner if ($status == "private" && $devclient_id == $client_id) { $orgscopeadmin = "yes"; } if ($orgscopeadmin == "yes" || $orgscopedevel == "yes") { try { $stmt2 = $storage->prepare('SELECT * FROM oauth_clients WHERE client_id = :device'); $stmt2->execute(array('device' => trim($device))); $row2 = $stmt2->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if ($row2["apiport"]) { $stmt3 = $storage->prepare('SELECT * FROM oauth_diyexec WHERE exec = :exec'); $stmt3->execute(array('exec' => trim($exec))); $row3 = $stmt3->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if ($row3["exec"]) { $apiport = trim($row2["apiport"]); $diyexec = trim($row3["diyexec"]); $diyexecurl = base64_encode($diyexec); $data1 = 'exec=' . $diyexecurl; //$result["result1"]= $diyexec; $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "{$apiport}/api/diyexec"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 20); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); $r = curl_exec($ch); var_dump($r); $result["DEV"] = $r; } } } catch (Exception $e) { $diy_error["db"] = $e->getCode(); $result["status"] = $e->getCode(); $result["message"] = "[" . $result["method"] . "][" . $result["function"] . "]:" . $e->getMessage(); } } } catch (Exception $e) { $diy_error["db"] = $e->getCode(); $result["status"] = $e->getCode(); $result["message"] = "[" . $result["method"] . "][" . $result["function"] . "]:" . $e->getMessage(); } } if (diyConfig::read('debug') == 1) { $result["debug"] = $diy_error; } return $result; }
function diy_adddevice($payload, $storage) { global $app; $result["controller"] = __FUNCTION__; $result["function"] = substr($app->request()->getPathInfo(), 1); $result["method"] = $app->request()->getMethod(); $params = loadParameters(); $result->function = substr($app->request()->getPathInfo(), 1); $result->method = $app->request()->getMethod(); //$params = loadParameters(); $up = json_decode(base64_decode($payload)); $client_id = $up->client_id; $userscope = $up->scope; $org = OAuth2\Request::createFromGlobals()->request["org"]; $device = OAuth2\Request::createFromGlobals()->request["device"]; $client_secret = OAuth2\Request::createFromGlobals()->request["passwd"]; $device_desc = OAuth2\Request::createFromGlobals()->request["device_desc"]; $diy_error["post"]["org"] = $org; $diy_error["post"]["device"] = $device; $diy_error["post"]["client_secret"] = $client_secret; $diy_error["post"]["device_desc"] = $device_desc; $post["org"] = $org; //organisation oauth_devices $post["device"] = $device; // to client_id tou device oauth_devices oauth_clients oauth_public_keys $post["client_secret"] = $client_secret; //mia perigrafi oti thelei o christis oauth_devices $post["device_desc"] = $device_desc; //mia perigrafi oti thelei o christis oauth_devices //$result["result"]["up"] = $up; $gump = new GUMP(); $gump->validation_rules(array('org' => 'required|alpha_numeric', 'device' => 'required|alpha_numeric', 'client_secret' => 'required|max_len,100|min_len,6', 'device_desc' => 'required|max_len,100')); $gump->filter_rules(array('org' => 'trim|sanitize_string', 'device' => 'trim|sanitize_string', 'client_secret' => 'trim', 'device_desc' => 'trim|sanitize_string')); $validated = $gump->run($post); if ($validated === false) { $result["parse_errors"] = $gump->get_readable_errors(true); $result["message"] = "[" . $result["method"] . "][" . $result["function"] . "]:" . $gump->get_readable_errors(true); } else { //check if org name exists $orgexists = "no"; $stmtorg = $storage->prepare('SELECT * FROM oauth_organisations WHERE organisation = :org'); $stmtorg->execute(array('org' => trim($org))); $roworg = $stmtorg->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if ($roworg) { $orgexists = "yes"; //$result["result"]["error"] = ExceptionMessages::OrgExist." , ". ExceptionCodes::OrgExist; $orgadmin = "no"; $orgowner = "no"; $userscopes = explode(' ', trim($userscope)); $orgscope = $org . "_admin"; for ($i = 0; $i <= count($userscopes); $i++) { if (trim($userscopes[$i]) == $orgscope) { $orgadmin = "yes"; } } if ($orgadmin == "no") { //check if org name exists and client_id $stmtorg1 = $storage->prepare('SELECT * FROM oauth_organisations WHERE organisation = :org and client_id = :client_id'); $stmtorg1->execute(array('org' => trim($org), 'client_id' => $client_id)); $roworg1 = $stmtorg1->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if (!$roworg1) { $result["result"]["error"] = ExceptionMessages::OrgOwner . " , " . ExceptionCodes::OrgOwner; } else { $orgowner = "yes"; } } } else { $result["result"]["error"] = ExceptionMessages::OrgNotExist . " , " . ExceptionCodes::OrgNotExist; } //check if device name exists $orgdeviceexists = "no"; $stmt = $storage->prepare('SELECT client_id FROM oauth_clients WHERE client_id = :device'); $stmt->execute(array('device' => trim($device))); $row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if ($row) { $result["result"]["error"] = ExceptionMessages::DeviceExist . " , " . ExceptionCodes::DeviceExist; $orgdeviceexists = "yes"; } if ($orgexists == "yes" && ($orgowner == "yes" || $orgadmin == "yes") && $orgdeviceexists == "no") { //}else{ try { $tempfile = tempnam('tmp/', ''); if (file_exists($tempfile)) { unlink($tempfile); } mkdir($tempfile); if (is_dir($tempfile)) { exec("openssl genrsa -out {$tempfile}/{$client_id}-privkey.pem 2048"); exec("openssl rsa -in {$tempfile}/{$client_id}-privkey.pem -pubout -out {$tempfile}/{$client_id}-pubkey.pem"); $publicKey = file_get_contents("{$tempfile}/{$client_id}-pubkey.pem"); $privateKey = file_get_contents("{$tempfile}/{$client_id}-privkey.pem"); // oauth_public_keys table $encryption_algorithm = "RS256"; $stmt5 = $storage->prepare('INSERT INTO oauth_public_keys (client_id, public_key, private_key, encryption_algorithm) VALUES (:client_id, :public_key, :private_key, :encryption_algorithm)'); $stmt5->execute(array('client_id' => $device, 'public_key' => $publicKey, 'private_key' => $privateKey, ':encryption_algorithm' => $encryption_algorithm)); unlink("{$tempfile}/{$client_id}-pubkey.pem"); unlink("{$tempfile}/{$client_id}-privkey.pem"); // na ftiaxo to key me tis portes na einai etoimo // tha to kano messo cron // o pinakas ta echei ola oauth_clients } // user_id for dev $lastkey = $storage->query('SELECT user_id FROM oauth_users ORDER BY user_id DESC LIMIT 1'); foreach ($lastkey as $curRow) { $lastkey = intval($curRow[0]); } $lastkey++; // oauth_users table $stmt = $storage->prepare('INSERT INTO oauth_users (user_id,email_verified) VALUES (:user_id,"1")'); $stmt->execute(array('user_id' => $lastkey)); $scope = $org . "_dev"; $scope .= ' ' . $org . "_dpri"; $apiport = $storage->query('SELECT apiport FROM oauth_clients ORDER BY apiport DESC LIMIT 1'); foreach ($apiport as $curRow) { $apiport = intval($curRow[0]); } $dataport = $apiport + 1; $apiport = $apiport + 2; $apihost = diyConfig::read(''); $sshhost = diyConfig::read(''); $sshport = diyConfig::read('ssh.port'); // oauth_ports table $stmt2 = $storage->prepare('INSERT INTO oauth_ports (port, client_id) VALUES (:port, :client_id)'); $stmt2->execute(array('client_id' => $device, 'port' => $dataport)); $stmt2 = $storage->prepare('INSERT INTO oauth_ports (port, client_id) VALUES (:port, :client_id)'); $stmt2->execute(array('client_id' => $device, 'port' => $apiport)); // oauth_clients table $tty = "/dev/ttyACM0"; $baud = "115200"; $stmt1 = $storage->prepare('INSERT INTO oauth_clients (client_id, client_secret, user_id, scope, dataport, apiport, apihost, sshhost, sshport, tty, baud) VALUES (:client_id, :client_secret, :user_id, :scope, :dataport, :apiport, :apihost, :sshhost, :sshport, :tty, :baud)'); $stmt1->execute(array('user_id' => $lastkey, 'client_id' => $device, 'client_secret' => $client_secret, 'scope' => $scope, 'dataport' => $dataport, 'apiport' => $apiport, 'apihost' => $apihost, 'sshhost' => $sshhost, 'sshport' => $sshport, 'tty' => $tty, 'baud' => $baud)); // oauth_devices table $public_key_active = "yes"; $status = "private"; $mode = "devel"; $stmt11 = $storage->prepare('INSERT INTO oauth_devices (device, device_desc, organisation, client_id, public_key_active, status, mode) VALUES (:device, :device_desc, :organisation, :client_id, :public_key_active, :status, :mode)'); $stmt11->execute(array('device' => $device, 'client_id' => $client_id, 'device_desc' => $device_desc, 'organisation' => $org, 'public_key_active' => $public_key_active, 'status' => $status, 'mode' => $mode)); $post["status"] = $status; $post["mode"] = $mode; //result_messages=============================================================== $result["result"]["result"] = $post; $result["result"]["session"] = $session; $result["error"] = $error; $result["status"] = "200"; $result["message"] = "[" . $result["method"] . "][" . $result["function"] . "]: NoErrors"; } catch (Exception $e) { $result["status"] = $e->getCode(); $result["message"] = "[" . $result["method"] . "][" . $result["function"] . "]:" . $e->getMessage(); } } } if (diyConfig::read('debug') == 1) { $result["debug"] = $diy_error; } return $result; }
function diy_addorg($payload, $storage) { global $app; $result["controller"] = __FUNCTION__; $result["function"] = substr($app->request()->getPathInfo(), 1); $result["method"] = $app->request()->getMethod(); $params = loadParameters(); $result->function = substr($app->request()->getPathInfo(), 1); $result->method = $app->request()->getMethod(); //$params = loadParameters(); $up = json_decode(base64_decode($payload)); $client_id = $up->client_id; $org = OAuth2\Request::createFromGlobals()->request["org"]; $org_desc = OAuth2\Request::createFromGlobals()->request["org_desc"]; $diy_error["post"]["org"] = $org; $diy_error["post"]["org_desc"] = $org_desc; $post["org"] = $org; //organisation oauth_devices $post["org_desc"] = $org_desc; //mia perigrafi oti thelei o christis oauth_devices $gump = new GUMP(); $gump->validation_rules(array('org' => 'required|alpha_numeric', 'org_desc' => 'required|max_len,100')); $gump->filter_rules(array('org' => 'trim|sanitize_string', 'org_desc' => 'trim|sanitize_string')); $validated = $gump->run($post); if ($validated === false) { $result["parse_errors"] = $gump->get_readable_errors(true); $result["message"] = "[" . $result["method"] . "][" . $result["function"] . "]:" . $gump->get_readable_errors(true); } else { //check if device name exists $stmt = $storage->prepare('SELECT * FROM oauth_organisations WHERE organisation = :org'); $stmt->execute(array('org' => trim($org))); $row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if ($row) { $result["result"]["error"] = ExceptionMessages::OrgExist . " , " . ExceptionCodes::OrgExist; } else { try { // oauth_organisation table $stmt2 = $storage->prepare('INSERT INTO oauth_organisations (organisation, client_id, desc) VALUES (:org, :client_id, :desc)'); $stmt2->execute(array('client_id' => $client_id, 'org' => $org, 'desc' => $org_desc)); // scopes gia devices $scope = $org; $is_default = 0; $stmt3 = $storage->prepare('INSERT INTO oauth_scopes (scope, is_default) VALUES (:scope, :is_default)'); $stmt3->execute(array('scope' => $scope, 'is_default' => $is_default)); $scope = $org . "_dev"; $is_default = 0; $stmt3 = $storage->prepare('INSERT INTO oauth_scopes (scope, is_default) VALUES (:scope, :is_default)'); $stmt3->execute(array('scope' => $scope, 'is_default' => $is_default)); $scope = $org . "_dpri"; $is_default = 0; $stmt3 = $storage->prepare('INSERT INTO oauth_scopes (scope, is_default) VALUES (:scope, :is_default)'); $stmt3->execute(array('scope' => $scope, 'is_default' => $is_default)); $scope = $org . "_org"; $is_default = 0; $stmt3 = $storage->prepare('INSERT INTO oauth_scopes (scope, is_default) VALUES (:scope, :is_default)'); $stmt3->execute(array('scope' => $scope, 'is_default' => $is_default)); $scope = $org . "_dpub"; $is_default = 0; $stmt3 = $storage->prepare('INSERT INTO oauth_scopes (scope, is_default) VALUES (:scope, :is_default)'); $stmt3->execute(array('scope' => $scope, 'is_default' => $is_default)); // scopes gia users $scope = $org . "_view"; $is_default = 0; $stmt3 = $storage->prepare('INSERT INTO oauth_scopes (scope, is_default) VALUES (:scope, :is_default)'); $stmt3->execute(array('scope' => $scope, 'is_default' => $is_default)); $scope = $org . "_devel"; $is_default = 0; $stmt3 = $storage->prepare('INSERT INTO oauth_scopes (scope, is_default) VALUES (:scope, :is_default)'); $stmt3->execute(array('scope' => $scope, 'is_default' => $is_default)); $scope = $org . "_admin"; $is_default = 0; $stmt3 = $storage->prepare('INSERT INTO oauth_scopes (scope, is_default) VALUES (:scope, :is_default)'); $stmt3->execute(array('scope' => $scope, 'is_default' => $is_default)); $stmt6 = $storage->prepare('SELECT * FROM oauth_clients WHERE client_id = :client_id'); $stmt6->execute(array('client_id' => trim($client_id))); $row6 = $stmt6->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if ($row6) { $scope6 = $row6["scope"]; $scope6 .= " " . $org . "_admin"; $scope6 .= " " . $org . "_view"; $stmt5 = $storage->prepare('UPDATE oauth_clients set scope = :scope6 where client_id = :client_id'); $stmt5->execute(array('scope6' => $scope6, 'client_id' => $client_id)); } //result_messages=============================================================== $result["result"]["result"] = $post; $result["result"]["session"] = $session; $result["error"] = $error; $result["status"] = "200"; $result["message"] = "[" . $result["method"] . "][" . $result["function"] . "]: NoErrors"; } catch (Exception $e) { $result["status"] = $e->getCode(); $result["message"] = "[" . $result["method"] . "][" . $result["function"] . "]:" . $e->getMessage(); } } } if (diyConfig::read('debug') == 1) { $result["debug"] = $diy_error; } return $result; }
#!/usr/bin/php <?php include "full path for core.php"; $dbfile = 'full path oauth.sqlite'; $home = diyConfig::read('ssh.home'); $_keys = diyConfig::read('ssh.keys'); $db = new PDO(sprintf('sqlite:%s', $dbfile)); $db->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); $stmt = $db->prepare('SELECT * FROM oauth_clients'); $stmt->execute(); while ($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { echo $row["apiport"] . "\n"; if ($row["apiport"]) { $devuser = trim($row["client_id"]); $apiport = trim($row["apiport"]); $dataport = trim($row["dataport"]); $sshhome = $home . "/{$devuser}/{$_keys}"; echo $sshhome; if (file_exists($sshhome)) { //echo "The file $sshhome exists"; } else { $tmp = "/tmp/diy-{$devuser}.pem"; $output = shell_exec("echo -e 'y\n' | ssh-keygen -q -N '' -f {$tmp}"); $devkey1 = file_get_contents("{$tmp}.pub"); $devkey1 = trim($devkey1); $devkey2 = file_get_contents("{$tmp}"); $auth_settings = 'no-pty,no-X11-forwarding,permitopen="localhost:' . $dataport . '",permitopen="localhost:' . $apiport . '",command="/bin/echo do-not-send-commands" ' . $devkey1; mkdir("{$home}/{$devuser}"); file_put_contents("{$home}/{$devuser}/{$_keys}", $auth_settings); exec("adduser -U {$devuser} -s /bin/true"); exec("chmod 700 {$home}/{$devuser}");
function diy_wssdeviceAccess($payload, $storage, $exceptions) { global $app; $post["session"] = OAuth2\Request::createFromGlobals()->query["session"]; $post["wss_user"] = OAuth2\Request::createFromGlobals()->query["wss_user"]; $post["device"] = OAuth2\Request::createFromGlobals()->query["device"]; $gump = new GUMP(); $gump->validation_rules(array('wss_user' => 'required|alpha_numeric', 'device' => 'required|alpha_numeric', 'session' => 'required|alpha_numeric')); $gump->filter_rules(array('wss_user' => 'trim|sanitize_string', 'device' => 'trim|sanitize_string', 'session' => 'trim|sanitize_string')); //$result["gump2"] = $validated; // validation successful $result["controller"] = __FUNCTION__; $result["function"] = substr($app->request()->getPathInfo(), 1); $result["method"] = $app->request()->getMethod(); $params = loadParameters(); $result->function = substr($app->request()->getPathInfo(), 1); $result->method = $app->request()->getMethod(); $params = loadParameters(); $up = json_decode(base64_decode($payload)); $client_id = $up->client_id; $result["result"]["view"] = 0; $validated = $gump->run($post); if ($validated === false) { $result["parse_errors"] = $gump->get_readable_errors(true); $result["message"] = "[" . $result["method"] . "][" . $result["function"] . "]:" . $gump->get_readable_errors(true); } else { try { $stmt = $storage->prepare('SELECT * FROM oauth_devices WHERE device = :device'); $stmt->execute(array('device' => $post["device"])); $row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if ($row["organisation"]) { $organisation = trim($row["organisation"]); //$organisation=$row["scope"]; // o user einai sto scope try { $stmt1 = $storage->prepare('SELECT * FROM oauth_https_wss WHERE wss_user = :wss_user and session = :session'); $stmt1->execute(array('wss_user' => trim($post["wss_user"]), 'session' => trim($post["session"]))); $row1 = $stmt1->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if ($row1["client_id"]) { $client_user = $row1["client_id"]; if ($row["status"] == "org") { try { $stmt2 = $storage->prepare('SELECT * FROM oauth_clients WHERE client_id = :client_user'); $stmt2->execute(array('client_user' => trim($client_user))); $row2 = $stmt2->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if ($row2["scope"]) { $devview = $organisation . "_view"; if (strpos(trim($row2["scope"]), $devview) !== false) { $result["result"]["view"] = 1; } else { $diy_error["errors"] = ExceptionMessages::ScopeNotFound . " , " . ExceptionCodes::ScopeNotFound; } } } catch (Exception $e) { echo "error " . $e->getCode(); $diy_error["db"] = $e->getCode(); } } elseif ($row["status"] == "public") { $result["result"]["view"] = 1; } elseif ($row["status"] == "private" && $row["client_id"] == $client_user) { $result["result"]["view"] = 1; } elseif ($row["status"] == "private" && $row["client_id"] != $client_user) { $result["result"]["view"] = 0; } } else { $diy_error["errors"] = ExceptionMessages::UserNotFound . " , " . ExceptionCodes::UserNotFound; //$result["errors"]["select"] = exceptions::MethodNotFound; } } catch (Exception $e) { echo "error " . $e->getCode(); $diy_error["db"] = $e->getCode(); } } //result_messages=============================================================== $result["status"] = "200"; $result["message"] = "[" . $result["method"] . "][" . $result["function"] . "]: NoErrors"; } catch (Exception $e) { $result["status"] = $e->getCode(); $result["message"] = "[" . $result["method"] . "][" . $result["function"] . "]:" . $e->getMessage(); echo "error " . $e->getCode(); $diy_error["db"] = $e->getCode(); } } if (diyConfig::read('debug') == 1) { $result["debug"] = $diy_error; } return $result; }
function diy_movedevice($payload, $storage) { global $app; $result["controller"] = __FUNCTION__; $result["function"] = substr($app->request()->getPathInfo(), 1); $result["method"] = $app->request()->getMethod(); $params = loadParameters(); $result->function = substr($app->request()->getPathInfo(), 1); $result->method = $app->request()->getMethod(); //$params = loadParameters(); $up = json_decode(base64_decode($payload)); $client_id = $up->client_id; $userscope = $up->scope; $device = OAuth2\Request::createFromGlobals()->query["device"]; $orgto = OAuth2\Request::createFromGlobals()->query["orgto"]; $diy_error["post"]["device"] = $device; $diy_error["post"]["orgto"] = $orgto; $post["device"] = $device; // to client_id tou device oauth_devices oauth_clients oauth_public_keys $post["orgto"] = $orgto; // to client_id tou device oauth_devices oauth_clients oauth_public_keys //$result["result"]["up"] = $up; $gump = new GUMP(); $gump->validation_rules(array('device' => 'required|alpha_numeric', 'orgto' => 'required|alpha_numeric')); $gump->filter_rules(array('device' => 'trim|sanitize_string', 'orgto' => 'trim|sanitize_string')); $validated = $gump->run($post); if ($validated === false) { $result["parse_errors"] = $gump->get_readable_errors(true); $result["message"] = "[" . $result["method"] . "][" . $result["function"] . "]:" . $gump->get_readable_errors(true); } else { $movedevice = "no"; $dev = $storage->prepare('SELECT * FROM oauth_devices WHERE device = :device'); $dev->execute(array('device' => trim($device))); $rowdev = $dev->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if ($rowdev) { $org = $rowdev["organisation"]; } else { $result["result"]["error"] = ExceptionMessages::DeviceNotExist . " , " . ExceptionCodes::DeviceNotExist; } function check($storage, $userscopes, $org, $client_id, $device) { //check if org name exists $orgexists = "no"; $stmtorg = $storage->prepare('SELECT * FROM oauth_organisations WHERE organisation = :org'); $stmtorg->execute(array('org' => trim($org))); $roworg = $stmtorg->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if ($roworg) { $orgexists = "yes"; //$result["result"]["error"] = ExceptionMessages::OrgExist." , ". ExceptionCodes::OrgExist; $orgadmin = "no"; $orgowner = "no"; $userscopes = explode(' ', trim($userscope)); $orgscope = $org . "_admin"; for ($i = 0; $i <= count($userscopes); $i++) { if (trim($userscopes[$i]) == $orgscope) { $orgadmin = "yes"; } } if ($orgadmin == "no") { //check if org name exists and client_id $stmtorg1 = $storage->prepare('SELECT * FROM oauth_organisations WHERE organisation = :org and client_id = :client_id'); $stmtorg1->execute(array('org' => trim($org), 'client_id' => $client_id)); $roworg1 = $stmtorg1->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if (!$roworg1) { $result["result"]["error"] = ExceptionMessages::OrgOwner . " , " . ExceptionCodes::OrgOwner; } else { $orgowner = "yes"; } } } else { $result["result"]["error"] = ExceptionMessages::OrgNotExist . " , " . ExceptionCodes::OrgNotExist; } //check if device name exists $orgdeviceexists = "no"; $stmt = $storage->prepare('SELECT client_id FROM oauth_clients WHERE client_id = :device'); $stmt->execute(array('device' => trim($device))); $row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if ($row) { //$result["result"]["error"] = ExceptionMessages::DeviceExist." , ". ExceptionCodes::DeviceExist; $orgdeviceexists = "yes"; } else { $result["result"]["error"] = ExceptionMessages::DeviceNotExist . " , " . ExceptionCodes::DeviceNotExist; $orgdeviceexists = "no"; } if ($orgexists == "yes" && ($orgowner == "yes" || $orgadmin == "yes") && $orgdeviceexists == "yes") { $result["result"]["check"] = "ok"; return $result; } else { $result["result"]["check"] = "no"; return $result; } } $diy_error["error"]["check"] = check($storage, $userscopes, $org, $client_id, $device); // check if user owned the devices or have admin scope in orgfrom $checkr = check($storage, $userscopes, $org, $client_id, $device); if ($checkr["result"]["check"] == "ok") { $diy_error["error"]["orgfrom"] = "ok"; // check if user owned the devices or have admin scope in orgto $checkr1 = check($storage, $userscopes, $orgto, $client_id, $device); if ($checkr1["result"]["check"] == "ok") { $diy_error["error"]["orgto"] = "ok"; $movedevice = "yes"; } } //if( ($orgexists == "yes" && ($orgowner == "yes" || $orgadmin == "yes")) && $orgdeviceexists == "yes"){ if ($movedevice == "yes") { //}else{ try { $stmt1 = $storage->prepare('SELECT * from oauth_clients where client_id = :client_id'); $stmt1->execute(array('client_id' => $device)); $row1 = $stmt1->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if ($row1) { $scopedevt = $row1["scope"]; $orgt = $org . "_"; $orgtot = $orgto . "_"; $scopedev = str_replace($orgt, $orgtot, $scopedevt); // oauth_clients table $stmt1 = $storage->prepare('UPDATE oauth_clients set scope = :scopedev where client_id = :client_id'); $stmt1->execute(array('client_id' => $device, 'scopedev' => $scopedev)); // oauth_devices table $stmt11 = $storage->prepare('UPDATE oauth_devices set organisation = :orgto where device = :device'); $stmt11->execute(array('device' => $device, 'orgto' => $orgto)); } //result_messages=============================================================== $result["result"]["result"] = $post; $result["result"]["session"] = $session; $result["error"] = $error; $result["status"] = "200"; $result["message"] = "[" . $result["method"] . "][" . $result["function"] . "]: NoErrors"; } catch (Exception $e) { $result["status"] = $e->getCode(); $result["message"] = "[" . $result["method"] . "][" . $result["function"] . "]:" . $e->getMessage(); } } } if (diyConfig::read('debug') == 1) { $result["debug"] = $diy_error; } return $result; }
function diy_register() { global $app, $diy_storage; $result["controller"] = __FUNCTION__; $result["function"] = substr($app->request()->getPathInfo(), 1); $result["method"] = $app->request()->getMethod(); $params = loadParameters(); $client_id = $params["client_id"]; $client_secret = $params["client_secret"]; $firstname = $params["first_name"]; $lastname = $params["last_name"]; $email = $params["email"]; $post["client_id"] = $client_id; $post["client_secret"] = $client_secret; $post["firstname"] = $firstname; $post["lastname"] = $lastname; $post["email"] = $email; foreach ($post as $curKey => $curValue) { $diy_error["post"][$curKey] = $curValue; } $gump = new GUMP(); $gump->validation_rules(array('client_id' => 'required|alpha_numeric', 'client_secret' => 'required|alpha_numeric', 'firstname' => 'required|alpha_numeric', 'lastname' => 'required|alpha_numeric', 'email' => 'required|valid_email')); $gump->filter_rules(array('client_id' => 'trim|sanitize_string', 'client_secret' => 'trim|sanitize_string', 'firstname' => 'trim|sanitize_string', 'lastname' => 'trim|sanitize_string', 'email' => 'trim|sanitize_string')); $validated = $gump->run($post); if ($validated === false) { $result["parse_errors"] = $gump->get_readable_errors(true); $result["message"] = "[" . $result["method"] . "][" . $result["function"] . "]:" . $gump->get_readable_errors(true); } try { if (count($result["parse_errors"]) <= 0) { $storage = $diy_storage(); $lastkey = $storage->query('SELECT user_id FROM oauth_users ORDER BY user_id DESC LIMIT 1'); foreach ($lastkey as $curRow) { $lastkey = intval($curRow[0]); } $code = md5($post["firstname"] . $post["lastname"] . $post["email"]); // Create user $storage->query('INSERT INTO oauth_users (user_id, first_name, last_name, email, email_verified, email_ver_code) VALUES (' . ($lastkey + 1) . ', "' . $post["firstname"] . '", "' . $post["lastname"] . '", "' . $post["email"] . '", 0, "' . $code . '")'); $user_id = $storage->lastInsertId(); // Create client $publicKey = file_get_contents('../../ssh/CLIENT_ID1_pubkey.pem'); $privateKey = file_get_contents('../../ssh/CLIENT_ID1_privkey.pem'); $storage->query('INSERT INTO oauth_clients (client_id, client_secret, scope, user_id) VALUES ("' . $post["client_id"] . '", "' . $post["client_secret"] . '", "main", ' . $user_id . ')'); $client_id = $storage->lastInsertId(); $storage->query('INSERT INTO oauth_public_keys (client_id, public_key, private_key, encryption_algorithm) VALUES ("' . $post["client_id"] . '", "' . $publicKey . '", "' . $privateKey . '", "RS256")'); // Send email $mailserver = diyConfig::read('mail.smtpserver'); $mailserverport = diyConfig::read('mail.smtpport'); $mailfrom = diyConfig::read('mail.fromuser'); $link = 'https://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/api/activate/' . $code; $transport = Swift_SmtpTransport::newInstance($mailserver, $mailserverport); $mailer = Swift_Mailer::newInstance($transport); $message = Swift_Message::newInstance('Wonderful Subject')->setFrom(array($mailfrom => 'Diyiot'))->setTo(array($post["email"]))->setSubject('Welcome to diyiot')->setBody('Hi ' . $post["firstname"] . ',<BR /><BR />To active your account please click the following link <a href="' . $link . '">' . $link . '</a>.', 'text/html', 'UTF-8'); $mailer->send($message); } //result_messages=============================================================== $result["result"]["user_id"] = $user_id; $result["error"] = $error; $result["status"] = "200"; $result["message"] = "[" . $result["method"] . "][" . $result["function"] . "]: NoErrors"; } catch (Exception $e) { $result["status"] = $e->getCode(); $result["message"] = "[" . $result["method"] . "][" . $result["function"] . "]:" . $e->getMessage(); if (isset($user_id)) { $storage->query('DELETE FROM oauth_users WHERE user_id = ' . $user_id); } } if (diyConfig::read('debug') == 1) { $result["debug"] = $diy_error; } return $result; }
function diy_seletc($payload, $storage) { global $app; $result["controller"] = __FUNCTION__; $result["function"] = substr($app->request()->getPathInfo(), 1); $result["method"] = $app->request()->getMethod(); $params = loadParameters(); $result->function = substr($app->request()->getPathInfo(), 1); $result->method = $app->request()->getMethod(); $params = loadParameters(); $up = json_decode(base64_decode($payload)); $client_id = $up->client_id; try { $m = new MongoClient("mongodb://localhost:27017"); $db = $m->selectDB("diyiot_sensorsData"); $collection = $db->mycol; switch ((int) $params["operation_id"]) { case 1: $mongoResult = iterator_to_array($collection->find(array("Map.mapName" => $params["map_name"]))); break; case 2: $mongoResult = iterator_to_array($collection->find(array("Date&Time.year" => $params["date_year"], "Date&Time.month" => $params["date_month"], "Date&" => $params["date_day"]))); break; case 3: $mongoResult = iterator_to_array($collection->find(array("Date&Time.year" => $params["date_year"], "Date&Time.month" => $params["date_month"], "Date&" => $params["date_day"], "Map.mapName" => $params["map_name"]))); break; default: $mongoResult = "Wrong number of arguments"; } $result["message"] = "[" . $result["method"] . "][" . $result["function"] . "]: NoErrors"; $result["status"] = "200"; $result["result"] = $mongoResult; } catch (Exception $e) { $diy_error["db"] = $e->getCode(); $result["status"] = $e->getCode(); $result["message"] = "[" . $result["method"] . "][" . $result["function"] . "]:" . $e->getMessage(); } if (diyConfig::read('debug') == 1) { $result["debug"] = $diy_error; } return $result; }
$_dsn = diyConfig::read('db.dsn'); $_username = diyConfig::read('db.username'); $_password = diyConfig::read('db.password'); $storage = new PdoStorageWithEmailVerification(array('dsn' => $_dsn, 'username' => $_username, 'password' => $_password)); //$storage = new OAuth2\Storage\Pdo(array('dsn' => $_dsn, 'username' => $_username, 'password' => $_password)); $server = new OAuth2\Server($storage); $server->addGrantType(new OAuth2\GrantType\ClientCredentials($storage), array('allow_credentials_in_request_body => true')); $cryptoStorage = new OAuth2\Storage\CryptoToken($storage); $server->addStorage($cryptoStorage, "access_token"); $cryptoResponseType = new OAuth2\ResponseType\CryptoToken($storage); $server->addResponseType($cryptoResponseType); return $server; }; $diy_storage = function () { //global $conOptions; $_dbfile = diyConfig::read('db.file'); $db = new PDO(sprintf('sqlite:%s', $_dbfile)); $db->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); $db->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, false); return $db; }; $diy_exception = function () { $exception = new CustomException(); return $exception; }; //========================= POST ================================== /** * * @SWG\Resource( * apiVersion="0.1", * swaggerVersion="2.0",
function diy_getdevices($payload, $storage) { global $app; $result["controller"] = __FUNCTION__; $result["function"] = substr($app->request()->getPathInfo(), 1); $result["method"] = $app->request()->getMethod(); $params = loadParameters(); $result->function = substr($app->request()->getPathInfo(), 1); $result->method = $app->request()->getMethod(); $params = loadParameters(); $up = json_decode(base64_decode($payload)); $client_id = $up->client_id; try { $stmt2 = $storage->prepare('SELECT * FROM oauth_clients WHERE client_id = :client_id'); $stmt2->execute(array('client_id' => trim($client_id))); $row2 = $stmt2->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if ($row2["scope"]) { $scopes = explode(' ', trim($row2["scope"])); $diy_error["scopescount"] = count($scopes); $devview = "view"; $nr = 0; for ($i = 0; $i <= count($scopes); $i++) { $diy_error["scopes"] = $scopes[$i]; $view = explode('_', $scopes[$i]); if (trim($view[1]) == $devview) { $org = trim($view[0]); $diy_error["org"] = $org; try { $stmt = $storage->prepare('SELECT * FROM oauth_devices WHERE organisation = :org'); $stmt->execute(array('org' => $org)); while ($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { if ($row["status"] == "private" && $row["client_id"] == "{$client_id}") { $devices["dev"][$nr]["device"] = $row["device"]; $devices["dev"][$nr]["device_desc"] = $row["device_desc"]; $devices["dev"][$nr]["organisation"] = $row["organisation"]; $devices["dev"][$nr]["status"] = $row["status"]; $devices["dev"][$nr]["mode"] = $row["mode"]; $nr++; } elseif ($row["status"] == "org" || $row["status"] == "public") { $diy_error["dev"][$nr] = $row["device"]; $devices["dev"][$nr]["device"] = $row["device"]; $devices["dev"][$nr]["device_desc"] = $row["device_desc"]; $devices["dev"][$nr]["organisation"] = $row["organisation"]; $devices["dev"][$nr]["status"] = $row["status"]; $devices["dev"][$nr]["mode"] = $row["mode"]; $nr++; } } } catch (Exception $e) { $diy_error["db"] = $e->getCode(); $result["status"] = $e->getCode(); $result["message"] = "[" . $result["method"] . "][" . $result["function"] . "]:" . $e->getMessage(); } } } $result["message"] = "[" . $result["method"] . "][" . $result["function"] . "]: NoErrors"; $result["status"] = "200"; $result["result"] = $devices; } } catch (Exception $e) { $diy_error["db"] = $e->getCode(); $result["status"] = $e->getCode(); $result["message"] = "[" . $result["method"] . "][" . $result["function"] . "]:" . $e->getMessage(); } if (diyConfig::read('debug') == 1) { $result["debug"] = $diy_error; } return $result; }
public static function write($name, $value) { self::$confArray[$name] = $value; } } //debug diyConfig::write('debug', 1); // 1 = on 0 = off //compiler diyConfig::write('', $_comphost); diyConfig::write('compiler.port', $_compport); //api diyConfig::write('', $_apihost); //ssh diyConfig::write('', $_sshhost); diyConfig::write('ssh.port', $_sshport); // db diyConfig::write('db.file', sprintf($_dbfile)); diyConfig::write('db.dsn', sprintf('sqlite:%s', $_dbfile)); diyConfig::write('db.port', ''); diyConfig::write('db.basename', ''); diyConfig::write('db.username', 'root'); diyConfig::write('db.password', ''); //ssh diyConfig::write('ssh.home', $sshhome); diyConfig::write('ssh.keys', $sshhomekeys); // e-mail server settings diyConfig::write('mail.fromuser', $fromuser); diyConfig::write('mail.smtpserver', $smtpserver); diyConfig::write('mail.smtpport', $smtpport);