$dbFields[] = "id";
     // append id to the db fields array
     $TVs = array_diff($TVs, $ditto->prefetch["fields"]["tv"]);
     // calculate the difference between the tv fields and those already prefetched
     $start = 0;
     $stop = min($display, $queryLimit != 0 ? $queryLimit : $display, count($documentIDs));
 } else {
     $queryLimit = $queryLimit == 0 ? "" : $queryLimit;
 $resource = $ditto->getDocuments($documentIDs, $dbFields, $TVs, $orderBy, $showPublishedOnly, 0, $hidePrivate, $where, $queryLimit, $keywords, $randomize, $dateSource);
 // retrieves documents
 $output = $header;
 // initialize the output variable and send the header
 if ($resource) {
     if ($randomize != "0" && $randomize != "1") {
         $resource = $ditto->weightedRandom($resource, $randomize, $stop);
         // randomize the documents
     $resource = array_values($resource);
     for ($x = $start; $x < $stop; $x++) {
         $template = $ditto->template->determine($templates, $x, 0, $stop, $resource[$x]["id"]);
         // choose the template to use and set the code of that template to the template variable
         $renderedOutput = $ditto->render($resource[$x], $template, $removeChunk, $dateSource, $dateFormat, $placeholders, $phx, abs($start - $x), $stop);
         // render the output using the correct template, in the correct format and language
         $modx->setPlaceholder($dittoID . "item[" . abs($start - $x) . "]", $renderedOutput);
             Placeholder: item[x]
             Individual items rendered output