Exemple #1
			<img src="components/com_discussit/media/images/DiscussitLogo_square.png" />	
			<br /> <br />
			<table width="560px">	 
			<tr><td><label for="comment">Enter API Key Here:</label></td><td><input type = "text" id="key" name="key" size="54"></td><td colspan=""><input type="submit" name="submit" onclick="window.parent.document.getElementById( \'sbox-window\' ).close;"/></td></tr> 
			<div id="console">		
    case 'submitapi':
        echo '<style type="text/css">html{overflow:auto !important}</style>';
        $mtime = microtime();
        $mtime = explode(" ", $mtime);
        $mtime = $mtime[1] + $mtime[0];
        $starttime = $mtime;
        $apikey = trim(JRequest::getVar('key'));
        $di = new discussit();
        $details = $di->get_details_from_api_key($apikey);
        if (!in_array('curl', get_loaded_extensions())) {
            die('Error - cURL not forund. <hr /> cURL must be installed, enabled and not blocked for DiscussIt to function properly. ');
        echo '<br />Retrieved: ' . date('Y-m-d D H:i:s') . '<hr />';
        $mtime = microtime();
        $mtime = explode(" ", $mtime);
        $mtime = $mtime[1] + $mtime[0];
        $endtime = $mtime;
        $totaltime = $endtime - $starttime;
        echo "Request completed in {$totaltime} seconds <hr />";
        if ($details->siteID == '' || $details->widgetID == '' || $details->clientID == '' || $details->clientSecret == '' || $details->refreshToken == '') {
            echo 'Error - Incorrect API key click <a href="?option=com_discussit&action=enterapiform&tmpl=component">here</ a> to try again.';
        } else {
            foreach ($details as $key => $detail) {
	function onContentBeforeDisplay($article, &$params, $limitstart) {
		global $sc;
		 * comment controller
		if ((isset ( $_POST ['txtdiBody'] ) && isset ( $_POST ['txtdiNickname'] ) && isset ( $_POST ['txtdiEmail'] )) || (isset ( $_POST ['txtdiReplyBody'] ) && isset ( $_POST ['txtdiRNickname'] ) && isset ( $_POST ['txtdiREmail'] ))) {
			if (isset ( $_POST ['diRT'] )) {
				$diRT = $_POST ['diRT'];
				$db = JFactory::getDBO ();
				$query = "SELECT cid FROM `#__di_comments` WHERE did = '$diRT'";
				$db->setQuery ( $query );
				$com_rt = $db->loadResult ();
			} else
				$com_rt = 0;
			try {
				if (isset ( $_POST ['txtdiReplyBody'] ) && isset ( $_POST ['txtdiRNickname'] ) && isset ( $_POST ['txtdiREmail'] )) {
					$com_body = $_POST ['txtdiReplyBody'];
					$com_name = $_POST ['txtdiRNickname'];
					$com_mail = $_POST ['txtdiREmail'];
					$com_replyto = $_POST ['diRT'];
				} else {
					$com_body = $_POST ['txtdiBody'];
					$com_name = $_POST ['txtdiNickname'];
					$com_mail = $_POST ['txtdiEmail'];
					$com_replyto = '';
				//TODO: get comments from prev 24 hrs compare to $com_body;
				$query = "SELECT comment FROM #__di_comments WHERE comment = " . $db->quote ( $com_body );
				//TODO: add escape string!!!
				$db = JFactory::getDBO ();
				$db->setQuery ( $query );
				$resp = $db->loadResult ();
				if ($resp != '')
					return "<script>alert('Duplicate comment detected!')</script>";
				$query = "INSERT INTO #__di_comments (comment, name, email, pid, date, parent" . ") VALUES (" . "'$com_body', '$com_name', '$com_mail', '$params->id', NOW(), '$com_rt')";
				$db = JFactory::getDBO ();
				$db->setQuery ( $query );
				$db->query ();
				$cid = $db->insertid ();
				$di = new discussit ();
				$wid = di_getparam ( 'widgetID' );
				$realurl = JURI::current();
				$pageurl = 'http://www.discussit.com/' . $wid . '/' . $params->id;
				$cip = '';
				if (isset ( $_POST ['txtdiRNickname'] )) {
					$cuser = $_POST ['txtdiRNickname'];
				} else {
					$cuser = $_POST ['txtdiNickname'];
				if (isset ( $_POST ['txtdiREmail'] )) {
					$cemail = $_POST ['txtdiREmail'];
				} else {
					$cemail = $_POST ['txtdiEmail'];
				$curl = 'test';
				//$replyto = 0;
				if (isset ( $_POST ['txtdiReplyBody'] )) {
					$comment_body = $_POST ['txtdiReplyBody'];
				} else {
					$comment_body = $_POST ['txtdiBody'];
				$rm = $di->message_post ( $cid, $wid, $pageurl, $realurl, $_POST ['diIdent'], $cuser, $cip, $cemail, $curl, $comment_body, $com_replyto );
				$carray = explode ( ',', $rm );
				$did = $carray [1];
				echo "<script>alert('Message posted');</script>";
				$query = "UPDATE #__di_comments SET did = '$did' WHERE cid='$cid'";
				$db = JFactory::getDBO ();
				$db->setQuery ( $query );
				$db->query ();
			} catch ( Exception $e ) {
		$sections = di_getparam ( 'sections' );
		$sect = explode ( ',', $sections );
		if (JRequest::getCmd ( 'option' ) == 'com_content' && JRequest::getCmd ( 'view' ) == 'article') {
			//article mode

			if (! empty ( $sect )) {
				$catId = $params->catid;
				if (in_array ( $catId, $sect )) {
					$this->params->set ( 'showcomments', '1' );
				} else {
					$this->params->set ( 'showcomments', '0' );
			} else {
				$this->params->set ( 'showcomments', '0' );
			if (strpos ( $params->text, '{nocomments}' ) != false) 

				$outText = str_replace ( "{nocomments}", '', $params->text );
				$params->text = $outText;
				$this->params->set ( 'showcomments', '0' );
			if (strpos ( $params->text, '{showcomments}' ) != false) {
				$outText = str_replace ( "{showcomments}", '', $params->text );
				$params->text = $outText;
				$this->params->set ( 'showcomments', '1' );
		} else { //frontpage mode

			if (! empty ( $sect )) {
				$catId = $params->catid;
				if (in_array ( $catId, $sect )) {
					$sc = 'yes';
				} else {
					$sc = 'no';
			} else {
				$sc = 'no';
			if (strpos ( $params->introtext, '{nocomments}' ) != false) {
				$outText = str_replace ( "{nocomments}", '', $params->introtext );
				$params->introtext = $outText;
				$sc = 'no';
			if (strpos ( $params->introtext, '{showcomments}' ) != false) {
				$outText = str_replace ( "{showcomments}", '', $params->introtext );
				$params->introtext = $outText;
				$sc = 'yes';
		return '';