/** * Indicate we support Asterisk with this SIP Device and provide code to save SIP device specific settings */ public static function set($base) { kohana::log('debug', 'Asterisk -> Create a context dialplan for id ' . $base['context_id']); $doc = Telephony::getDriver()->doc; // Create the context we're going to start routing at. This just does pre-call setup routines // In Asterisk land this ensures a [context_X] exists and has, at minimum, a NoOp() at the top // and a GoSub to our actual list of available numbers $doc->createRoutableContext($base['context_id']); // THE ABOVE TWO LINES SHOULD RESULT IN: // [context_1] // exten => _X,NoOp() ; added by dialplanStart // exten => _X,n,network-stuff // exten => _X,n,conditioning-stuff // exten => _X,n,blah // exten => _X,n,Gosub(destinations_1) ; added by diaplanEnd // exten => _X,n,FinishUpCallHooks ; diaplanEnd hooks // exten => _X,n,Hangup() // // [context_1_destinations] // // THAT'S IT. It will delete and recreate the context_1 section but not destinations_1. This LOGIC belongs elsewhere, NOT HERE. // Does this number go anywhere? if ($base['Number']['class_type']) { $dialplan = $base['Number']['dialplan']; // Create the exten => 3000,Goto(number_X) or whatever in the [destinations] list so we can actually reach this guy via the current context // This also sets some internal variable that tracks our current number and context (for use by the next few items) and // also creates a dummy [number_X] section // NOTE: This also sets a pointer in memory for the preNumber, actual dialplan and postNumber routines to use // too add their "stuff" to this dialplan entry //$doc->createDestination($base['context_id'], $base['Number']['number_id'], $base['Number']['number']); $doc->createDialplanExtension($base['context_id'], $base['Number']['number_id'], $base['Number']['number']); // Make sure the extensions list for this context exists $doc->createContext('extensions.conf', 'extensions_' . $base['context_id'], $base['Number']['number']); // Delete any existing references to this particular extension number in the extensions list $doc->deleteDialplanExtension($base['context_id'], $base['Number']['number']); // Add a NoOp at the top of all numbers $doc->add('NoOp', 1, array('replace' => TRUE)); // Add an extension-specific prenumber items // Note that unlike other dialplan adds, this one assumes you're already in the right spot in the number_X section dialplan::preNumber($base['Number']); // Replace nay matching extension definitions $doc->add('GoSub(number_' . $base['Number']['number_id'] . ',${EXTEN},1)', NULL, array('replace' => TRUE)); // Add a failure route for this dialplan // Note that unlike other dialplan adds, this one assumes you're already in the right spot in the dialplan dialplan::postNumber($base['Number']); if (!empty($dialplan['terminate']['action'])) { switch ($dialplan['terminate']['action']) { case 'transfer': if ($transfer = astrsk::getTransferToNumber($dialplan['terminate']['transfer'])) { $doc->add('Goto(' . $transfer . ')'); } else { $doc->add('Hangup'); } break; case 'continue': $doc->add('Return'); break; case 'hangup': default: $doc->add('Hangup'); break; } } else { $doc->add('Hangup'); } $doc->createContext('extensions.conf', 'number_' . $base['Number']['number_id'], NULL, array('replace' => TRUE)); // Add related final destination XML $destinationDriverName = Telephony::getDriverName() . '_' . substr($base['Number']['class_type'], 0, strlen($base['Number']['class_type']) - 6) . '_Driver'; Kohana::log('debug', 'Asterisk -> Looking for destination driver ' . $destinationDriverName); // Is there a driver? if (class_exists($destinationDriverName, TRUE)) { // Logging Kohana::log('debug', 'Asterisk -> Adding information for destination ' . $base['Number']['number_id'] . ' from model "' . get_class($base['Number']) . '" to our telephony configuration...'); // Drivers are always singletons, and are responsible for persistenting data for their own config generation via static vars // TODO: Change this for PHP 5.3, which doesn't require eval(). Don't change this until all the cool kids are on PHP 5.3*/ kohana::log('debug', 'Asterisk -> EVAL ' . $destinationDriverName . '::dialplan($base->Number);'); // Drivers are always singletons, and are responsible for persistenting data for their own config generation via static vars // TODO: Change this for PHP 5.3, which doesn't require eval(). Don't change this until all the cool kids are on PHP 5.3*/ $success = eval('return ' . $destinationDriverName . '::dialplan($base->Number);'); } $doc->add('Return'); return TRUE; } else { kohana::log('debug', 'Asterisk -> REMOVING NUMBER ID ' . $base['Number']['number_id'] . ' FROM CONTEXT ' . $base['context_id']); // Number doesn't go anywhere - delete it altogether. $doc->deleteDialplanExtension($base['context_id'], $base['Number']['number']); } return FALSE; }
/** * Indicate we support FreeSWITCH with this SIP Device and provide code to save SIP device specific settings */ public static function set($base) { $xml = Telephony::getDriver()->xml; // Reference to our XML document, context and extension. Creates the extension & context if does not already exist $xml = FreeSwitch::createExtension('number_' . $base['Number']['number_id'], 'main', 'context_' . $base['context_id']); // Does this number go anywhere? if ($base['Number']['class_type']) { kohana::log('debug', 'FreeSWITCH -> ADDING NUMBER ' . $base['Number']['number'] . ' (' . $base['Number']['number_id'] . ') TO CONTEXT ' . $base['context_id']); // Dialplans are a bit different - we don't want to keep anything that is currently in an extension, in the event it's totally changed $xml->deleteChildren(); // Check what number they dialed $xml->update('/condition[@field="destination_number"]{@expression="^' . $base['Number']['number'] . '$"}'); // Now that the extension and condition fields are created for this number, set our root to inside the condition $xml->setXmlRoot($xml->getXmlRoot() . '/condition[@field="destination_number"][@expression="^' . $base['Number']['number'] . '$"]'); $dialplan = $base['Number']['dialplan']; // Add an extension-specific prenumber items // Note that unlike other dialplan adds, this one assumes you're already in the right spot in the XML document for the add dialplan::preNumber($base['Number']); if (!empty($dialplan['terminate']['action'])) { switch ($dialplan['terminate']['action']) { case 'transfer': $xml->update('/action[@application="set"][@bluebox="settingEndBridge"][@data="hangup_after_bridge=true"]'); $xml->update('/action[@application="set"][@bluebox="settingFail"][@data="continue_on_fail=true"]'); break; } } // Add related final destination XML $destinationDriverName = Telephony::getDriverName() . '_' . substr($base['Number']['class_type'], 0, strlen($base['Number']['class_type']) - 6) . '_Driver'; Kohana::log('debug', 'FreeSWITCH -> Looking for destination driver ' . $destinationDriverName); // Is there a driver? if (class_exists($destinationDriverName, TRUE)) { // Logging Kohana::log('debug', 'FreeSWITCH -> Adding information for destination ' . $base['Number']['number_id'] . ' from model "' . get_class($base['Number']) . '" to our telephony configuration...'); // Drivers are always singletons, and are responsible for persistenting data for their own config generation via static vars // TODO: Change this for PHP 5.3, which doesn't require eval(). Don't change this until all the cool kids are on PHP 5.3*/ kohana::log('debug', 'FreeSWITCH -> EVAL ' . $destinationDriverName . '::dialplan($base->Number);'); $success = eval('return ' . $destinationDriverName . '::dialplan($base->Number);'); } // Add an anti-action / failure route for this dialplan // Note that unlike other dialplan adds, this one assumes you're already in the right spot in the XML document for the add dialplan::postNumber($base['Number']); if (!empty($dialplan['terminate']['action'])) { switch ($dialplan['terminate']['action']) { case 'transfer': if ($transfer = fs::getTransferToNumber($dialplan['terminate']['transfer'])) { $xml->update('/action[@application="transfer"][@data="' . $transfer . '"]'); } else { $xml->update('/action[@application="hangup"]'); } break; case 'continue': break; case 'hangup': default: $xml->update('/action[@application="hangup"]'); break; } } else { $xml->update('/action[@application="hangup"]'); } } else { kohana::log('debug', 'FreeSWITCH -> REMOVING NUMBER ID ' . $base['Number']['number_id'] . ' FROM CONTEXT ' . $base['context_id']); $xml->deleteNode(); } }