public function getareaauthornum($cusid, $month)
     $db = new db_test();
     $query = "select count(*) as  activecardnum from tb_author\n              where fd_author_bdagentid = '{$cusid}'\n             and (fd_author_bdagenttime) like '%{$month}%'\n             group by fd_author_bdagentid";
     // echo $query;
     if ($db->execute($query)) {
         $arr_money = $db->get_one($query);
     return $arr_money['activecardnum'];
 function saveFileid($dateid, $catid)
     $dbfile = new db_test();
     if ($catid) {
         $query = "update tb_upload_category_list set fd_cat_dateid='{$dateid}'\n\t\t\twhere fd_cat_dateid='0' and fd_cat_id in({$catid})";
         //echo $query;
     //return $query;
 function setUp()
     $this->image =& db_table_factory::instance('test_image');
     $this->image_variation =& db_table_factory::instance('test_image_variation');
     $this->media =& db_table_factory::instance('test_media');
  function tearDown()
    parent :: tearDown();

    $user =& user :: instance();
 function tearDown()
     $user =& user::instance();
 function tearDown()
	function setUp()
		parent :: setUp();
		$this->search_query = new search_query();
		$this->search = new full_text_search();
 function tearDown()
     $user =& user::instance();
function changecoupon($listid, $no, $type, $money, $couponno, $authorid, $paycardid = null, $memo)
    $db = new db_test();
    switch ($type) {
        case "sale":
            $query = "insert into tb_couponglide  (\n\t\t          fd_couponglide_no , fd_couponglide_type , fd_couponglide_addmoney ,\n\t\t          fd_couponglide_lessmoney  , fd_couponglide_datetime , fd_couponglide_memo ,\n\t\t          fd_couponglide_man , fd_couponglide_couponno , fd_couponglide_authorid ,\n\t\t          fd_couponglide_paycardid ,fd_couponglide_listid\n\t\t          )values(\n\t\t          '{$no}' , '{$type}' , '0' , \n\t\t          '{$money}' , now() , '{$memo}' , \n\t\t          '{$loginstaname}' , '{$couponno}' , '{$authorid}' ,\n\t\t          '{$paycardid}' , '{$listid}'\n\t\t          )\n\t\t    ";
        case "rebuy":
            $query = "insert into tb_couponglide  (\n\t\t          fd_couponglide_no , fd_couponglide_type , fd_couponglide_addmoney ,\n\t\t          fd_couponglide_lessmoney  , fd_couponglide_datetime , fd_couponglide_memo ,\n\t\t          fd_couponglide_man , fd_couponglide_couponno , fd_couponglide_authorid ,\n\t\t          fd_couponglide_paycardid ,fd_couponglide_listid\n\t\t          )values(\n\t\t          '{$no}' , '{$type}' , '{$money}' , \n\t\t          '0' , now() , '{$memo}' , \n\t\t          '{$loginstaname}' , '{$couponno}' , '{$authorid}' ,\n\t\t          '{$paycardid}' , '{$listid}'\n\t\t          )\n\t\t    ";
        case "use":
            $query = "insert into tb_couponglide  (\n\t\t          fd_couponglide_no , fd_couponglide_type , fd_couponglide_addmoney ,\n\t\t          fd_couponglide_lessmoney  , fd_couponglide_datetime , fd_couponglide_memo ,\n\t\t          fd_couponglide_man , fd_couponglide_couponno , fd_couponglide_authorid ,\n\t\t          fd_couponglide_paycardid ,fd_couponglide_listid\n\t\t          )values(\n\t\t          '{$no}' , '{$type}' , '0' , \n\t\t          '0' , now() , '{$memo}' , \n\t\t          '{$loginstaname}' , '{$couponno}' , '{$authorid}' ,\n\t\t          '{$paycardid}' , '{$listid}'\n\t\t          )\n\t\t    ";

require "../include/";
$db = new db_test();
$gotourl = "app_interface_b.php?listid={$listid}";
switch ($type) {
    case "save":
        //echo $intfid."aaaaa</br>";
        $query = "select * from web_test_interface where fd_interface_appmenuid = 0 and fd_interface_id =" . $intfid;
        if ($db->nf()) {
            $query = "update web_test_interface set fd_interface_appmenuid = {$listid} where fd_interface_id =" . $intfid;
            //echo $query;exit;
            require "../include/alledit.2.php";
            Header("Location: {$gotourl}");
        } else {
            echo "<script>alert('该接口已经被绑定,请查证!');location.href='{$gotourl}'</script>";
    case "jb":
        $query = "update web_test_interface set fd_interface_appmenuid = 0 where fd_interface_id = " . $intfid;
        require "../include/alledit.2.php";
        Header("Location: {$gotourl}");
    case "delete":
        $query = "delete from web_test_interface where fd_interface_id='{$intfid}'";
        require "../include/alledit.2.php";
        Header("Location: {$gotourl}");

$thismenucode = "2k508";
require "../include/";
$db = new db_test();
$db2 = new db_test();
$db3 = new db_test();
$gotourl = "yewupayset.php";
$t = new Template(".", "keep");
$t->set_file("template", "yewupayset.html");
$t->set_block("template", "BXBK", "BXBKs");
$arr_text = array("编号", "业务类型", "交易规则", "操作");
for ($i = 0; $i < count($arr_text); $i++) {
    $theadth .= ' <th>' . $arr_text[$i] . '</th>';
$query = "select * from tb_creditcardset";
$arr_creditcset = $db->get_one($query);
if ($arr_creditcset['fd_creditcset_whenpayfee'] = 'post') {
    $showname = '通付宝刷卡时';
} else {
    $showname = '支金代付款时';
$arr_cinput['creditcardset'] = "\n\t还信用卡刷卡金额   <u><font color='#00CC00'>" . $arr_creditcset['fd_creditcset_slotcardmoney'] . "</font></u>   元/笔,\n\t商户刷卡  <u><font color='#00CC00'>" . $arr_creditcset['fd_creditcset_dayslotcard'] . "</font></u>   次/月,\n\t月还款总限额  <u><font color='#00CC00'>" . $arr_creditcset['fd_creditcset_maxmoney'] . "</font></u>   元,\n\t单卡还款次数  <u><font color='#00CC00'>" . $arr_creditcset['fd_creditcset_monthslotcard'] . "</font></u>   次/月,";
if ($arr_creditcset['fd_creditcset_mode'] == 'fix') {
    $arr_cinput['creditcardset'] .= "固定手续费  <u><font color='#00CC00'>" . $arr_creditcset['fd_creditcset_fee'] . "</font></u>   元/笔。";
} else {
    $arr_cinput['creditcardset'] .= "\n\t最低费率额  <u><font color='#00CC00'>" . $arr_creditcset['fd_creditcset_minfee'] . "</font></u>   ,\n\t最高费率额  <u><font color='#00CC00'>" . $arr_creditcset['fd_creditcset_maxfee'] . "</font></u>   ,\n\t收取费率  <u><font color='#00CC00'>" . $arr_creditcset['fd_creditcset_sqfee'] . "</font></u>   。";
$query = "select * from tb_transfermoneyset where fd_transfermoneyset_tfmgtype = 'tfmg'";
$arr_transfermoneyset = $db->get_one($query);
$arr_cinput['transfermoneyset'] = "\n\t转账刷卡金额   <u><font color='#00CC00'>" . $arr_transfermoneyset['fd_transfermoneyset_slotcardmoney'] . "</font></u>   元/笔,\n\t转账刷卡次数   <u><font color='#00CC00'>" . $arr_transfermoneyset['fd_transfermoneyset_dayslotcardcount'] . "</font></u>   次/日 ,   \n\t转账月限额   <u><font color='#00CC00'>" . $arr_transfermoneyset['fd_transfermoneyset_datemaxcount'] . "</font></u>   元,\n\t\n\t";

$thismenucode = "6n003";
require "../include/";
$db = new db_test();
$db2 = new db_test();
$db3 = new db_test();
$gourl = "salerreward.php";
if ($money) {
    $arr_money = explode("/", $money);
switch ($act) {
    case "new":
        $query = "insert into tb_salerrewards(fd_rewards_selfmoney,fd_rewards_tcsendtime,fd_rewards_allmoney,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  fd_rewards_bmonth,fd_rewards_emonth,fd_rewards_sendphonemsg)\n\t          values('{$arr_money['0']}','{$tcsendtime}','{$arr_money['1']}','{$bmonth}','{$emonth}','{$sendphonemsg}')";
        echo "<script>alert('保存成功!');location.href='{$gourl}'</script>";
    case "edit":
        $query = "update tb_salerrewards set \n\t          fd_rewards_selfmoney ='{$arr_money['0']}', fd_rewards_tcsendtime ='{$tcsendtime}',fd_rewards_allmoney ='{$arr_money['1']}',\n\t\t\t  fd_rewards_bmonth='{$bmonth}'       , fd_rewards_emonth='{$emonth}'      ,fd_rewards_sendphonemsg='{$sendphonemsg}'\n\t\t\t  where fd_rewards_id  = '{$rewardsid}'";
        echo "<script>alert('修改成功!');location.href='{$gourl}'</script>";
$t = new Template(".", "keep");
$t->set_file("template", "salerreward.html");
$query = "select * from  tb_salerrewards ";
if ($db->nf()) {
    $rewardsid = $db->f(fd_rewards_id);
    $selfmoney = $db->f(fd_rewards_selfmoney);

require "../include/";
$db = new db_test();
$dbshop = new db_shop();
//left join tb_shopkcquantity on fd_skqy_shopid=fd_shop_id and fd_skqy_procatalogid='$procaid'
$query = "select fd_shop_province from tb_shop \n\t\t\n\t\twhere fd_shop_isstop='0' and fd_shop_state='5' and fd_shop_iswebhidden  = 0 ";
if ($dbshop->nf()) {
    while ($dbshop->next_record()) {
        $arr_provincescode[] = $dbshop->f(fd_shop_province);
$provincescode = implode(",", $arr_provincescode);
$query = "select fd_provinces_code,fd_provinces_name from tb_provinces where fd_provinces_code in({$provincescode})";
$i = 1;
if ($db->nf()) {
    while ($db->next_record()) {
        $provincescode = $db->f(fd_provinces_code);
        $provincesname = $db->f(fd_provinces_name);
        $showcheck .= '<font style="width:30px;"><input type="checkbox" title="' . $provincesname . '" name="arr_provinces[]" onclick="readmarketingparam(\'' . $procaid . '\')" 
		value="' . $provincescode . '">' . $provincesname . '</font>';
        if ($i % 12 == 0) {
            $showcheck .= "<br/>";
echo $showcheck;

header('Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
header('Content-Type: text/html;charset=gb2312');
require "../include/";
require_once '../include/json.php';
$db = new db_test();
$count = 0;
if ($type != 'checkdetail') {
    $idwhere = "fd_authorbkcard_authorid='{$listid}'";
} else {
    $idwhere = "fd_authorbkcard_paycardid='{$listid}'";
$aColumns = array("", "fd_bank_name", "fd_authorbkcard_no", "fd_authorbkcard_cardname", "fd_authorbkcard_ckr", "fd_paycard_key");
$sSearch = u2g($sSearch);
$sWhere = "";
if ($sSearch != "") {
    $sWhere = "and  (";
    for ($i = 1; $i < count($aColumns); $i++) {
        $sWhere .= $aColumns[$i] . " LIKE '%" . trim($sSearch) . "%' OR ";
    $sWhere = substr_replace($sWhere, "", -3);
    $sWhere .= ')';
/* Individual column filtering */
for ($i = 1; $i < count($aColumns); $i++) {
    $b_s = "bSearchable_" . $i;
    $s_s = "sSearch_" . $i;
    if (${$b_s} == "true" && ${$s_s} != '') {
        if ($sWhere == "") {
            $sWhere = "AND ";

$thismenucode = "10n004";
require "../include/";
$db = new db_test();
$t = new Template(".", "keep");
$t->set_file("template", "payfeelist.html");
$query = "select sum(fd_payfee_addmoney) as alladdmoney,sum(fd_payfee_lessmoney) as alllessmoney  from tb_payfeelist";
if ($db->nf()) {
    while ($db->next_record()) {
        $alladdmoney = $db->f(alladdmoney);
        $alllessmoney = $db->f(alllessmoney);
        $allmoney = $alladdmoney + $alllessmoney;
$checkall = '<INPUT onclick=CheckAll() type=checkbox class=checkbox value=on name=chkall>';
$arr_text = array("流水编号", "刷卡器设备号", "手续费", "交易方式", "时间");
for ($i = 0; $i < count($arr_text); $i++) {
    $theadth .= ' <th>' . $arr_text[$i] . '</th>';
$arr_titlename = array("tb_repaymoneyglist" => "贷款还款支付手续费", "tb_creditcardglist" => "信用卡还款支付手续费", "tb_transfermoneyglist" => "转账汇款支付手续费");
$query = "select fd_payfee_tabname from tb_payfeelist group by fd_payfee_tabname";
if ($db->nf()) {
    while ($db->next_record()) {
        $arr_tabname[] = $db->f(fd_payfee_tabname);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($arr_tabname); $i++) {
    $key = $arr_tabname[$i];

header('Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
header('Content-Type: text/html;charset=gb2312');
require "../include/";
require_once '../include/json.php';
require "../function/changekg.php";
$db = new db_test();
$query = "select * from web_orderdetail \n        left join  web_order on fd_order_id                = fd_orderdetail_orderid\n        where fd_orderdetail_id='{$id}'";
if ($db->nf()) {
    $state = $db->f(fd_order_state);
if ($state > 1) {
    echo "0@@" . $query;
$query = "update web_orderdetail set fd_orderdetail_quantity = '{$value}'  where fd_orderdetail_id = '{$id}'";
echo "1@@" . $value . $query;

$thismenucode = "2n501";
require "../include/";
require "../function/changecouponglide.php";
$db = new db_test();
if ($type == "check") {
    $gourl = "tb_creditcard_h_b.php";
    $titlename = "信用卡还款支付历史";
} elseif ($type == "error") {
    $gourl = "tb_creditcard_error_b.php";
    $titlename = "信用卡还款支付异常";
} else {
    $gourl = "tb_creditcard_sp_b.php";
    $titlename = "信用卡还款支付复核";
    $note = "<div style='margin-top:10px; font-size:12px; color:#060'>注意:银联代付还没有完成前,不能提交审核,请先通过代付款申请付款这笔单据!</div>";
if ($gotype == "sp") {
    $gourl = "tb_creditcard_sp_b.php";
    $titlename = "信用卡还款支付异常";
$gotourl = $gourl . $tempurl;
require "../include/alledit.1.php";
switch ($action) {
    case "pass":
        $query = "update tb_creditcardglist set\n\t\tfd_ccglist_state='{$isok}',fd_ccglist_qrdatetime=now(), fd_ccglist_qrman='{$loginstaname}' \n\t\twhere fd_ccglist_id={$listid}";
        $query1 = "select * from tb_creditcardglist \n\t\t   left join tb_paycard on fd_ccglist_paycardid = fd_paycard_id\n\t\t   where fd_ccglist_id={$listid} ";

$thismenucode = "2002";
require "../include/";
$t = new Template(".", "keep");
$t->set_file("dept_framework", "dept_framework.ihtml");
$db = new db_test();
//$menufile = "menuarryfile.php" ;
//$menuarry = file($menufile);
$num = 0;
$query = "select * from tb_dept order by fd_dept_id asc ";
if ($db->nf()) {
    while ($db->next_record()) {
        $deptid = $db->f(fd_dept_id);
        $fid = $db->f(fd_dept_fid);
        $name = $db->f(fd_dept_name);
        $arr_deptid[$num] = $deptid;
        $arr_fid[$num] = $fid;
        $arr_name[$num] = $name;
        $arr_isunder[$fid] = 1;
for ($i = 0; $i < count($arr_deptid); $i++) {
    $a = $arr_deptid[$i];
    $arrall[$a][code] = $a;
    if (empty($arr_fid[$i])) {
        $arrall[$a][fcode] = 0;

require "../include/";
require "../include/json.php";
$db = new db_test();
$prov = u2g(unescape($prov));
$query = "select fd_china_city as city  from tb_china  where fd_china_prov = '{$prov}'\n                   group by fd_china_city order by fd_china_areacode asc";
if ($db->nf()) {
    while ($db->next_record()) {
        $arr_city_code = g2u($db->f(city));
        $arr_city_name = g2u($db->f(city));
        $select[] = array("id" => $arr_city_code, "title" => $arr_city_name);
if (empty($select)) {
    $select[] = array("id" => "", "title" => "");
echo json_encode($select);
Exemple #20

require "../include/";
$db = new db_test();
if (!empty($listid)) {
    $query = "UPDATE tb_paymoneylist SET fd_pymylt_times = " . ($times + 1) . " WHERE fd_pymylt_id = " . $listid;
    echo 'success';
} else {
    echo 'failure';
Exemple #21

$thismenucode = "6n006";
require "../include/";
$db = new db_test();
$db2 = new db_test();
$db3 = new db_test();
if (!empty($password)) {
    $password = md5($password);
switch ($action) {
    case "save":
        if (!empty($id)) {
            $query = "select * from tb_saler where fd_saler_id  = '{$id}'";
            if ($db->nf()) {
                $query = "select * from tb_saler where fd_saler_username  = '******' and fd_saler_id <> '{$id}'";
                if ($db2->nf() > 0) {
                    $error = "你输入用户名已被注册,请查证!";
                } else {
                    $query = "select * from tb_saler where fd_saler_phone   = '{$phone}' and fd_saler_id <> '{$id}'";
                    if ($db2->nf() > 0) {
                        $error = "你输入手机已被注册,请查证!";
                    } else {
                        $query = "select * from tb_saler where fd_saler_idcard   = '{$idcard}' and fd_saler_id <> '{$id}'";
                        if ($db2->nf() > 0) {
                            $error = "你输入身份证已被注册,请查证!";
                        } else {
function getnewssaler($value)
    $db = new db_test();
    $query = "select fd_saler_truename from web_saler where fd_saler_id='{$value}'";
    if ($db->nf()) {
        $salername = $db->f(fd_saler_truename);
        return $salername;

header('Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
header('Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8');
require "../include/";
require_once '../include/json.php';
$db = new db_test();
$query = "select fd_paycard_salerid,count(*) as counts from tb_paycard  group by fd_paycard_salerid  ";
if ($db->nf()) {
    while ($db->next_record()) {
        $id = $db->f(fd_paycard_salerid);
        $arr_membercounts[$id] = g2u($db->f(counts));
$aColumns = array("", "a.fd_saler_truename", "a.fd_saler_username", "a.fd_saler_phone", "b.fd_saler_truename", 'a.fd_saler_zjl');
$sSearch = u2g($sSearch);
$sWhere = "";
if ($sSearch != "") {
    $sWhere = "and  (";
    for ($i = 1; $i < count($aColumns); $i++) {
        $sWhere .= $aColumns[$i] . " LIKE '%" . trim($sSearch) . "%' OR ";
    $sWhere = substr_replace($sWhere, "", -3);
    $sWhere .= ')';
/* Individual column filtering */
for ($i = 1; $i < count($aColumns); $i++) {
    $b_s = "bSearchable_" . $i;
    $s_s = "sSearch_" . $i;

$thismenucode = "7n003";
require "../include/";
require "../FCKeditor/fckeditor.php";
$db = new db_test();
$gourl = "tb_apprules_b.php";
$gotourl = $gourl . $tempurl;
require "../include/alledit.1.php";
switch ($action) {
    case "new":
        $allcontent = $_POST[FCKeditor1];
        $query = "insert into tb_apprules (\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tfd_apprules_no    ,  fd_apprules_title    ,\t\tfd_apprules_content,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tfd_apprules_type)values(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'{$no}'            ,  '{$title}'   \t,    '{$allcontent}' ,'{$type}'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t)";
        Header("Location: {$gotourl}");
    case "delete":
        $query = "delete  from tb_apprules where fd_apprules_id='{$id}'";
        require "../include/alledit.2.php";
        Header("Location: {$gotourl}");
    case "edit":
        $allcontent = $_POST[FCKeditor1];
        $query = "update tb_apprules set \n\t\t\t\t\t\t fd_apprules_no='{$no}'                    ,  fd_apprules_content='{$allcontent}'\t\t, fd_apprules_title='{$title}'\t,fd_apprules_type='{$type}'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t where fd_apprules_id ='{$id}'\t";
        require "../include/alledit.2.php";
        Header("Location: {$gotourl}");

$thismenucode = "2k103";
require "../include/";
$db = new db_test();
$gotourl = "../jxcbasic/tb_customer_b.php";
$actionurl = 'teller.php';
$t = new Template(".", "keep");
$t->set_file("template", "tellerlist.html");
$query = "select fd_cus_name from tb_customer where fd_cus_id='{$listid}'";
if ($db->nf()) {
    $cusname = $db->f(fd_cus_name);
$arr_text = array("<INPUT onclick=CheckAll(this.form) type=checkbox value=on name=chkall>\t", "用户名", "用户状态", "操作");
for ($i = 0; $i < count($arr_text); $i++) {
    $theadth .= ' <th>' . $arr_text[$i] . '</th>';
$t->set_block("template", "prolist", "prolists");
$query = "select * from tb_cus_teller where fd_tel_cusid='{$listid}'";
$count = 0;
if ($db->nf()) {
    while ($db->next_record()) {
        $telid = $db->f(fd_tel_id);
        $telname = $db->f(fd_tel_name);
        $recsts = $db->f(fd_tel_recsts);
        if ($recsts == 1) {

require "../include/";
$db = new db_test();
$arr_toptradmarkid = explode(",", $toptradmarkid);
$query = "select fd_trademark_name,fd_procatrad_id,fd_trademark_id,fd_proca_catname,fd_procatrad_id,fd_proca_id,fd_procatrad_commjs,\n   \t\t\t\t\t\t\t fd_procatrad_tradjs,fd_procatrad_commcs from web_conf_procatrademark\n\t                            left join tb_trademark on fd_trademark_id = fd_procatrad_trademarkid\n\t                            left join tb_procatalog on fd_proca_id = fd_procatrad_procaid\n                             where fd_procatrad_procaid in({$procaid}) group by fd_trademark_id";
if ($db->nf()) {
    while ($db->next_record()) {
        $trademarkid = $db->f(fd_trademark_id);
        $trademarkname = $db->f(fd_trademark_name);
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($arr_toptradmarkid); $i++) {
            if ($arr_toptradmarkid[$i] == $trademarkid) {
                $check = 'checked="true"';
            } else {
                $check = "";
        $showcheck .= '<div style="width:120px;float:left;"><input type="checkbox" ' . $check . ' title="' . $trademarkid . '" name="arr_count[]" onclick="addPreItem()" 
		value="' . $trademarkname . '">' . $trademarkname . '</div>';
echo $showcheck;

require "../include/";
$db = new db_test();
$db1 = new db_test();
$query = "select fd_ysyfm_money from tb_ysyfmoney \n         where fd_ysyfm_type ='{$companytype}' and fd_ysyfm_companyid = '{$companyid}'";
if ($db->nf()) {
    $yfk_show = $db->f(fd_ysyfm_money) + 0;
} else {
    $yfk_show = "";
echo $yfk_show;

require "../include/";
$db = new db_test();
//$showcheck ='<onclick="selectall();" id="selitmes">ȫѡ</a><br>';
if ($param == "fd_provinces_id") {
    $query = "select * from tb_provinces order by fd_provinces_name ";
    if ($db->nf()) {
        while ($db->next_record()) {
            $provincesid = $db->f(fd_provinces_id);
            $provincesname = $db->f(fd_provinces_name);
            $showcheck .= '<font style="width:120px;"><input type="checkbox" title="' . $provincesid . '" name="arr_content[]" onclick="addPreItem()" 
		value="' . $provincesname . '">' . $provincesname . '</font>';
} else {
    if ($param == "fd_city_id") {
        $query = "select * from tb_city order by fd_city_name ";
        if ($db->nf()) {
            while ($db->next_record()) {
                $cityid = $db->f(fd_city_id);
                $cityname = $db->f(fd_city_name);
                $showcheck .= '<font style="width:120px;"><input type="checkbox"  title="' . $cityid . '" name="arr_content[]" onclick="addPreItem()" 
		value="' . $cityname . '">' . $cityname . '</font>';
    } else {
        if ($param == "fd_county_id") {
 function setUp()
     $this->ac =& access_policy::instance();

require "../include/";
$db = new db_test();
$db1 = new db_test();
$flagcomm = 0;
$query = "select * from tb_salelistdetail where fd_stdetail_seltid = '{$listid}'";
if ($db->nf()) {
    while ($db->next_record()) {
        $paycardid = $db->f(fd_stdetail_paycardid);
        $productid = $db->f(fd_stdetail_productid);
        $saleprice = $db->f(fd_stdetail_price);
        $salequantity = $db->f(fd_stdetail_quantity);
        $query = "select * from tb_paycardstockquantity \n\t\t          where fd_skqy_commid = '{$productid}'";
        if ($db1->nf()) {
            $storagequantity = $db1->f(fd_skqy_quantity) + 0;
            if ($storagequantity < $salequantity) {
                //$tmpquantity = $salequantity - $storagequantity;
                $returnquantitypaycardid = $returnquantitypaycardid . "“" . $productid . "”当库存数量为:" . $storagequantity . "\n";
                $flagcomm = 1;
        $query = "select * from tb_storagecost \n\t\t          where fd_sect_commid = '{$productid}'";
        if ($db1->nf()) {