Exemple #1
        if ($type === "ipv6") {
            $whitelist_6 = array();
            $whitelist_6 = return_whitelist_6();
            // check if the IP matches entries in our whitelist
            if (in_subnet_ipv6($ip, $whitelist_6)) {
                error_log("{$time} [{$script_name}] [rtbh] [{$remote_addr}-{$myuser}] [FAILED to insert, IP {$ip} matches whitelist_6 ranges]\n", 3, $log_file);
                $error = " IP matches in whitelist ranges, cannot continue ";
    if ($error === "") {
        //$rows = $db->insert6($table_name, $ip, $cidr, $type, $description);
        $query_insert = sprintf("insert into `%s` (sourceip, cidr, type, inserttime,expiretime,hits,country,comment,insertby,allow_edit) VALUES (inet6_pton('%s'),'%s','%s', NOW(), '%s',0,'US','%s','%s','Y') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE inserttime=VALUES(inserttime),expiretime=VALUES(expiretime),hits=VALUES(hits),country=VALUES(country),insertby=VALUES(insertby),comment=VALUES(comment)", $table_name, $ip, $cidr, $type, $expiretime, $description, $_SESSION['USER']);
        //echo $query_insert;
        $rows = $db->rawInsert($query_insert);
    // main if
} else {
    // missing required POST vars
    error_log("{$time} [{$script_name}] [rtbh] [{$remote_addr}-{$myuser}] [invalid POST data]\n", 3, $log_file);
    $error = " invalid post data ";
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