/** * * * @return be_vse_data */ function execute() { $entries = new be_vse_data(); try { $access = "RO"; include './inc/incWebServiceAPIKeyValidation.php'; $parameters = collectParameters(); if (validate($parameters)) { $entries = da_vse_data::GetEntries($parameters->app_id, $parameters->optional_label, $parameters->optional_last_limit); } else { die("Parámetros Inválidos"); } } catch (Exception $ex) { die("EXCEPTION " . $ex->getCode()); } return $entries; }
public static function GenerateCSV() { try { $app_id = 0; //THIS WILL BE OVERRIDEN BY THE INCLUDE $account_id = 0; //THIS WILL BE OVERRIDEN BY THE INCLUDE $access = "RO"; include './inc/incWebServiceAPIKeyValidation.php'; $parameters = CSVWebService::collectParameters(); $parameters->app_id = $app_id; $parameters->account_id = $account_id; $entries = da_vse_data::GetEntries($parameters->app_id, $parameters->value_label, $parameters->count_limit); $csv = CSVWebService::generateCSVContent($entries); return $csv; } catch (Exception $ex) { return $ex; } return null; }
/** * * * @return be_vse_data */ function execute() { $response = new simpleResponse(); $entries = null; try { $access = "RO"; include './inc/incWebServiceAPIKeyValidation.php'; $parameters = collectParameters(); if (validate($parameters)) { $entries = da_vse_data::GetEntries($parameters->app_id, $parameters->optional_label, $parameters->optional_last_limit); $response->status = "OK"; $response->message = "SUCCESS"; $response->data = $entries; } else { $response->status = "ERROR"; //die("Parámetros Inválidos"); } } catch (Exception $ex) { $response->status = "EXCEPTION"; $response->message = $ex->getMessage(); //die("EXCEPTION " . $ex->getCode()); } return $response; // $response = new simpleResponse(); // try { // $account_id = 0; // include './inc/incWebServiceSessionValidation.php'; // if ($account_id > 0) { // $apps = da_apps_registry::GetListOfApps($account_id); // $response->status = "OK"; // $response->message = "SUCCESS"; // $response->data = $apps; // } else { // $response->status = "ERROR"; // } // } catch (Exception $ex) { // $response->status = "EXCEPTION"; // $response->message = $ex->getMessage(); // } // return $response; }
private static function testClearEntries($uuid) { ReportInfo("Testing Clearing Entries"); ReportInfo("Clearing All"); $result = da_vse_data::ClearEntries(1, ""); ReportInfo("Result:"); print_r($result); for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++) { $entry = new be_vse_data(); $entry->app_id = 1; $entry->vse_label = "TEST FOR CLEARING_01"; $entry->vse_value = $i . "OK"; $entry->vse_type = "ANY"; $entry->vse_annotations = "Testing for clearing methods"; $entry->captured_datetime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); da_vse_data::AddEntry($entry); } for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++) { $entry = new be_vse_data(); $entry->app_id = 1; $entry->vse_label = "TEST FOR CLEARING_02"; $entry->vse_value = $i . "OK"; $entry->vse_type = "ANY"; $entry->vse_annotations = "Testing for clearing methods"; $entry->captured_datetime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); da_vse_data::AddEntry($entry); } ReportInfo("Getting all entries..."); $allrecords = da_vse_data::GetEntries(1, '', 0); print_r($allrecords); ReportInfo("Clearing TEST_FOR_CLEARING_02"); $check01 = da_vse_data::ClearEntries(1, 'TEST FOR CLEARING_02'); print_r($check01); ReportInfo("Getting all entries again..."); $allrecords = da_vse_data::GetEntries(1, '', 0); print_r($allrecords); ReportInfo("Clearing TEST_FOR_CLEARING_01"); $check02 = da_vse_data::ClearEntries(1, 'TEST FOR CLEARING_01'); print_r($check02); ReportInfo("At this point all should be clear for app 1"); $allrecords = da_vse_data::GetEntries(1, '', 0); print_r($allrecords); }
/** * * @param type $app_id * @param type $optional_label Use it to clear entries of an specific label for the provided app. * @return boolean */ public static function ClearEntries($app_id, $optional_label) { $sqlCommand = "DELETE FROM vse_data " . " WHERE app_id = ? AND (vse_label = ? OR ? = '') "; $paramTypeSpec = "iss"; $mysqli = DA_Helper::mysqli_connect(); if ($mysqli->connect_errno) { $msg = "Failed to connect to MySQL: (" . $mysqli->connect_errno . ") " . $mysqli->connect_error; throw new Exception($msg, $mysqli->errno); } if (!($stmt = $mysqli->prepare($sqlCommand))) { $msg = "Prepare failed: (" . $mysqli->errno . ") " . $mysqli->error; throw new Exception($msg, $stmt->errno); } if (!$stmt->bind_param($paramTypeSpec, $app_id, $optional_label, $optional_label)) { $msg = "Binding parameters failed: (" . $stmt->errno . ") " . $stmt->error; throw new Exception($msg, $stmt->errno); } if (!$stmt->execute()) { $msg = "Execute failed: (" . $stmt->errno . ") " . $stmt->error; throw new Exception($msg, $stmt->errno); } $stmt->close(); $retrievedEntries = da_vse_data::GetEntries($app_id, $optional_label, 0); return $retrievedEntries; }