function __construct($data) { global $COURSE; parent::__construct($data); $this->type = 'datarecord'; $this->fields = array(); // fields are only used for pointing a data record $datainstances = get_records('data', 'course', $COURSE->id, '', 'id,name'); foreach ($datainstances as $data) { $dataopts[] = $data->name; } unset($field); $field->name = 'key'; $field->type = 'list'; $field->options = $datainstances; $field->admin = true; $this->fields['key'] = $field; unset($field); $field->name = 'key'; $field->type = 'list'; $field->options = 'list'; $field->admin = true; $this->fields['key'] = $field; $this->datasource = array('USER/id', 'USER/login', 'COURSE/id', 'COURSE/shortname', 'COURSE/category'); unset($field); $field->name = 'keysource'; $field->type = 'list'; $field->options = $sourceopts; $field->admin = true; $this->fields['keysource'] = $field; }
function __construct($data) { parent::__construct($data); $this->type = 'taoauthordata'; $this->fields = array(); $field->name = 'authors'; $field->type = 'textfield'; $field->size = 80; $this->fields['authors'] = $field; unset($field); $field->name = 'contact'; $field->type = 'textfield'; $field->size = 60; $this->fields['contact'] = $field; unset($field); $field->name = 'organization'; $field->type = 'textfield'; $field->size = 120; $this->fields['organization'] = $field; unset($field); $field->name = 'contributors'; $field->type = 'textfield'; $field->size = 80; $this->fields['contributors'] = $field; unset($field); $field->name = 'version'; $field->type = 'textfield'; $field->size = 40; $this->fields['version'] = $field; }
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function __construct($data) { parent::__construct($data); $this->type = 'taotargetdata'; $this->fields = array(); $field->name = 'sample'; $field->type = 'textfield'; $field->size = 60; $this->fields['sample'] = $field; unset($field); $field->name = 'goal'; $field->type = 'textarea'; $this->fields['goal'] = $field; unset($field); $field->name = 'b2i'; $field->type = 'list'; $field->multiple = 'multiple'; $field->options = array('b2i_d1', 'b2i_d2', 'b2i_d3', 'b2i_d4', 'b2i_d5'); $this->fields['b2i'] = $field; unset($field); $field->name = 'method'; $field->type = 'textfield'; $field->size = 100; $this->fields['method'] = $field; unset($field); $field->name = 'tools'; $field->type = 'textarea'; $this->fields['tools'] = $field; unset($field); $field->name = 'activityduration'; $field->type = 'textfield'; $field->size = 40; $this->fields['activityduration'] = $field; }
function __construct($data) { parent::__construct($data); $this->type = 'definition'; $this->fields = array(); $field = new StdClass(); $field->name = 'definition'; $field->type = 'textarea'; $field->rows = 20; $this->fields['definition'] = $field; if (!isset($data->subdefsnum)) { // second chance, get it from stored data $storeddata = json_decode(base64_decode(@$this->data->content)); $subdefsnum = !empty($storeddata->subdefsnum) ? $storeddata->subdefsnum : 0; } else { $subdefsnum = $data->subdefsnum; } $field = new StdClass(); $field->name = 'subdefsnum'; $field->type = 'list'; $field->options = array('0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10'); $field->straightoptions = true; $this->fields['subdefsnum'] = $field; for ($i = 0; $i < $subdefsnum; $i++) { $field = new StdClass(); $field->name = 'subdef' . $i; $field->type = 'textarea'; $field->size = 60; $this->fields['subdef' . $i] = $field; } }
function __construct($data) { parent::__construct($data); $this->type = 'commentbox'; $this->fields = array(); $field->name = 'comment'; $field->type = 'textarea'; $this->fields[] = $field; }
function __construct($data) { parent::__construct($data); $this->type = 'pedagogicadvice'; $this->fields = array(); $field->name = 'advice'; $field->type = 'textarea'; $this->fields['advice'] = $field; }
function __construct($data) { parent::__construct($data); $this->type = 'seealso'; $this->fields = array(); $field->name = 'seealso'; $field->type = 'textarea'; $field->rows = 20; $this->fields['seealso'] = $field; }
function __construct($data) { parent::__construct($data); $this->type = 'important'; $this->fields = array(); $field->name = 'importantnote'; $field->type = 'textarea'; $field->rows = 20; $this->fields['importantnote'] = $field; }
function __construct($data) { parent::__construct($data); $this->type = 'tipsandtricks'; $this->fields = array(); $field = new StdClass(); $field->name = 'tipsandtricks'; $field->type = 'textarea'; $this->fields['tipsandtricks'] = $field; }
public function __construct($data) { global $CFG, $COURSE, $PAGE; parent::__construct($data); $this->type = 'courseheading'; $this->fields = array(); $field = new StdClass(); $field->name = 'showdescription'; $field->type = 'choiceyesno'; $this->fields['showdescription'] = $field; $field = new StdClass(); $field->name = 'showshortname'; $field->type = 'choiceyesno'; $this->fields['showshortname'] = $field; $field = new StdClass(); $field->name = 'showidnumber'; $field->type = 'choiceyesno'; $this->fields['showidnumber'] = $field; $field = new StdClass(); $field->name = 'showcategory'; $field->type = 'choiceyesno'; $this->fields['showcategory'] = $field; $field = new StdClass(); $field->name = 'image'; $field->type = 'filepicker'; $field->destination = 'url'; if ($PAGE->state >= moodle_page::STATE_IN_BODY) { if (!is_file($CFG->dirroot . '/theme/' . $PAGE->theme->name . '/pix/customlabel_icons/defaultcourseheading.png')) { $field->default = $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/customlabel/type/courseheading/defaultheading.png'; } else { $field->default = $CFG->wwwroot . '/theme/' . $PAGE->theme->name . '/pix/customlabel_icons/defaultcourseheading.png'; } } else { $field->default = $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/customlabel/type/courseheading/defaultheading.png'; } $this->fields['image'] = $field; $field = new StdClass(); $field->name = 'overimagetext'; $field->type = 'textfield'; $field->size = 20; $field->default = ''; $this->fields['overimagetext'] = $field; $field = new StdClass(); $field->name = 'imageposition'; $field->type = 'list'; $field->options = array('none', 'left', 'right'); $field->default = 'none'; $this->fields['imageposition'] = $field; $field = new StdClass(); $field->name = 'moduletype'; $field->type = 'textfield'; $field->size = 40; $field->default = get_string('trainingmodule', 'customlabeltype_courseheading'); $this->fields['moduletype'] = $field; }
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function __construct($data) { parent::__construct($data); $this->type = 'text'; $this->fields = array(); $field = new StdClass(); $field->name = 'textcontent'; $field->type = 'textarea'; $field->lines = 20; $this->fields['textcontent'] = $field; }
function __construct($data) { parent::__construct($data); $this->type = 'tao_lp_station7'; $this->fields = array(); $field->name = 'lp_content'; $field->type = 'textarea'; $field->size = 255; $this->fields['lp_content'] = $field; unset($field); $field->name = 'status'; $field->type = 'list'; $field->options = array('draft', 'completed', 'reviewed'); $this->fields['status'] = $field; }
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function __construct($data) { parent::__construct($data); $this->type = 'pedagogicadvice'; $this->fields = array(); $field = new StdClass(); $field->name = 'advice'; $field->type = 'textarea'; $this->fields['advice'] = $field; $field = new StdClass(); $field->type = 'choiceyesno'; $field->name = 'initiallyvisible'; $field->default = 1; $this->fields['initiallyvisible'] = $field; }
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function __construct($data) { global $CFG, $PAGE; parent::__construct($data); $this->type = 'sequenceheading'; $this->fields = array(); $field = new StdClass(); $field->name = 'heading'; $field->size = 80; $field->type = 'textfield'; $this->fields['heading'] = $field; $field = new StdClass(); $field->name = 'shortdesc'; $field->type = 'textarea'; $this->fields['shortdesc'] = $field; $field = new StdClass(); $field->name = 'image'; $field->type = 'filepicker'; $field->destination = 'url'; if ($PAGE->state >= moodle_page::STATE_IN_BODY) { if (!is_file($CFG->dirroot . '/theme/' . $PAGE->theme->name . '/pix/customlabel_icons/defaultsequenceheading.png')) { $field->default = $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/customlabel/type/sequenceheading/defaultsequenceheading.jpg'; } else { $field->default = $CFG->wwwroot . '/theme/' . $PAGE->theme->name . '/pix/customlabel_icons/defaultsequenceheading.png'; } } else { $field->default = $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/customlabel/type/sequenceheading/defaultsequenceheading.jpg'; } $this->fields['image'] = $field; $field = new StdClass(); $field->name = 'overimagetext'; $field->type = 'textfield'; $field->size = 20; $this->fields['overimagetext'] = $field; $field = new StdClass(); $field->name = 'imageposition'; $field->type = 'list'; $field->options = array('none', 'left', 'right'); $field->default = 'none'; $this->fields['imageposition'] = $field; $field = new StdClass(); $field->name = 'verticalalign'; $field->type = 'list'; $field->options = array('top', 'middle', 'bottom'); $field->default = 'top'; $this->fields['verticalalign'] = $field; }
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function __construct($data) { parent::__construct($data); $this->type = 'taolpdata'; $this->fields = array(); $field->name = 'topic'; $field->type = 'textfield'; $field->size = 60; $this->fields['topic'] = $field; unset($field); $field->name = 'goal'; $field->type = 'textarea'; $this->fields['goal'] = $field; unset($field); $field->name = 'c2i'; $field->type = 'list'; $field->multiple = 'multiple'; $field->options = array('A1', 'A11', 'A12', 'A13', 'A14', 'A15', 'A2', 'A21', 'A22', 'A23', 'A3', 'A31', 'A32', 'A33', 'A34', 'B1', 'B11', 'B12', 'B13', 'B2', 'B21', 'B22', 'B23', 'B24', 'B3', 'B31', 'B32', 'B33', 'B34', 'B35', 'B4', 'B41', 'B42', 'B43'); $this->fields['c2i'] = $field; unset($field); $field->name = 'disciplin'; $field->type = 'list'; $field->multiple = 'multiple'; $field->options = array('anglais', 'allemand', 'arts_plastiques', 'education_civique', 'espagnol', 'francais', 'geographie', 'histoire', 'informatique', 'it', 'italien', 'langues', 'mathematiques', 'musique', 'physique', 'technologie', 'sciences_de_la_vie'); $this->fields['disciplin'] = $field; unset($field); $field->name = 'target'; $field->type = 'textfield'; $field->size = 80; $this->fields['target'] = $field; unset($field); $field->name = 'duration'; $field->type = 'textfield'; $field->size = 80; $this->fields['duration'] = $field; unset($field); $field->name = 'prerequisite'; $field->type = 'textarea'; $this->fields[] = $field; unset($field); $field->name = 'equipment'; $field->type = 'textarea'; $this->fields[] = $field; }
function __construct($data) { global $CFG; parent::__construct($data); $this->type = 'sequenceheading'; $this->fields = array(); $field = new StdClass(); $field->name = 'heading'; $field->size = 80; $field->type = 'textfield'; $this->fields['heading'] = $field; $field = new StdClass(); $field->name = 'shortdesc'; $field->type = 'textarea'; $this->fields['shortdesc'] = $field; $field = new StdClass(); $field->name = 'imageurl'; $field->type = 'textfield'; $field->size = 60; if (!is_file($CFG->dirroot . '/theme/' . current_theme() . '/pix/customlabel_icons/defaultsequenceheading.png')) { $field->default = $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/customlabel/type/sequenceheading/defaultsequenceheading.jpg'; } else { $field->default = $CFG->wwwroot . '/theme/' . current_theme() . '/pix/customlabel_icons/defaultsequenceheading.png'; } $this->fields['imageurl'] = $field; $field = new StdClass(); $field->name = 'overimagetext'; $field->type = 'textfield'; $field->size = 20; $this->fields['overimagetext'] = $field; $field = new StdClass(); $field->name = 'imageposition'; $field->type = 'list'; $field->options = array('none', 'left', 'right'); $field->default = 'left'; $this->fields['imageposition'] = $field; $field = new StdClass(); $field->name = 'verticalalign'; $field->type = 'list'; $field->options = array('top', 'middle', 'bottom'); $field->default = 'top'; $this->fields['verticalalign'] = $field; }
function __construct($data) { parent::__construct($data); $this->type = 'keypoints'; $this->fields = array(); $storeddata = json_decode(base64_decode(@$this->data->content)); $keypointnum = !empty($storeddata->keypointnum) ? $storeddata->keypointnum : 3; $field = new StdClass(); $field->name = 'keypointnum'; $field->type = 'textfield'; $field->size = 4; $field->default = 3; $this->fields['keypointnum'] = $field; for ($i = 0; $i < $keypointnum; $i++) { $field = new StdClass(); $field->name = 'keypointitem' . $i; $field->type = 'textarea'; $field->size = 60; $this->fields['keypointitem' . $i] = $field; } }
function __construct($data) { parent::__construct($data); $this->type = 'theorema'; $this->fields = array(); $field = new StdClass(); $field->name = 'theorema'; $field->type = 'textarea'; $field->rows = 20; $this->fields['theorema'] = $field; if (!isset($data->corollarynum)) { // second chance, get it from stored data $storeddata = json_decode(base64_decode(@$this->data->content)); $subdefsnum = !empty($storeddata->corollarynum) ? $storeddata->corollarynum : 0; } else { $subdefsnum = $data->corollarynum; } $field = new StdClass(); $field->name = 'corollarynum'; $field->type = 'textfield'; $field->size = 4; $field->default = 0; $this->fields['corollarynum'] = $field; for ($i = 0; $i < $subdefsnum; $i++) { $field = new StdClass(); $field->name = 'corollary' . $i; $field->type = 'textarea'; $field->size = 60; $this->fields['corollary' . $i] = $field; } $field = new StdClass(); $field->name = 'showdemonstration'; $field->type = 'choiceyesno'; $this->fields['showdemonstration'] = $field; $field = new StdClass(); $field->name = 'demonstration'; $field->type = 'textarea'; $field->rows = 20; $this->fields['demonstration'] = $field; }
function __construct($data) { parent::__construct($data); $this->type = 'NEWTYPE'; $this->fields = array(); $field = new StdClass(); $field->name = 'smalltext'; $field->type = 'textfield'; $field->maxlength = 80; $this->fields['smalltext'] = $field; unset($field); $field->name = 'parag'; $field->type = 'textarea'; $field->rows = 5; $field->cols = 40; $this->fields['parag'] = $field; unset($field); $field->name = 'list'; $field->type = 'list'; $field->options = array('opt1', 'opt2'); // this can be changed to whatever any menu_list $this->fields['list'] = $field; unset($field); $field->name = 'listmultiple[]'; $field->type = 'list'; $field->options = array('opt1', 'opt2'); // this can be changed to whatever any menu_list $field->multiple = 1; $field->size = 5; $this->fields['listmultiple'] = $field; unset($field); $field->name = 'lockedfield'; $field->type = 'textfield'; $field->maxlength = 80; $field->fullaccess = 0; $field->default = get_string('lockedsample', 'customlabel'); $this->fields['lockedfield'] = $field; }
function __construct($data) { global $DB; parent::__construct($data); $this->type = 'worktodo'; $this->fields = array(); $this->allowedpageformats = 'page'; $field = new StdClass(); $field->name = 'worktodo'; $field->type = 'textarea'; $field->rows = 20; $this->fields['worktodo'] = $field; $field = new StdClass(); $field->name = 'estimatedworktime'; $field->type = 'textfield'; $field->size = 10; $this->fields['estimatedworktime'] = $field; if ($fieldid = $DB->get_field('customlabel_mtd_type', 'id', array('code' => 'WORKTYPE'))) { $field = new StdClass(); $field->name = 'worktypefield'; $field->type = 'vdatasource'; $field->source = 'dbfieldkeyed'; $field->table = 'customlabel_mtd_value'; $field->field = 'value'; $field->key = 'code'; $field->select = " typeid = {$fieldid} "; // $field->multiple = 'multiple'; $this->fields['worktypefield'] = $field; } else { // echo "no field for WORKTYPE "; } if ($fieldid = $DB->get_field('customlabel_mtd_type', 'id', array('code' => 'WORKEFFORT'))) { $field = new StdClass(); $field->name = 'workeffortfield'; $field->type = 'vdatasource'; $field->source = 'dbfieldkeyed'; $field->table = 'customlabel_mtd_value'; $field->field = 'value'; $field->key = 'code'; $field->select = " typeid = {$fieldid} "; // $field->multiple = 'multiple'; $this->fields['workeffortfield'] = $field; } else { // echo "no field for WORKEFFORT "; } if ($fieldid = $DB->get_field('customlabel_mtd_type', 'id', array('code' => 'WORKMODE'))) { $field = new StdClass(); $field->name = 'workmodefield'; $field->type = 'vdatasource'; $field->source = 'dbfieldkeyed'; $field->table = 'customlabel_mtd_value'; $field->field = 'value'; $field->key = 'code'; $field->select = " typeid = {$fieldid} "; // $field->multiple = 'multiple'; $this->fields['workmodefield'] = $field; } else { // echo "no field for WORKMODE "; } // An activity module of the course that will be linked to this work requirement for // completion signalling, grade, etc. $field = new StdClass(); $field->name = 'linktomodule'; $field->type = 'vdatasource'; $field->source = 'function'; $field->function = 'customlabel_get_candidate_modules'; $this->fields['linktomodule'] = $field; }
function __construct($data) { parent::__construct($data); $this->type = 'coursedata'; $this->fields = array(); $field = new StdClass(); $field->name = 'tablecaption'; $field->type = 'textfield'; $this->fields['tablecaption'] = $field; $field = new StdClass(); $field->name = 'showgoals'; $field->type = 'choiceyesno'; $this->fields['showgoals'] = $field; $field = new StdClass(); $field->name = 'goals'; $field->type = 'textarea'; $this->fields['goals'] = $field; $field = new StdClass(); $field->name = 'showobjectives'; $field->type = 'choiceyesno'; $this->fields['showobjectives'] = $field; $field = new StdClass(); $field->name = 'objectives'; $field->type = 'textarea'; $this->fields['objectives'] = $field; $field = new StdClass(); $field->name = 'showconcepts'; $field->type = 'choiceyesno'; $this->fields['showconcepts'] = $field; $field = new StdClass(); $field->name = 'concepts'; $field->type = 'textarea'; $field->size = 80; $this->fields['concepts'] = $field; $field = new StdClass(); $field->name = 'showduration'; $field->type = 'choiceyesno'; $this->fields['showduration'] = $field; $field = new StdClass(); $field->name = 'duration'; $field->type = 'textfield'; $field->size = 80; $this->fields['duration'] = $field; $field = new StdClass(); $field->name = 'showteachingorganization'; $field->type = 'choiceyesno'; $this->fields['showteachingorganization'] = $field; $field = new StdClass(); $field->name = 'teachingorganization'; $field->type = 'textarea'; $field->size = 80; $this->fields['teachingorganization'] = $field; $field = new StdClass(); $field->name = 'showprerequisites'; $field->type = 'choiceyesno'; $this->fields['showprerequisites'] = $field; $field = new StdClass(); $field->name = 'prerequisites'; $field->type = 'textarea'; $this->fields['prerequisites'] = $field; $field = new StdClass(); $field->name = 'showfollowers'; $field->type = 'choiceyesno'; $this->fields['showfollowers'] = $field; $field = new StdClass(); $field->name = 'followers'; $field->type = 'textarea'; $this->fields['followers'] = $field; }
function __construct($data) { global $CFG, $DB; parent::__construct($data); $this->type = 'courseclassifier'; $this->fields = array(); $CFG->classification_type_table = 'customlabel_mtd_type'; $CFG->classification_value_type_key = 'typeid'; $CFG->course_metadata_table = 'customlabel_course_metadata'; $CFG->course_metadata_value_key = 'valueid'; $CFG->course_metadata_course_key = 'courseid'; $field = new StdClass(); $field->name = 'tablecaption'; $field->type = 'textfield'; $this->fields['tablecaption'] = $field; $field = new StdClass(); $field->name = 'uselevels'; $field->type = 'list'; $field->options = array('1', '2', '3'); $field->straightoptions = true; $field->mandatory = true; $this->fields['uselevels'] = $field; if ($fieldid = $DB->get_field($CFG->classification_type_table, 'id', array('code' => 'LEVEL0'))) { $field = new StdClass(); $field->name = 'level0'; $field->type = 'datasource'; $field->source = 'dbfieldkeyed'; $field->table = $CFG->classification_value_table; $field->field = 'value'; $field->select = $CFG->classification_value_type_key . ' = ' . $fieldid; $field->multiple = 'multiple'; $field->constraintson = 'level1,level2'; $field->mandatory = true; $this->fields['level0'] = $field; } if ($fieldid = $DB->get_field($CFG->classification_type_table, 'id', array('code' => 'LEVEL1'))) { $field = new StdClass(); $field->name = 'level1'; $field->type = 'datasource'; $field->source = 'dbfieldkeyed'; $field->table = $CFG->classification_value_table; $field->field = 'value'; $field->select = $CFG->classification_value_type_key . ' = ' . $fieldid; $field->multiple = 'multiple'; $field->constraintson = 'level0,level2'; $field->mandatory = true; $this->fields['level1'] = $field; } if ($fieldid = $DB->get_field($CFG->classification_type_table, 'id', array('code' => 'LEVEL2'))) { $field = new StdClass(); $field->name = 'level2'; $field->type = 'datasource'; $field->source = 'dbfieldkeyed'; $field->table = $CFG->classification_value_table; $field->field = 'value'; $field->select = $CFG->classification_value_type_key . ' = ' . $fieldid; $field->multiple = 'multiple'; $field->constraintson = 'level0,level1'; $field->mandatory = true; $this->fields['level2'] = $field; } if ($fieldid = $DB->get_field($CFG->classification_type_table, 'id', array('code' => 'PEOPLE'))) { $field = new StdClass(); $field->name = 'showpeople'; $field->type = 'choiceyesno'; $this->fields['showpeople'] = $field; $field = new StdClass(); $field->name = 'people'; $field->type = 'datasource'; $field->source = 'dbfieldkeyed'; $field->table = $CFG->classification_value_table; $field->field = 'value'; $field->select = $CFG->classification_value_type_key . ' = ' . $fieldid; $field->multiple = 'multiple'; $field->constraintson = ''; $field->mandatory = true; $this->fields['people'] = $field; } unset($field); }
function __construct($data) { global $USER; parent::__construct($data); $this->type = 'authordata'; $this->fields = array(); $field = new StdClass(); $field->name = 'tablecaption'; $field->type = 'textfield'; $this->fields['tablecaption'] = $field; $field = new StdClass(); $field->name = 'author1'; $field->type = 'textfield'; $this->fields['author1'] = $field; $field = new StdClass(); $field->name = 'thumb1'; $field->type = 'filepicker'; $field->destination = 'url'; $field->default = ''; $this->fields['thumb1'] = $field; $field = new StdClass(); $field->name = 'author2'; $field->type = 'textfield'; $this->fields['author2'] = $field; $field = new StdClass(); $field->name = 'thumb2'; $field->type = 'filepicker'; $field->destination = 'url'; $field->default = ''; $this->fields['thumb2'] = $field; $field = new StdClass(); $field->name = 'author3'; $field->type = 'textfield'; $this->fields['author3'] = $field; $field = new StdClass(); $field->name = 'thumb3'; $field->type = 'filepicker'; $field->destination = 'url'; $field->default = ''; $this->fields['thumb3'] = $field; $field = new StdClass(); $field->name = 'showinstitution'; $field->type = 'choiceyesno'; $this->fields['showinstitution'] = $field; $field = new StdClass(); $field->name = 'institution'; $field->type = 'textfield'; $field->default = @$USER->institution; $this->fields['institution'] = $field; $field = new StdClass(); $field->name = 'showdepartment'; $field->type = 'choiceyesno'; $this->fields['showdepartment'] = $field; $field = new StdClass(); $field->name = 'department'; $field->type = 'textfield'; $field->default = @$USER->department; $this->fields['department'] = $field; $field = new StdClass(); $field->name = 'showcontributors'; $field->type = 'choiceyesno'; $this->fields['showcontributors'] = $field; $field = new StdClass(); $field->name = 'contributors'; $field->type = 'textarea'; $this->fields['contributors'] = $field; }