Allows a refund to be made, or adjusted.
// includes
require "../include/config.php";
require "../include/amberphplib/main.php";
require "../include/accounts/inc_credits.php";
require "../include/accounts/inc_ledger.php";
require "../include/customers/inc_customers.php";
if (user_permissions_get('customers_credit')) {
    	Load Data
    $obj_customer = new customer_credits();
    $obj_customer->id = @security_form_input_predefined("int", "id_customer", 1, "");
    $obj_refund = new credit_refund();
    $obj_refund->type = "customer";
    $obj_refund->id = @security_form_input_predefined("int", "id_refund", 0, "");
    	Verify Data
    // check that the specified customer actually exists
    if (!$obj_customer->verify_id()) {
        log_write("error", "process", "The customer you have attempted to edit - " . $obj_customer->id . " - does not exist in this system.");
    } else {
        if ($obj_refund->id) {
            // are we editing an existing refund? make sure it exists and belongs to this customer
            if (!$obj_refund->verify_id()) {
                log_write("error", "process", "The refund you have attempted to edit - " . $obj_refund->id . " - does not exist in this system.");
            } else {
	access: customers_credit

	Deletes the selected credit refund from the customer
// includes
require "../include/config.php";
require "../include/amberphplib/main.php";
require "../include/accounts/inc_credits.php";
require "../include/customers/inc_customers.php";
if (user_permissions_get('customers_credit')) {
    	Load Data
    $obj_customer = new customer_credits();
    $obj_customer->id = @security_script_input_predefined("int", $_GET["id_customer"]);
    $obj_refund = new credit_refund();
    $obj_refund->type = "customer";
    $obj_refund->id = @security_script_input_predefined("int", $_GET["id_refund"]);
    	Verify Data
    // check that the specified customer actually exists
    if (!$obj_customer->verify_id()) {
        log_write("error", "process", "The customer you have attempted to edit - " . $obj_customer->id . " - does not exist in this system.");
    } else {
        if ($obj_refund->id) {
            // are we editing an existing refund? make sure it exists and belongs to this customer
            if (!$obj_refund->verify_id()) {
                log_write("error", "process", "The refund you have attempted to edit - " . $obj_refund->id . " - does not exist in this system.");
            } else {