public function icon($icon)
     global $OUTPUT;
     if (core_useragent::supports_svg()) {
         switch ($icon) {
             case 'retweet':
                 return '<svg class="retweeticon" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 75 72"><title>' . get_string('retweet', 'block_twitter') . '</title><path d="M70.676 36.644C70.166 35.636 69.13 35 68 35h-7V19c0-2.21-1.79-4-4-4H34c-2.21 0-4 1.79-4 4s1.79 4 4 4h18c.552 0 .998.446 1 .998V35h-7c-1.13 0-2.165.636-2.676 1.644-.51 1.01-.412 2.22.257 3.13l11 15C55.148 55.545 56.046 56 57 56s1.855-.455 2.42-1.226l11-15c.668-.912.767-2.122.256-3.13zM40 48H22c-.54 0-.97-.427-.992-.96L21 36h7c1.13 0 2.166-.636 2.677-1.644.51-1.01.412-2.22-.257-3.13l-11-15C18.854 15.455 17.956 15 17 15s-1.854.455-2.42 1.226l-11 15c-.667.912-.767 2.122-.255 3.13C3.835 35.365 4.87 36 6 36h7l.012 16.003c.002 2.208 1.792 3.997 4 3.997h22.99c2.208 0 4-1.79 4-4s-1.792-4-4-4z"/></svg>';
             case 'reply':
                 return '<svg class="replyicon" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 65 72"><title>' . get_string('reply', 'block_twitter') . '</title><path d="M41 31h-9V19c0-1.14-.647-2.183-1.668-2.688-1.022-.507-2.243-.39-3.15.302l-21 16C5.438 33.18 5 34.064 5 35s.437 1.82 1.182 2.387l21 16c.533.405 1.174.613 1.82.613.453 0 .908-.103 1.33-.312C31.354 53.183 32 52.14 32 51V39h9c5.514 0 10 4.486 10 10 0 2.21 1.79 4 4 4s4-1.79 4-4c0-9.925-8.075-18-18-18z"/></svg>';
             case 'like':
                 return '<svg class="likeicon" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 54 72"><title>' . get_string('like', 'block_twitter') . '</title><path d="M38.723,12c-7.187,0-11.16,7.306-11.723,8.131C26.437,19.306,22.504,12,15.277,12C8.791,12,3.533,18.163,3.533,24.647 C3.533,39.964,21.891,55.907,27,56c5.109-0.093,23.467-16.036,23.467-31.353C50.467,18.163,45.209,12,38.723,12z"/></svg>';
                 return '';
     } else {
         switch ($icon) {
             case 'retweet':
                 return $OUTPUT->pix_icon('retweet', get_string('retweet', 'block_twitter'), 'block_twitter', array('class' => 'icon default')) . $OUTPUT->pix_icon('retweet_hover', get_string('retweet', 'block_twitter'), 'block_twitter', array('class' => 'icon hover'));
             case 'reply':
                 return $OUTPUT->pix_icon('reply', get_string('reply', 'block_twitter'), 'block_twitter', array('class' => 'icon default')) . $OUTPUT->pix_icon('reply_hover', get_string('reply', 'block_twitter'), 'block_twitter', array('class' => 'icon hover'));
             case 'like':
                 return $OUTPUT->pix_icon('like', get_string('like', 'block_twitter'), 'block_twitter', array('class' => 'icon default')) . $OUTPUT->pix_icon('like_hover', get_string('like', 'block_twitter'), 'block_twitter', array('class' => 'icon hover'));
                 return '';
  * Return true if we should look for SVG images as well.
  * @return bool
 public function use_svg_icons()
     global $CFG;
     if ($this->usesvg === null) {
         if (!isset($CFG->svgicons) || !is_bool($CFG->svgicons)) {
             $this->usesvg = core_useragent::supports_svg();
         } else {
             // Force them on/off depending upon the setting.
             $this->usesvg = $CFG->svgicons;
     return $this->usesvg;
  * Modifies $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] manually to check if supports_svg
  * works as expected.
 public function test_supports_svg()
     // MSIE 5.0 is not considered a browser at all: known false positive.
     core_useragent::instance(true, $this->user_agents['MSIE']['5.0']['Windows 98']);
     core_useragent::instance(true, $this->user_agents['MSIE']['5.5']['Windows 2000']);
     core_useragent::instance(true, $this->user_agents['MSIE']['6.0']['Windows XP SP2']);
     core_useragent::instance(true, $this->user_agents['MSIE']['7.0']['Windows XP SP2']);
     core_useragent::instance(true, $this->user_agents['MSIE']['8.0']['Windows Vista']);
     core_useragent::instance(true, $this->user_agents['MSIE']['9.0']['Windows 7']);
     core_useragent::instance(true, $this->user_agents['MSIE']['9.0i']['Windows 7']);
     core_useragent::instance(true, $this->user_agents['MSIE']['10.0']['Windows 8']);
     core_useragent::instance(true, $this->user_agents['MSIE']['10.0i']['Windows 8']);
     core_useragent::instance(true, $this->user_agents['MSIE']['11.0']['Windows 8.1']);
     core_useragent::instance(true, $this->user_agents['MSIE']['11.0i']['Windows 8.1']);
     core_useragent::instance(true, $this->user_agents['WebKit Android']['525']['G1 Phone']);
     core_useragent::instance(true, $this->user_agents['WebKit Android']['530']['Nexus']);
     core_useragent::instance(true, $this->user_agents['WebKit Android']['537']['Samsung GT-9505']);
     core_useragent::instance(true, $this->user_agents['Opera']['9.0']['Windows XP']);
     core_useragent::instance(true, $this->user_agents['Chrome']['8']['Mac OS X']);
     core_useragent::instance(true, $this->user_agents['Firefox']['18.0']['Mac OS X']);
Exemple #4
 function filter($text, array $options = array())
     global $CFG, $DB;
     /// Do a quick check using stripos to avoid unnecessary work
     if (!preg_match('/<tex/i', $text) && strpos($text, '$$') === false && strpos($text, '\\[') === false && strpos($text, '\\(') === false && !preg_match('/\\[tex/i', $text)) {
         return $text;
     #    //restrict filtering to forum 130 (Maths Tools on
     #    $scriptname = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];
     #    if (!strstr($scriptname,'/forum/')) {
     #        return $text;
     #    }
     #    if (strstr($scriptname,'post.php')) {
     #        $parent = forum_get_post_full($_GET['reply']);
     #        $discussion = $DB->get_record("forum_discussions", array("id"=>$parent->discussion));
     #    } else if (strstr($scriptname,'discuss.php')) {
     #        $discussion = $DB->get_record("forum_discussions", array("id"=>$_GET['d']));
     #    } else {
     #        return $text;
     #    }
     #    if ($discussion->forum != 130) {
     #        return $text;
     #    }
     $text .= ' ';
     preg_match_all('/\\$(\\$\\$+?)([^\\$])/s', $text, $matches);
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($matches[0]); $i++) {
         $replacement = str_replace('$', '&#x00024;', $matches[1][$i]) . $matches[2][$i];
         $text = str_replace($matches[0][$i], $replacement, $text);
     // <tex> TeX expression </tex>
     // or <tex alt="My alternative text to be used instead of the TeX form"> TeX expression </tex>
     // or $$ TeX expression $$
     // or \[ TeX expression \]          // original tag of MathType and TeXaide (dlnsk)
     // or [tex] TeX expression [/tex]   // somtime it's more comfortable than <tex> (dlnsk)
     $rules = array('<tex(?:\\s+alt=["\'](.*?)["\'])?>(.+?)<\\/tex>', '\\$\\$(.+?)\\$\\$', '\\\\\\[(.+?)\\\\\\]', '\\\\\\((.+?)\\\\\\)', '\\[tex\\](.+?)\\[\\/tex\\]');
     $megarule = '/' . implode($rules, '|') . '/is';
     preg_match_all($megarule, $text, $matches);
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($matches[0]); $i++) {
         $texexp = '';
         for ($j = 0; $j < count($rules); $j++) {
             $texexp .= $matches[$j + 2][$i];
         $alt = $matches[1][$i];
         $texexp = str_replace('<nolink>', '', $texexp);
         $texexp = str_replace('</nolink>', '', $texexp);
         $texexp = str_replace('<span class="nolink">', '', $texexp);
         $texexp = str_replace('</span>', '', $texexp);
         $texexp = preg_replace("/<br[[:space:]]*\\/?>/i", '', $texexp);
         $align = "middle";
         if (preg_match('/^align=bottom /', $texexp)) {
             $align = "text-bottom";
             $texexp = preg_replace('/^align=bottom /', '', $texexp);
         } else {
             if (preg_match('/^align=top /', $texexp)) {
                 $align = "text-top";
                 $texexp = preg_replace('/^align=top /', '', $texexp);
         // decode entities encoded by editor, luckily there is very little chance of double decoding
         $texexp = html_entity_decode($texexp, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
         if ($texexp === '') {
         $md5 = md5($texexp);
         if (!$DB->record_exists("cache_filters", array("filter" => "tex", "md5key" => $md5))) {
             $texcache = new stdClass();
             $texcache->filter = 'tex';
             $texcache->version = 1;
             $texcache->md5key = $md5;
             $texcache->rawtext = $texexp;
             $texcache->timemodified = time();
             $DB->insert_record("cache_filters", $texcache, false);
         $convertformat = get_config('filter_tex', 'convertformat');
         if ($convertformat == 'svg' && !core_useragent::supports_svg()) {
             $convertformat = 'png';
         $filename = $md5 . ".{$convertformat}";
         $text = str_replace($matches[0][$i], filter_text_image($filename, $texexp, 0, 0, $align, $alt), $text);
     return $text;
  * @dataProvider user_agents_providers
 public function test_useragent_supports($useragent, $tests)
     // Setup the core_useragent instance.
     core_useragent::instance(true, $useragent);
     // Supports SVG.
     if (!isset($tests['supports_svg']) || $tests['supports_svg']) {
         $this->assertTrue(core_useragent::supports_svg(), "SVG Support was not reported (and should have been)");
     } else {
         $this->assertFalse(core_useragent::supports_svg(), "SVG Support was reported (and should not have been)");
     // Supports JSON ContentType.
     if (!isset($tests['supports_json_contenttype']) || $tests['supports_json_contenttype']) {
         $this->assertTrue(core_useragent::supports_json_contenttype(), "JSON ContentType Support was not reported (and should have been)");
     } else {
         $this->assertFalse(core_useragent::supports_json_contenttype(), "JSON ContentType Support was reported (and should not have been)");
 function filter($text, array $options = array())
     global $CFG, $DB, $PAGE;
     $texfilterenabled = array_key_exists("tex", filter_get_active_in_context($PAGE->context));
     if ($texfilterenabled) {
         print_error("disable regular TeX notation filter!");
     $mathjaxenabled = array_key_exists("mathjaxloader", filter_get_active_in_context($PAGE->context));
     /// Do a quick check using stripos to avoid unnecessary work
     if (!preg_match('/<tex/i', $text) && strpos($text, '$$') === false && strpos($text, '\\[') === false && strpos($text, '\\(') === false && !preg_match('/\\[tex/i', $text)) {
         return $text;
     $text .= ' ';
     preg_match_all('/\\$(\\$\\$+?)([^\\$])/s', $text, $matches);
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($matches[0]); $i++) {
         $replacement = str_replace('$', '&#x00024;', $matches[1][$i]) . $matches[2][$i];
         $text = str_replace($matches[0][$i], $replacement, $text);
     // <tex> TeX expression </tex>
     // or <tex alt="My alternative text to be used instead of the TeX form"> TeX expression </tex>
     // or $$ TeX expression $$
     // or \[ TeX expression \]          // original tag of MathType and TeXaide (dlnsk)
     // or [tex] TeX expression [/tex]   // somtime it's more comfortable than <tex> (dlnsk)
     $rules = array('<tex(?:\\s+alt=["\'](.*?)["\'])?>(.+?)<\\/tex>', '\\$\\$(.+?)\\$\\$', '\\\\\\[(.+?)\\\\\\]', '\\\\\\((.+?)\\\\\\)', '\\[tex\\](.+?)\\[\\/tex\\]');
     if ($mathjaxenabled == true) {
         $rules = array('<tex(?:\\s+alt=["\'](.*?)["\'])?>(.+?)<\\/tex>', '\\$\\$(.+?)\\$\\$', '\\[tex\\](.+?)\\[\\/tex\\]');
     $megarule = '/' . implode($rules, '|') . '/is';
     preg_match_all($megarule, $text, $matches);
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($matches[0]); $i++) {
         $texexp = '';
         for ($j = 0; $j < count($rules); $j++) {
             $texexp .= $matches[$j + 2][$i];
         $alt = $matches[1][$i];
         $texexp = str_replace('<nolink>', '', $texexp);
         $texexp = str_replace('</nolink>', '', $texexp);
         $texexp = str_replace('<span class="nolink">', '', $texexp);
         $texexp = str_replace('</span>', '', $texexp);
         $texexp = preg_replace("/<br[[:space:]]*\\/?>/i", '', $texexp);
         $align = "middle";
         if (preg_match('/^align=bottom /', $texexp)) {
             $align = "text-bottom";
             $texexp = preg_replace('/^align=bottom /', '', $texexp);
         } else {
             if (preg_match('/^align=top /', $texexp)) {
                 $align = "text-top";
                 $texexp = preg_replace('/^align=top /', '', $texexp);
         // decode entities encoded by editor, luckily there is very little chance of double decoding
         $texexp = html_entity_decode($texexp, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
         if ($texexp === '') {
         $md5 = md5($texexp);
         if (!$DB->record_exists("cache_filters", array("filter" => "texwjax", "md5key" => $md5))) {
             $texcache = new stdClass();
             $texcache->filter = 'texwjax';
             $texcache->version = 1;
             $texcache->md5key = $md5;
             $texcache->rawtext = $texexp;
             $texcache->timemodified = time();
             $DB->insert_record("cache_filters", $texcache, false);
         $convertformat = get_config('filter_texwjax', 'convertformat');
         if ($convertformat == 'svg' && !core_useragent::supports_svg()) {
             $convertformat = 'png';
         $filename = $md5 . ".{$convertformat}";
         $text = str_replace($matches[0][$i], filter_text_image_wjax($filename, $texexp, 0, 0, $align, $alt), $text);
     return $text;