Exemple #1
  * Adding this test here as get_areas_user_accesses process is the same, results just depend on the context level.
  * @return void
 public function test_search_user_accesses()
     global $DB, $PAGE;
     $area = new \core_mocksearch\search\mock_search_area();
     $renderer = $PAGE->get_renderer('core_search');
     $engine = new \mock_search\engine();
     $course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course(array('fullname' => 'Course & Title'));
     $coursectx = context_course::instance($course->id);
     $user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user(array('firstname' => 'User', 'lastname' => 'Escape & Name'));
     $this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($user->id, $course->id, 'teacher');
     // Make a record to enter in the search area.
     $record = new \stdClass();
     $record->title = 'Escape & Title';
     $record->content = 'Escape & Content';
     $record->description1 = 'Escape & Description1';
     $record->description2 = 'Escape & Description2';
     $record->userid = $user->id;
     $record->courseid = $course->id;
     $record = $this->generator->create_record($record);
     // Convert to a 'doc data' type format.
     $docdata = $area->convert_record_to_doc_array($record);
     // First see that the docuemnt has the right information, unescaped.
     $doc = $engine->to_document($area, $docdata);
     $this->assertEquals('Escape & Title', $doc->get('title'));
     $this->assertEquals('Escape & Content', $doc->get('content'));
     $this->assertEquals('Escape & Description1', $doc->get('description1'));
     $this->assertEquals('Escape & Description2', $doc->get('description2'));
     $this->assertEquals('User Escape & Name', $doc->get('userfullname'));
     $this->assertEquals('Course & Title', $doc->get('coursefullname'));
     // Export for template, and see if it is escaped.
     $export = $doc->export_for_template($renderer);
     $this->assertEquals('Escape & Title', $export['title']);
     $this->assertEquals('Escape & Content', $export['content']);
     $this->assertEquals('Escape & Description1', $export['description1']);
     $this->assertEquals('Escape & Description2', $export['description2']);
     $this->assertEquals('User Escape & Name', $export['userfullname']);
     $this->assertEquals('Course & Title', $export['coursefullname']);
Exemple #2
  * @dataProvider file_indexing_provider
 public function test_alloweduserid($fileindexing)
     $this->engine->test_set_config('fileindexing', $fileindexing);
     $area = new core_mocksearch\search\mock_search_area();
     $record = $this->generator->create_record();
     // Get the doc and insert the default doc.
     $doc = $area->get_document($record);
     $users = array();
     $users[] = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
     $users[] = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
     $users[] = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
     // Add a record that only user 100 can see.
     $originalid = $doc->get('id');
     // Now add a custom doc for each user.
     foreach ($users as $user) {
         $doc = $area->get_document($record);
         $doc->set('id', $originalid . '-' . $user->id);
         $doc->set('owneruserid', $user->id);
     $querydata = new stdClass();
     $querydata->q = 'message';
     $querydata->title = $doc->get('title');
     // We are going to go through each user and see if they get the original and the owned doc.
     foreach ($users as $user) {
         $results = $this->search->search($querydata);
         $this->assertCount(2, $results);
         $owned = 0;
         $notowned = 0;
         // We don't know what order we will get the results in, so we are doing this.
         foreach ($results as $result) {
             $owneruserid = $result->get('owneruserid');
             if (empty($owneruserid)) {
                 $this->assertEquals(0, $owneruserid);
                 $this->assertEquals($originalid, $result->get('id'));
             } else {
                 $this->assertEquals($user->id, $owneruserid);
                 $this->assertEquals($originalid . '-' . $user->id, $result->get('id'));
         $this->assertEquals(1, $owned);
         $this->assertEquals(1, $notowned);
     // Now test a user with no owned results.
     $otheruser = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
     $results = $this->search->search($querydata);
     $this->assertCount(1, $results);
     $this->assertEquals(0, $results[0]->get('owneruserid'));
     $this->assertEquals($originalid, $results[0]->get('id'));