<?php $cF = new controlAdminForm(); $c->createEditData($table, $arrAction, $rowDetail); echo '<form name="form_action" method="post" action=""> <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="10" style="margin-bottom:50px">'; $name = 'status'; $values = array(); $values[] = array('name' => 'Hiện', 'id' => '1'); $values[] = array('name' => 'Ẩn', 'id' => '0'); if (!isset($_POST[$name])) { if ($rowDetail[$name] == '') { $valueCheck = 1; } else { $valueCheck = $rowDetail[$name]; } } else { $valueCheck = $_POST[$name]; } $data = $cF->inputRadio($name, $values, $valueCheck, 'radio'); echo $cF->displayTable('Trạng thái', $data); $name = 'name'; $properties = array(); $properties[] = array('propertie' => 'maxlength', 'value' => '30'); if (!isset($_POST[$name])) { $value = $rowDetail[$name]; } else { $value = $_POST[$name]; } $data = $cF->inputText($name, $value, 'input_medium', $properties); echo $cF->displayTable('Tên biến', $data);
<div class="clear30"></div> <?php $cF = new controlAdminForm(); $id = $c->createEditData($table, $arrAction, $rowDetail); $data = $cF->inputHidden('id', $id, 'ad_field'); echo $data; $name = 'status'; $values = array(); $values[] = array('name' => 'Hiện', 'id' => '1'); $values[] = array('name' => 'Ẩn', 'id' => '0'); if ($rowDetail[$name] == '') { $valueCheck = 1; } else { $valueCheck = $rowDetail[$name]; } $data = $cF->inputRadio($name, $values, $valueCheck, 'ad_field adRadio'); echo $cF->displayDiv('Status', $data); $name = 'menu_id'; $where = "(type_id=6)"; $values = $c->menuList($lang, $where); $valueCheck = $rowDetail[$name]; $data = $cF->inputCheckbox($name, $values, $valueCheck, 'checkBoxItem'); if (!isset($_POST[$name])) { $value = $rowDetail[$name]; } else { $value = $_POST[$name]; } $data .= $cF->inputHidden($name, $value, 'ad_field listValueItem'); echo $cF->displayDiv('Danh mục hiển thị', '<div class="listCheckBox">' . $data . '</div>'); $name = 'name'; $properties = array();
<div class="clear30"></div> <?php $type = array('0' => array('id' => 0, 'name' => 'No'), '1' => array('id' => 1, 'name' => 'Selected'), '2' => array('id' => 2, 'name' => 'Associate'), '3' => array('id' => 3, 'name' => 'Certified'), '4' => array('id' => 4, 'name' => 'Senior'), '5' => array('id' => 5, 'name' => 'Expert')); $cF = new controlAdminForm(); $id = $c->createEditData($table, $arrAction, $rowDetail); $data = $cF->inputHidden('id', $id, 'ad_field'); echo $data; $name = 'status'; $values = array(); $values[] = array('name' => 'Enable', 'id' => '1'); $values[] = array('name' => 'Disable', 'id' => '0'); if ($rowDetail[$name] == '') { $valueCheck = 1; } else { $valueCheck = $rowDetail[$name]; } $data = $cF->inputRadio($name, $values, $valueCheck, 'ad_field adRadio'); echo $cF->displayDiv('Status', $data); $name = 'type'; $values = $type; if ($rowDetail[$name] != '') { $valueCheck = $rowDetail[$name]; } else { $valueCheck = 0; } $properties = array(); if ($_SESSION['adminGroup'] != 5) { $properties[] = array('propertie' => 'disabled', 'value' => 'disabled'); $properties[] = array('propertie' => 'style', 'value' => 'background-color:#EEE'); } $data = $cF->select($name, $values, $valueCheck, 'ad_field adInput adTxtMedium', $properties);
<div class="clear30"></div> <?php $cF = new controlAdminForm(); $id = $c->createEditData($table, $arrAction, $rowDetail); $data = $cF->inputHidden('id', $id, 'ad_field'); echo $data; $name = 'status'; $values = array(); $values[] = array('name' => 'Hiện', 'id' => '1'); $values[] = array('name' => 'Ẩn', 'id' => '0'); if ($rowDetail[$name] == '') { $valueCheck = 1; } else { $valueCheck = $rowDetail[$name]; } $data = $cF->inputRadio($name, $values, $valueCheck, 'ad_field adRadio'); echo $cF->displayDiv('Status', $data); $name = 'name'; $properties = array(); $properties[] = array('propertie' => 'maxlength', 'value' => '30'); $properties[] = array('propertie' => 'check', 'value' => 'user'); $properties[] = array('propertie' => 'message', 'value' => 'Nhập name'); $value = $rowDetail[$name]; $other = '<span class="error adError"></span>'; $data = $cF->inputText($name, $value, 'ad_field adInput adTxtMedium', $properties, $other); echo $cF->displayDiv('Name', $data); $name = 'value'; $properties = array(); $properties[] = array('propertie' => 'maxlength', 'value' => '200'); $value = $rowDetail[$name]; $data = $cF->inputText($name, $value, 'ad_field adInput adTxtMedium', $properties);
<div class="clear30"></div> <?php $cF = new controlAdminForm(); $id = $c->createEditData($table, $arrAction, $rowDetail); $data = $cF->inputHidden('id', $id, 'ad_field'); echo $data; $name = 'status'; $values = array(); $values[] = array('name' => 'Hiện', 'id' => '1'); $values[] = array('name' => 'Ẩn', 'id' => '0'); if ($rowDetail[$name] == '') { $valueCheck = 1; } else { $valueCheck = $rowDetail[$name]; } $data = $cF->inputRadio($name, $values, $valueCheck, 'ad_field adRadio'); echo $cF->displayDiv('Trạng thái', $data); $name = 'name'; $properties = array(); $properties[] = array('propertie' => 'maxlength', 'value' => '50'); $properties[] = array('propertie' => 'check', 'value' => '2'); $properties[] = array('propertie' => 'message', 'value' => 'Nhập name'); $value = $rowDetail[$name]; $other = '<span class="error adError"></span>'; $data = $cF->inputText($name, $value, 'ad_field adInput adTxtMedium', $properties, $other); echo $cF->displayDiv('Mô tả', $data); $name = 'title'; $properties = array(); $properties[] = array('propertie' => 'maxlength', 'value' => '60'); $value = $rowDetail[$name]; $data = $cF->inputText($name, $value, 'ad_field adInput adTxtMedium', $properties);
<?php $cF = new controlAdminForm(); $c->createEditData($table, $arrAction, $rowDetail); echo '<form name="form_action" method="post" action=""> <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="10" style="margin-bottom:50px">'; $name = 'status'; $values = array(); $values[] = array('name' => 'error', 'id' => '3'); $values[] = array('name' => 'check', 'id' => '2'); $values[] = array('name' => 'cancel', 'id' => '0'); $values[] = array('name' => 'success', 'id' => '1'); if (!isset($_POST[$name])) { if ($rowDetail[$name] == '') { $valueCheck = 1; } else { $valueCheck = $rowDetail[$name]; } } else { $valueCheck = $_POST[$name]; } $data = $cF->inputRadio($name, $values, $valueCheck, 'radio'); echo $cF->displayTable('Trạng thái', $data); $name = 'datetime'; $properties = array(); $properties[] = array('propertie' => 'maxlength', 'value' => '100'); if (!isset($_POST[$name])) { if ($rowDetail[$name] == 0) { $value = date('Y-m-d H:i', time()); } else { $value = date('Y-m-d H:i', $rowDetail[$name]);
<?php $cF = new controlAdminForm(); $c->createEditData($table, $arrAction, $rowDetail); echo '<form name="form_action" method="post" action=""> <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="10" style="margin-bottom:50px">'; $name = 'status'; $values = array(); $values[] = array('name' => 'Hiện', 'id' => '1'); $values[] = array('name' => 'Ẩn', 'id' => '0'); if (!isset($_POST[$name])) { if ($rowDetail[$name] == '') { $valueCheck = 1; } else { $valueCheck = $rowDetail[$name]; } } else { $valueCheck = $_POST[$name]; } $data = $cF->inputRadio($name, $values, $valueCheck, 'radio'); echo $cF->displayTable('Trạng thái', $data); $name = 'name'; $properties = array(); $properties[] = array('propertie' => 'maxlength', 'value' => '20'); if (!isset($_POST[$name])) { $value = $rowDetail[$name]; } else { $value = $_POST[$name]; } $data = $cF->inputText($name, $value, 'input_medium', $properties); echo $cF->displayTable('Mã cặp tiền tệ (Symbol)', $data);
<div class="clear30"></div> <?php $cF = new controlAdminForm(); $id = $c->createEditData($table, $arrAction, $rowDetail); $data = $cF->inputHidden('id', $id, 'ad_field'); echo $data; $name = 'status'; $values = array(); $values[] = array('name' => 'Enable', 'id' => '1'); $values[] = array('name' => 'Disable', 'id' => '0'); if ($rowDetail[$name] == '') { $valueCheck = 1; } else { $valueCheck = $rowDetail[$name]; } $data = $cF->inputRadio($name, $values, $valueCheck, 'ad_field adRadio'); echo $cF->displayDiv('Status', $data); $name = 'code'; $properties = array(); $properties[] = array('propertie' => 'maxlength', 'value' => '10'); $properties[] = array('propertie' => 'check', 'value' => '5'); $properties[] = array('propertie' => 'message', 'value' => 'Nhập mã môn học'); if ($arrAction['disabled'] != '') { $properties[] = $arrAction['disabled']; } $other = '<span class="error adError"></span>'; $value = $rowDetail[$name]; $data = $cF->inputText($name, $value, 'ad_field adInput adTxtMedium', $properties, $other); echo $cF->displayDiv('Mã môn học', $data); $name = 'name'; $properties = array();
<?php $cF = new controlAdminForm(); $c->createEditData($table, $arrAction, $rowDetail); echo '<form name="form_action" method="post" action=""> <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="10" style="margin-bottom:50px">'; $name = 'status'; $values = array(); $values[] = array('name' => 'Hiện', 'id' => '1'); $values[] = array('name' => 'Ẩn', 'id' => '0'); if (!isset($_POST[$name])) { if ($rowDetail[$name] == '') { $valueCheck = 1; } else { $valueCheck = $rowDetail[$name]; } } else { $valueCheck = $_POST[$name]; } $data = $cF->inputRadio($name, $values, $valueCheck, 'radio'); echo $cF->displayTable('Trạng thái', $data); /*$name = 'menu_id'; $values = $c->selectFromMenu($lang, $table); if(!isset($_POST[$name])){ $valueCheck=$rowDetail[$name]; }else $valueCheck=$_POST[$name]; $data = $cF->inputCheckbox($name, $values, $valueCheck, 'checkboxItem', 1); if(!isset($_POST[$name])) $value=$rowDetail[$name]; else $value=$_POST[$name]; $data .= $cF->inputHidden($name, $value, 'input_medium valueChecksBox'); echo $cF->displayTable('Danh mục', '<div class="listCheckboxMedium">'.$data.'</div>');*/ $name = 'position_id';
<div class="clear30"></div> <?php $cF = new controlAdminForm(); $id = $c->createEditData($table, $arrAction, $rowDetail); $data = $cF->inputHidden('id', $id, 'ad_field'); echo $data; $name = 'status'; $values = array(); $values[] = array('name' => 'Chưa phục hồi', 'id' => '0'); $values[] = array('name' => 'Đã phục hồi', 'id' => '1'); if ($rowDetail[$name] == '') { $valueCheck = 1; } else { $valueCheck = $rowDetail[$name]; } $data = $cF->inputRadio($name, $values, $valueCheck, 'ad_field adRadio'); echo $cF->displayDiv('Status', $data); echo $cF->displayDiv('Date', '<b class="label2">' . $c->viewDateTime($rowDetail['datetime']) . '</b>'); echo $cF->displayDiv('User', '<b class="label2">' . $rowDetail['username'] . '</b>'); echo $cF->displayDiv('Name', '<span class="label2">' . $rowDetail['name'] . '</span>'); echo $cF->displayDiv('Action', '<span class="label2">' . $rowDetail['action'] . '</span>'); echo $cF->displayDiv('Table', '<span class="label2">' . $rowDetail['_table'] . '</span>'); if (isset($rowDetail['content'])) { echo '<div id="viewLog" class="seo tagsHidden">'; $data = explode('fields%%%values', $rowDetail['content']); if (count($data) == 2) { $data_keys = explode(',', $data[0]); $data_values = explode('%%%', $data[1]); for ($i = 0; $i < count($data_keys); $i++) { $name = ucfirst(trim($data_keys[$i], '`')); if (isset($data_values[$i])) {
<?php $cF = new controlAdminForm(); $c->createEditData($table, $arrAction, $rowDetail); echo '<div id="tableName" style="display:none">' . $table . '</div> <form name="form_action" method="post" action=""> <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="10" style="margin-bottom:50px">'; $name = 'status'; $values = array(); $values[] = array('name' => 'Hiện', 'id' => '1'); $values[] = array('name' => 'Ẩn', 'id' => '0'); if (!isset($_POST[$name])) { if ($rowDetail[$name] == '') { $valueCheck = 1; } else { $valueCheck = $rowDetail[$name]; } } else { $valueCheck = $_POST[$name]; } $data = $cF->inputRadio($name, $values, $valueCheck, 'radio'); echo $cF->displayTable('Trạng thái', $data); $name = 'datetime'; $properties = array(); $properties[] = array('propertie' => 'maxlength', 'value' => '30'); if (!isset($_POST[$name])) { if ($rowDetail[$name] == 0) { $value = date('Y-m-d H:i', time()); } else { $value = date('Y-m-d H:i', $rowDetail[$name]); }
<div class="clear30"></div> <?php $cF = new controlAdminForm(); $id = $c->createEditData($table, $arrAction, $rowDetail); $data = $cF->inputHidden('id', $id, 'ad_field'); echo $data; $name = 'datetime'; $properties = array(); $properties[] = array('propertie' => 'maxlength', 'value' => '16'); if ($rowDetail[$name] == 0) { $value = date('Y-m-d H:i', time()); } else { $value = date('Y-m-d H:i', $rowDetail[$name]); } $data = $cF->inputText($name, $value, 'ad_field adInput adTxtSmall datetimepick', $properties); echo $cF->displayDiv('Date đóng', $data); $name = 'class_id'; $properties = array(); $properties[] = array('propertie' => 'maxlength', 'value' => '8'); $properties[] = array('propertie' => 'check', 'value' => '1'); $properties[] = array('propertie' => 'message', 'value' => 'Nhập ID lớp học'); $properties[] = array('propertie' => 'placeholder', 'value' => 'ID'); $properties[] = array('propertie' => 'style', 'value' => 'width:80px'); if (!isset($_POST[$name])) { $value = $rowDetail[$name]; } else { $value = $_POST[$name]; } $data = $cF->inputText($name, $value, 'ad_field adInput value_id', $properties); $properties = array(); $properties[] = array('propertie' => 'maxlength', 'value' => '100');
<div class="clear30"></div> <?php $arrStatus = array(array('id' => '0', 'name' => 'Chưa gửi mail'), array('id' => '2', 'name' => 'Đã gửi mail'), array('id' => '1', 'name' => 'Đã xem')); $arrBranch = array(); $data = $c->_model->_listTable('web_branch', 'id'); foreach ($data as $row) { $arrBranch[$row['id']] = array('id' => $row['id'], 'name' => $row['name']); } $cF = new controlAdminForm(); $id = $c->createEditData($table, $arrAction, $rowDetail); $data = $cF->inputHidden('id', $id, 'ad_field'); echo $data; if (isset($rowDetail['type'])) { echo $cF->displayDiv('Type', '<p class="adMessage label2">' . $cons_contact_type[$rowDetail['type']]['name'] . '</p>'); } if ($rowDetail['header_id'] != '0' && $rowDetail['header_id'] != '') { $data = $c->_model->_viewEditDetail('web_header', $rowDetail['header_id']); echo $cF->displayDiv('Khóa học', '<p class="adMessage label2 header_id">' . $data['name'] . '</p>'); } else { $name = 'course_name'; if ($rowDetail[$name] != '') { $properties = array(); $properties[] = array('propertie' => 'maxlength', 'value' => '150'); $value = $rowDetail[$name]; $data = $cF->inputText($name, $value, 'ad_field adInput adTxtMedium', $properties); echo $cF->displayDiv('Khóa học', $data); } } $name = 'branch'; if ($rowDetail[$name] != '') { echo $cF->displayDiv('Nơi học', '<p class="adMessage label2 header_id">' . $arrBranch[$rowDetail[$name]]['name'] . '</p>');
<div id="dataAction"><span class="process">Lưu thành công</span></div> <div id="dataActionBG"></div> <?php $cF = new controlAdminForm(); $id = $c->createEditData($table, $arrAction, $rowHeader); echo '<div id="tableName" style="display:none">' . $table . '</div> <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="10" style="margin-bottom:50px">'; $name = 'status'; $values = array(); $values[] = array('name' => 'Hiện', 'id' => '1'); $values[] = array('name' => 'Ẩn', 'id' => '0'); if ($rowHeader[$name] == '') { $valueCheck = 1; } else { $valueCheck = $rowHeader[$name]; } $data = $cF->inputRadio($name, $values, $valueCheck, 'radio'); echo $cF->displayTable('Trạng thái', $data); $name = 'datetime'; $properties = array(); $properties[] = array('propertie' => 'maxlength', 'value' => '16'); if ($rowHeader[$name] == 0) { $value = date('Y-m-d H:i', time()); } else { $value = date('Y-m-d H:i', $rowHeader[$name]); } $data = $cF->inputText($name, $value, 'input_large datetimepick', $properties); echo $cF->displayTable('Ngày', $data); $name = 'name'; $properties = array(); $properties[] = array('propertie' => 'maxlength', 'value' => '200');
<?php $cF = new controlAdminForm(); $c->createEditData($table, $arrAction, $rowDetail); echo '<form name="form_action" method="post" action=""> <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="10" style="margin-bottom:50px">'; $name = 'status'; $values = array(); $values[] = array('name' => 'Hiện', 'id' => '1'); $values[] = array('name' => 'Ẩn', 'id' => '0'); if (!isset($_POST[$name])) { if ($rowDetail[$name] == '') { $valueCheck = 1; } else { $valueCheck = $rowDetail[$name]; } } else { $valueCheck = $_POST[$name]; } $data = $cF->inputRadio($name, $values, $valueCheck, 'radio'); echo $cF->displayTable('Trạng thái', $data); $name = 'name'; $properties = array(); $properties[] = array('propertie' => 'maxlength', 'value' => '50'); if (!isset($_POST[$name])) { $value = $rowDetail[$name]; } else { $value = $_POST[$name]; } $data = $cF->inputText($name, $value, 'input_medium', $properties); echo $cF->displayTable('Mô tả', $data);
<?php $cF = new controlAdminForm(); $c->createEditData($table, $arrAction, $rowDetail); echo '<form name="form_action" method="post" action=""> <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="10" style="margin-bottom:50px">'; $name = 'status'; $values = array(); $values[] = array('name' => 'Hiện', 'id' => '1'); $values[] = array('name' => 'Ẩn', 'id' => '0'); if (!isset($_POST[$name])) { if ($rowDetail[$name] == '') { $valueCheck = 1; } else { $valueCheck = $rowDetail[$name]; } } else { $valueCheck = $_POST[$name]; } $data = $cF->inputRadio($name, $values, $valueCheck, 'radio'); echo $cF->displayTable('Trạng thái', $data); $name = 'name'; $properties = array(); $properties[] = array('propertie' => 'maxlength', 'value' => '200'); if (!isset($_POST[$name])) { $value = $rowDetail[$name]; } else { $value = $_POST[$name]; } $data = $cF->inputText($name, $value, 'input_medium', $properties); echo $cF->displayTable('Tên công trình', $data);
<div class="clear30"></div> <?php $cF = new controlAdminForm(); $id = $c->createEditData($table, $arrAction, $rowDetail); $data = $cF->inputHidden('id', $id, 'ad_field'); echo $data; $name = 'status'; $values = array(); $values[] = array('name' => 'Enable', 'id' => '1'); $values[] = array('name' => 'Disable', 'id' => '0'); if ($rowDetail[$name] == '') { $valueCheck = 1; } else { $valueCheck = $rowDetail[$name]; } $data = $cF->inputRadio($name, $values, $valueCheck, 'ad_field adRadio'); echo $cF->displayDiv('Status', $data); $name = 'type'; $values = array(); $values[] = array('name' => 'Form dùng cho quản lý', 'id' => '2'); $values[] = array('name' => 'Form dùng cho Website', 'id' => '1'); if ($rowDetail[$name] == '') { $valueCheck = 2; } else { $valueCheck = $rowDetail[$name]; } $data = $cF->inputRadio($name, $values, $valueCheck, 'ad_field adRadio form_type'); echo $cF->displayDiv('Loại', $data); $name = 'type_id'; $values = array(); $values[] = array('id' => '', 'name' => '-- chọn form mẫu --');
<div class="clear30"></div> <?php $cF = new controlAdminForm(); $id = $c->createEditData($table, $arrAction, $rowDetail); $data = $cF->inputHidden('id', $id, 'ad_field'); echo $data; $name = 'status'; $values = array(); $values[] = array('name' => 'Hiện', 'id' => '1'); $values[] = array('name' => 'Ẩn', 'id' => '0'); if ($rowDetail[$name] == '') { $valueCheck = 1; } else { $valueCheck = $rowDetail[$name]; } $data = $cF->inputRadio($name, $values, $valueCheck, 'ad_field adRadio'); echo $cF->displayDiv('Status', $data); $name = 'users_id'; $properties = array(); $properties[] = array('propertie' => 'maxlength', 'value' => '5'); $properties[] = array('propertie' => 'placeholder', 'value' => 'User ID'); $properties[] = array('propertie' => 'check', 'value' => '1'); $properties[] = array('propertie' => 'message', 'value' => 'Nhập ID'); $properties[] = array('propertie' => 'style', 'value' => 'width:70px'); if (!isset($_POST[$name])) { $value = $rowDetail[$name]; } else { $value = $_POST[$name]; } $other = '<span class="error adError"></span>'; $data = $cF->inputText($name, $value, 'ad_field insertListRole adInput value_id', $properties, $other);
<?php $cF = new controlAdminForm(); $c->createEditData($table, $arrAction, $rowDetail); echo '<form name="form_action" method="post" action=""> <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="10" style="margin-bottom:50px">'; $name = 'status'; $values = array(); $values[] = array('name' => 'Hiện', 'id' => '1'); $values[] = array('name' => 'Ẩn', 'id' => '0'); if (!isset($_POST[$name])) { if ($rowDetail[$name] == '') { $valueCheck = 1; } else { $valueCheck = $rowDetail[$name]; } } else { $valueCheck = $_POST[$name]; } $data = $cF->inputRadio($name, $values, $valueCheck, 'radio'); echo $cF->displayTable('Trạng thái', $data); $name = 'menu_id'; $where = "(type_id=1 OR type_id=5)"; $values = $c->selectFromMenu($lang, $table, $where); if (!isset($_POST[$name])) { $valueCheck = $rowDetail[$name]; } else { $valueCheck = $_POST[$name]; } $data = $cF->inputCheckbox($name, $values, $valueCheck, 'checkboxItem', 1); if (!isset($_POST[$name])) {
<?php $cF = new controlAdminForm(); $c->createEditData($table, $arrAction, $rowDetail); echo '<form name="form_action" method="post" action=""> <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="10" style="margin-bottom:50px">'; echo $cF->displayTable('Ngày liên hệ', '<p style="color:#00F; font-weight:bold; margin-top:3px">' . $c->viewDatetime($rowDetail['datetime']) . '</p>'); $name = 'status'; $values = array(); $values[] = array('name' => 'Chưa gửi', 'id' => '0'); $values[] = array('name' => 'Đã gửi', 'id' => '2'); $values[] = array('name' => 'Đã xem', 'id' => '1'); if (!isset($_POST[$name])) { if ($rowDetail[$name] == '') { $valueCheck = 0; } else { $valueCheck = $rowDetail[$name]; } } else { $valueCheck = $_POST[$name]; } $data = $cF->inputRadio($name, $values, $valueCheck, 'radio'); echo $cF->displayTable('Trạng thái', $data); $name = 'nhanvien_lienhe'; $values = $c->_model->_listDanhSachNhanVien(); array_unshift($values, array('name' => '-- chọn nhân viên --', 'id' => '')); if (!isset($_POST[$name])) { $valueCheck = $rowDetail[$name]; } else { $valueCheck = $_POST[$name]; }
<div class="clear30"></div> <?php $cF = new controlAdminForm(); $id = $c->createEditData($table, $arrAction, $rowDetail); $data = $cF->inputHidden('id', $id, 'ad_field'); echo $data; $name = 'status'; $values = array(); $values[] = array('name' => 'Hiện', 'id' => '1'); $values[] = array('name' => 'Ẩn', 'id' => '0'); if ($rowDetail[$name] == '') { $valueCheck = 1; } else { $valueCheck = $rowDetail[$name]; } $data = $cF->inputRadio($name, $values, $valueCheck, 'ad_field adRadio'); echo $cF->displayDiv('Trạng thái', $data); $name = 'datetime'; $properties = array(); $properties[] = array('propertie' => 'maxlength', 'value' => '16'); if ($rowDetail[$name] == 0) { $value = date('Y-m-d H:i', time()); } else { $value = date('Y-m-d H:i', $rowDetail[$name]); } $data = $cF->inputText($name, $value, 'ad_field adInput adTxtSmall datetimepick', $properties); echo $cF->displayDiv('Ngày', $data); $name = 'menu_id'; $where = ""; $values = $c->menuList($lang, $where); $valueCheck = $rowDetail[$name];
<div class="clear30"></div> <?php $cF = new controlAdminForm(); $id = $c->createEditData($table, $arrAction, $rowDetail); $data = $cF->inputHidden('id', $id, 'ad_field'); echo $data; $name = 'status'; $values = array(); $values[] = array('name' => 'Hiện', 'id' => '1'); $values[] = array('name' => 'Ẩn', 'id' => '0'); if ($rowDetail[$name] == '') { $valueCheck = 1; } else { $valueCheck = $rowDetail[$name]; } $data = $cF->inputRadio($name, $values, $valueCheck, 'ad_field adRadio'); echo $cF->displayDiv('Trạng thái', $data); $name = 'name'; $properties = array(); $properties[] = array('propertie' => 'maxlength', 'value' => '50'); $properties[] = array('propertie' => 'check', 'value' => '2'); $properties[] = array('propertie' => 'message', 'value' => 'Nhập name'); $value = $rowDetail[$name]; $other = '<span class="error adError"></span>'; $data = $cF->inputText($name, $value, 'ad_field adInput adTxtMedium', $properties, $other); echo $cF->displayDiv('Mô tả', $data); $name = 'shorten'; $properties = array(); $properties[] = array('propertie' => 'maxlength', 'value' => '20'); $value = $rowDetail[$name]; $data = $cF->inputText($name, $value, 'ad_field adInput adTxtMedium', $properties);
<div class="clear30"></div> <form id="imageForm" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="<?php echo CONS_BASE_URL; ?> /ajax/" > <input type="hidden" name="uploadWebPicture" value="1" /> <?php $cF = new controlAdminForm(); $name = 'id'; $id = $c->createEditData($table, $arrAction, $rowDetail); $data = $cF->inputHidden($name, $id, 'ad_field'); echo $data; $name = '_table'; $value = 'web_header'; $data = $cF->inputHidden($name, $value, 'ad_field'); echo $data; $name = 'datetime'; $properties = array(); $properties[] = array('propertie' => 'maxlength', 'value' => '16'); if ($rowDetail[$name] == 0) { $value = date('Y-m-d H:i', time()); } else { $value = date('Y-m-d H:i', $rowDetail[$name]); } $data = $cF->inputText($name, $value, 'ad_field adInput adTxtSmall datetimepick', $properties); echo $cF->displayDiv('Ngày', $data); $name = 'table_id'; $properties = array(); $properties[] = array('propertie' => 'check', 'value' => '1'); $properties[] = array('propertie' => 'message', 'value' => 'Chọn danh mục'); $other = '<span class="error adError"></span>';
<div class="clear30"></div> <?php $cF = new controlAdminForm(); $id = $c->createEditData($table, $arrAction, $rowDetail); $data = $cF->inputHidden('id', $id, 'ad_field'); echo $data; $name = 'status'; $values = array(); $values[] = array('name' => 'Hiện', 'id' => '1'); $values[] = array('name' => 'Ẩn', 'id' => '0'); if ($rowDetail[$name] == '') { $valueCheck = 1; } else { $valueCheck = $rowDetail[$name]; } $data = $cF->inputRadio($name, $values, $valueCheck, 'ad_field adRadio'); echo $cF->displayDiv('Status', $data); $name = 'datetime'; $properties = array(); $properties[] = array('propertie' => 'maxlength', 'value' => '16'); if ($rowDetail[$name] == 0) { $value = date('Y-m-d H:i', time()); } else { $value = date('Y-m-d H:i', $rowDetail[$name]); } $data = $cF->inputText($name, $value, 'ad_field adInput adTxtSmall datetimepick', $properties); echo $cF->displayDiv('Date', $data); $name = 'menu_id'; $arr = array('select' => '`id`, `name`', 'from' => 'web_header', 'where' => '`properties`=1 AND `type_id`=4', 'order' => '_order'); $values = $c->_model->_select($arr); $valueCheck = $rowDetail[$name];
<div id="iframe"> <?php if (!isset($_GET['table']) || !isset($_GET['id'])) { return false; } $table = $c->_model->_changeDauNhay($_GET['table']); $id = $c->_model->_changeDauNhay($_GET['id']); $rowDetail = $c->_model->_viewDetail($table, $id); $rowCourse = ''; if (isset($rowDetail['header_id'])) { $rowCourse = $c->_model->_viewDetail('web_header', $rowDetail['header_id']); $rowCourse = $rowCourse['name']; } $cA = new modelAdmin(); $cF = new controlAdminForm(); echo $cF->displayDiv('Email nhận', '<b class="label2 adMessage" id="email">' . $rowDetail['email'] . '</b>'); $name = 'type_id'; $values = $cA->_listTable('web_event_form', NULL, 'AND `type`=2 AND `type_id`=1'); array_unshift($values, array('name' => '-- chọn form --', 'id' => '')); $data = $cF->select($name, $values, '', 'adInput adTxtMedium'); $other = '<p class="adError error" id="type_id_error"></p>'; echo $cF->displayDiv('Chọn form mẫu', $data . $other); $name = 'price'; $properties = array(); $properties[] = array('propertie' => 'maxlength', 'value' => '9'); $properties[] = array('propertie' => 'placeholder', 'value' => 'Giá cá nhân khóa Public'); $data = $cF->inputText($name, '', 'adInput adTxtMedium', $properties); echo $cF->displayDiv('Giá', $data); $name = 'totalusd'; $properties = array(); $properties[] = array('propertie' => 'maxlength', 'value' => '8');
<div class="clear30"></div> <?php $cF = new controlAdminForm(); $id = $c->createEditData($table, $arrAction, $rowDetail); $data = $cF->inputHidden('id', $id, 'ad_field'); echo $data; $name = 'status'; $values = array(); $values[] = array('name' => 'Hiện', 'id' => '1'); $values[] = array('name' => 'Ẩn', 'id' => '0'); if ($rowDetail[$name] == '') { $valueCheck = 1; } else { $valueCheck = $rowDetail[$name]; } $data = $cF->inputRadio($name, $values, $valueCheck, 'ad_field adRadio'); echo $cF->displayDiv('Trạng thái', $data); $name = 'page'; $values = array(); $values[] = array('name' => 'Web', 'id' => '1'); $values[] = array('name' => 'Admin', 'id' => '2'); $values[] = array('name' => 'Manager', 'id' => '3'); if ($rowDetail[$name] == '') { $valueCheck = 1; } else { $valueCheck = $rowDetail[$name]; } $data = $cF->inputRadio($name, $values, $valueCheck, 'ad_field adRadio'); echo $cF->displayDiv('Trang mặc định', $data); /*if($rowDetail['group_id']!=3 && $id!=0){ echo $cF->displayDiv('Ngày đăng ký', '<b class="label2 adMessage">'.$c->viewDateTime($rowDetail['datetime']).'</b>');
<?php $cF = new controlAdminForm(); $id = $c->createEditData($table, $arrAction, $rowDetail); echo '<p style="color:#F60; font-size:120%">Lưu ý: Khi tạo tài khoản password mặc định là "<b>' . CONS_ADMIN_PASSWORD_DEFAULT . '</b>"</p>'; echo '<form name="form_action" method="post" action=""> <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="10" style="margin-bottom:50px">'; $name = 'status'; $values = array(); $values[] = array('name' => 'Hiện', 'id' => '1'); $values[] = array('name' => 'Ẩn', 'id' => '0'); if (!isset($_POST[$name])) { if ($rowDetail[$name] == '') { $valueCheck = 1; } else { $valueCheck = $rowDetail[$name]; } } else { $valueCheck = $_POST[$name]; } $data = $cF->inputRadio($name, $values, $valueCheck, 'radio'); echo $cF->displayTable('Trạng thái', $data); if ($rowDetail['group_id'] != 3 && $id != 0) { echo $cF->displayTable('Ngày đăng ký', '<p style="color:#00F; font-weight:bold; margin-top:3px">' . $c->viewDatetime($rowDetail['datetime']) . '</p>'); $name = 'date_expiration'; $properties = array(); $properties[] = array('propertie' => 'maxlength', 'value' => '30'); if (!isset($_POST[$name])) { if ($rowDetail[$name] == 0) { $value = date('Y-m-d H:i', time()); } else {
<?php $cF = new controlAdminForm(); $c->createEditData($table, $arrAction, $rowDetail); echo '<div id="tableName" style="display:none">' . $table . '</div> <form name="form_action" method="post" action=""> <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="10" style="margin-bottom:50px">'; $name = 'status'; $values = array(); $values[] = array('name' => 'Hiện', 'id' => '1'); $values[] = array('name' => 'Ẩn', 'id' => '0'); if (!isset($_POST[$name])) { if ($rowDetail[$name] == '') { $valueCheck = 1; } else { $valueCheck = $rowDetail[$name]; } } else { $valueCheck = $_POST[$name]; } $data = $cF->inputRadio($name, $values, $valueCheck, 'radio'); echo $cF->displayTable('Trạng thái', $data); $name = 'datetime'; $properties = array(); $properties[] = array('propertie' => 'maxlength', 'value' => '100'); if (!isset($_POST[$name])) { if ($rowDetail[$name] == 0) { $value = date('Y-m-d H:i', time()); } else { $value = date('Y-m-d H:i', $rowDetail[$name]); }
<?php $cF = new controlAdminForm(); $c->createEditData($table, $arrAction, $rowDetail); echo '<form name="form_action" method="post" action=""> <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="10" style="margin-bottom:50px">'; echo $cF->displayTable('Ngày liên hệ', $c->viewDatetime($rowDetail['datetime'])); $name = 'status'; $values = array(); $values[] = array('name' => 'Chưa xem', 'id' => '0'); $values[] = array('name' => 'Đã xem', 'id' => '1'); if (!isset($_POST[$name])) { if ($rowDetail[$name] == '') { $valueCheck = 1; } else { $valueCheck = $rowDetail[$name]; } } else { $valueCheck = $_POST[$name]; } $data = $cF->inputRadio($name, $values, $valueCheck, 'radio'); echo $cF->displayTable('Trạng thái', $data); $name = 'name'; $properties = array(); $properties[] = array('propertie' => 'maxlength', 'value' => '100'); if (!isset($_POST[$name])) { $value = $rowDetail[$name]; } else { $value = $_POST[$name]; } $data = $cF->inputText($name, $value, 'input_medium', $properties);
<?php $cF = new controlAdminForm(); $c->createEditData($table, $arrAction, $rowDetail); echo '<form name="form_action" method="post" action=""> <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="10" style="margin-bottom:50px">'; $name = 'status'; $values = array(); $values[] = array('name' => 'Hiện', 'id' => '1'); $values[] = array('name' => 'Ẩn', 'id' => '0'); if (!isset($_POST[$name])) { if ($rowDetail[$name] == '') { $valueCheck = 1; } else { $valueCheck = $rowDetail[$name]; } } else { $valueCheck = $_POST[$name]; } $data = $cF->inputRadio($name, $values, $valueCheck, 'radio'); echo $cF->displayTable('Trạng thái', $data); $name = 'description'; $properties = array(); $properties[] = array('propertie' => 'maxlength', 'value' => '30'); if (!isset($_POST[$name])) { $value = $rowDetail[$name]; } else { $value = $_POST[$name]; } $data = $cF->inputText($name, $value, 'input_medium', $properties); echo $cF->displayTable('Mô tả', $data);