Exemple #1
  * Gets, and creates if neccessary, a store object
 private function _getStore()
     if ($this->_store === null) {
         $this->_store = forward_static_call(array($this->_conf->getKey('class', 'model'), 'getInstance'), $this->_conf->getSection('model_options'));
     return $this->_store;
Exemple #2
 public function __construct()
     $config = new configuration();
     $blogConfig = $config->getBlogConfiguration();
     $this->conf = $blogConfig;
     $this->themes->conf = $blogConfig;
  * set configuration options of the traffic limiter
  * @access public
  * @static
  * @param configuration $conf
  * @return void
 public static function setConfiguration(configuration $conf)
     self::setLimit($conf->getKey('limit', 'traffic'));
     self::setPath($conf->getKey('dir', 'traffic'));
     if (($option = $conf->getKey('header', 'traffic')) !== null) {
         $httpHeader = 'HTTP_' . $option;
         if (array_key_exists($httpHeader, $_SERVER) && !empty($_SERVER[$httpHeader])) {
             self::$_ipKey = $httpHeader;
 public function __construct()
     if ($this->session->check("logged") == false) {
     $config = new configuration();
     $blogConfig = $config->getBlogConfiguration();
     $userConfig = $config->getUserConfiguration(1);
     $this->conf = $blogConfig;
     $this->userConf = $userConfig;
 function test_readconfig()
     $confmgr = new configuration($this->meta);
     $conf = $confmgr->_read_config($this->config);
     $this->assertEquals('42', $conf['int1']);
     $this->assertEquals('6*7', $conf['int2']);
     $this->assertEquals('Hello World', $conf['str1']);
     $this->assertEquals('G\'day World', $conf['str2']);
     $this->assertEquals('Hello World', $conf['str3']);
     $this->assertEquals("Hello 'World'", $conf['str4']);
     $this->assertEquals('Hello "World"', $conf['str5']);
     $this->assertEquals(array('foo', 'bar', 'baz'), $conf['arr1']);
 function test_readconfig()
     $this->markTestSkipped('The test config.php and metadata.php files are missing');
     $confmgr = new configuration($this->meta);
     $conf = $confmgr->_read_config($this->config);
     $this->assertEquals('42', $conf['int1']);
     $this->assertEquals('6*7', $conf['int2']);
     $this->assertEquals('Hello World', $conf['str1']);
     $this->assertEquals('G\'day World', $conf['str2']);
     $this->assertEquals('Hello World', $conf['str3']);
     $this->assertEquals("Hello 'World'", $conf['str4']);
     $this->assertEquals('Hello "World"', $conf['str5']);
     $this->assertEquals(array('foo', 'bar', 'baz'), $conf['arr1']);
  * Regarde si un objet connexion a déjà été instancier,
  * si c'est le cas alors il retourne l'objet déjà existant
  * sinon il en créer un autre.
  * @return $instance
 public static function getInstance()
     if (!self::$instance instanceof self) {
         self::$instance = new self();
     return self::$instance;
Exemple #8
  * Return Config instance or create intitial instance
  * @access public
  * @return object
 public static function getInstance()
     if (is_null(self::$instance)) {
         self::$instance = new configuration();
     return self::$instance;
Exemple #9
 public function __construct(projectsModel $model)
     $this->model = $model;
     //$this->todolist = new todolist(new todolistModel()); // On initialize la todolist pour le projet
     $this->viewHelper->setGlobalAssign(array("token" => $this->controllerHelper->_setToken("token"), "configuration" => configuration::getInstance()->getConfiguration(), "javascript" => array("wysihtml5-0.3.0.min", "bootstrap3-wysihtml5", "plugins/tree/jstree.min", "plugins/dropzone/dropzone", "global", "project", "filesmanager"), "css" => array("bootstrap-wysihtml5", "bootstrap3-wysiwyg5-color", "plugins/tree/themes/default/style.min")));
 public function displayList()
     global $cookie, $currentIndex;
     $warnings = array();
     if (!file_exists(_PS_ROOT_DIR_ . '/.htaccess')) {
         $warnings[] = $this->l('In order to enable the PrestaShop Webservice, please generate the .htaccess file via the "Generators" tab (in the "Tools" tab).');
     if (strpos($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'Apache') === false) {
         $warnings[] = $this->l('To avoid operating problems, please use an Apache server.');
     if (function_exists('apache_get_modules')) {
         $apache_modules = apache_get_modules();
         if (!in_array('mod_auth_basic', $apache_modules)) {
             $warnings[] = $this->l('Please activate the Apache module \'mod_auth_basic\' to allow authentication of PrestaShop webservice.');
         if (!in_array('mod_rewrite', $apache_modules)) {
             $warnings[] = $this->l('Please activate the Apache module \'mod_rewrite\' to allow using the PrestaShop webservice.');
     } else {
         $warnings[] = $this->l('We could not check if basic authentication and rewrite extensions are activated. Please manually check if they are activated in order to use the PrestaShop webservice.');
     if (!extension_loaded('SimpleXML')) {
         $warnings[] = $this->l('Please activate the PHP extension \'SimpleXML\' to allow testing of PrestaShop webservice.');
     if (!configuration::get('PS_SSL_ENABLED')) {
         $warnings[] = $this->l('If possible, it is preferable to use SSL (https) for webservice calls, as it avoids the security issues of type "man in the middle".');
     foreach ($this->_list as $k => $item) {
         if ($item['is_module'] && $item['class_name'] && $item['module_name'] && ($instance = Module::getInstanceByName($item['module_name'])) && !$instance->useNormalPermissionBehaviour()) {
Exemple #11
 public function hookLeftColumn($params)
     if (Module::isInstalled('smartblog') != 1) {
         $this->smarty->assign(array('smartmodname' => $this->name));
         return $this->display(__FILE__, 'views/templates/front/install_required.tpl');
     } else {
         if (!$this->isCached('smartblogtag.tpl', $this->getCacheId())) {
             $view_data = array();
             $id_lang = $this->context->language->id;
             if (Configuration::get('smartshowposttag') != '' && Configuration::get('smartshowposttag') != null) {
                 $limit = Configuration::get('smartshowposttag');
             } else {
                 $limit = 10;
             $id_lang_default = configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT');
             $sqllangdefault = 'SELECT * FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'smart_blog_post_tag p INNER JOIN 
             ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'smart_blog_post_shop s ON p.id_post=s.id_smart_blog_post AND s.id_shop = ' . (int) Context::getContext()->shop->id . ' INNER JOIN 
             ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'smart_blog_tag t ON p.id_tag= t.id_tag where t.id_lang = ' . (int) $id_lang_default . ' LIMIT ' . $limit;
             $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'smart_blog_post_tag p INNER JOIN 
             ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'smart_blog_post_shop s ON p.id_post=s.id_smart_blog_post AND s.id_shop = ' . (int) Context::getContext()->shop->id . ' INNER JOIN 
             ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'smart_blog_tag t ON p.id_tag= t.id_tag where t.id_lang = ' . (int) $id_lang . ' LIMIT ' . $limit;
             $tags = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS($sql);
             if (empty($tags)) {
                 $tags = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS($sqllangdefault);
             $this->smarty->assign(array('tags' => $tags));
         return $this->display(__FILE__, 'views/templates/front/smartblogtag.tpl', $this->getCacheId());
 function checkConfig()
     $this->cookie = cookie::getInstance();
     if (!$this->cookie->check("logged")) {
     $conf = new configuration();
     $row = $conf->findBy('name', 'blog_feedburner_rssLink');
     $setupMsg = "<p style=\"border:1px solid #f00;background-color:#ff0;padding:10px;font-size:15px;\">Please <a href=\"{$this->registry->path}admin/config#blog_feedburner_rssLink\">setup</a> the feedburner plugin.</p>";
     if (!$row) {
         echo $setupMsg;
     } else {
         if (!preg_match(VALID_URL, $row['value'])) {
             echo $setupMsg;
Exemple #13
  * Display ZeroBin frontend.
  * @access private
  * @return void
 private function _view()
     // set headers to disable caching
     $time = gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s \\G\\M\\T');
     header('Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate');
     header('Pragma: no-cache');
     header('Expires: ' . $time);
     header('Last-Modified: ' . $time);
     header('Vary: Accept');
     // label all the expiration options
     $expire = array();
     foreach ($this->_conf->getSection('expire_options') as $time => $seconds) {
         $expire[$time] = $seconds == 0 ? i18n::_(ucfirst($time)) : filter::time_humanreadable($time);
     // translate all the formatter options
     $formatters = array_map(array('i18n', 'translate'), $this->_conf->getSection('formatter_options'));
     // set language cookie if that functionality was enabled
     $languageselection = '';
     if ($this->_conf->getKey('languageselection')) {
         $languageselection = i18n::getLanguage();
         setcookie('lang', $languageselection);
     $page = new RainTPL();
     $page::$path_replace = false;
     // we escape it here because ENT_NOQUOTES can't be used in RainTPL templates
     $page->assign('CIPHERDATA', htmlspecialchars($this->_data, ENT_NOQUOTES));
     $page->assign('ERROR', i18n::_($this->_error));
     $page->assign('STATUS', i18n::_($this->_status));
     $page->assign('VERSION', self::VERSION);
     $page->assign('DISCUSSION', $this->_conf->getKey('discussion'));
     $page->assign('OPENDISCUSSION', $this->_conf->getKey('opendiscussion'));
     $page->assign('MARKDOWN', array_key_exists('markdown', $formatters));
     $page->assign('SYNTAXHIGHLIGHTING', array_key_exists('syntaxhighlighting', $formatters));
     $page->assign('SYNTAXHIGHLIGHTINGTHEME', $this->_conf->getKey('syntaxhighlightingtheme'));
     $page->assign('FORMATTER', $formatters);
     $page->assign('FORMATTERDEFAULT', $this->_conf->getKey('defaultformatter'));
     $page->assign('NOTICE', i18n::_($this->_conf->getKey('notice')));
     $page->assign('BURNAFTERREADINGSELECTED', $this->_conf->getKey('burnafterreadingselected'));
     $page->assign('PASSWORD', $this->_conf->getKey('password'));
     $page->assign('FILEUPLOAD', $this->_conf->getKey('fileupload'));
     $page->assign('BASE64JSVERSION', $this->_conf->getKey('base64version'));
     $page->assign('LANGUAGESELECTION', $languageselection);
     $page->assign('LANGUAGES', i18n::getLanguageLabels(i18n::getAvailableLanguages()));
     $page->assign('EXPIRE', $expire);
     $page->assign('EXPIREDEFAULT', $this->_conf->getKey('default', 'expire'));
     $page->assign('EXPIRECLONE', !$this->_doesExpire || $this->_doesExpire && $this->_conf->getKey('clone', 'expire'));
     $page->assign('URLSHORTENER', $this->_conf->getKey('urlshortener'));
 public static function initTimer($wsGetArray, $wsPostArray, $cachetimeLbl, $lastrequestLbl)
     self::$timeOnInit = time();
     self::$wsGetList = $wsGetArray;
     self::$wsPostList = $wsPostArray;
     self::$cachetimeLbl = $cachetimeLbl;
     self::$lastrequestLbl = $lastrequestLbl;
     $completeWslist = array_merge(self::$wsGetList, self::$wsPostList);
     foreach ($completeWslist as $ws) {
         // ex 'OSI_CACHETIME_WSO-G002'
         $WSOInfosList[] = self::$cachetimeLbl . $ws;
         // ex 'OSI_LASTREQUEST_WSO-G002'
         $WSOInfosList[] = self::$lastrequestLbl . $ws;
     self::$wsInfosList = configuration::getMultiple($WSOInfosList);
Exemple #15
 public function actionIndex()
     $this->htmlOption = array('class' => 'icon-head head-products', 'header' => "货运设置", 'button' => array(array('class' => 'scalable save', 'id' => 'form-save', 'header' => '保存')));
     $carrier = $this->loadModel();
     if ($_POST['SHIPPING']) {
     if ($_POST['feeAdd']) {
         foreach ($_POST['feeAdd'] as $key => $row) {
             if ($row != 0) {
                 $arr = explode('-', $key);
                 $delivery = new delivery();
                 $delivery->carrier_ID = $_POST['carrier_ID'];
                 $delivery->zone_ID = $arr[0];
                 $delivery->weight_range_ID = $arr[1];
                 $delivery->price = $row;
     if ($_POST['feeUpdate']) {
         foreach ($_POST['feeUpdate'] as $key => $row) {
             $delivery = delivery::model()->findByPk($key);
             if ($row != 0 && $row != $delivery->price) {
                 $delivery->price = $row;
             } else {
                 if ($row == 0) {
     $config = configuration::item('SHIPPING', 'SHIPPING_FREE_PRICE');
     $this->render('index', array('config' => $config, 'carrier' => $carrier));
  * Sets Vivvo registered modules.
  * @return void
 function set_modules()
     $this->_modules = $this->_configuration->get_configuration_property_list('modules');
 public function config($id = null)
     if ($this->data) {
         $C = new configuration();
         foreach ($this->data as $name => $value) {
             if ($C->findBy("name", $name)) {
                 $C['value'] = trim($value);
             } else {
                 //adding new record.
                 $C = new configuration();
                 $new_value = array();
                 $new_value['name'] = $name;
                 $new_value['value'] = $value;
                 $new_value['id_user'] = 1;
     $this->registry->conf = $this->conf;
     $this->registry->userConf = $this->userConf;
     $this->view->conf = $this->registry->conf;
     $this->view->userConf = $this->registry->userConf;
  * Runs a DB query and returns a result based on arguments which specify what to look for
  * @param string $query The query to run
  * @param boolean $checkResult Whether to check that a result was found (not needed for update/delete, only select): This result may be empty
  * @param boolean $resultCheck Whether to check for returned results from the query
  * @return unknown
 function runDBQuery($query, $checkResult = false, $resultCheck = false)
     if (!isset($this->iniUtilities) || !is_object($this->iniUtilities)) {
         $this->dbUtilities = new dbUtilities();
         $this->iniUtilities = new iniUtilities();
     $wizConfigHandler = new configuration();
     $configPath = $wizConfigHandler->readConfigPathIni();
     $dconf = $this->iniUtilities->getSection('db');
     $this->dbUtilities->load($dconf['dbHost'], '', $dconf['dbAdminUser'], $dconf['dbAdminPass'], $dconf['dbName']);
     $result = $this->dbUtilities->query($query);
     if ($checkResult) {
         $assArr = $this->dbUtilities->fetchAssoc($result);
         if ($resultCheck) {
             return !is_null($assArr);
         } else {
             return is_null($assArr);
     return !is_null($result);
 function delete_many($arg_arr_ids)
     if (is_array($arg_arr_ids)) {
         while (list(, $id) = each($arg_arr_ids)) {
             $obj = new configuration($id);
 public function addComment($urlfriendly = null)
     $C = new configuration();
     $codice = $C->getBlogConfiguration();
     if ($this->data) {
         if (is_null($urlfriendly) === true) {
             $this->redirect($codice['blog_siteurl'], true);
         $P = new post();
         $post = $P->findBy('urlfriendly', $urlfriendly);
         if ($P->isNew() === true) {
             $this->redirect($codice['blog_siteurl'], true);
         if (isset($this->data["resultado"]) === true) {
             $captcha = $this->data['resultado'];
             if ($captcha != '5') {
                 $this->session->flash('Tu comentario no puede ser agregado. Necesitas contestar la pregunta correctamente.');
         } else {
             $this->session->flash('Tu comentario no puede ser agregado. Necesitas contestar la pregunta.');
         if ($this->cookie->check('id_user')) {
             $this->data['user_id'] = $this->cookie->id_user;
             $this->data['status'] = 'publish';
         } else {
             $this->data['user_id'] = 0;
             $this->data['status'] = 'waiting';
         $this->data['type'] = '';
         //'pingback', 'trackback', ''
         $this->data['IP'] = utils::getIP();
         $this->data['ID_post'] = $post["ID"];
         $this->cookie->author = $this->data['author'];
         $this->cookie->email = $this->data['email'];
         $this->cookie->url = $this->data['url'];
         $C = new comment();
         $valid = $C->save();
         if ($valid) {
             $this->registry->lastCommentID = $valid;
             $this->registry->postID = $post["ID"];
         if ($valid and $this->isAjax()) {
             echo $valid;
         } else {
             if ($valid) {
             } else {
 function getall()
     global $__in, $__out;
     $configuration = new configuration();
     $__out['arr_configurations'] = $configuration->getall();
     return true;
Exemple #22
} else {
if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5.1.0', '<') == true) {
    die("PHP5 = false : PHP5 required");
// Define root directory
define('__SITE_PATH', realpath(dirname(__FILE__)));
// Get Configuration Object
include __SITE_PATH . "/core/library/config.class.php";
$configuration = configuration::getInstance();
//  Set system time
$date_time = date($configuration->config_values['application']['date_format']);
// Set Time Zone
// Load Classes - Core
include __SITE_PATH . "/core/library/error.class.php";
include __SITE_PATH . "/core/library/template.class.php";
include __SITE_PATH . "/core/database/db.class.php";
Exemple #23
 public function __construct()
     $this->conexion = parent::conectar();
     return $this->conexion;
Exemple #24

define("USERS_URL", LIVE_URL . "/modules/users/");
define("USERS_VIEWS", BASE_URL . "/modules/users/views/");
$config["users"] = array("icon" => "fa fa-users", "menu" => array("Utilisateurs" => USERS_URL . "index.php?page=getSidebar"));
configuration::getInstance()->setConfiguration("menus", array("name" => "users", "icon" => "fa fa-users", "menu" => array("Utilisateurs" => USERS_URL . "/index.php?page=getSidebar")));
Exemple #25
  * Prepare the configuration data for the moodle form.
  * @return  object
 public function prepare_data_for_form()
     $data = $this->to_record();
     foreach (configuration::get_defaultable_keys() as $key) {
         $data->{$key} = $this->get_config($key, configuration::get_default_value($key));
     return $data;

include "header.php";
require_once "../common/class/configuration.class.php";
$configuration = new configuration();
function validno(no)

function validemailid(email)

function checkconfiguration()
		case "number":
			alert("Invalid Number..");	
			return false;
Exemple #27
 public function isFreeshipping()
     $freeshippingPrice = configuration::item('SHIPPING', 'SHIPPING_FREE_PRICE');
     if ($this->getOrderTotal(4) >= $freeshippingPrice) {
         return TRUE;
     $req = Yii::app()->db->createCommand('SELECT m2.discount_ID FROM {{cart_discount}} as m1 ' . ' LEFT JOIN {{discount_entity}} as m2 ON m1.discount_ID=m2.discount_ID' . " WHERE m2.discount_type=3 AND m1.cart_ID={$this->cart_ID}");
     if ($req->queryScalar()) {
         return TRUE;
     return FALSE;
 public function testHandleMissingSubKeys()
     $options = $this->_options;
     helper::createIniFile(CONF, $options);
     $conf = new configuration();
     $options['expire']['default'] = '5min';
     $this->assertEquals($options, $conf->get(), 'not overriding "missing" subkeys');
 public function checkForWarning()
     if (strpos($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'Apache') === false) {
         $this->warnings[] = $this->l('To avoid operating problems, please use an Apache server.');
         if (function_exists('apache_get_modules')) {
             $apache_modules = apache_get_modules();
             if (!in_array('mod_auth_basic', $apache_modules)) {
                 $this->warnings[] = $this->l('Please activate the \'mod_auth_basic\' Apache module to allow authentication of PrestaShop\'s webservice.');
             if (!in_array('mod_rewrite', $apache_modules)) {
                 $this->warnings[] = $this->l('Please activate the \'mod_rewrite\' Apache module to allow the PrestaShop webservice.');
         } else {
             $this->warnings[] = $this->l('We could not check to see if basic authentication and rewrite extensions have been activated. Please manually check if they\'ve been activated in order to use the PrestaShop webservice.');
     if (!extension_loaded('SimpleXML')) {
         $this->warnings[] = $this->l('Please activate the \'SimpleXML\' PHP extension to allow testing of PrestaShop\'s webservice.');
     if (!configuration::get('PS_SSL_ENABLED')) {
         $this->warnings[] = $this->l('It is preferable to use SSL (https:) for webservice calls, as it avoids the "man in the middle" type security issues.');
     foreach ($this->_list as $k => $item) {
         if ($item['is_module'] && $item['class_name'] && $item['module_name'] && ($instance = Module::getInstanceByName($item['module_name'])) && !$instance->useNormalPermissionBehaviour()) {
Exemple #30

include "header.php";
require_once "../common/class/configuration.class.php";
$configuration = new configuration();
if ($_GET['wtdo'] == 'add_variable' && $_POST != "") {
if ($_GET['wtdo'] == 'edit_variable' && $_POST != "") {
    $add = $configuration->edit_configuration($_POST, $_GET['cid']);
$config = $configuration->getall_values();

<table align="center" >
    <td><img src="images/configuration.png" /></td>
    <td style="color:#003399; font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-weight:bold; font-size:18px;" align="center" valign="middle">
    &nbsp;&nbsp;List of Configuration Values</td>
<br />
<a href='add_variable.php'>ADD VARIABLE</a>
<table width="100%" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="3" style="font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:13px;" align="center">
<tr bgcolor="#3262bd" align="left" >
<th style="font-weight:bold; font-size:13px;color:#ffffff;" width="300">Configuration Name</th>
<th style="font-weight:bold; font-size:13px;color:#ffffff;" width="300">Value</th>
<th style="font-weight:bold; font-size:13px;color:#ffffff;" width="30">Type</th>
<th style="font-weight:bold; font-size:13px;color:#ffffff;" width="30" >Edit</th>