  * Display the database configuration form.
 public function config_db()
     // We need to know if the db is already configured. If so, just redirect back, otherwise it could be maliciously overwritten.
     $messages = array();
     config_test::check_db($messages, true);
     if (count($messages) == 0) {
     } else {
         // Db does indeed need to be configured.
         $this->template->title = 'Database Configuration';
         $this->template->content = new View('fixers/config_db');
         $this->template->content->error = $this->error;
         // init and default values of view vars
         $this->view_var = array();
         $description = str_replace(array('*code*', '*code_user*', '*code_perm*'), array('<span class="code">CREATE DATABASE indicia TEMPLATE=template_postgis;</span>', '<span class="code">CREATE USER indicia_user WITH PASSWORD \'indicia\';<br/>' . 'GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE indicia TO indicia_user;</span>', '<span class="code">GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON TABLE geometry_columns TO indicia_user;<br/>' . 'GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON TABLE spatial_ref_sys TO indicia_user;<br/>' . 'GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION st_astext(geometry) TO indicia_user;<br/>' . 'GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION st_geomfromtext(text, integer) TO indicia_user;<br/>' . 'GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION st_transform(geometry, integer) TO indicia_user;</span>'), Kohana::lang('setup.description'));
         $this->template->content->description = $description;
         // Assign default settings if the user has not yet updated the db config
         $db_config = kohana::config('database');
         if ($db_config['default']['connection']['type'] == 'mysql') {
             $this->template->content->host = 'localhost';
             $this->template->content->port = '5432';
             $this->template->content->user = '';
             $this->template->content->password = '';
             $this->template->content->reportuser = '';
             $this->template->content->reportpassword = '';
             $this->template->content->schema = '';
             $this->template->content->database = '';
         } else {
             $this->template->content->host = $db_config['default']['connection']['host'];
             $this->template->content->port = $db_config['default']['connection']['port'];
             $this->template->content->user = $db_config['default']['connection']['user'];
             $this->template->content->password = $db_config['default']['connection']['pass'];
             $this->template->content->reportuser = $db_config['report']['connection']['user'];
             $this->template->content->reportpassword = $db_config['report']['connection']['pass'];
             $this->template->content->schema = $db_config['default']['schema'];
             $this->template->content->database = $db_config['default']['connection']['database'];
Exemple #2
if ($db_version < $app_version) {
<div class="ui-state-error ui-corner-all page-notice">Your database needs to be upgraded as the application version is <?php 
    echo $app_version;
 but the database version is <?php 
    echo $db_version;
<a class="ui-state-default ui-corner-all button" href="<?php 
    echo url::base();
index.php/home/upgrade">Run Upgrade</a></div>  
$problems = config_test::check_config(true, true);
if (count($problems) > 0) {
<div class="ui-state-error ui-corner-all page-notice">
<p>There are configuration issues on this server.
<span id="issues_toggle" class="ui-state-default ui-corner-all button" style="margin-left: 1em;">Show/Hide Details</span>
<div id='issues'>
    foreach ($problems as $problem) {
        echo '<div class="page-notice ui-widget-content ui-corner-all"><div>' . $problem['title'] . '</div><div>' . $problem['description'] . '</div></div>';