} else { if (!($event = $DB->get_record('trainingevent', array('id' => $dodownload)))) { die; } $location = $DB->get_record('classroom', array('id' => $event->classroomid)); // Output everything to a file. header("Content-Type: application/download\n"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"" . $event->name . ".csv\""); header("Expires: 0"); header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate,post-check=0,pre-check=0"); header("Pragma: public"); $locationinfo = "{$location->name}, {$location->address}, {$location->city},"; $locationinfo .= " {$location->country}, {$location->postcode}"; echo "\"{$event->name}, {$locationinfo}\"\n"; echo "\"" . get_string('fullname') . "\",\"" . get_string('email') . "\"\n"; if ($users = $DB->get_records_sql('SELECT userid AS id FROM {trainingevent_users} WHERE trainingeventid=' . $event->id . ' AND userid IN (' . $allowedlist . ')')) { foreach ($users as $user) { $fulluserdata = $DB->get_record('user', array('id' => $user->id)); $fulluserdata->department = company_user::get_department_name($user->id); $fullname = "{$fulluserdata->firstname} {$fulluserdata->lastname}"; echo "\"{$fullname}\", \"{$fulluserdata->department}\", \"{$fulluserdata->email}\"\n"; } } } } if (!empty($dodownload)) { exit; } echo $OUTPUT->footer();
public static function get_completion($companyid, $courseid = 0, $wantedusers = null, $compfrom = 0, $compto = 0) { global $DB, $CFG; // Get list of course ids. $courseids = array(); if ($courseid == 0) { if (!($courses = $DB->get_records_sql("SELECT c.id AS courseid FROM {course} c\n WHERE c.id in (\n SELECT courseid FROM {companycourse}\n WHERE companyid = {$companyid} )\n OR c.id in (\n SELECT pc.courseid FROM {iomad_courses} pc\n INNER JOIN {company_shared_courses} csc\n ON pc.courseid=csc.courseid\n WHERE pc.shared=2\n AND csc.companyid = {$companyid} )\n OR c.id in (\n SELECT pc.courseid FROM {iomad_courses} pc\n WHERE pc.shared=1)"))) { // No courses for company, so exit. return false; } foreach ($courses as $course) { $courseids[] = $course->courseid; } } else { $courseids[] = $courseid; } // Going to build an array for the data. $data = array(); // Count the three statii for the graph. $notstarted = 0; $inprogress = 0; $completed = 0; // Get completion data for each course. foreach ($courseids as $courseid) { // Get course object. if (!($course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $courseid)))) { error('unable to find course record'); } $datum = null; $datum->coursename = $course->fullname; // Instantiate completion info thingy. $info = new completion_info($course); // If completion is not enabled on the course // there's no point carrying on. if (!$info->is_enabled()) { $datum->enabled = false; $data[$courseid] = $datum; continue; } else { $datum->enabled = true; } // Get criteria for coursed. // This is an array of tracked activities (only tracked ones). $criteria = $info->get_criteria(); // Number of tracked activities to complete. $trackedcount = count($criteria); $datum->trackedcount = $trackedcount; // Get data for all users in course. // This is an array of users in the course. It contains a 'progress' // array showing completed *tracked* activities. $progress = $info->get_progress_all(); // Iterate over users to get info. $users = array(); $numusers = 0; $numprogress = 0; $numcomplete = 0; $numnotstarted = 0; foreach ($wantedusers as $wanteduser) { if (empty($progress[$wanteduser])) { continue; } $user = $progress[$wanteduser]; ++$numusers; $u = null; $u->fullname = fullname($user); // Count of progress is the number they have completed. $u->completed_count = count($user->progress); if ($trackedcount > 0) { $u->completed_percent = round(100 * $u->completed_count / $trackedcount, 2); } else { $u->completed_percent = '0'; } // Find user's completion info for this course. if ($completioninfo = $DB->get_record('course_completions', array('userid' => $user->id, 'course' => $courseid))) { if ((!empty($compfrom) || !empty($compto)) && empty($completioninfo->timecompleted)) { continue; } else { if (!empty($compfrom) && $completioninfo->timecompleted < $compfrom) { continue; } else { if (!empty($compto) && $completioninfo->timecompleted > $compto) { continue; } else { $u->timeenrolled = $completioninfo->timeenrolled; if (!empty($completioninfo->timestarted)) { $u->timestarted = $completioninfo->timestarted; if (!empty($completioninfo->timecompleted)) { $u->timecompleted = $completioninfo->timecompleted; $u->status = 'completed'; ++$numcomplete; } else { $u->timecompleted = 0; $u->status = 'inprogress'; ++$numprogress; } } else { $u->timestarted = 0; $u->status = 'notstarted'; ++$numnotstarted; } } } } } else { $u->timeenrolled = 0; $u->timecompleted = 0; $u->timestarted = 0; $u->status = 'notstarted'; ++$numnotstarted; } // Get the users score. $gbsql = "select gg.finalgrade as result from {grade_grades} gg, {grade_items} gi\n WHERE gi.courseid={$courseid} AND gi.itemtype='course' AND gg.userid=" . $user->id . "\n AND gi.id=gg.itemid"; if (!($gradeinfo = $DB->get_record_sql($gbsql))) { $gradeinfo = new object(); $gradeinfo->result = null; } $u->result = round($gradeinfo->result, 0); $userinfo = $DB->get_record('user', array('id' => $user->id)); $u->email = $userinfo->email; $u->id = $user->id; $u->department = company_user::get_department_name($user->id); // Add to revised user array. $users[$user->id] = $u; } $datum->users = $users; $datum->completed = $numcomplete; $datum->numusers = $numusers; $datum->started = $numnotstarted; $datum->inprogress = $numprogress; $data[$courseid] = $datum; } // Make the data for the graph. $graphdata = array('notstarted' => $notstarted, 'inprogress' => $inprogress, 'completed' => $completed); // Make return object. $returnobj = null; $returnobj->data = $data; $returnobj->graphdata = $graphdata; return $returnobj; }