function onordercomplete($invoiceitem, $invoice) { global $DB; $transaction = $DB->start_delegated_transaction(); // Get name for company license. $company = company::get_company_byuserid($invoice->userid); $course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $invoiceitem->invoiceableitemid), 'id, shortname', MUST_EXIST); $licensename = $company->shortname . " [" . $course->shortname . "] " . date("Y-m-d"); $count = $DB->count_records_sql("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {companylicense} WHERE name LIKE '" . str_replace("'", "\\'", $licensename) . "%'"); if ($count) { $licensename .= ' (' . ($count + 1) . ')'; } // Create mdl_companylicense record. $companylicense = new stdClass(); $companylicense->name = $licensename; $companylicense->allocation = $invoiceitem->license_allocation; $companylicense->validlength = $invoiceitem->license_validlength; if (!empty($invoiceitem->license_shelflife)) { $companylicense->expirydate = $invoiceitem->license_shelflife * 86400 + time(); // 86400 = 24*60*60 = number of seconds in a day. } else { $companylicense->expirydate = 0; } $companylicense->companyid = $company->id; $companylicenseid = $DB->insert_record('companylicense', $companylicense); // Create mdl_companylicense_courses record for the course. $clc = new stdClass(); $clc->licenseid = $companylicenseid; $clc->courseid = $course->id; $DB->insert_record('companylicense_courses', $clc); // Mark the invoice item as processed. $invoiceitem->processed = 1; $DB->update_record('invoiceitem', $invoiceitem); $transaction->allow_commit(); }
/** * Add shared courses to the list of courses * * Parameters - &$courses = array(); * * */ public static function iomad_add_shared_courses(&$courses) { global $DB, $CFG, $USER; if (!empty($USER->profile['company'])) { $company = company::get_company_byuserid($USER->id); $sharedcourses = $DB->get_records_sql('SELECT * FROM {course} c WHERE IN ( SELECT courseid FROM {iomad_courses} WHERE shared=1 AND licensed = 0 ) OR IN ( SELECT pc.courseid FROM {iomad_courses} pc JOIN {company_shared_courses} csc ON csc.courseid=pc.courseid AND csc.companyid = :companyid AND pc.licensed = 0 )', array('companyid' => $company->id)); } else { $sharedcourses = $DB->get_records_sql('SELECT * from {course} c WHERE IN ( SELECT courseid FROM {iomad_courses} WHERE shared=1 )'); } if (!empty($sharedcourses) && !empty($courses)) { foreach ($courses as $course) { if (!empty($sharedcourses[$course->id])) { unset($sharedcourses[$course->id]); } } $courses = $courses + $sharedcourses; } return; }
/** * Unsuspends a user and keeps the company details as was. * @param int userid * @return boolean */ public static function unsuspend($userid) { global $DB; // Get the company details for the user. $company = company::get_company_byuserid($userid); // Get the users company record. $DB->set_field('company_users', 'suspended', 0, array('userid' => $userid, 'companyid' => $company->id)); // Mark user as suspended. $DB->set_field('user', 'suspended', 0, array('id' => $userid)); }
/** * Gets the user company information for the provided user * * Parameters - $user = stdclass(); * **/ private function get_sender($user) { // Get the user's company. if ($usercompany = company::get_company_byuserid($user->id)) { // Is there a default contact userid? if (isset($usercompany->defaultcontactid)) { $returnid = $usercompany->defaultcontactid; } else { // Use the default support email account. $returnid = core_user::get_support_user(); } } else { // No company use default support user. $returnid = core_user::get_support_user(); } return $returnid; }
OR c.summary like :searchkey3 OR css.short_description like :searchkey4 OR css.long_description like :searchkey5 ) '; for ($i = 1; $i < 6; $i++) { $sqlparams['searchkey' . $i] = '%' . $searchkey . '%'; } } // Deal with company specific and shared courses. if (iomad::is_company_user()) { // Get the company courses and the company shared courses. $company = company::get_company_byuserid($USER->id); $sharedsql = " AND ( in ( select courseid from {company_course} where companyid= {$company->id})\n\t or in ( select courseid from {iomad_courses} where shared=1)\n\t or in ( select courseid from {company_shared_courses} where companyid = {$company->id})) "; } else { if (is_siteadmin() || iomad::has_capability('block/iomad_company_admin:company_view_all', context_system::instance())) { $sharedsql = ""; } else { $sharedsql = " AND in ( select courseid from {iomad_courses} where shared=1) "; } } if (count($sqlparams)) { echo '<a href="?tag=&q=">' . get_string('remove_filter', 'block_iomad_commerce') . '</a>'; } echo "</ul>"; echo get_string('search', 'block_iomad_commerce'); echo "<form method='get'><input type='text' name='q' value='{$searchkey}' /></form>"; // ...***********create course list sql (includes filtering on tags)*****************.