function generate() { $this->appendSuperHeader(); $code = ""; $tables = $this->getTablesArray(); $code .= $this->getCodeStarter(); for ($a = 0; $a < count($tables); $a++) { $thisTable = new table($tables[$a], $this->getDb()); $fields = $thisTable->getFieldNameArray(); $code .= $this->getLineEnder(); $code .= "// " . $thisTable->getTableName() . " Table" . $this->getLineEnder(); $code .= "define(\"TABLE_" . strtoupper($tables[$a]) . "\",\"" . $thisTable->getTableName() . "\");" . $this->getLineEnder(); $code .= "// Primary Key for Table " . $thisTable->getTableName() . $this->getLineEnder(); $code .= "define(\"FIELD_" . strtoupper($tables[$a]) . "_PK\",\"" . $thisTable->getPrimaryKey() . "\");" . $this->getLineEnder(); $code .= "// Field Name Mapping for Table " . $thisTable->getTableName() . $this->getLineEnder(); for ($b = 0; $b < count($fields); $b++) { $code .= "define(\"FIELD_" . strtoupper($tables[$a]) . "_" . strtoupper($fields[$b]) . "\",\"" . $fields[$b] . "\");" . $this->getLineEnder(); } $code .= "// Display Labels of Field for Table " . $thisTable->getTableName() . $this->getLineEnder(); for ($c = 0; $c < count($fields); $c++) { $code .= "define(\"LABEL_" . strtoupper($tables[$a]) . "_" . strtoupper($fields[$c]) . "\",\"" . ucfirst(strtolower($fields[$c])) . "\");" . $this->getLineEnder(); } $code .= $this->getLineEnder(); } $code .= $this->getCodeEnder(); $this->appendToCode($code); $beautifulCode = codeBeautifier::beautify($this->getSourceCode()); return $beautifulCode; }
function generate() { $this->appendSuperHeader(); $this->generateTableClassLocations(); $beautifulCode = codeBeautifier::beautify($this->getSourceCode()); return $beautifulCode; }
function generate() { $this->appendSuperHeader(); $this->generateHtmlConstants(); $this->generatePageConstants(); $beautifulCode = codeBeautifier::beautify($this->getSourceCode()); return $beautifulCode; }
function generate() { $this->appendSuperHeader(); $this->appendAppHeader(); $this->appendToCode($this->getGenManagerHeader()); $this->appendToCode($this->generateManagerCode()); $this->appendAppFooter(); $this->appendSuperFoooter(); $beautifulCode = codeBeautifier::beautify($this->getSourceCode()); return $beautifulCode; }
function generate() { $thisPlugInLoader = new plugInLoader(); $thisTable = $this->getTableObject(); $arguments = ""; $arguments['db'] = $thisTable->getDatabase(); $arguments['table'] = $thisTable->getTableName(); $arguments['variables'] = $thisTable->getFieldNameArray(); $arguments['functions'] = array(); $arguments['className'] = strtolower($thisTable->getTableName()) . ucfirst(strtolower(NAME_DATA_CONTAINER)); $generatedCode = $thisPlugInLoader->loadPlugIn(PLUGIN_PHP_CLASS_GENERATOR_NAME, PLUGIN_PHP_CLASS_GENERATOR_CLASS, $arguments); $this->appendToCode($generatedCode); $beautifulCode = codeBeautifier::beautify($this->getSourceCode()); return $beautifulCode; }
function generate() { $this->appendSuperHeader(); $this->appendAppHeader(); $code = ""; $code .= "<?php\n"; $code .= "include_once(CONFIG_FILE);\n"; $code .= "include_once(CLASS_" . strtoupper($this->getTableName()) . "_GENMANAGER);\n"; $code .= "?>\n"; $this->appendToCode($code); $this->appendToCode($this->generateManagerCode()); $this->appendAppFooter(); $this->appendSuperFoooter(); $beautifulCode = codeBeautifier::beautify($this->getSourceCode()); return $beautifulCode; }
$thisLine = rtrim(ltrim($lines[$a])); if ($thisLine != "") { if ($generateKind == "php") { $newCode .= "\t\t\t\$code .= \""; $thisLine = str_replace("\"", "\\\"", $thisLine); $thisLine = str_replace("\$", "\\\$", $thisLine); $newCode .= rtrim(ltrim($thisLine)); $newCode .= "\\n\";\n"; } else { if ($generateKind == "javascript") { $newCode .= "document.write('"; $newCode .= rtrim(ltrim($thisLine)); $newCode .= "');\n"; } } } } $newCode .= "\n\t\t\t// Returning Generated Code\n"; $newCode .= "\t\t\treturn \$code;\n\n"; $newCode .= "\t\t} // end of generate() method \n\n"; $newCode .= "\t} // end of " . $generatorName . " class\n"; $newCode .= "?>"; if ($generateKind == "php") { //$newCode .= "\$code .= \"\";\n"; } else { if ($generateKind == "javascript") { $newCode .= "</script>\n\n"; } } $beautifulCode = codeBeautifier::beautify($newCode); highlight_string($beautifulCode);