  * Returns all the children term IDs of the parent term ID recursively.
  * @deprecated 8.1.6 Use {@see cnTerm::children()} instead.
  * @see cnTerm::children()
  * @param integer $id
  * @param string  $taxonomy
  * @return array
 public function getTermChildrenIDs($id, $taxonomy)
     return cnTerm::children($id, $taxonomy);
     * The $atts['meta_query'] can have two different structures when passed to
     * @see cnMeta_Query::parse_query_vars(), they are:
     * array(
     *     'meta_key'     => (string),
     *     'meta_value    => (string|array),
     *     'meta_type     => (string),
     *     'meta_compare' => (string)
     * )
     * OR
     * array(
     *     'meta_query' =>
     *         array(
     *             'key'     => (string),
     *             'value'   => (string|array),
     *             'compare' => (string),
     *             'type'    => (string)
     *         ),
     *         [array(...),]
     * )
     * The later, 'meta_query', can have multiple arrays.
     * @access public
     * @since unknown
     * @version 1.0
     * @param array
     * @return array
    public function entries($atts = array())
        /** @var $wpdb wpdb */
        global $wpdb;
        // Grab an instance of the Connections object.
        $instance = Connections_Directory();
        $select[] = CN_ENTRY_TABLE . '.*';
        $from[] = CN_ENTRY_TABLE;
        $join = array();
        $where[] = 'WHERE 1=1';
        $having = array();
        $orderBy = array();
        $random = FALSE;
        $visibility = array();
         * // START -- Set the default attributes array. \\
        $defaults['list_type'] = NULL;
        $defaults['category'] = NULL;
        $defaults['category_in'] = NULL;
        $defaults['exclude_category'] = NULL;
        $defaults['category_name'] = NULL;
        $defaults['category_slug'] = NULL;
        $defaults['wp_current_category'] = FALSE;
        $defaults['char'] = '';
        $defaults['id'] = NULL;
        $defaults['slug'] = NULL;
        $defaults['family_name'] = NULL;
        $defaults['last_name'] = NULL;
        $defaults['title'] = NULL;
        $defaults['organization'] = NULL;
        $defaults['department'] = NULL;
        $defaults['district'] = NULL;
        $defaults['county'] = NULL;
        $defaults['city'] = NULL;
        $defaults['state'] = NULL;
        $defaults['zip_code'] = NULL;
        $defaults['country'] = NULL;
        $defaults['visibility'] = NULL;
        $defaults['status'] = array('approved');
        $defaults['order_by'] = array('sort_column', 'last_name', 'first_name');
        $defaults['limit'] = NULL;
        $defaults['offset'] = 0;
        $defaults['meta_query'] = array();
        $defaults['allow_public_override'] = FALSE;
        $defaults['private_override'] = FALSE;
        $defaults['search_terms'] = NULL;
        // $atts vars to support showing entries within a specified radius.
        $defaults['near_addr'] = NULL;
        $defaults['latitude'] = NULL;
        $defaults['longitude'] = NULL;
        $defaults['radius'] = 10;
        $defaults['unit'] = 'mi';
        $defaults['lock'] = FALSE;
        $atts = cnSanitize::args($atts, $defaults);
         * // END -- Set the default attributes array if not supplied. \\
         * // START -- Process the query vars. \\
         * NOTE: these will override any values supplied via $atts, which include via the shortcode.
        if ((defined('DOING_AJAX') && DOING_AJAX || !is_admin()) && !$atts['lock']) {
            // Category slug
            $queryCategorySlug = cnQuery::getVar('cn-cat-slug');
            if (!empty($queryCategorySlug)) {
                // If the category slug is a descendant, use the last slug from the URL for the query.
                $queryCategorySlug = explode('/', $queryCategorySlug);
                if (isset($queryCategorySlug[count($queryCategorySlug) - 1])) {
                    $atts['category_slug'] = $queryCategorySlug[count($queryCategorySlug) - 1];
            // Category ID
            $queryCategoryID = cnQuery::getVar('cn-cat');
            if (!empty($queryCategoryID)) {
                $atts['category'] = $queryCategoryID;
            // Category in
            $queryCategoryIn = cnQuery::getVar('cn-cat-in');
            if (!empty($queryCategoryIn)) {
                $atts['category_in'] = cnQuery::getVar('cn-cat-in');
            // Country
            $queryCountry = cnQuery::getVar('cn-country');
            if (!empty($queryCountry)) {
                $atts['country'] = urldecode($queryCountry);
            // Postal Code
            $queryPostalCode = cnQuery::getVar('cn-postal-code');
            if (!empty($queryPostalCode)) {
                $atts['zip_code'] = urldecode($queryPostalCode);
            // Region [State]
            $queryRegion = cnQuery::getVar('cn-region');
            if (!empty($queryRegion)) {
                $atts['state'] = urldecode($queryRegion);
            // Locality [City]
            $queryLocality = cnQuery::getVar('cn-locality');
            if (!empty($queryLocality)) {
                $atts['city'] = urldecode($queryLocality);
            // County
            $queryCounty = cnQuery::getVar('cn-county');
            if (!empty($queryCounty)) {
                $atts['county'] = urldecode($queryCounty);
            // District
            $queryDistrict = cnQuery::getVar('cn-district');
            if (!empty($queryDistrict)) {
                $atts['district'] = urldecode($queryDistrict);
            // Organization
            $queryOrganization = cnQuery::getVar('cn-organization');
            if (!empty($queryOrganization)) {
                $atts['organization'] = urldecode($queryOrganization);
            // Department
            $queryDeparment = cnQuery::getVar('cn-department');
            if (!empty($queryDeparment)) {
                $atts['department'] = urldecode($queryDeparment);
            // Entry slug
            // NOTE: The entry slug is saved in the DB URL encoded, so there's no need to urldecode().
            $queryEntrySlug = cnQuery::getVar('cn-entry-slug');
            if (!empty($queryEntrySlug)) {
                $atts['slug'] = $queryEntrySlug;
            // Initial character.
            $queryInitialChar = cnQuery::getVar('cn-char');
            if (!empty($queryInitialChar)) {
                $atts['char'] = urldecode($queryInitialChar);
            // Pagination
            $queryPage = cnQuery::getVar('cn-pg');
            $atts['offset'] = !empty($queryPage) ? ($queryPage - 1) * $atts['limit'] : $atts['offset'];
            $atts['offset'] = $atts['offset'] > 0 ? $atts['offset'] : NULL;
            // Search terms
            $searchTerms = cnQuery::getVar('cn-s');
            if (!empty($searchTerms)) {
                $atts['search_terms'] = $searchTerms;
            // Geo-location
            $queryCoord = cnQuery::getVar('cn-near-coord');
            if (!empty($queryCoord)) {
                $queryCoord = explode(',', $queryCoord);
                $atts['latitude'] = $wpdb->prepare('%f', $queryCoord[0]);
                $atts['longitude'] = $wpdb->prepare('%f', $queryCoord[1]);
                // Get the radius, otherwise the default of 10.
                if (cnQuery::getVar('cn-radius')) {
                    $atts['radius'] = $wpdb->prepare('%d', cnQuery::getVar('cn-radius'));
                // Sanitize and set the unit.
                $atts['unit'] = cnQuery::getVar('cn-unit') ? sanitize_key(cnQuery::getVar('cn-unit')) : sanitize_key($atts['unit']);
         * // END -- Process the query vars. \\
         * // START -- Reset some of the $atts based if category_slug or entry slug
         * is being used. This is done to prevent query conflicts. This should be safe because
         * if a specific entry or category is being queried the other $atts can be discarded.
         * This has to be done in order to reconcile values passed via the shortcode and the
         * query string values.
         * @TODO I know there are more scenarios to consider ... but this is all I can think of at the moment.
         * Thought --- maybe resetting to the default $atts should be done --- something to consider.
        if (!empty($atts['slug']) || !empty($atts['category_slug'])) {
            $atts['list_type'] = NULL;
            $atts['category'] = NULL;
            $atts['category_in'] = NULL;
            $atts['category_exclude'] = NULL;
            $atts['wp_current_category'] = NULL;
        if (!empty($atts['slug'])) {
            $atts['near_addr'] = NULL;
            $atts['latitude'] = NULL;
            $atts['longitude'] = NULL;
            $atts['radius'] = 10;
            $atts['unit'] = 'mi';
         * // END -- Reset.
         * If in a post get the category names assigned to the post.
        if ($atts['wp_current_category'] && !is_page()) {
            // Get the current post categories.
            $wpCategories = get_the_category();
            // Build an array of the post categories.
            foreach ($wpCategories as $wpCategory) {
                $categoryNames[] = $wpdb->prepare('%s', $wpCategory->cat_name);
         * Build and array of the supplied category names and their children.
        if (!empty($atts['category_name'])) {
            cnFunction::parseStringList($atts['category_name'], ',');
            foreach ($atts['category_name'] as $categoryName) {
                // Add the parent category to the array and remove any whitespace from the beginning/end of the name just in case the user added it when using the shortcode.
                $categoryNames[] = $wpdb->prepare('%s', htmlspecialchars($categoryName));
                // Retrieve the children categories
                $results = $this->categoryChildren('name', $categoryName);
                foreach ((array) $results as $term) {
                    // Only add the name if it doesn't already exist. If it doesn't sanitize and add to the array.
                    if (!in_array($term->name, $categoryNames)) {
                        $categoryNames[] = $wpdb->prepare('%s', $term->name);
         * Build and array of the supplied category slugs and their children.
        if (!empty($atts['category_slug'])) {
            $categorySlugs = array();
            cnFunction::parseStringList($atts['category_slug'], ',');
            foreach ($atts['category_slug'] as $categorySlug) {
                // Add the parent category to the array and remove any whitespace from the beginning/end of the name in case the user added it when using the shortcode.
                $categorySlugs[] = sanitize_title($categorySlug);
                // Retrieve the children categories.
                $results = $this->categoryChildren('slug', $categorySlug);
                foreach ((array) $results as $term) {
                    // Only add the slug if it doesn't already exist. If it doesn't sanitize and add to the array.
                    if (!in_array($term->name, $categorySlugs)) {
                        $categorySlugs[] = sanitize_title($term->slug);
         * Build an array of all the categories and their children based on the supplied category IDs.
        if (!empty($atts['category'])) {
            $categoryIDs = array();
            $atts['category'] = wp_parse_id_list($atts['category']);
            foreach ($atts['category'] as $categoryID) {
                // Add the parent category ID to the array.
                $categoryIDs[] = absint($categoryID);
                // Retrieve the children categories
                $termChildren = cnTerm::children($categoryID, 'category');
                if (!is_a($termChildren, 'WP_Error') && !empty($termChildren)) {
                    $categoryIDs = array_merge($categoryIDs, $termChildren);
         * Exclude the specified categories by ID.
        if (!empty($atts['exclude_category'])) {
            if (!isset($categoryIDs)) {
                $categoryIDs = array();
            $categoryExcludeIDs = array();
            $atts['exclude_category'] = wp_parse_id_list($atts['exclude_category']);
            $categoryIDs = array_diff($categoryIDs, $atts['exclude_category']);
            foreach ($atts['exclude_category'] as $categoryID) {
                // Add the parent category ID to the array.
                $categoryExcludeIDs[] = absint($categoryID);
                // Retrieve the children categories
                $termChildren = cnTerm::children($categoryID, 'category');
                if (!is_a($termChildren, 'WP_Error') && !empty($termChildren)) {
                    $categoryExcludeIDs = array_merge($categoryExcludeIDs, $termChildren);
            $atts['exclude_category'] = array_unique($categoryExcludeIDs);
            $sql = 'SELECT tr.entry_id FROM ' . CN_TERM_RELATIONSHIP_TABLE . ' AS tr
					INNER JOIN ' . CN_TERM_TAXONOMY_TABLE . ' AS tt ON (tr.term_taxonomy_id = tt.term_taxonomy_id)
					WHERE 1=1 AND tt.term_id IN (' . implode(", ", $atts['exclude_category']) . ')';
            // Store the entryIDs that are to be excluded.
            $results = $wpdb->get_col($sql);
            if (!empty($results)) {
                $where[] = 'AND ' . CN_ENTRY_TABLE . '.id NOT IN (' . implode(", ", $results) . ')';
        // Convert the supplied category IDs $atts['category_in'] to an array.
        if (!empty($atts['category_in'])) {
            $atts['category_in'] = wp_parse_id_list($atts['category_in']);
            // Remove empty values from the array.
            $atts['category_in'] = array_filter($atts['category_in']);
            // Ensure there is something to query after filtering the array.
            if (!empty($atts['category_in'])) {
                // Exclude any category IDs that may have been set.
                $atts['category_in'] = array_diff($atts['category_in'], (array) $atts['exclude_category']);
                // Build the query to retrieve entry IDs that are assigned to all the supplied category IDs; operational AND.
                $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT tr.entry_id FROM ' . CN_TERM_RELATIONSHIP_TABLE . ' AS tr
						INNER JOIN ' . CN_TERM_TAXONOMY_TABLE . ' AS tt ON (tr.term_taxonomy_id = tt.term_taxonomy_id)
						WHERE 1=1 AND tt.term_id IN (' . implode(", ", $atts['category_in']) . ') GROUP BY tr.entry_id HAVING COUNT(*) = ' . count($atts['category_in']) . ' ORDER BY tr.entry_id';
                // Store the entryIDs that exist on all of the supplied category IDs
                $results = $wpdb->get_col($sql);
                if (!empty($results)) {
                    $where[] = 'AND ' . CN_ENTRY_TABLE . '.id IN (' . implode(", ", $results) . ')';
                } else {
                    $where[] = 'AND 1=2';
            * This is the query to use to return entry IDs that are in the same categories. The COUNT value
            * should equal the number of category IDs in the IN() statement.
              SELECT DISTINCT tr.entry_id FROM `wp_connections_term_relationships` AS tr
              INNER JOIN `wp_connections_term_taxonomy` AS tt ON (tr.term_taxonomy_id = tt.term_taxonomy_id)
              WHERE 1=1 AND tt.term_id IN ('51','73','76') GROUP BY tr.entry_id HAVING COUNT(*) = 3 ORDER BY tr.entry_id
        if (!empty($categoryIDs) || !empty($categoryExcludeIDs) || !empty($categoryNames) || !empty($categorySlugs)) {
            // Set the query string to INNER JOIN the term relationship and taxonomy tables.
            $join[] = 'INNER JOIN ' . CN_TERM_RELATIONSHIP_TABLE . ' ON ( ' . CN_ENTRY_TABLE . '.id = ' . CN_TERM_RELATIONSHIP_TABLE . '.entry_id )';
            $join[] = 'INNER JOIN ' . CN_TERM_TAXONOMY_TABLE . ' ON ( ' . CN_TERM_RELATIONSHIP_TABLE . '.term_taxonomy_id = ' . CN_TERM_TAXONOMY_TABLE . '.term_taxonomy_id )';
            $join[] = 'INNER JOIN ' . CN_TERMS_TABLE . ' ON ( ' . CN_TERMS_TABLE . '.term_id = ' . CN_TERM_TAXONOMY_TABLE . '.term_id )';
            // Set the query string to return entries within the category taxonomy.
            $where[] = 'AND ' . CN_TERM_TAXONOMY_TABLE . '.taxonomy = \'category\'';
            if (!empty($categoryIDs)) {
                $where[] = 'AND ' . CN_TERM_TAXONOMY_TABLE . '.term_id IN (' . implode(", ", $categoryIDs) . ')';
            if (!empty($categoryExcludeIDs)) {
                $where[] = 'AND ' . CN_TERM_TAXONOMY_TABLE . '.term_id NOT IN (' . implode(", ", $categoryExcludeIDs) . ')';
            if (!empty($categoryNames)) {
                $where[] = 'AND ' . CN_TERMS_TABLE . '.name IN (' . implode(", ", (array) $categoryNames) . ')';
            if (!empty($categorySlugs)) {
                $where[] = 'AND ' . CN_TERMS_TABLE . '.slug IN (\'' . implode("', '", (array) $categorySlugs) . '\')';
         * // START --> Set up the query to only return the entries that match the supplied IDs.
         *    NOTE: This includes the entry IDs returned for category_in.
        if (!empty($atts['id'])) {
            $atts['id'] = wp_parse_id_list($atts['id']);
            // Set query string to return specific entries.
            $where[] = 'AND ' . CN_ENTRY_TABLE . '.id IN (\'' . implode("', '", $atts['id']) . '\')';
         * // END --> Set up the query to only return the entries that match the supplied IDs.
         * // START --> Set up the query to only return the entries that match the supplied search terms.
        if (!empty($atts['search_terms'])) {
            $searchResults = $this->search(array('terms' => $atts['search_terms']));
            // If there were no results, add a WHERE clause that will not return results when performing the whole query.
            if (empty($searchResults)) {
                $where[] = 'AND 1=2';
            } else {
                // Set $atts['order_by'] to the order the entry IDs were returned.
                // This is to support the relevancy order results being returned by self::search().
                $atts['order_by'] = 'id|SPECIFIED';
                $atts['id'] = $searchResults;
                // Set the entry IDs to be the search results.
                $where[] = 'AND ' . CN_ENTRY_TABLE . '.id IN (\'' . implode("', '", $searchResults) . '\')';
         * // END --> Set up the query to only return the entries that match the supplied search terms.
         * // START --> Set up the query to only return the entry that matches the supplied slug.
        if (!empty($atts['slug'])) {
            // Trim the white space from the ends.
            $atts['slug'] = trim($atts['slug']);
            $where[] = $wpdb->prepare('AND ' . CN_ENTRY_TABLE . '.slug = %s', $atts['slug']);
         * // END --> Set up the query to only return the entry that matches the supplied slug.
         * // START --> Set up the query to only return the entries that match the supplied entry type.
        if (!empty($atts['list_type'])) {
            cnFunction::parseStringList($atts['list_type'], ',');
            $permittedEntryTypes = array('individual', 'organization', 'family', 'connection_group');
            // Set query string for entry type.
            if ((bool) array_intersect($atts['list_type'], $permittedEntryTypes)) {
                // Compatibility code to make sure any occurrences of the deprecated entry type connections_group
                // is changed to entry type family
                $atts['list_type'] = str_replace('connection_group', 'family', $atts['list_type']);
                $where[] = cnQuery::where(array('field' => 'entry_type', 'value' => $atts['list_type']));
         * // END --> Set up the query to only return the entries that match the supplied entry type.
         * // START --> Set up the query to only return the entries that match the supplied filters.
        $where[] = cnQuery::where(array('field' => 'family_name', 'value' => $atts['family_name']));
        $where[] = cnQuery::where(array('field' => 'last_name', 'value' => $atts['last_name']));
        $where[] = cnQuery::where(array('field' => 'title', 'value' => $atts['title']));
        $where[] = cnQuery::where(array('field' => 'organization', 'value' => $atts['organization']));
        $where[] = cnQuery::where(array('field' => 'department', 'value' => $atts['department']));
        if (!empty($atts['district']) || !empty($atts['county']) || !empty($atts['city']) || !empty($atts['state']) || !empty($atts['zip_code']) || !empty($atts['country'])) {
            if (!isset($join['address'])) {
                $join['address'] = 'INNER JOIN ' . CN_ENTRY_ADDRESS_TABLE . ' ON ( ' . CN_ENTRY_TABLE . '.id = ' . CN_ENTRY_ADDRESS_TABLE . '.entry_id )';
            $where[] = cnQuery::where(array('table' => CN_ENTRY_ADDRESS_TABLE, 'field' => 'district', 'value' => $atts['district']));
            $where[] = cnQuery::where(array('table' => CN_ENTRY_ADDRESS_TABLE, 'field' => 'county', 'value' => $atts['county']));
            $where[] = cnQuery::where(array('table' => CN_ENTRY_ADDRESS_TABLE, 'field' => 'city', 'value' => $atts['city']));
            $where[] = cnQuery::where(array('table' => CN_ENTRY_ADDRESS_TABLE, 'field' => 'state', 'value' => $atts['state']));
            $where[] = cnQuery::where(array('table' => CN_ENTRY_ADDRESS_TABLE, 'field' => 'zipcode', 'value' => $atts['zip_code']));
            $where[] = cnQuery::where(array('table' => CN_ENTRY_ADDRESS_TABLE, 'field' => 'country', 'value' => $atts['country']));
        if (0 < strlen($atts['char'])) {
            $having[] = $wpdb->prepare('HAVING sort_column LIKE %s', $wpdb->esc_like($atts['char']) . '%');
         * // END --> Set up the query to only return the entries that match the supplied filters.
         * // START --> Set up the query to only return the entries based on user permissions.
        $where = self::setQueryVisibility($where, $atts);
         * // END --> Set up the query to only return the entries based on user permissions.
         * // START --> Set up the query to only return the entries based on status.
        $where = self::setQueryStatus($where, $atts);
         * // END --> Set up the query to only return the entries based on status.
         * // START --> Geo-limit the query.
        //$atts['latitude'] = 40.3663671;
        //$atts['longitude'] = -75.8876941;
        if (!empty($atts['latitude']) && !empty($atts['longitude'])) {
            $earthRadius = 6371;
            // Earth's radius in (SI) km.
            // Convert the supplied radius from the supplied unit to (SI) km.
            $atts['radius'] = cnGeo::convert(array('value' => $atts['radius'], 'from' => $atts['unit'], 'to' => 'km', 'format' => FALSE, 'return' => TRUE));
            // Limiting bounding box (in degrees).
            $minLat = $atts['latitude'] - rad2deg($atts['radius'] / $earthRadius);
            $maxLat = $atts['latitude'] + rad2deg($atts['radius'] / $earthRadius);
            $minLng = $atts['longitude'] - rad2deg($atts['radius'] / $earthRadius / cos(deg2rad($atts['latitude'])));
            $maxLng = $atts['longitude'] + rad2deg($atts['radius'] / $earthRadius / cos(deg2rad($atts['latitude'])));
            // Convert origin of geographic circle to radians.
            $atts['latitude'] = deg2rad($atts['latitude']);
            $atts['longitude'] = deg2rad($atts['longitude']);
            // Add the SELECT statement that adds the `radius` column.
            $select[] = $wpdb->prepare('acos(sin(%f)*sin(radians(latitude)) + cos(%f)*cos(radians(latitude))*cos(radians(longitude)-%f))*6371 AS distance', $atts['latitude'], $atts['latitude'], $atts['longitude']);
            // Create a subquery that will limit the rows that have the cosine law applied to within the bounding box.
            $geoSubselect = $wpdb->prepare('(SELECT entry_id FROM ' . CN_ENTRY_ADDRESS_TABLE . ' WHERE latitude>%f AND latitude<%f AND longitude>%f AND longitude<%f) AS geo_bound', $minLat, $maxLat, $minLng, $maxLng);
            // The subquery needs to be added to the beginning of the array so the inner joins on the other tables are joined to the CN_ENTRY_TABLE
            array_unshift($from, $geoSubselect);
            // Add the JOIN for the address table. NOTE: This JOIN is also set in the ORDER BY section. The 'address' index is to make sure it doea not get added to the query twice.
            if (!isset($join['address'])) {
                $join['address'] = 'INNER JOIN ' . CN_ENTRY_ADDRESS_TABLE . ' ON ( ' . CN_ENTRY_TABLE . '.id = ' . CN_ENTRY_ADDRESS_TABLE . '.entry_id )';
            // Add the WHERE statement to limit the query to a geographic circle per the defined radius.
            $where[] = $wpdb->prepare('AND acos(sin(%f)*sin(radians(latitude)) + cos(%f)*cos(radians(latitude))*cos(radians(longitude)-%f))*6371 < %f', $atts['latitude'], $atts['latitude'], $atts['longitude'], $atts['radius']);
            // This is required otherwise addresses the user may not have permissions to view will be included in the query
            // which could be confusing since entries could appear to be outside of the search radius when in fact the entry
            // is within the search radius, it is just the address used to determine that is not viewable to the user.
            //$where[] = 'AND ' . CN_ENTRY_ADDRESS_TABLE . '.visibility IN (\'' . implode( "', '", (array) $visibility ) . '\')';
            $where = self::setQueryVisibility($where, array('table' => CN_ENTRY_ADDRESS_TABLE));
            // Temporarily set the sort order to 'radius' for testing.
            //$atts['order_by'] = array('radius');
         * // END --> Geo-limit the query.
         * // START --> Build the ORDER BY query segment.
        //if ( empty($atts['order_by']) )
        // Setup the default sort order if none were supplied.
        //$orderBy = array('sort_column', 'last_name', 'first_name');
        $orderFields = array('id', 'date_added', 'date_modified', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'title', 'organization', 'department', 'city', 'state', 'zipcode', 'country', 'birthday', 'anniversary', 'sort_column');
        $orderFlags = array('SPECIFIED' => 'SPECIFIED', 'RANDOM' => 'RANDOM', 'ASC' => 'ASC', 'SORT_ASC' => 'ASC', 'DESC' => 'DESC', 'SORT_DESC' => 'DESC', 'NUMERIC' => '+0', 'SORT_NUMERIC' => '+0', 'SORT_NUMERIC_ASC' => '+0', 'NUMERIC_DESC' => '+0 DESC', 'SORT_NUMERIC_DESC' => '+0 DESC');
        // If a geo-bound query is being performed the `radius` order field can be used.
        if (!empty($atts['latitude']) && !empty($atts['longitude'])) {
            array_push($orderFields, 'distance');
        // Get registered date types.
        $dateTypes = array_keys($instance->options->getDateOptions());
        // Convert to an array
        if (!is_array($atts['order_by'])) {
            // Trim the space characters if present.
            $atts['order_by'] = str_replace(' ', '', $atts['order_by']);
            // Build an array of each field to order by and its sort order.
            $atts['order_by'] = explode(',', $atts['order_by']);
        // For each field the sort order can be defined.
        foreach ($atts['order_by'] as $orderByField) {
            $orderByAtts[] = explode('|', $orderByField);
        // Build the ORDER BY query segment
        foreach ($orderByAtts as $field) {
            // Trim any spaces the user may have supplied and set it to be lowercase.
            $field[0] = strtolower(trim($field[0]));
            // Check to make sure the supplied field is one of the valid fields to order by.
            if (in_array($field[0], $orderFields) || cnString::startsWith('meta_key:', $field[0])) {
                // The date_modified actually maps to the `ts` column in the db.
                if ($field[0] == 'date_modified') {
                    $field[0] = 'ts';
                // If one of the order fields is an address region add the INNER JOIN to the CN_ENTRY_ADDRESS_TABLE
                if ($field[0] == 'city' || $field[0] == 'state' || $field[0] == 'zipcode' || $field[0] == 'country') {
                    if (!isset($join['address'])) {
                        $join['address'] = 'INNER JOIN ' . CN_ENTRY_ADDRESS_TABLE . ' ON ( ' . CN_ENTRY_TABLE . '.id = ' . CN_ENTRY_ADDRESS_TABLE . '.entry_id )';
                if (cnString::startsWith('meta_key:', $field[0])) {
                    // Extract the meta key name from $field[0].
                    $meta = explode(':', $field[0]);
                    // Ensure the meta key does exist and is not empty before altering the query.
                    if (isset($meta[1]) && !empty($meta[1])) {
                        $atts['meta_query']['meta_query'][] = array('key' => $meta[1]);
                        if (1 < count($atts['meta_query']['meta_query'])) {
                            $field[0] = 'mt' . (count($atts['meta_query']['meta_query']) - 1) . '.meta_value';
                        } else {
                            $field[0] = CN_ENTRY_TABLE_META . '.meta_value';
                // If we're ordering by anniversary or birthday, we need to convert the string to a UNIX timestamp so it is properly ordered.
                // Otherwise, it is sorted as a string which can give some very odd results compared to what is expected.
                //if ( $field[0] == 'anniversary' || $field[0] == 'birthday' ) {
                //	$field[0] = 'FROM_UNIXTIME( ' . $field[0] . ' )';
                if (in_array($field[0], $dateTypes)) {
                    if (!isset($join['date'])) {
                        $join['date'] = 'INNER JOIN ' . CN_ENTRY_DATE_TABLE . ' ON ( ' . CN_ENTRY_TABLE . '.id = ' . CN_ENTRY_DATE_TABLE . '.entry_id )';
                    $where[] = $wpdb->prepare('AND ' . CN_ENTRY_DATE_TABLE . '.type = %s', $field[0]);
                    $field[0] = 'date';
                // Check to see if an order flag was set and is a valid order flag.
                if (isset($field[1])) {
                    // Trim any spaces the user might have added and change the string to uppercase..
                    $field[1] = strtoupper(trim($field[1]));
                    // If a user included a sort flag that is invalid/mis-spelled it is skipped since it can not be used.
                    if (array_key_exists($field[1], $orderFlags)) {
                         * The SPECIFIED and RANDOM order flags are special use and should only be used with the id sort field.
                         * Set the default sort flag if it was use on any other sort field than id.
                        if (($orderFlags[$field[1]] == 'SPECIFIED' || $orderFlags[$field[1]] == 'RANDOM') && $field[0] != 'id') {
                            $field[1] = 'SORT_ASC';
                        switch ($orderFlags[$field[1]]) {
                             * Order the results based on the order of the supplied entry IDs
                            case 'SPECIFIED':
                                if (!empty($atts['id'])) {
                                    $orderBy = array('FIELD( ' . CN_ENTRY_TABLE . '.id, ' . implode(', ', (array) $atts['id']) . ' )');
                                 * Randomize the order of the results.
                             * Randomize the order of the results.
                            case 'RANDOM':
                                $random = TRUE;
                                 * Return the results in ASC or DESC order.
                             * Return the results in ASC or DESC order.
                                $orderBy[] = $field[0] . ' ' . $orderFlags[$field[1]];
                    } else {
                        $orderBy[] = $field[0];
                } else {
                    $orderBy[] = $field[0];
        if (!empty($atts['meta_query'])) {
            $metaQuery = new cnMeta_Query();
            $metaClause = $metaQuery->get_sql('entry', CN_ENTRY_TABLE, 'id');
            $join['meta'] = $metaClause['join'];
            $where['meta'] = $metaClause['where'];
        $orderBy = empty($orderBy) ? 'ORDER BY sort_column, last_name, first_name' : 'ORDER BY ' . implode(', ', $orderBy);
         * // END --> Build the ORDER BY query segment.
         * // START --> Set up the query LIMIT and OFFSET.
        $limit = empty($atts['limit']) ? '' : $wpdb->prepare(' LIMIT %d ', $atts['limit']);
        $offset = empty($atts['offset']) ? '' : $wpdb->prepare(' OFFSET %d ', $atts['offset']);
         * // END --> Set up the query LIMIT and OFFSET.
         * // START --> Build the SELECT query segment.
        $select[] = 'CASE `entry_type`
						  WHEN \'individual\' THEN `last_name`
						  WHEN \'organization\' THEN `organization`
						  WHEN \'connection_group\' THEN `family_name`
						  WHEN \'family\' THEN `family_name`
						END AS `sort_column`';
         * // END --> Build the SELECT query segment.
        $pieces = array('select', 'from', 'join', 'where', 'having', 'orderBy', 'limit', 'offset');
         * Filter the query SQL clauses.
         * @since 8.5.14
         * @param array $pieces Terms query SQL clauses.
        $clauses = apply_filters('cn_entry_query_clauses', compact($pieces));
        foreach ($pieces as $piece) {
            ${$piece} = isset($clauses[$piece]) ? $clauses[$piece] : '';
         * NOTES:
         * Many queries can produce multiple results per entry ID when we really only want it once.
         * For example an entry maybe return once for each category it is assigned or once for each
         * address an entry has that is within the search radius.
         * Simply adding `GROUP BY CN_ENTRY_TABLE.id seems to fix this, but may be incorrect and might fail
         * on db/s other than MySQL such as Oracle.
         * Very useful links that provide more details that require further study:
         * @link http://www.psce.com/blog/2012/05/15/mysql-mistakes-do-you-use-group-by-correctly/
         * @link http://rpbouman.blogspot.com/2007/05/debunking-group-by-myths.html
        if ($random) {
            $seed = cnFormatting::stripNonNumeric(cnUtility::getIP()) . date('Hdm', current_time('timestamp', 1));
            $sql = 'SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS *, RAND(' . $seed . ') AS random FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT ' . implode(', ', $select) . ' FROM ' . implode(', ', $from) . ' ' . implode(' ', $join) . ' ' . implode(' ', $where) . ' GROUP BY ' . CN_ENTRY_TABLE . '.id ' . implode(' ', $having) . ') AS T ORDER BY random' . $limit . $offset;
            // print_r($sql);
        } else {
            $sql = 'SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS DISTINCT ' . implode(', ', $select) . ' FROM ' . implode(', ', $from) . ' ' . implode(' ', $join) . ' ' . implode(' ', $where) . ' GROUP BY ' . CN_ENTRY_TABLE . '.id ' . implode(' ', $having) . ' ' . $orderBy . ' ' . $limit . $offset;
            // print_r($sql);
        if (!($results = $this->results($sql))) {
            $results = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
            $this->cache($sql, $results);
            // The most recent query to have been executed by cnRetrieve::entries
            $instance->lastQuery = $wpdb->last_query;
            // The most recent query error to have been generated by cnRetrieve::entries
            $instance->lastQueryError = $wpdb->last_error;
            // ID generated for an AUTO_INCREMENT column by the most recent INSERT query.
            $instance->lastInsertID = $wpdb->insert_id;
            // The number of rows returned by the last query.
            $instance->resultCount = $wpdb->num_rows;
            // The number of rows returned by the last query without the limit clause set
            $foundRows = $wpdb->get_results('SELECT FOUND_ROWS()');
            $instance->resultCountNoLimit = $foundRows[0]->{'FOUND_ROWS()'};
            $this->resultCountNoLimit = $foundRows[0]->{'FOUND_ROWS()'};
        // The total number of entries based on user permissions.
        // $instance->recordCount         = self::recordCount( array( 'public_override' => $atts['allow_public_override'], 'private_override' => $atts['private_override'] ) );
        // The total number of entries based on user permissions with the status set to 'pending'
        // $instance->recordCountPending  = self::recordCount( array( 'public_override' => $atts['allow_public_override'], 'private_override' => $atts['private_override'], 'status' => array( 'pending' ) ) );
        // The total number of entries based on user permissions with the status set to 'approved'
        // $instance->recordCountApproved = self::recordCount( array( 'public_override' => $atts['allow_public_override'], 'private_override' => $atts['private_override'], 'status' => array( 'approved' ) ) );
         * ONLY in the admin.
         * Reset the pagination filter for the current user, remove the offset from the query and re-run the
         * query if the offset for the query is greater than the record count with no limit set in the query.
        if (is_admin() && $atts['offset'] > $instance->resultCountNoLimit) {
            $results = $this->entries($atts);
        } elseif ($atts['offset'] > $instance->resultCountNoLimit) {
             * This is for the front end, reset the page and offset and re-run the query if the offset
             * is greater than the record count with no limit.
             * @TODO  this should somehow be precessed in the parse_request action hook so the URL
             * permalink and query vars can be properly updated.
            set_query_var('cn-pg', 0);
            $atts['offset'] = 0;
            $results = $this->entries($atts);
        return $results;