Exemple #1
 public function debugHelper()
     echo "<pre>";
     echo "<b>Kajona V4 Debug Subsystem</b>\n\n";
     if (getGet("debugfile") != "") {
         echo "Loading path for " . getGet("debugfile") . "\n";
         $strPath = array_search(getGet("debugfile"), class_resourceloader::getInstance()->getFolderContent("/debug", array(".php")));
         if ($strPath !== false) {
             echo "Passing request to " . $strPath . "\n\n";
             include _realpath_ . $strPath;
     } else {
         echo "Searching for debug-scripts available...\n";
         $arrFiles = class_resourceloader::getInstance()->getFolderContent("/debug", array(".php"));
         echo "<ul>";
         foreach ($arrFiles as $strPath => $strOneFile) {
             echo "<li><a href='?debugfile=" . $strOneFile . "' >" . $strOneFile . "</a> <br />" . $strPath . "</li>";
         echo "</ul>";
     $arrTimestampEnde = gettimeofday();
     $intTimeUsed = ($arrTimestampEnde['sec'] * 1000000 + $arrTimestampEnde['usec'] - ($this->arrTimestampStart['sec'] * 1000000 + $this->arrTimestampStart['usec'])) / 1000000;
     echo "\n\n<b>PHP-Time:</b>                              " . number_format($intTimeUsed, 6) . " sec \n";
     echo "<b>Queries db/cachesize/cached/fired:</b>     " . class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjDB()->getNumber() . "/" . class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjDB()->getCacheSize() . "/" . class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjDB()->getNumberCache() . "/" . (class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjDB()->getNumber() - class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjDB()->getNumberCache()) . "\n";
     echo "<b>Templates cached:</b>                      " . class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjTemplate()->getNumberCacheSize() . " \n";
     echo "<b>Memory/Max Memory:</b>                     " . bytesToString(memory_get_usage()) . "/" . bytesToString(memory_get_peak_usage()) . " \n";
     echo "<b>Classes Loaded:</b>                        " . class_classloader::getInstance()->getIntNumberOfClassesLoaded() . " \n";
     echo "<b>Cache requests/hits/saves/cachesize:</b>   " . class_cache::getIntRequests() . "/" . class_cache::getIntHits() . "/" . class_cache::getIntSaves() . "/" . class_cache::getIntCachesize() . " \n";
     echo "</pre>";
  * Does the hard work: installs the module and registers needed constants
  * @return string
 public function install()
     $strReturn = "";
     $strReturn .= "Assigning null-properties and elements to the default language.\n";
     if ($this->strContentLanguage == "de") {
         $strReturn .= " Target language: de\n";
         if (class_exists("class_module_pages_page", false) || class_classloader::getInstance()->loadClass("class_module_pages_page") !== false) {
             class_module_pages_page::assignNullProperties("de", true);
         if (class_exists("class_module_pages_pageelement", false) || class_classloader::getInstance()->loadClass("class_module_pages_pageelement") !== false) {
         $objLang = new class_module_languages_language();
     } else {
         $strReturn .= " Target language: en\n";
         if (class_exists("class_module_pages_page", false) || class_classloader::getInstance()->loadClass("class_module_pages_page") !== false) {
             class_module_pages_page::assignNullProperties("en", true);
         if (class_exists("class_module_pages_pageelement", false) || class_classloader::getInstance()->loadClass("class_module_pages_pageelement") !== false) {
         $objLang = new class_module_languages_language();
     return $strReturn;
 protected function printDebugValues()
     $strDebug = "";
     $arrTimestampEnde = gettimeofday();
     $intTimeUsed = ($arrTimestampEnde['sec'] * 1000000 + $arrTimestampEnde['usec'] - ($this->arrTestStartDate['sec'] * 1000000 + $this->arrTestStartDate['usec'])) / 1000000;
     $strDebug .= "PHP-Time:                            " . number_format($intTimeUsed, 6) . " sec \n";
     //Hows about the queries?
     $strDebug .= "Queries db/cachesize/cached/fired:   " . class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjDB()->getNumber() . "/" . class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjDB()->getCacheSize() . "/" . class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjDB()->getNumberCache() . "/" . (class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjDB()->getNumber() - class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjDB()->getNumberCache()) . " \n";
     //anything to say about the templates?
     $strDebug .= "Templates cached:                    " . class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjTemplate()->getNumberCacheSize() . " \n";
     $strDebug .= "Memory/Max Memory:                   " . bytesToString(memory_get_usage()) . "/" . bytesToString(memory_get_peak_usage()) . " \n";
     $strDebug .= "Classes Loaded:                      " . class_classloader::getInstance()->getIntNumberOfClassesLoaded() . " \n";
     //and check the cache-stats
     $strDebug .= "Cache requests/hits/saves/cachesize: " . class_cache::getIntRequests() . "/" . class_cache::getIntHits() . "/" . class_cache::getIntSaves() . "/" . class_cache::getIntCachesize() . " \n";
     //echo get_called_class()."\n".$strDebug."\n";
  * The real "download" or "upload" should be handled right here.
  * All packages have to be downloaded to /project/temp in order to be processed afterwards.
  * @return string the filename of the package downloaded
 public function processPackageUpload()
     //fetch the upload, validate a few settings and copy the package to /project/temp
     $arrSource = class_carrier::getInstance()->getParam("provider_local_file");
     $strTarget = "/project/temp/" . generateSystemid() . ".zip";
     $objFilesystem = new class_filesystem();
     //Check file for correct filters
     $strSuffix = uniStrtolower(uniSubstr($arrSource["name"], uniStrrpos($arrSource["name"], ".")));
     if (in_array($strSuffix, array(".zip"))) {
         if ($objFilesystem->copyUpload($strTarget, $arrSource["tmp_name"])) {
             class_logger::getInstance(class_logger::PACKAGEMANAGEMENT)->addLogRow("uploaded package " . $arrSource["name"] . " to " . $strTarget, class_logger::$levelInfo);
             return $strTarget;
     class_logger::getInstance(class_logger::PACKAGEMANAGEMENT)->addLogRow("error in uploaded package " . $arrSource["name"] . " either wrong format or not writeable target folder", class_logger::$levelInfo);
     return null;
  * @permissions edit
  * @return string
 protected function actionCopyPack()
     $objForm = $this->getPackAdminForm();
     $strPackName = $this->getParam("pack_name");
     $strPackName = createFilename($strPackName, true);
     if ($strPackName != "" && is_dir(_realpath_ . _templatepath_ . "/" . $strPackName)) {
         $objForm->addValidationError("name", $this->getLang("pack_folder_existing"));
     if (!$objForm->validateForm()) {
         return $this->actionNew($objForm);
     $objFilesystem = new class_filesystem();
     $objFilesystem->folderCreate(_templatepath_ . "/" . $strPackName);
     $objFilesystem->folderCreate(_templatepath_ . "/" . $strPackName . "/tpl");
     $objFilesystem->folderCreate(_templatepath_ . "/" . $strPackName . "/css");
     $objFilesystem->folderCreate(_templatepath_ . "/" . $strPackName . "/js");
     $arrModules = $this->getParam("pack_modules");
     foreach ($arrModules as $strName => $strValue) {
         if ($strValue != "") {
             $objFilesystem->folderCopyRecursive(class_resourceloader::getInstance()->getCorePathForModule($strName) . "/" . $strName . "/templates/default", _templatepath_ . "/" . $strPackName);
     $this->adminReload(class_link::getLinkAdminHref($this->getArrModule("modul"), "listTemplates"));
     return "";
 protected function tearDown()
     unlink(class_resourceloader::getInstance()->getCorePathForModule("module_system", true) . "/module_system/system/class_module_genericeventdispatcher_test.php");
Exemple #7
    rawIncludeError("global exception handler");
//register global exception handler for exceptions thrown but not catched (bad style ;) )
@set_exception_handler(array("class_exception", "globalExceptionHandler"));
//Include the logging-engine
if (!@(include_once _corepath_ . "/module_system/system/class_logger.php")) {
    rawIncludeError("logging engine");
//---The Path on web-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
require_once _corepath_ . "/module_system/system/class_config.php";
$strHeaderName = class_config::readPlainConfigsFromFilesystem("https_header");
$strHeaderValue = strtolower(class_config::readPlainConfigsFromFilesystem("https_header_value"));
if (strpos($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'], "/debug/")) {
    //Determine the current path on the web
    $strWeb = dirname((isset($_SERVER[$strHeaderName]) && strtolower($_SERVER[$strHeaderName]) == $strHeaderValue ? "https://" : "http://") . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']);
    define("_webpath_", saveUrlEncode(substr_replace($strWeb, "", strrpos($strWeb, "/"))));
} else {
    //Determine the current path on the web
    $strWeb = dirname((isset($_SERVER[$strHeaderName]) && strtolower($_SERVER[$strHeaderName]) == $strHeaderValue ? "https://" : "http://") . (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] : "localhost") . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']);
    define("_webpath_", saveUrlEncode($strWeb));
//---Include Section 2-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//load module-ids
//---Auto-Loader for classes-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
require_once _corepath_ . "/module_system/system/class_classloader.php";
spl_autoload_register(array(class_classloader::getInstance(), "loadClass"));
//The Carrier-Class
if (!@(include_once _corepath_ . "/module_system/system/class_carrier.php")) {
  * Deletes all cached resource-information,
  * so the .cache-files.
  * @return void
 public function flushCache()
     $objFilesystem = new class_filesystem();
     $this->arrModules = class_classloader::getInstance()->getArrModules();
     $this->arrFoldercontent = array();
     $this->arrTemplates = array();
     $this->arrLangfiles = array();
 protected function tearDown()
     unlink(class_resourceloader::getInstance()->getCorePathForModule("module_system", true) . "/module_system/system/class_module_pluginmanager_test.php");
     unlink(class_resourceloader::getInstance()->getCorePathForModule("module_system", true) . "/module_system/system/class_module_pluginmanager2_test.php");
     unlink(class_resourceloader::getInstance()->getCorePathForModule("module_system", true) . "/module_system/system/class_module_pluginmanager3_test.php");
  * Generates debugging-infos, but only in non-xml mode
  * @param string $strReturn
  * @return string
 private function getDebugInfo($strReturn)
     $strDebug = "";
     if (_timedebug_ || _dbnumber_ || _templatenr_ || _memory_) {
         //Maybe we need the time used to generate this page
         if (_timedebug_ === true) {
             $arrTimestampEnde = gettimeofday();
             $intTimeUsed = ($arrTimestampEnde['sec'] * 1000000 + $arrTimestampEnde['usec'] - ($this->arrTimestampStart['sec'] * 1000000 + $this->arrTimestampStart['usec'])) / 1000000;
             $strDebug .= "<b>PHP-Time:</b> " . number_format($intTimeUsed, 6) . " sec ";
         //Hows about the queries?
         if (_dbnumber_ === true) {
             $strDebug .= "<b>Queries db/cachesize/cached/fired:</b> " . class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjDB()->getNumber() . "/" . class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjDB()->getCacheSize() . "/" . class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjDB()->getNumberCache() . "/" . (class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjDB()->getNumber() - class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjDB()->getNumberCache()) . " ";
         //anything to say about the templates?
         if (_templatenr_ === true) {
             $strDebug .= "<b>Templates cached:</b> " . class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjTemplate()->getNumberCacheSize() . " ";
         if (_memory_ === true) {
             $strDebug .= "<b>Memory/Max Memory:</b> " . bytesToString(memory_get_usage()) . "/" . bytesToString(memory_get_peak_usage()) . " ";
             $strDebug .= "<b>Classes Loaded:</b> " . class_classloader::getInstance()->getIntNumberOfClassesLoaded() . " ";
         //and check the cache-stats
         if (_cache_ === true) {
             $strDebug .= "<b>Cache requests/hits/saves/cachesize:</b> " . class_cache::getIntRequests() . "/" . class_cache::getIntHits() . "/" . class_cache::getIntSaves() . "/" . class_cache::getIntCachesize() . " ";
         if (_xmlLoader_ === true) {
             class_response_object::getInstance()->addHeader("Kajona Debug: " . $strDebug);
         } else {
             $strDebug = "<pre style='z-index: 2000000; position: fixed; background-color: white; width: 100%; top: 0px; font-size: 10px; padding: 0; margin: 0;'>Kajona Debug: " . $strDebug . "</pre>";
             $intBodyPos = uniStrpos($strReturn, "</body>");
             if ($intBodyPos !== false) {
                 $strReturn = uniSubstr($strReturn, 0, $intBodyPos) . $strDebug . uniSubstr($strReturn, $intBodyPos);
             } else {
                 $strReturn = $strDebug . $strReturn;
     return $strReturn;
 private function update_43_431()
     $strReturn = "Updating 4.3 to 4.3.1...\n";
     $strReturn .= "This update removes the flot chart module and replaces it with the jqplot chart module...\n\n";
     //1. install module jqplot
     $strReturn .= "Installing module jqplot if not exist...\n";
     $objManager = new class_module_packagemanager_manager();
     $objExistingJqPlotPackage = $objManager->getPackage("jqplot");
     //if jqplot is not installed, install it
     if ($objExistingJqPlotPackage === null) {
         $objContentProvider = new class_module_packagemanager_contentprovider_kajona();
         $arrPackageMetaData = $objContentProvider->searchPackage("jqplot");
         //if a package was found
         if ($arrPackageMetaData !== null && count($arrPackageMetaData) == 1) {
             //upload the package to projects/temp
             class_carrier::getInstance()->setParam("systemid", $arrPackageMetaData[0]["systemid"]);
             $strFile = $objContentProvider->processPackageUpload();
             if ($objManager->validatePackage($strFile)) {
                 if (uniSubstr($strFile, -4) == ".zip") {
                     //now extract the zip file and......
                     $objHandler = $objManager->extractPackage($strFile);
                     $objFilesystem = new class_filesystem();
                     //move the created folder to /core
             } else {
                 $strReturn .= "Package file is not valid...\n";
                 $strReturn .= "Update to version 4.3.1 cancelled...\n";
                 return $strReturn;
         } else {
             $strReturn = "Module jqplot was not found via the packagemanager...\n";
             $strReturn .= "Update to version 4.3.1 cancelled...\n";
             return $strReturn;
     //2. uninstall module flot
     $strReturn .= "Removing module flotchart if exists...\n";
     $objFlotPackage = $objManager->getPackage("flotchart");
     if ($objFlotPackage !== null) {
         //uninstall flot
         $class_filesystem = new class_filesystem();
     //3. set jqplot as standard chart library
     $strReturn .= "Set jqplot as standard chart library if flot was selected standard chart library...\n";
     $objSetting = class_module_system_setting::getConfigByName("_system_graph_type_");
     if ($objSetting->getStrValue() == "flot") {
     //4. update version to 4.3.1
     $strReturn .= "Updating module-versions...\n";
     $this->updateModuleVersion("", "4.3.1");
     //5. reload classloader etc.
     return $strReturn;
*   (c) 2004-2006 by MulchProductions, www.mulchprod.de                                                 *
*   (c) 2007-2015 by Kajona, www.kajona.de                                                              *
*       Published under the GNU LGPL v2.1, see /system/licence_lgpl.txt                                 *
*   $Id$                                           *
echo "+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n";
echo "| Kajona Debug Subsystem                                                        |\n";
echo "|                                                                               |\n";
echo "| Format Lang Files                                                             |\n";
echo "|                                                                               |\n";
echo "| Use this script to format all language files.                                 |\n";
echo "| The formatter is based on the Kajona language editor, so you need Java >= 1.6.|\n";
echo "+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n";
if (issetPost("format")) {
    foreach (class_classloader::getInstance()->getCoreDirectories() as $strOneCore) {
        $strJavaCommand = "java -jar '" . _realpath_ . "/" . $strOneCore . "/_debugging/debug/KajonaLanguageEditorCore.jar' --formatLangfiles --projectFolder '" . _realpath_ . "' ";
        echo "starting formatting...\n";
        echo "\rcalling " . $strJavaCommand . "\n";
        $intTemp = "";
        $arrOuput = array();
        exec($strJavaCommand, $arrOuput, $intTemp);
        echo "\n\texit code: " . $intTemp . "\n\n";
        foreach ($arrOuput as $strOneLine) {
            echo "\t" . $strOneLine . "\n";
        echo "\n...finished\n";
        echo "\nIf you encounter an exit code of 127, provide the full path to java in the header of the file.\n";
} else {
    echo "<form method=\"post\">";
  * Load Plugins from a given folder filtered by an interface
  * @param $strPath
  * @param $strInterfaceExtensionPoint
 public function loadPluginsFiltered($strPath, $strInterfaceExtensionPoint)
     $arrPlugins = class_resourceloader::getInstance()->getFolderContent($strPath, array(".php"));
     // Register new Folder to Classloader
     if ($strInterfaceExtensionPoint != null) {
     foreach ($arrPlugins as $strOnePlugin) {
         $strClassName = str_replace(".php", "", $strOnePlugin);
         /** @var $objPlugin interface_admininterface_plugin */
         $objPlugin = new $strClassName($this->objDB, $this->objToolkit, $this->objLang);
         if ($objPlugin instanceof interface_admininterface_plugin && $this->matchFilter($objPlugin)) {
  * The real "download" or "upload" should be handled right here.
  * All packages have to be downloaded to /project/temp in order to be processed afterwards.
  * @return string the filename of the package downloaded
 public function processPackageUpload()
     $strFilename = generateSystemid() . ".zip";
     //stream the original package
     $objRemoteloader = $this->getRemoteloader();
     $objRemoteloader->setStrQueryParams($this->STR_DOWNLOAD_URL . "?systemid=" . $this->getParam("systemid"));
     $strResponse = $objRemoteloader->getRemoteContent();
     file_put_contents(_realpath_ . _projectpath_ . "/temp/" . $strFilename, $strResponse);
     return _projectpath_ . "/temp/" . $strFilename;
Exemple #15
  * A general helper to flush the systems various caches.
  * @param int $intCacheType A bitmask of caches to be flushed, e.g. class_carrier::INT_CACHE_TYPE_DBQUERIES | class_carrier::INT_CACHE_TYPE_ORMCACHE
 public function flushCache($intCacheType = 0)
     if ($intCacheType & self::INT_CACHE_TYPE_DBQUERIES) {
     if ($intCacheType & self::INT_CACHE_TYPE_DBSTATEMENTS) {
     if ($intCacheType & self::INT_CACHE_TYPE_DBTABLES) {
     if ($intCacheType & self::INT_CACHE_TYPE_ORMCACHE) {
     if ($intCacheType & self::INT_CACHE_TYPE_OBJECTFACTORY) {
     if ($intCacheType & self::INT_CACHE_TYPE_MODULES) {
     if ($intCacheType & self::INT_CACHE_TYPE_CLASSLOADER) {
     if ($intCacheType & self::INT_CACHE_TYPE_APC) {
     if ($intCacheType & self::INT_CACHE_TYPE_CHANGELOG) {
         $objChangelog = new class_module_system_changelog();
Exemple #16
  * Makes a few checks on files and settings for a correct webserver
 public function checkPHPSetting()
     $strReturn = "";
     $arrFilesAndFolders = array("/project/system/config", "/project/dbdumps", "/project/log", "/project/temp", "/files/cache", "/files/images", "/files/public", "/files/downloads", "/templates/default");
     $arrFilesAndFolders = array_merge($arrFilesAndFolders, array_map(function ($strValue) {
         return "/" . $strValue;
     }, class_classloader::getInstance()->getCoreDirectories()));
     $arrModules = array("mbstring", "gd", "xml", "zip", "openssl");
     $strReturn .= $this->getLang("installer_phpcheck_intro");
     $strReturn .= $this->getLang("installer_phpcheck_lang");
     //link to different languages
     $arrLangs = explode(",", class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjConfig()->getConfig("adminlangs"));
     $intLangCount = 1;
     foreach ($arrLangs as $strOneLang) {
         $strReturn .= "<a href=\"" . _webpath_ . "/installer.php?language=" . $strOneLang . "\">" . class_carrier::getInstance()->getObjLang()->getLang("lang_" . $strOneLang, "user") . "</a>";
         if ($intLangCount++ < count($arrLangs)) {
             $strReturn .= " | ";
     $strReturn .= "<br />" . $this->getLang("installer_phpcheck_intro2") . "<ul>";
     foreach ($arrFilesAndFolders as $strOneFile) {
         $strReturn .= "<li>" . $this->getLang("installer_phpcheck_folder") . $strOneFile . " ";
         if (is_writable(_realpath_ . $strOneFile)) {
             $strReturn .= "<span class=\"label label-success\">" . $this->getLang("installer_given") . "</span>.";
         } else {
             $strReturn .= "<span class=\"label label-danger\">" . $this->getLang("installer_missing") . "</span>!";
         $strReturn .= "</li>";
     foreach ($arrModules as $strOneModule) {
         $strReturn .= "<li>" . $this->getLang("installer_phpcheck_module") . $strOneModule . " ";
         if (in_array($strOneModule, get_loaded_extensions())) {
             $strReturn .= " <span class=\"label label-success\">" . $this->getLang("installer_loaded") . "</span>.";
         } else {
             $strReturn .= " <span class=\"label label-danger\">" . $this->getLang("installer_nloaded") . "</span>!";
         $strReturn .= "</li>";
     $strReturn .= "</ul>";
     $this->strForwardLink = $this->getForwardLink(_webpath_ . "/installer.php?step=config");
     $this->strBackwardLink = "";
     $this->strOutput = $strReturn;