public static function pkg_subscr_to_expirydate($pkg, $time = '') { if (!$time) { $time = time(); } $expires = ''; if (!is_array($pkg)) { return $expires; } if (!isset($pkg['subscr_num']) || !isset($pkg['subscr_type'])) { return $expires; } $type = $pkg['subscr_type']; switch ($type) { case 'month': case 'year': $type .= 's'; $expires = strtotime("+{$pkg['subscr_num']} {$type}", $time); break; case 'none': default: $feu = cge_utils::get_module('FrontEndUsers'); if ($feu) { $timeperiod = $feu->GetPreference('expireage_months', 120); $expires = strtotime("+{$timeperiod} months", $time); } break; } return $expires; }
private static function lang() { if (!self::$__mod) { self::$__mod = \cge_utils::get_module('CGExtensions'); } $args = func_get_args(); return call_user_func_array(array(self::$__mod, 'Lang'), $args); }
public static function create_template_dropdown($id, $name, $prefix = '', $selectedvalue = -1, $addtext = '') { $templates = self::get_templates_by_prefix('', $prefix); $items = array(); foreach ($templates as $onename) { $tmp = substr($onename, strlen($prefix)); $items[$tmp] = $onename; } return cge_utils::get_module()->CreateInputDropdown($id, $name, $items, -1, $selectedvalue, $addtext); }
public static function &get_auth_consumer() { $res = null; $feu = cge_utils::get_module('FrontEndUsers'); $name = $feu->GetPreference('auth_module', ''); if ($name == '' || $name == '__BUILTIN__') { return self::get_std_consumer(); } $module = cge_utils::get_module($name); if (!$module) { return $res; } $res = $module->GetFeuAuthConsumer(); return $res; }
public static function &get_instance($name) { return cge_utils::get_module($name); }
public static function cge_admin_error($params, &$smarty) { global $CMS_ADMIN_PAGE; if (!isset($CMS_ADMIN_PAGE)) { return; } if (!isset($params['error'])) { return; } $mod = cge_utils::get_module('CGExtensions'); $tmp = $mod->ShowErrors($params['error']); if (isset($params['assign'])) { $smarty->assign($params['assign'], $tmp); return; } return $tmp; }
public static function expand_events($eventids, $returnid, $parameters, $limit = 10000, $startoffset = 0) { if (!is_array($eventids) || count($eventids) < 1) { return FALSE; } $module = cge_utils::get_module(MOD_CGCALENDAR); $gCms = CmsApp::get_instance(); $db = $gCms->GetDb(); $events_to_categories_table_name = $module->events_to_categories_table_name; $categories_table_name = $module->categories_table_name; $event_field_values_table_name = $module->event_field_values_table_name; $userops = $gCms->GetUserOperations(); $tmp = $userops->LoadUsers(); $users = array(); foreach ($tmp as $oneuser) { $users[$oneuser->id] = $oneuser; } $query = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $module->events_table_name . ' WHERE event_id IN (' . implode(',', $eventids) . ') ORDER BY event_date_start ASC'; $rs = $db->SelectLimit($query, $limit, $startoffset); $feu_users = array(); while (!$rs->EOF()) { $row = $rs->fields; $uid = $row['event_created_by']; if ($uid < 1 && !in_array($uid, $feu_users)) { $feu_users[] = $uid; } $rs->MoveNext(); } debug_display($feu_users); die; $rs->MoveFirst(); $events = array(); while ($rs && ($row = $rs->FetchRow())) { $titleSEO = munge_string_to_url($row['event_title']); $destpage = $module->GetPreference('defaultcalendarpage', -1); $destpage = $destpage > 0 ? $destpage : $returnid; //$destpage =$detailpage!=''?$detailpage:$destpage; $prefix = $module->GetPreference('url_prefix'); if (!$prefix) { $prefix = 'calendar'; } $prettyurl = sprintf($prefix . "/%d/%d-%s", $destpage, $row['event_id'], $titleSEO); $parms = array(); $parms['event_id'] = $row['event_id']; $parms['display'] = 'event'; if (isset($parameters['eventtemplate'])) { $parms['eventtemplate'] = $parameters['eventtemplate']; } $url = $module->CreateLink('cntnt01', 'default', $destpage, $contents = '', $parms, '', true, '', '', '', $prettyurl); $row['url'] = $url; $row['author'] = $users[$row['event_created_by']]->username; $row['authorname'] = $users[$row['event_created_by']]->firstname . ' ' . $users[$row['event_created_by']]->lastname; // Build the sql to retrieve the categories for this event. $sql = "SELECT category_name FROM {$events_to_categories_table_name}\n\t INNER JOIN {$categories_table_name} ON {$events_to_categories_table_name}.category_id = {$categories_table_name}.category_id\n\t WHERE event_id = ?"; $crs = $db->Execute($sql, array($row['event_id'])); // Get the field values $categories = array(); $categories_temp = array(); if ($crs) { // make sure there are results and assign to the $categories array $categories_temp = $crs->GetArray(); foreach ($categories_temp as $category) { $category_name = $category['category_name']; $categories[$category_name] = '1'; } } // Attach the custom fields to the event $row['categories'] = $categories; // Build the sql to retrieve the field values for this event. $sql = "SELECT field_name,field_value FROM {$event_field_values_table_name} WHERE event_id = ?"; $frs = $db->Execute($sql, array($row['event_id'])); // Get the field values $fields = array(); $fields_temp = array(); if ($frs) { // make sure there are results and assign to the $fields array $fields_temp = $frs->GetArray(); foreach ($fields_temp as $field) { $field_name = $field['field_name']; $field_value = $field['field_value']; $fields[$field_name] = $field_value; } } // Attach the custom fields to the event $row['fields'] = $fields; // End custom fields retrieval // and add it to the list of completed, expanded events. $events[] = $row; } if ($rs) { $rs->Close(); } return $events; }
public static function redirect_with_error($returnid, $message, $error = 1) { $mod = cge_utils::get_module(); $mod->Redirect($id, 'showmessage', $returnid, array('cge_msg' => $message, 'cge_error' => (int) $error)); }
$smarty->assign('hidden_field_color', $this->GetPreference('hidden_field_color', 'green')); $smarty->assign('secure_field_marker', $this->GetPreference('secure_field_marker', '^^')); $smarty->assign('secure_field_color', $this->GetPreference('secure_field_color', 'yellow')); $smarty->assign('pageidforgotpasswd', $this->GetPreference('pageidforgotpasswd')); $smarty->assign('pageid_changesettings', $this->GetPreference('pageid_changesettings')); $smarty->assign('pageid_login', $this->GetPreference('pageid_login')); $smarty->assign('pageid_logout', $this->GetPreference('pageid_logout')); $smarty->assign('pageid_afterverify', $this->GetPreference('pageid_afterverify')); $smarty->assign('pageid_afterchangesettings', $this->GetPreference('pageid_afterchangesettings')); // Get the number of users installed in FEU. $query = 'SELECT count(id) FROM ' . cms_db_prefix() . 'module_feusers_users'; $db = cmsms()->GetDb(); $nusers = $db->GetOne($query); $smarty->assign('total_user_count', $nusers); $smarty->assign('pwsalt', $this->GetPreference('pwsalt')); $cgecom = cge_utils::get_module('CGEcommerceBase'); $selfreg = cge_utils::get_module('SelfRegistration'); if ($cgecom && $selfreg && $selfreg->GetPreference('allowpaidregistration')) { $opts = array(); $opts['none'] = $this->Lang('none'); $opts['delete'] = $this->Lang('delete_user'); $opts['expire'] = $this->Lang('expire_user'); $smarty->assign('ecommerce_actions', $opts); $smarty->assign('ecomm_ordercancelled', $this->GetPreference('ecomm_ordercancelled', 'none')); $smarty->assign('ecomm_orderdeleted', $this->GetPreference('ecomm_orderdeleted', 'none')); $smarty->assign('ecomm_paidregistration', $this->GetPreference('ecomm_paidregistration', 0)); } echo $this->ProcessTemplate('admin_authtab.tpl'); # # EOF #
public static function cge_pageoptions($params, $smarty) { $current = trim(cge_utils::get_param($params, 'value')); $current = trim(cge_utils::get_param($params, 'selected')); $none = cge_utils::to_bool(cge_utils::get_param($params, 'none')); $params['current'] = $current; unset($params['value'], $params['selected'], $params['none']); $builder = new \CGExtensions\content_list_builder($params); $tmp = null; if ($none) { $mod = cge_utils::get_module(MOD_CGEXTENSIONS); $tmp .= '<option value="">' . $mod->Lang('none') . '</option>'; $tmp .= '<option disabled="disabled">---</option>'; } $tmp .= $builder->get_options(); return $tmp; }
/** * A function to provide a form to edit a single template. Provides restore * to factory default settings as well. * * @param object The module that this template is for. * @param string The module action id. * @param integer The returnid (usually empty) * @param string The template name * @param string The active tab name * @param string A title for the form, usually indicates which template this form is editing. * @param string The filename (relative to the modules templates directory) of the factory default template source. * @param string Optional help for this template * @param string The destination action (usually defaultadmin) * @return string An HTML form */ public static function get_single_template_form(&$module, $id, $returnid, $tmplname, $active_tab, $title, $filename, $info = '', $destaction = 'defaultadmin') { $cgextensions =& cge_utils::get_module('CGExtensions'); $smarty =& $module->smarty; $smarty->assign('defaulttemplateform_title', $title); $smarty->assign('info_title', $info); $smarty->assign('startform', $cgextensions->CreateFormStart($id, 'setdefaulttemplate', $returnid, 'post', '', false, '', array('prefname' => $tmplname, 'usetemplate' => '1', 'destmodule' => $module->GetName(), 'cg_activetab' => $active_tab, 'destaction' => $destaction, 'filename' => $filename))); $smarty->assign('prompt_template', $cgextensions->Lang('template')); $smarty->assign('input_template', $cgextensions->CreateTextArea(false, $id, $module->GetTemplate($tmplname), 'input_template')); $smarty->assign('submit', $cgextensions->CreateInputSubmit($id, 'submit', $cgextensions->Lang('submit'))); $smarty->assign('reset', $cgextensions->CreateInputSubmit($id, 'resettodefault', $cgextensions->Lang('resettofactory'))); $smarty->assign('endform', $cgextensions->CreateFormEnd()); return $cgextensions->ProcessTemplate('editdefaulttemplate.tpl'); }
private function _build_queries() { if ($this->_qrecs != '') { return; } if ($this->_qcount != '') { return; } if (!$this->count_opts()) { throw new Exception('invalid value'); } $where = array(); $qparms = array(); $joins = array(); $jcount = 0; foreach ($this->_and_opts as &$opt) { switch ($opt->get_type()) { case feu_user_query_opt::MATCH_USERNAME: $where[] = 'u.username LIKE ?'; $qparms[] = str_replace('*', '%', $opt->get_expr()); break; case feu_user_query_opt::MATCH_PASSWORD: $where[] = 'u.password = ?'; $qparms[] = $opt->get_expr(); break; case feu_user_query_opt::MATCH_EXPIRES_LT: $tmp = $db->DbTimeStamp($opt->get_expr()); $where[] = "u.expires < {$tmp}"; break; case feu_user_query_opt::MATCH_GROUP: $tmp = $this->_get_groups(); if (!isset($tmp[$opt->get_expr()])) { throw new Exception('invalid value'); } $joins = 'LEFT JOIN ' . cms_db_prefix() . 'module_feusers_belongs bl ON = bl.userid'; $where[] = 'bl.groupid = ?'; $qparms[] = $opt->get_expr(); break; case feu_user_query_opt::MATCH_GROUPID: $joins = 'LEFT JOIN ' . cms_db_prefix() . 'module_feusers_belongs bl ON = bl.userid'; $where[] = 'bl.groupid = ?'; $qparms[] = $opt->get_expr(); break; case feu_user_query_opt::MATCH_PROPERTY: $feu = cge_utils::get_module('FrontEndUsers'); $defns = $feu->GetPropertyDefns(); if (!in_array($opt->get_expr(), array_keys($defns))) { throw new Exception('invalid value'); } $jcount++; $joins[] = 'LEFT JOIN ' . cms_db_prefix() . "module_feusers_properties pr{$jcount} \n ON pr{$jcount}.userid = \n AND pr{$jcount}.title = '" . $opt->get_expr() . "'"; if (strstr($opt->get_opt(), '*') === FALSE) { $where[] = "pr{$jcount}.data = '" . $opt->get_opt() . "'"; } else { $where[] = "pr{$jcount}.data LIKE '" . str_replace('*', '%', $opt->get_opt()) . "'"; } break; } } // asembly $qrec = 'SELECT FROM ' . cms_db_prefix() . 'module_feusers_users u'; $qcnt = 'SELECT count( AS count FROM ' . cms_db_prefix() . 'module_feusers_users u'; if (count($joins)) { $qrec .= ' ' . implode(' ', $joins); $qcnt .= ' ' . implode(' ', $joins); } if (count($where)) { $qrec .= "\nWHERE " . implode(' AND ', $where); $qcnt .= "\nWHERE " . implode(' AND ', $where); } $this->_qrecs = $qrec; $this->_qcount = $qcnt; $this->_qparms = $qparms; return; }
/** * A function to provide a form to edit a single template. Provides restore * to factory default settings as well. * * @param CMSModule $module The module that this template is for. * @param string $id The module action id. * @param int $returnid The returnid (usually empty) * @param string $tmplname The template name * @param string $active_tab The active tab name * @param string $title A title for the form, usually indicates which template this form is editing. * @param string $filename The filename (relative to the modules templates directory) of the factory default template source. * @param string $info Optional help for this template * @param string $destaction The destination action (usually defaultadmin) * @param bool $simple whether to output a simple form * @return string An HTML form */ public static function get_single_template_form(&$module, $id, $returnid, $tmplname, $active_tab, $title, $filename, $info = '', $destaction = 'defaultadmin', $simple = 0) { $cgextensions = cge_utils::get_module(MOD_CGEXTENSIONS); $tpl = $cgextensions->CreateSmartyTemplate('editdefaulttemplate.tpl'); $title = trim($title); if ($title) { $tpl->assign('defaulttemplateform_title', $title); } $tpl->assign('mod', $module); $tpl->assign('prefname', $tmplname); $tpl->assign('info_title', $info); $tpl->assign('startform', $cgextensions->CreateFormStart($id, 'setdefaulttemplate', $returnid, 'post', '', false, '', array('prefname' => $tmplname, 'usetemplate' => '1', 'destmodule' => $module->GetName(), 'cg_activetab' => $active_tab, 'destaction' => $destaction, 'filename' => $filename))); $tpl->assign('prompt_template', $cgextensions->Lang('template')); $tpl->assign('input_template', $cgextensions->CreateTextArea(false, $id, $module->GetTemplate($tmplname), 'input_template')); $tpl->assign('simple', $simple); $tpl->assign('submit', $cgextensions->CreateInputSubmit($id, 'submit', $cgextensions->Lang('submit'))); $tpl->assign('reset', $cgextensions->CreateInputSubmit($id, 'resettodefault', $cgextensions->Lang('resettofactory'))); $tpl->assign('endform', $module->CreateFormEnd()); return $tpl->fetch(); }
$policies['none'] = $this->Lang('policy_none'); $policies['individual'] = $this->Lang('policy_individual'); $smarty->assign('overlap_policies', $policies); $smarty->assign('overlap_policy', $this->GetPreference('overlap_policy', 'all')); $overlap_actions = array(); $overlap_actions['remove'] = $this->Lang('overlap_action_remove'); $overlap_actions['error'] = $this->Lang('overlap_action_error'); $smarty->assign('overlap_actions', $overlap_actions); $smarty->assign('overlap_action', $this->GetPreference('overlap_action', 'error')); $prefix = $this->GetPreference('url_prefix'); if (!$prefix) { $prefix = 'calendar'; } $smarty->assign('url_prefix', $prefix); $smarty->assign('dflt_starttime', $this->GetPreference('dflt_starttime', '12:00')); $smarty->assign('dflt_alldayevent', $this->GetPreference('dflt_alldayevent', 0)); $smarty->assign('firstdayofweek', $this->GetPreference('firstdayofweek', 1)); $smarty->assign('dayoptions', array(0 => $this->Lang('sunday'), 1 => $this->Lang('monday'))); $smarty->assign('ical_holidays', $this->GetPreference('ical_holidays')); $smarty->assign('holiday_fgcolor', $this->GetPreference('holiday_fgcolor', '#000000')); $smarty->assign('holiday_bgcolor', $this->GetPreference('holiday_bgcolor', '#ccffff7')); $smarty->assign('submit', $this->CreateInputSubmit($id, 'submit', $this->Lang('cal_updatesettings'))); $feu = cge_utils::get_module('FrontEndUsers'); if ($feu) { $tmp = $feu->GetGroupList(); $tmp = cge_array::hash_prepend($tmp, $this->Lang('none'), -1); $smarty->assign('grouplist', array_flip($tmp)); $smarty->assign('frontend_group', $this->GetPreference('frontend_group', -1)); } echo $this->ProcessTemplate('settings.tpl'); // EOF
public function is_authenticated() { $mod = cge_utils::get_module('FrontEndUsers'); $mod->_AttemptLoginWithCookie(); return $mod->LoggedIn(); }