function update_news_pos($pos) { $db = get_db(); $category = new category_class('news'); if ($pos == 1) { $category_id = $category->find_by_name('富豪报道'); $category_id = $category_id->id; $type = 'richindex_news_'; } else { $category_id = $category->find_by_name('创富者说'); $category_id = $category_id->id; $type = 'richindex_news1_'; } $table = new table_class('fb_page_pos'); $db->echo_sql = true; $items = $db->query("select id,title,created_at,description,author from fb_news where category_id={$category_id} order by created_at desc limit 6"); $exist_items = $table->find('all', array('conditions' => "name like '{$type}%' and (end_time <= now() or end_time is null)", 'order' => "name")); $db->echo_sql = false; $len = empty($exist_items) ? 0 : count($exist_items); for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) { $exist_items[$i]->display = $items[$i]->title; $exist_items[$i]->description = $items[$i]->description; $exist_items[$i]->href = dynamic_news_url($items[$i]); $exist_items[$i]->statci_href = static_news_url($items[$i]); $exist_items[$i]->title = $items[$i]->title; $exist_items[$i]->alias = $items[$i]->author; $exist_items[$i]->end_time = dt_increase(1, 'h', $exist_itmes->end_time); $exist_items[$i]->save(); } }
function get_news_by_pos($pos, $page = '') { $db = get_db(); $pos = addslashes($pos); $sql = "select * from fb_position where name='{$pos}'"; if ($page) { $page = $db->query("select id from fb_position where name='{$page}' and page_id=0"); $page_id = $page[0]->id; $sql .= " and page_id={$page_id}"; if ($db->record_count == 0) { return false; } } $record = $db->query($sql); if ($record === false) { return false; } switch ($record[0]->type) { case 'category': $category = new category_class('news'); $category_id = $record[0]->category_id; $all_category_ids = $category->children_map($category_id); $all_category_ids = implode(',', $all_category_ids); $sql = 'select n.created_at, as id, as news_id,n.title,n.short_title,n.video_photo_src,n.description,n.sub_headline,n.category_id from fb_news n left join fb_category c on where n.is_adopt=1 and in(' . $all_category_ids . ') and c.category_type="news" order by n.created_at desc limit ' . $record[0]->position_limit; break; case 'news': $sql = 'select n.created_at, as id, as news_id,n.title,n.short_title,n.video_photo_src,n.description,n.sub_headline,n.author_id from fb_position_relation f left join fb_news n on where n.is_adopt=1 and f.type="news" and f.position_id=' . $record[0]->id . ' order by f.priority limit ' . $record[0]->position_limit; break; case 'list': $sql = "select,,n.image_src,n.comment from fb_position_relation f join fb_custom_list_type n on where f.position_id={$record[0]->id} and f.type='list' order by f.priority limit {$record[0]->position_limit}"; break; case 'image': $sql = "select n.* from fb_position_relation f join fb_images n on where f.position_id={$record[0]->id} and f.type='image' and n.is_adopt=1 order by f.priority limit {$record[0]->position_limit}"; break; case 'column': $sql = "select n.* from fb_position_relation f join fb_user n on where f.position_id={$record[0]->id} and f.type='column' and n.role_name='column' order by f.priority limit {$record[0]->position_limit}"; break; case 'journalist': $sql = "select n.* from fb_position_relation f join fb_user n on where f.position_id={$record[0]->id} and f.type='journalist' and n.role_name='journalist' order by f.priority limit {$record[0]->position_limit}"; break; case 'magazine': $sql = "select n.* from fb_position_relation f join fb_magazine n on where f.position_id={$record[0]->id} and f.type='magazine' order by f.priority limit {$record[0]->position_limit}"; break; case 'activity': $sql = "select n.* from fb_position_relation f join fb_event n on where f.position_id={$record[0]->id} and f.type='activity' order by f.priority limit {$record[0]->position_limit}"; break; default: return false; break; } return $db->query($sql); }
<meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <meta http-equiv=Content-Language content=zh-CN> <title>网趣宝贝-妈妈助手</title> <?php include_once '../frame.php'; css_include_tag('top_inc/assistant_top', 'logo', 'assistant_list', 'assistant/assistant_content', 'assistant/assistant_question', 'right_inc/assistant_right', 'left_inc/assistant_left'); use_jquery(); js_include_tag('assistant/list'); $db = get_db(); $age = intval($_GET['age']); $category_id = intval($_GET['category_id']); if (!$category_id) { die('invalid param'); exit; } $category = new category_class('assistant'); $current_cate = $category->find($category_id); $level = $current_cate->level; if ($level == 1) { $sub_cates = $category->find_sub_category($category_id); $breads[0] = $current_cate; } else { $breads[0] = $category->find($current_cate->parent_id); $breads[1] = $current_cate; } function convert_age($age) { switch ($age) { case -2: return '准备怀孕'; break;
} $image = new table_images_class(); $images = $image->paginate('all', array('conditions' => implode(' and ', $c), 'order' => 'priority asc,created_at desc'), 12); ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <meta http-equiv=Content-Language content=zh-CN> <title>迅傲信息</title> <?php css_include_tag('admin'); use_jquery(); js_include_tag('category_class', 'admin/position/image_list'); $category = new category_class('image'); $category->echo_jsdata(); ?> </head> <body> <div id=icaption> <div id=title>自定义图片</div> <a href="index.php" id=btn_back></a> </div> <div id=isearch> <input class="sau_search" name="title" type="text" value="<? echo $_REQUEST['title']?>"> <span id="span_category"></span> <select id=adopt name="adopt" style="width:90px" class="sau_search"> <option value="">加入状况</option> <option value="1" <? if($_REQUEST['adopt']=="1"){?>selected="selected"<? }?>>已加入</option> <option value="0" <? if($_REQUEST['adopt']=="0"){?>selected="selected"<? }?>>未加入</option>
<meta http-equiv=Content-Language content=zh-cn> <meta name="keywords" content="<?php echo $seo[0]->keywords; ?> " /> <meta name="description" content="<?php echo $seo[0]->description; ?> " /> <?php use_jquery_ui(); js_include_tag('index_two', 'public', 'jquery.colorbox-min.js'); css_include_tag('index_two', 'public', 'colorbox'); global $pos_items; init_page_items(); $category = new category_class('news'); ?> </head> <body> <div id=ibody> <?php include_top(); ?> <div id="content"> <div id="content_left"> <div id="content_banner_left"> <div id="qie_img" class="edit_pri"> <?php for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { $pos_name = 'index_hl_' . $i; ?>
<?php require_once '../../frame.php'; $selected_news = $_REQUEST['selected_news']; $selected_news_a = explode(',', $selected_news); if (!$selected_news) { $selected_news = 0; } $category = new category_class('news'); ?> <style type="text/css"> .items{float:left;margin-top:5px;width:590px;} .item1{width:320px;float:left;overflow: hidden;} .item2{width:150px;float:left;overflow: hidden;} .item3{width:90px;float:left;overflow: hidden;} </style> <table width="600" border="0" id="list" style="boder:1px solid"> <tr class="tr2"> <td width="250">短标题</td><td width="200">发表时间</td><td width="100">所属类别</td> </tr> <tr class="tr2"> <td colspan="4" align="left"> <span style="color:blue">请直接拖动,调整新闻排序</span> </td> </tr> <tr > <td colspan="4"> <div id="sortable"> <?php $db = get_db(); $items = $db->query("select * from fb_news where id in ({$selected_news}) order by find_in_set(id,'{$selected_news}')");
} $sql .= " order by priority asc,created_at desc"; $record = $db->paginate($sql, 30); ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <meta http-equiv=Content-Language content=zh-CN> <title>发布新闻</title> <?php css_include_tag('admin'); use_jquery(); js_include_tag('category_class', 'admin/magazine/relation'); $category = new category_class('news'); $category->echo_jsdata(); ?> </head> <body> <div id=icaption> <div id=title>加入文章</div> <a href="index.php" id=btn_back></a> </div> <div id=isearch> <input class="sau_search" name="title" type="text" value="<? echo $_REQUEST['title']?>"> <select id="language_tag" name="language_tag" class="sau_search"> <option value="0" <? if($_REQUEST['language_tag']=="0"){?>selected="selected"<? }?>>中文</option> <option value="1" <? if($_REQUEST['language_tag']=="1"){?>selected="selected"<? }?>>English</option> </select>
<?php include_once '../frame.php'; $cid = intval($_GET['cid']); //normal category list;can work with author_type to find the column articles; $news_id = intval($_GET['news_id']); //find the news with the same author by giving the news id; $author_type = $_GET['author_type']; if (empty($cid) && empty($news_id) && empty($author_type)) { redirect('error.html'); die; } $db = get_db(); $category = new category_class('news'); if ($news_id) { $db->query("select author as name from fb_news where id={$news_id}"); if ($db->record_count <= 0) { redirect('/error/'); die; } $author = $db->field_by_name('name'); $conditions[] = "author='{$author}'"; $title = "作者:{$author}"; } else { if (empty($cid)) { $cid = 0; } $c_id = $category->children_map($cid); $c_id = implode(',', $c_id); $conditions[] = "a.category_id in ({$c_id})"; $title = $category->find($cid)->name;
function update_news_column($category_name, $limit, $type, $position_name) { if ($type == 'author') { $author_type = 2; } else { if ($type == 'journalist') { $author_type = 1; } } $db = get_db(); $category = new category_class(); $category_id = $category->find_by_name($category_name)->id; if (!$category_id) { return false; } $ids = $category->children_map($category_id); $ids = implode(",", $ids); $sql = "select,t1.title,t1.short_title,t1.created_at,t1.description,t1.video_photo_src,t2.nick_name,t2.image_src,t2.column_name from fb_news t1 join fb_user t2 on where 1=1 and t1.is_adopt=1 and t1.author_type={$author_type} and t1.category_id in ({$ids}) and t2.role_name='{$type}' order by t1.created_at desc"; $news = $db->query($sql); $news_count = $db->record_count; for ($i = 0; $i < $news_count; $i++) { for ($j = 0; $j < $limit; $j++) { $pos_name = $position_name . $j; $record = $db->query("select id,end_time from fb_page_pos where name='{$pos_name}'"); if ($db->record_count == 1) { if ($record[0]->end_time > now()) { } else { $pos = new table_class('fb_page_pos'); $pos->find($record[0]->id); $end_time = date('Y-m-d H:00:00', strtotime("+1hours", time())); $pos->end_time = $end_time; $pos->display = $news[$i]->short_title; $pos->title = $news[$i]->title; $pos->image1 = $news[$i]->video_photo_src; $pos->image2 = $news[$i]->image_src; if (!$news[$i]->column_name) { $pos->alias = $news[$i]->nick_name . '专栏'; } else { $pos->alias = $news[$i]->column_name . '专栏'; } $pos->description = $news[$i]->description; $pos->href = dynamic_news_url($news[$i]); $pos->static_href = static_news_url($news[$i]); $pos->save(); break; } } else { $pos = new table_class('fb_page_pos'); $pos->name = $pos_name; $end_time = date('Y-m-d H:00:00', strtotime("+1hours", time())); $pos->end_time = $end_time; $pos->display = $news[$i]->short_title; $pos->title = $news[$i]->title; $pos->image1 = $news[$i]->video_photo_src; $pos->image2 = $news[$i]->image_src; if (!$news[$i]->column_name) { $pos->alias = $news[$i]->nick_name . '专栏'; } else { $pos->alias = $news[$i]->column_name . '专栏'; } $pos->description = $news[$i]->description; $pos->href = dynamic_news_url($news[$i]); $pos->static_href = static_news_url($news[$i]); $pos->comment = $category_name . $i; $pos->save(); break; } } } }
<?php include_once '../../frame.php'; $category = new category_class('news'); $key = urldecode($_REQUEST['key']); $order = ""; $filter_adopt = isset($_REQUEST['filter_adopt']) ? $_REQUEST['filter_adopt'] : -1; $filter_selected = isset($_REQUEST['filter_selected']) ? $_REQUEST['filter_selected'] : -1; if ($filter_selected == 0) { $ids = $_REQUEST['selected_news'] ? $_REQUEST['selected_news'] : 0; $conditions[] = "id not in({$ids})"; } elseif ($filter_selected == 1) { $ids = $_REQUEST['selected_news'] ? $_REQUEST['selected_news'] : 0; $conditions[] = "id in({$ids})"; $order = " find_in_set(id,'{$ids}')"; } if ($filter_adopt != -1) { $conditions[] = 'is_adopt= ' . $filter_adopt; } $filter_category = $_REQUEST['filter_category'] ? $_REQUEST['filter_category'] : -1; if ($filter_category != -1) { $cate_ids = implode(',', $category->children_map($filter_category)); $conditions[] = 'category_id in (' . $cate_ids . ")"; } if ($conditions) { $conditions = implode(' and ', $conditions); } $category->echo_jsdata(); $db = get_db(); ?>
<table cellspacing="1"> <tr class="itable_title"> <td width="8%">留言人</td><td width="10%">IP</td><td width="15%">标题</td><td width="%10">新闻类别</td><td width="25%">留言内容</td><td width="12%">留言时间</td><td width="10%">操作</td> </tr> <?php $comment = new table_class("fb_comment"); $record = $comment->paginate("all", $conditions, 30); $category = new category_class('news'); $db = get_db(); $count_record = count($record); //-------------------- for ($i = 0; $i < $count_record; $i++) { $db->query("select short_title,category_id from fb_news where id={$record[$i]->resource_id}"); if ($db->move_first()) { $cat = implode('=>', $category->tree_map_name($db->field_by_name('category_id'))); $title = $db->field_by_index(0); } ?> <tr class=tr3 id=<?php echo $record[$i]->id; ?> > <td> <?php echo $record[$i]->nick_name; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $record[$i]->ip; ?> </td>
<meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <meta http-equiv=Content-Language content=zh-CN> <title>迅傲信息</title> <?php include "../../frame.php"; ?> </head> <body> <?php $cate = new table_class($tb_category); if ($_REQUEST['id']) { $cate->find($_REQUEST['id']); } $cate->update_attributes($_POST['post'], false); if ($_REQUEST['post']['parent_id'] != '0') { $category = new category_class('news'); $parent_ids = $category->tree_map($_REQUEST['post']['parent_id']); if (count($parent_ids) > 1) { $cate->sort_id = $parent_ids[count($parent_ids) - 1]; } else { $cate->sort_id = $_REQUEST['post']['parent_id']; } } else { $cate->sort_id = 0; } //$cate->echo_sql = true; if ($cate->save()) { redirect('category_list.php?type=' . $_POST['post']['category_type'] . ''); } else { display_error('修改类别失败'); echo '<a href="category_list.php">返回</a>';
} $video = new table_class($tb_video); $video = $video->paginate('all', array('conditions' => implode(' and ', $c), 'order' => 'priority asc,created_at desc'), 12); ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <meta http-equiv=Content-Language content=zh-CN> <title>迅傲信息</title> <?php css_include_tag('admin'); use_jquery(); js_include_tag('admin_pub', 'category_class'); $category = new category_class('video'); $category->echo_jsdata(); ?> </head> <body> <table width="795" border="0"> <tr class=tr1> <td colspan="5" width="795"> <a href="video_edit.php?" style="color:#0000FF">发布视频</a> 搜索 <input id=title type="text" value="<? echo $_REQUEST['title']?>"><span id="span_category"></span><select id=adopt style="width:100px" class="select_new"> <option value="">发布状况</option> <option value="1" <? if($_REQUEST['adopt']=="1"){?>selected="selected"<? }?>>已发布</option> <option value="0" <? if($_REQUEST['adopt']=="0"){?>selected="selected"<? }?>>未发布</option> </select> <input type="button" value="搜索" id="search_new" style="border:1px solid #0000ff; height:21px"> <input type="hidden" value="<?php echo $category_id;
?> </head> <body <?php if ($news->forbbide_copy == 1) { ?> oncontextmenu="return false" ondragstart="return false" onselectstart ="return false" onselect="return false" oncopy="return false" onbeforecopy="return false" onmouseup="return false" <?php } ?> > <div id=ibody> <?php include_top(); ?> <div id=bread> <?php $category = new category_class('news'); $parent_ids = $category->tree_map($news->category_id); ?> <?php $len = count($parent_ids); for ($i = $len - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) { $item = $category->find($parent_ids[$i]); $curl = $page_type == 'static' ? "/review/list/{$parent_ids[$i]}/cid" : "news_list.php?cid={$parent_ids[$i]}"; ?> <a href="<?php echo get_newslist_url($parent_ids[$i]); ?> "><?php echo $item->name; ?> </a> >
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ""> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <meta http-equiv=Content-Language content=zh-CN> <?php include_once '../frame.php'; $db = get_db(); $id = intval(trim($_REQUEST['category_id'])); if (empty($id)) { die('invliad params!'); } $title_id = $db->query("select name from eb_category where id={$id}"); css_include_tag('news_list'); //获得顶级category id; $category = new category_class("news"); $item = $category->find($id); if ($item->level >= 2) { $item_ids = $category->tree_map($id); $category_id = end($item_ids); } else { $category_id = $id; } if (!$category_id) { die('invalid param'); } $sub_category_items = $category->find_sub_category($category_id); $all_category_ids = $category->children_map($category_id); $exists_news_ids = array(); ?> <title>网趣宝贝-育儿资讯-<?php
<?php if (!function_exists("get_config")) { include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../frame.php'; } $db = get_db(); global $pos_items; init_page_items(); global $category; if (empty($category)) { $category = new category_class('news'); } global $pos_name; ?> <div id="top_div"> <div id="top_img_left" class="ad_banner"> </div> <div id="top_img_right" class="ad_banner"> </div> <div id="top_banner2" class="ad_banner" bheight="418"></div> <div id="top_bg"> <div id="top_logon"></div> <div id="top_banner"> <div id="top_right_banner"> <?php js_include_tag('jquery.cookie'); ?> <script> if($.cookie('cache_name') && $.cookie('name')){ var str = '<div class="login_left">'+$.cookie('name')+',你好</div>' + '<div class="login_left"><a href="javascript:void(0)" id="logout">退出</a></div>'
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<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <meta http-equiv=Content-Language content=zh-CN> <title>编辑英语新闻</title> <?php //css_include_tag('admin','thickbox'); //use_jquery(); //validate_form("news_edit"); js_include_tag('admin/news/english_news.edit'); ?> </head> <?php //initialize the categroy; $category = new category_class('news'); $category->echo_jsdata('category1'); ?> <body style="background:#E1F0F7"> <form id="news_edit_en" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="" method="post"> <table width="755" border="0"> <tr class=tr1> <td colspan="2" width="795"> 编辑新闻英语版(<span style="color:red"><?php echo $ch_news->title; ?> </span>)</td> </tr> <tr class=tr4> <td width="130">标题/短标题</td><td width="695" align="left"><input id="title_en" type="text" name="news[title]" value="<?php echo $news->title; ?>
js_include_tag('jquery.cookie', 'assistant/news'); ?> </head> <body> <div id="ibody"> <?php include_once "../inc/_assistant_top.php"; ?> <div id="fbody"> <div id="log_top"> <div id="log_t"> <a href="/" target="_blank"><div id="log"></div></a> <div id="log_address"> <a href="/assistant">妈妈助手</a> <?php $category = new category_class('assistant'); $cate_tree = $category->tree_map_item($column[0]->category_id); $cate_tree = array_reverse($cate_tree); foreach ($cate_tree as $cate) { $list_url = get_assistant_list_url($cate_tree[0]->id); echo " >> <a href='{$list_url}'>{$cate->name}</a>"; } ?> <span> >> <?php echo $column[0]->title; ?> </span> </div> </div> <div id="hr"></div> </div>
<?php if (!function_exists("get_config")) { include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../frame.php'; } init_page_items(); $db = get_db(); $category = new category_class('news'); ?> <div id="bottom_banner"> <div id="bottom_top"></div> <div id="bottom_center"> <div class="bottom_value"> <div class="main_cate">[<a target="_blank" href="/list/">榜单</a>]</div> <div class="sub_cate"><a href="">富豪榜</a></div> <div class="sub_cate"><a href="">城市榜</a></div> <div class="sub_cate"><a href="">公司榜</a></div> <div class="sub_cate"><a href="">体育榜</a></div> <div class="sub_cate"><a href="">人物</a></div> <div class="sub_cate"><a href="">教育榜</a></div> </div> <div class="bottom_value"> <div class="main_cate">[<a target="_blank" href="/billionaires/">富豪</a>]</div> <?php $c_ids = $category->children_map(42, false); $c_id = implode(',', $c_ids); foreach ($c_ids as $cid) { ?> <div class="sub_cate"><a href="/review/list/<?php echo $cid;
<?php include "../../frame.php"; $id = intval($_POST['id']); $category = new category_class(); $ids = $category->children_map($id); for ($i = 0; $i < count($ids); $i++) { $cate = new table_class("eb_category"); $cate->delete($ids[$i]); }
<?php session_start(); include_once '../../frame.php'; judge_role(); $category = new category_class('news'); $title = $_REQUEST['title']; $category_id = $_REQUEST['category'] ? $_REQUEST['category'] : -1; $is_adopt = $_REQUEST['adopt']; $up = $_REQUEST['up']; $language_tag = $_REQUEST['language_tag'] ? $_REQUEST['language_tag'] : 0; $db = get_db(); $c = array(); array_push($c, "language_tag={$language_tag}"); array_push($c, "category_id is not null"); if ($title != '') { array_push($c, "title like '%" . trim($title) . "%' or keywords like '%" . trim($title) . "%' or description like '%" . trim($title) . "%' or author like '%{$title}%'"); } if ($category_id > 0) { $cate_ids = implode(',', $category->children_map($category_id)); array_push($c, "category_id in({$cate_ids})"); } array_push($c, "is_adopt=0"); if ($up != '') { array_push($c, "set_up={$up}"); } if (role_name() == 'column_editor' || role_name() == 'column_writer') { $c[] = "publisher={$_SESSION['admin_user_id']}"; } $news = new table_class($tb_news); $record = $news->paginate('all', array('conditions' => implode(' and ', $c), 'order' => 'created_at desc,category_id'), 30);
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