Exemple #1
 function draw()
     global $TPL;
     $i = -7;
     while (date("D", mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d") + $i, date("Y"))) != $this->first_day_of_week) {
     $i = $i - $this->week_start * 7;
     $sunday_day = date("d", mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d") + $i, date("Y")));
     $sunday_month = date("m", mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d") + $i, date("Y")));
     $sunday_year = date("Y", mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d") + $i, date("Y")));
     $i = 0;
     $absences = $this->get_cal_absences();
     $reminders = $this->get_cal_reminders();
     $tasks_to_start = $this->get_cal_tasks_to_start();
     $tasks_to_complete = $this->get_cal_tasks_to_complete();
     // For each single week...
     while ($i < $this->weeks_to_display) {
         $a = 0;
         while ($a < 7) {
             $dates_of_week[$this->days_of_week[$a]] = date("Y-m-d", mktime(0, 0, 0, $sunday_month, $sunday_day + 7 * $i + $a, $sunday_year));
         foreach ($dates_of_week as $day => $date) {
             $d = new calendar_day();
             #$d->set_date(date("Y-m-d", mktime(0, 0, 0, $sunday_month, $sunday_day + (7 * $i + $k), $sunday_year));
             $d->set_links($this->get_link_new_task($date) . $this->get_link_new_reminder($date) . $this->get_link_new_absence($date));
             // Tasks to be Started
             $tasks_to_start[$date] or $tasks_to_start[$date] = array();
             foreach ($tasks_to_start[$date] as $t) {
                 $t["timeLimit"] and $extra = " (" . sprintf("Limit %0.1fhrs", $t["timeLimit"]) . ")";
                 $d->start_tasks[] = '<a href="' . $TPL["url_alloc_task"] . 'taskID=' . $t["taskID"] . '">' . page::htmlentities($t["taskName"] . $extra) . "</a>";
             // Tasks to be Completed
             $tasks_to_complete[$date] or $tasks_to_complete[$date] = array();
             foreach ($tasks_to_complete[$date] as $t) {
                 $t["timeLimit"] and $extra = " (" . sprintf("Limit %0.1fhrs", $t["timeLimit"]) . ")";
                 $d->complete_tasks[] = '<a href="' . $TPL["url_alloc_task"] . 'taskID=' . $t["taskID"] . '">' . page::htmlentities($t["taskName"] . $extra) . "</a>";
             // Reminders
             $reminders[$date] or $reminders[$date] = array();
             foreach ($reminders[$date] as $r) {
                 #if (date("Y-m-d",$r["reminderTime"]) == $date) {
                 unset($wrap_start, $wrap_end);
                 if (!$r["reminderActive"]) {
                     $wrap_start = "<strike>";
                     $wrap_end = "</strike>";
                 $text = page::htmlentities($r["reminderSubject"]);
                 $r["reminderTime"] and $text = date("g:ia", $r["reminderTime"]) . " " . $text;
                 $d->reminders[] = '<a href="' . $TPL["url_alloc_reminder"] . '&step=3&reminderID=' . $r["reminderID"] . '&returnToParent=' . $this->rtp . '&personID=' . $r["personID"] . '">' . $wrap_start . $text . $wrap_end . '</a>';
             // Absences
             $absences[$date] or $absences[$date] = array();
             foreach ($absences[$date] as $a) {
                 $d->absences[] = '<a href="' . $TPL["url_alloc_absence"] . 'absenceID=' . $a["absenceID"] . '&returnToParent=' . $this->rtp . '">' . person::get_fullname($a["personID"]) . ': ' . page::htmlentities($a["absenceType"]) . '</a>';