Exemple #1
  * Vote on this
  * @param \user User voting
  * @return bool
 public function vote(\user $user)
     $a = \Kofradia\DB::get()->exec("\n\t\t\tINSERT IGNORE INTO polls_votes\n\t\t\tSET pv_p_id = {$this->poll->id}, pv_po_id = {$this->id}, pv_up_id = {$user->player->id}, pv_time = " . time());
     if ($a > 0) {
         \Kofradia\DB::get()->exec("UPDATE polls_options SET po_votes = po_votes + 1 WHERE po_id = {$this->id}");
         \Kofradia\DB::get()->exec("UPDATE polls SET p_votes = p_votes + 1 WHERE p_id = {$this->poll->id}");
         // delete vote cache
     return $ok;
Exemple #2
 public function doAction()
     $answers = system::POST('answers');
     $error = 2;
     $msg = '';
     if (count($answers) > 0) {
         if ($vote = ormPages::get(system::POST('vote_id'), 'vote')) {
             if (!$vote->close) {
                 $sel = new ormSelect('answer');
                 $sel->fields('name, count');
                 $sel->where('parents', '=', $vote->id);
                 while ($answ = $sel->getObject()) {
                     if (in_array($answ->id, $answers)) {
                         $answ->count = $answ->count + 1;
                         if (!$vote->multiselect) {
                 cache::delete('vote' . $vote->id . '1');
                 cache::delete('vote' . $vote->id . '0');
                 $_SESSION['voting_' . $vote->id] = 1;
                 $error = 0;
             } else {
                 // Голосование закрыто
                 $msg = lang::get('VOTING_MSG_CLOSE');
                 $error = 1;
         } else {
             $msg = lang::get('VOTING_MSG_NOT_FOUND');
     } else {
         $msg = lang::get('VOTING_MSG_CHOSE_VAR');
     if (system::isAjax()) {
         if ($error < 2 && $vote instanceof ormPage) {
             $data = page::macros('voting')->objView($vote->id);
         system::json(array('error' => 0, 'html' => $data, 'msg' => $msg));
     } else {
         if (!empty($_POST['back_url'])) {
             system::redirect($_POST['back_url'], true);
         } else {
Exemple #3
 public function proc()
     $obj = user::getObject();
     // Если произошли ошибки, перенаправляем на главную страницу админки
     if (!$obj instanceof ormObject) {
     // Присваиваем пришедшие значения полям в объекте
     $obj->tabuList('active', 'groups', 'login');
     // Сохраняем изменения
     $obj_id = $obj->save();
     // Если объект не сохранился, выводим пользователю текст ошибки.
     if ($obj_id === false) {
         ui::MessageBox(lang::get('TEXT_MESSAGE_ERROR'), $obj->getErrorListText());
     cache::delete('user' . $obj_id);
Exemple #4
            $sql = "update v_dialplan_details set ";
            $sql .= "dialplan_detail_data = '" . check_str($dialplan_detail_data) . "' ";
            $sql .= "where domain_uuid = '" . $_SESSION['domain_uuid'] . "' ";
            $sql .= "and dialplan_detail_tag = 'action' ";
            $sql .= "and dialplan_detail_type = 'set' ";
            $sql .= "and dialplan_uuid = '{$dialplan_uuid}' ";
            $sql .= "and dialplan_detail_data like 'api_hangup_hook=%' ";
        //save the xml
        //apply settings reminder
        $_SESSION["reload_xml"] = true;
        //clear the cache
        $cache = new cache();
        $cache->delete("dialplan:" . $_SESSION["context"]);
        //redirect the browser
        if ($action == "update" && permission_exists('fax_extension_edit')) {
            $_SESSION["message"] = $text['confirm-update'];
        if ($action == "add" && permission_exists('fax_extension_add')) {
            $_SESSION["message"] = $text['confirm-add'];
        header("Location: fax.php");
    //if ($_POST["persistformvar"] != "true")
//(count($_POST)>0 && strlen($_POST["persistformvar"]) == 0)
//pre-populate the form
if (strlen($_GET['id']) > 0 && $_POST["persistformvar"] != "true") {
Exemple #5
  * Add a dialplan for call center
  * @var string $domain_uuid		the multi-tenant id
  * @var string $value	string to be cached
 public function dialplan()
     //normalize the fax forward number
     if (strlen($this->fax_forward_number) > 3) {
         //$fax_forward_number = preg_replace("~[^0-9]~", "",$fax_forward_number);
         $this->fax_forward_number = str_replace(" ", "", $this->fax_forward_number);
         $this->fax_forward_number = str_replace("-", "", $this->fax_forward_number);
     //set the forward prefix
     if (strripos($this->fax_forward_number, '$1') === false) {
         $this->forward_prefix = '';
         //not found
     } else {
         $this->forward_prefix = $this->forward_prefix . $this->fax_forward_number . '#';
     //delete previous dialplan
     if (strlen($this->dialplan_uuid) > 0) {
         //delete the previous dialplan
         $sql = "delete from v_dialplans ";
         $sql .= "where dialplan_uuid = '" . $this->dialplan_uuid . "' ";
         $sql .= "and domain_uuid = '" . $this->domain_uuid . "' ";
         $sql = "delete from v_dialplan_details ";
         $sql .= "where dialplan_uuid = '" . $this->dialplan_uuid . "' ";
         $sql .= "and domain_uuid = '" . $this->domain_uuid . "' ";
     //build the dialplan array
     $dialplan["app_uuid"] = "24108154-4ac3-1db6-1551-4731703a4440";
     $dialplan["domain_uuid"] = $this->domain_uuid;
     $dialplan["dialplan_name"] = $this->fax_name != '' ? $this->fax_name : format_phone($this->destination_number);
     $dialplan["dialplan_number"] = $this->fax_extension;
     $dialplan["dialplan_context"] = $_SESSION['context'];
     $dialplan["dialplan_continue"] = "false";
     $dialplan["dialplan_order"] = "310";
     $dialplan["dialplan_enabled"] = "true";
     $dialplan["dialplan_description"] = $this->fax_description;
     $dialplan_detail_order = 10;
     //add the public condition
     $y = 1;
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["domain_uuid"] = $this->domain_uuid;
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_tag"] = "condition";
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_type"] = "destination_number";
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_data"] = "^" . $this->destination_number . "\$";
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_break"] = "";
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_group"] = "1";
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_order"] = $y * 10;
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["domain_uuid"] = $this->domain_uuid;
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_tag"] = "action";
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_type"] = "answer";
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_data"] = "";
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_group"] = "1";
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_order"] = $y * 10;
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["domain_uuid"] = $this->domain_uuid;
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_tag"] = "action";
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_type"] = "set";
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_data"] = "fax_uuid=" . $this->fax_uuid;
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_group"] = "1";
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_order"] = $y * 10;
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["domain_uuid"] = $this->domain_uuid;
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_tag"] = "action";
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_type"] = "set";
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_data"] = "api_hangup_hook=lua app/fax/resources/scripts/hangup_rx.lua";
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_group"] = "1";
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_order"] = $y * 10;
     foreach ($_SESSION['fax']['variable'] as $data) {
         $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["domain_uuid"] = $this->domain_uuid;
         $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_tag"] = "action";
         $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_type"] = "set";
         if (substr($data, 0, 8) == "inbound:") {
             $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_data"] = substr($data, 8, strlen($data));
         } elseif (substr($data, 0, 9) == "outbound:") {
         } else {
             $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_data"] = $data;
         $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_group"] = "1";
         $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_order"] = $y * 10;
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["domain_uuid"] = $this->domain_uuid;
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_tag"] = "action";
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_type"] = "set";
     if (strlen($_SESSION['fax']['last_fax']['text']) > 0) {
         $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_data"] = "last_fax=" . $_SESSION['fax']['last_fax']['text'];
     } else {
         $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_data"] = "last_fax=\${caller_id_number}-\${strftime(%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S)}";
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_group"] = "1";
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_order"] = $y * 10;
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["domain_uuid"] = $this->domain_uuid;
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_tag"] = "action";
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_type"] = "playback";
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_data"] = "silence_stream://2000";
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_group"] = "1";
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_order"] = $y * 10;
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["domain_uuid"] = $this->domain_uuid;
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_tag"] = "action";
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_type"] = "rxfax";
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_data"] = $_SESSION['switch']['storage']['dir'] . '/fax/' . $_SESSION['domain_name'] . '/' . $this->fax_extension . '/inbox/' . $this->forward_prefix . '${last_fax}.tif';
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_group"] = "1";
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_order"] = $y * 10;
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["domain_uuid"] = $this->domain_uuid;
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_tag"] = "action";
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_type"] = "hangup";
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_data"] = "";
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_group"] = "1";
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_order"] = $y * 10;
     //add the dialplan permission
     $p = new permissions();
     $p->add("dialplan_add", 'temp');
     $p->add("dialplan_detail_add", 'temp');
     $p->add("dialplan_edit", 'temp');
     $p->add("dialplan_detail_edit", 'temp');
     //save the dialplan
     $orm = new orm();
     $dialplan_response = $orm->message;
     $this->dialplan_uuid = $dialplan_response['uuid'];
     //if new dialplan uuid then update the call center queue
     $sql = "update v_fax ";
     $sql .= "set dialplan_uuid = '" . $this->dialplan_uuid . "' ";
     $sql .= "where fax_uuid = '" . $this->fax_uuid . "' ";
     $sql .= "and domain_uuid = '" . $this->domain_uuid . "' ";
     //remove the temporary permission
     $p->delete("dialplan_add", 'temp');
     $p->delete("dialplan_detail_add", 'temp');
     $p->delete("dialplan_edit", 'temp');
     $p->delete("dialplan_detail_edit", 'temp');
     //synchronize the xml config
     //clear the cache
     $cache = new cache();
     $cache->delete("dialplan:" . $_SESSION['context']);
     //return the dialplan_uuid
     return $dialplan_response;
Exemple #6
 public function ClearCache($path = "", $private = true, $recurse = false)
     global $AR;
     $norealnode = false;
     if (!$path) {
         $path = $this->path;
     } else {
         $realpath = current($this->get($path, "system.get.path.phtml"));
         if ($realpath != false) {
             $path = $realpath;
         } else {
             $norealnode = true;
     if ($norealnode !== true) {
         	we don't want to recurse to the currentsite, because the path
         	doesn't exists in the database, so it doesn't have a currentsite
         	the privatecache should be emptied by delete, or by the cleanup
         	cronjob. The current path doesn't exists in the database, so a
         	object id which is needed to find the node in the cache, isn't
         if ($private) {
             // now remove any private cache entries.
             // FIXME: this doesn't scale very well.
             //        only scalable solution is storage in a database
             //        but it will need the original path info to
             //        remove recursively fast enough.
             //        this means a change in the filestore api. -> 2.5
             // Use chunks of max 5000 objects at a time to be more memory-efficient;
             $pcache = $this->store->get_filestore("privatecache");
             if ($recurse) {
                 $offset = 0;
                 $limit = 5000;
                 $ids = $this->store->info($this->store->find($path, "", $limit, $offset));
                 while (is_array($ids) && count($ids)) {
                     foreach ($ids as $value) {
                         $eventData = new object();
                         $eventData = ar_events::fire('onbeforeclearprivatecache', $eventData, $value['type'], $value['path']);
                         if (!$eventData) {
                         ar_events::fire('onclearprivatecache', $eventData, $value['type'], $value['path']);
                     $offset += $limit;
                     $ids = $this->store->info($this->store->find($path, "", $limit, $offset));
             } else {
                 $eventData = new object();
                 $eventData = ar_events::fire('onbeforeclearprivatecache', $eventData, $this->type, $this->path);
                 if ($eventData) {
                     ar_events::fire('onclearprivatecache', $eventData, $this->type, $this->path);
         // now clear all parents untill the current site
         $site = $this->currentsite($path);
         $project = $this->currentproject($path);
         if ($path != $site && $path != $project && $path != '/') {
             $parent = $this->make_path($path . '../');
             $this->ClearCache($parent, $private, false);
     $recursed = array();
     // filesystem cache image filenames are always lower case, so
     // use special path for that. Remember 'real' path name for
     // recursion and stuff
     $fs_path = strtolower($path);
     $nlslist = $AR->nls->list;
     $nlslist["."] = "default";
     $cache_types[] = "normal";
     $cache_types[] = "compressed";
     $cache_types[] = "session";
     global $cache_config, $store_config;
     $cachestore = new cache($cache_config);
     $filestore = $this->store->get_config("files");
     foreach ($cache_types as $type) {
         foreach ($nlslist as $nls => $language) {
             // break away if nls doesn't exists
             // is dir is cached, so it should not cost more that it add's in speed
             if (!is_dir($filestore . "cache/{$type}/{$nls}")) {
             $fpath = $filestore . "cache/{$type}/{$nls}" . $fs_path;
             $hpath = $filestore . "cacheheaders/{$type}/{$nls}" . $fs_path;
             if ($dir = @dir($fpath)) {
                 while (false !== ($entry = $dir->read())) {
                     if ($entry != "." && $entry != "..") {
                         if (is_file($fpath . $entry)) {
                             @unlink($fpath . $entry);
                             @unlink($hpath . $entry);
                             $cachestore->delete("/" . $type . "/" . $nls . $fs_path . $entry);
                         } else {
                             if ($recurse && !$recursed[$entry]) {
                                 $this->ClearCache($path . $entry . "/", false, true);
                                 $recursed[$entry] = true;
                 // remove empty directory entry's, hide errors about directory entry's with content
             } else {
                 if (file_exists(substr($fpath, 0, -1) . "=")) {
                     @unlink(substr($fpath, 0, -1) . "=");
                     @unlink(substr($hpath, 0, -1) . "=");
                     $cachestore->delete("/" . $type . "/" . $nls . substr($fs_path, 0, -1) . "=");
Exemple #7
function buildThread($id, $return = false, $mod = false)
    global $board, $config, $build_pages;
    $id = round($id);
    if (event('build-thread', $id)) {
    if ($config['cache']['enabled'] && !$mod) {
        // Clear cache
    if ($config['try_smarter'] && !$mod) {
        $build_pages[] = thread_find_page($id);
    if (!$config['smart_build'] || $return || $mod) {
        $query = prepare(sprintf("SELECT * FROM ``posts_%s`` WHERE (`thread` IS NULL AND `id` = :id) OR `thread` = :id ORDER BY `thread`,`id`", $board['uri']));
        $query->bindValue(':id', $id, PDO::PARAM_INT);
        $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
        while ($post = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
            if (!isset($thread)) {
                $thread = new Thread($post, $mod ? '?/' : $config['root'], $mod);
            } else {
                $thread->add(new Post($post, $mod ? '?/' : $config['root'], $mod));
        // Check if any posts were found
        if (!isset($thread)) {
        $hasnoko50 = $thread->postCount() >= $config['noko50_min'];
        $antibot = $mod || $return ? false : create_antibot($board['uri'], $id);
        $body = Element('thread.html', array('board' => $board, 'thread' => $thread, 'body' => $thread->build(), 'config' => $config, 'id' => $id, 'mod' => $mod, 'hasnoko50' => $hasnoko50, 'isnoko50' => false, 'antibot' => $antibot, 'boardlist' => createBoardlist($mod), 'return' => $mod ? '?' . $board['url'] . $config['file_index'] : $config['root'] . $board['dir'] . $config['file_index']));
        // json api
        if ($config['api']['enabled']) {
            $api = new Api();
            $json = json_encode($api->translateThread($thread));
            $jsonFilename = $board['dir'] . $config['dir']['res'] . $id . '.json';
            file_write($jsonFilename, $json);
    } else {
        $jsonFilename = $board['dir'] . $config['dir']['res'] . $id . '.json';
    if ($config['smart_build'] && !$return && !$mod) {
        $noko50fn = $board['dir'] . $config['dir']['res'] . sprintf($config['file_page50'], $id);
        file_unlink($board['dir'] . $config['dir']['res'] . sprintf($config['file_page'], $id));
    } else {
        if ($return) {
            return $body;
        } else {
            $noko50fn = $board['dir'] . $config['dir']['res'] . sprintf($config['file_page50'], $id);
            if ($hasnoko50 || file_exists($noko50fn)) {
                buildThread50($id, $return, $mod, $thread, $antibot);
            file_write($board['dir'] . $config['dir']['res'] . sprintf($config['file_page'], $id), $body);
     if (isset($dialplan["dialplan_uuid"])) {
     $dialplan_response = $orm->message;
     //remove the temporary permission
     $p->delete("dialplan_add", 'temp');
     $p->delete("dialplan_detail_add", 'temp');
     $p->delete("dialplan_edit", 'temp');
     $p->delete("dialplan_detail_edit", 'temp');
     //synchronize the xml config
     //clear the cache
     $cache = new cache();
     $cache->delete("dialplan:" . $destination_context);
 } else {
     //remove empty dialplan details from POST array so doesn't attempt to insert below
 //get the destination_uuid
 if (strlen($dialplan_response['uuid']) > 0) {
     $_POST["dialplan_uuid"] = $dialplan_response['uuid'];
 //add the dialplan permission
 $permission = "dialplan_edit";
 $p = new permissions();
 $p->add($permission, 'temp');
 //save the destination
 $orm = new orm();
            $time = $_base->date->get();
            $time->setDate($date[3], $date[2], $date[1]);
            $time->setTime($date[4], $date[5], $date[6]);
        // kontroller beløp
        $amount = round(str_replace(",", ".", $_POST['amount']), 2);
        // ugyldig dato
        if (!$date) {
            $_base->page->add_message("Ugyldig dato.", "error");
        } elseif ($amount <= 0) {
            $_base->page->add_message("Ugyldig beløp.", "error");
        } elseif (isset($_POST['approve'])) {
            // legg til
            \Kofradia\DB::get()->exec("INSERT INTO donations SET d_up_id = " . ($up_id ? $up_id : 'NULL') . ", d_amount = {$amount}, d_time = " . $time->format("U"));
            // tøm cache
            $_base->page->add_message("Donasjonsoppføringen ble lagt til.");
        } else {
            echo box_start("Registrer donasjon", "xsmall") . '
		<form action="" method="post">
			<input type="hidden" name="up_id" value="' . $up_id . '" />
			<input type="hidden" name="time" value="' . htmlspecialchars($_POST['time']) . '" />
			<input type="hidden" name="amount" value="' . $amount . '" />
			<dl class="dd_right">
				<dd>' . ($player ? game::profile_link($player['up_id'], $player['up_name'], $player['up_access_level']) : 'Anonym') . '</dd>
				<dd>' . $time->format(date::FORMAT_SEC) . '</dd>
				<dd>' . game::format_nok($amount) . '</dd>
 //if ($action == "add")
 if ($action == "update") {
     $sql = " select c.call_block_number, d.domain_name from v_call_block as c ";
     $sql .= "JOIN v_domains as d ON c.domain_uuid=d.domain_uuid ";
     $sql .= "where c.domain_uuid = '" . $_SESSION['domain_uuid'] . "' ";
     $sql .= "and c.call_block_uuid = '{$call_block_uuid}'";
     $prep_statement = $db->prepare(check_sql($sql));
     $result = $prep_statement->fetchAll();
     $result_count = count($result);
     if ($result_count > 0) {
         //set the domain_name
         $domain_name = $result[0]["domain_name"];
         //clear the cache
         $cache = new cache();
         $cache->delete("app:call_block:" . $domain_name . ":" . $call_block_number);
     unset($prep_statement, $sql);
     $sql = "update v_call_block set ";
     $sql .= "call_block_name = '{$call_block_name}', ";
     $sql .= "call_block_number = '{$call_block_number}', ";
     $sql .= "call_block_action = '{$call_block_action}', ";
     $sql .= "call_block_enabled = '{$call_block_enabled}' ";
     $sql .= "where domain_uuid = '" . $_SESSION['domain_uuid'] . "' ";
     $sql .= "and call_block_uuid = '{$call_block_uuid}'";
     $_SESSION["message"] = $text['label-update-complete'];
     header("Location: call_block.php");
Exemple #11
function mod_new_pm($username)
    global $config, $mod;
    if (!hasPermission($config['mod']['create_pm'])) {
    $query = prepare("SELECT `id` FROM ``mods`` WHERE `username` = :username");
    $query->bindValue(':username', $username);
    $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
    if (!($id = $query->fetchColumn())) {
        // Old style ?/PM: by user ID
        $query = prepare("SELECT `username` FROM ``mods`` WHERE `id` = :username");
        $query->bindValue(':username', $username);
        $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
        if ($username = $query->fetchColumn()) {
            header('Location: ?/new_PM/' . $username, true, $config['redirect_http']);
        } else {
    if (isset($_POST['message'])) {
        $_POST['message'] = escape_markup_modifiers($_POST['message']);
        $query = prepare("INSERT INTO ``pms`` VALUES (NULL, :me, :id, :message, :time, 1)");
        $query->bindValue(':me', $mod['id']);
        $query->bindValue(':id', $id);
        $query->bindValue(':message', $_POST['message']);
        $query->bindValue(':time', time());
        $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
        if ($config['cache']['enabled']) {
            cache::delete('pm_unread_' . $id);
            cache::delete('pm_unreadcount_' . $id);
        modLog('Sent a PM to ' . utf8tohtml($username));
        header('Location: ?/', true, $config['redirect_http']);
    mod_page(sprintf('%s %s', _('New PM for'), $username), 'mod/new_pm.html', array('username' => $username, 'id' => $id, 'token' => make_secure_link_token('new_PM/' . $username)));
Exemple #12
 if (permission_exists('extension_add') || permission_exists('extension_edit')) {
     //synchronize configuration
     if (is_writable($_SESSION['switch']['extensions']['dir'])) {
         require_once "app/extensions/resources/classes/extension.php";
         $ext = new extension();
     //write the provision files
     if (is_dir($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . PROJECT_PATH . '/app/provision')) {
         require_once "app/provision/provision_write.php";
         $ext = new extension();
     //clear the cache
     $cache = new cache();
     $cache->delete("directory:" . $extension . "@" . $user_context);
     if (strlen($number_alias) > 0) {
         $cache->delete("directory:" . $number_alias . "@" . $user_context);
 //show the action and redirect the user
 if ($action == "add") {
     //prepare for alternating the row style
     $c = 0;
     $row_style["0"] = "row_style0";
     $row_style["1"] = "row_style1";
     //show the action and redirect the user
     if (count($generated_users) == 0) {
         //action add
         $_SESSION["message"] = $text['message-add'];
         header("Location: extension_edit.php?id=" . $extension_uuid);
Exemple #13
 public function del()
     if (system::issetUrl(2) && is_numeric(system::url(2))) {
         // Одиночное удаление
         $obj = ormObjects::get(system::url(2));
         if ($obj->isInheritor('user') && $obj->id != user::get('id')) {
             cache::delete('user' . $obj->id);
             echo 'delete';
     } else {
         if (isset($_POST['objects'])) {
             // Множественное удаление
             while (list($id, $val) = each($_POST['objects'])) {
                 if (is_numeric($id)) {
                     $obj = ormObjects::get($id);
                     if ($obj->isInheritor('user') && $obj->id != user::get('id')) {
                         cache::delete('user' . $obj->id);
             echo 'delete';
Exemple #14
function mod_8_settings($b)
    global $config, $mod;
    //if ($b === 'infinity' && $mod['type'] !== ADMIN)
    //	error('Settings temporarily disabled for this board.');
    if (!in_array($b, $mod['boards']) and $mod['boards'][0] != '*') {
    if (!hasPermission($config['mod']['edit_settings'], $b)) {
    if (!openBoard($b)) {
        error("Could not open board!");
    $possible_languages = array_diff(scandir('inc/locale/'), array('..', '.', '.tx', 'README.md'));
    if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') {
        $board_type = $_POST['board_type'];
        $imgboard = $board_type == 'imgboard';
        $txtboard = $board_type == 'txtboard';
        $fileboard = $board_type == 'fileboard';
        $title = $_POST['title'];
        $subtitle = $_POST['subtitle'];
        $country_flags = isset($_POST['country_flags']) ? 'true' : 'false';
        $field_disable_name = isset($_POST['field_disable_name']) ? 'true' : 'false';
        $enable_embedding = isset($_POST['enable_embedding']) ? 'true' : 'false';
        $force_image_op = $imgboard && isset($_POST['force_image_op']) ? 'true' : 'false';
        $disable_images = $txtboard ? 'true' : 'false';
        $poster_ids = isset($_POST['poster_ids']) ? 'true' : 'false';
        $show_sages = isset($_POST['show_sages']) ? 'true' : 'false';
        $auto_unicode = isset($_POST['auto_unicode']) ? 'true' : 'false';
        $strip_combining_chars = isset($_POST['strip_combining_chars']) ? 'true' : 'false';
        $allow_roll = isset($_POST['allow_roll']) ? 'true' : 'false';
        $image_reject_repost = isset($_POST['image_reject_repost']) ? 'true' : 'false';
        $image_reject_repost_in_thread = isset($_POST['image_reject_repost_in_thread']) ? 'true' : 'false';
        $early_404 = isset($_POST['early_404']) ? 'true' : 'false';
        $allow_delete = isset($_POST['allow_delete']) ? 'true' : 'false';
        $allow_flash = $imgboard && isset($_POST['allow_flash']) ? '$config[\'allowed_ext_files\'][] = \'swf\';' : '';
        $allow_pdf = $imgboard && isset($_POST['allow_pdf']) ? '$config[\'allowed_ext_files\'][] = \'pdf\';' : '';
        $code_tags = isset($_POST['code_tags']) ? '$config[\'additional_javascript\'][] = \'js/code_tags/run_prettify.js\';$config[\'markup\'][] = array("/\\[code\\](.+?)\\[\\/code\\]/ms", "<code><pre class=\'prettyprint\' style=\'display:inline-block\'>\\$1</pre></code>");' : '';
        $katex = isset($_POST['katex']) ? '$config[\'katex\'] = true;$config[\'additional_javascript\'][] = \'js/katex/katex.min.js\'; $config[\'markup\'][] = array("/\\[tex\\](.+?)\\[\\/tex\\]/ms", "<span class=\'tex\'>\\$1</span>"); $config[\'additional_javascript\'][] = \'js/katex-enable.js\';' : '';
        $user_flags = isset($_POST['user_flags']) ? "if (file_exists('{$b}/flags.php')) { include 'flags.php'; }\n" : '';
        $captcha = isset($_POST['captcha']) ? 'true' : 'false';
        $force_subject_op = isset($_POST['force_subject_op']) ? 'true' : 'false';
        $force_flag = isset($_POST['force_flag']) ? 'true' : 'false';
        $tor_posting = isset($_POST['tor_posting']) ? 'true' : 'false';
        $tor_image_posting = isset($_POST['tor_image_posting']) ? 'true' : 'false';
        $robot_enable = isset($_POST['robot_enable']) ? 'true' : 'false';
        $new_thread_capt = isset($_POST['new_thread_capt']) ? 'true' : 'false';
        $oekaki = ($imgboard || $fileboard) && isset($_POST['oekaki']) ? 'true' : 'false';
        $view_bumplock = isset($_POST['view_bumplock']) ? '-1' : 'MOD';
        if ($tor_image_posting === 'true' && isset($_POST['meta_noindex'])) {
            error('Please index your board to enable this.');
        if ($_POST['locale'] !== 'en' && in_array($_POST['locale'], $possible_languages)) {
            $locale = "\$config['locale'] = '{$_POST['locale']}.UTF-8';";
        } else {
            $locale = '';
        if (isset($_POST['max_images']) && (int) $_POST['max_images'] && (int) $_POST['max_images'] <= 5) {
            $_POST['max_images'] = (int) $_POST['max_images'];
            $multiimage = "\$config['max_images'] = {$_POST['max_images']};\n\t\t\t\t\t   \$config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/multi-image.js';";
        } else {
            $multiimage = '';
        if (isset($_POST['custom_assets'])) {
            $assets = "\$config['custom_assets'] = true;\n\t\t\t\t           \$config['spoiler_image'] = 'static/assets/{$b}/spoiler.png';\n\t\t\t\t           \$config['image_deleted'] = 'static/assets/{$b}/deleted.png';\n\t\t\t\t           \$config['no_file_image'] = 'static/assets/{$b}/no-file.png';\n\t\t\t\t";
        } else {
            $assets = '';
        $file_board = '';
        if ($fileboard) {
            $force_image_op = true;
            $file_board = "\$config['threads_per_page'] = 30;\n\t\t\t\t\t       \$config['file_board'] = true;\n\t\t\t\t\t       \$config['threads_preview'] = 0;\n\t\t\t\t               \$config['threads_preview_sticky'] = 0;\n\t\t\t\t\t       \$config['allowed_ext_files'] = array();\n";
            if (isset($_POST['allowed_type'])) {
                foreach ($_POST['allowed_type'] as $val) {
                    if (in_array($val, $config['fileboard_allowed_types'])) {
                        $file_board .= "\$config['allowed_ext_files'][] = '{$val}';\n";
            if (isset($_POST['allowed_ext_op'])) {
                $file_board .= "\$config['allowed_ext_op'] = \$config['allowed_ext_files'];\n";
                if (isset($_POST['allowed_ext_op_video'])) {
                    $file_board .= "\$config['allowed_ext_op'][] = 'webm';\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\$config['allowed_ext_op'][] = 'mp4';\n";
            if (isset($_POST['tag_id'])) {
                $file_board .= "\$config['allowed_tags'] = array();\n";
                foreach ($_POST['tag_id'] as $id => $v) {
                    $file_board .= "\$config['allowed_tags'][";
                    $file_board .= 'base64_decode("';
                    $file_board .= base64_encode($_POST['tag_id'][$id]);
                    $file_board .= '")';
                    $file_board .= "] = ";
                    $file_board .= 'base64_decode("';
                    $file_board .= base64_encode($_POST['tag_desc'][$id]);
                    $file_board .= '")';
                    $file_board .= ";\n";
        $anal_filenames = $fileboard && isset($_POST['anal_filenames']) ? "\$config['filename_func'] = 'filename_func';\n" : '';
        $anonymous = base64_encode($_POST['anonymous']);
        $blotter = base64_encode(purify_html(html_entity_decode($_POST['blotter'])));
        $add_to_config = @file_get_contents($b . '/extra_config.php');
        $replace = '';
        if (isset($_POST['replace'])) {
            if (sizeof($_POST['replace']) > 200 || sizeof($_POST['with']) > 200) {
                error(_('Sorry, max 200 wordfilters allowed.'));
            if (count($_POST['replace']) == count($_POST['with'])) {
                foreach ($_POST['replace'] as $i => $r) {
                    if ($r !== '') {
                        $w = $_POST['with'][$i];
                        if (strlen($w) > 255) {
                            error(sprintf(_('Sorry, %s is too long. Max replacement is 255 characters'), utf8tohtml($w)));
                        $replace .= '$config[\'wordfilters\'][] = array(base64_decode(\'' . base64_encode($r) . '\'), base64_decode(\'' . base64_encode($w) . '\'));';
            if (is_billion_laughs($_POST['replace'], $_POST['with'])) {
                error(_('Wordfilters may not wordfilter previous wordfilters. For example, if a filters to bb and b filters to cc, that is not allowed.'));
        if (isset($_POST['hour_max_threads']) && (int) $_POST['hour_max_threads'] > 0 && (int) $_POST['hour_max_threads'] < 101) {
            $hour_max_threads = (int) $_POST['hour_max_threads'];
        } else {
            $hour_max_threads = 'false';
        if (isset($_POST['max_pages'])) {
            $mp = (int) $_POST['max_pages'];
            if ($mp > 25 || $mp < 1) {
                $max_pages = 15;
            } else {
                $max_pages = $mp;
        } else {
            $max_pages = 15;
        if (isset($_POST['reply_limit'])) {
            $rl = (int) $_POST['reply_limit'];
            if ($rl > 750 || $rl < 250 || $rl % 25) {
                $reply_limit = 250;
            } else {
                $reply_limit = $rl;
        } else {
            $reply_limit = 250;
        if (isset($_POST['max_newlines'])) {
            $mn = (int) $_POST['max_newlines'];
            if ($mn < 20 || $mn > 300) {
                $max_newlines = 0;
            } else {
                $max_newlines = $mn;
        } else {
            $max_newlines = 0;
        if (isset($_POST['min_body'])) {
            $mb = (int) $_POST['min_body'];
            if ($mb < 0 || $mb > 1024) {
                $min_body = 0;
            } else {
                $min_body = $mb;
        } else {
            $min_body = 0;
        if (!(strlen($title) < 40)) {
            error('Invalid title');
        if (!(strlen($subtitle) < 200)) {
            error('Invalid subtitle');
        $query = prepare('UPDATE ``boards`` SET `title` = :title, `subtitle` = :subtitle, `indexed` = :indexed, `public_bans` = :public_bans, `public_logs` = :public_logs, `8archive` = :8archive WHERE `uri` = :uri');
        $query->bindValue(':title', $title);
        $query->bindValue(':subtitle', $subtitle);
        $query->bindValue(':uri', $b);
        $query->bindValue(':indexed', !isset($_POST['meta_noindex']));
        $query->bindValue(':public_bans', isset($_POST['public_bans']));
        $query->bindValue(':public_logs', (int) $_POST['public_logs']);
        $query->bindValue(':8archive', isset($_POST['8archive']));
        $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
        $config_file = <<<EOT
\$config['country_flags'] = {$country_flags};
\$config['field_disable_name'] = {$field_disable_name};
\$config['enable_embedding'] = {$enable_embedding};
\$config['force_image_op'] = {$force_image_op};
\$config['disable_images'] = {$disable_images};
\$config['poster_ids'] = {$poster_ids};
\$config['show_sages'] = {$show_sages};
\$config['auto_unicode'] = {$auto_unicode};
\$config['strip_combining_chars'] = {$strip_combining_chars};
\$config['allow_roll'] = {$allow_roll};
\$config['image_reject_repost'] = {$image_reject_repost};
\$config['image_reject_repost_in_thread'] = {$image_reject_repost_in_thread};
\$config['early_404'] = {$early_404};
\$config['allow_delete'] = {$allow_delete};
\$config['anonymous'] = base64_decode('{$anonymous}');
\$config['blotter'] = base64_decode('{$blotter}');
\$config['stylesheets']['Custom'] = 'board/{$b}.css';
\$config['default_stylesheet'] = array('Custom', \$config['stylesheets']['Custom']);
\$config['captcha']['enabled'] = {$captcha};
\$config['force_subject_op'] = {$force_subject_op};
\$config['force_flag'] = {$force_flag};
\$config['tor_posting'] = {$tor_posting};
\$config['tor_image_posting'] = {$tor_image_posting};
\$config['robot_enable'] = {$robot_enable};
\$config['new_thread_capt'] = {$new_thread_capt};
\$config['hour_max_threads'] = {$hour_max_threads};
\$config['reply_limit'] = {$reply_limit};
\$config['max_pages'] = {$max_pages};
\$config['max_newlines'] = {$max_newlines};
\$config['oekaki'] = {$oekaki};
\$config['min_body'] = {$min_body};
\$config['mod']['view_bumplock'] = {$view_bumplock};
{$code_tags} {$katex} {$replace} {$multiimage} {$allow_flash} {$allow_pdf} {$user_flags} 

if (\$config['disable_images'])
\t\$config['max_pages'] = 10000;

        // Clean up our CSS...no more expression() or off-site URLs.
        $clean_css = preg_replace('/expression\\s*\\(/', '', $_POST['css']);
        $matched = array();
        preg_match_all("#{$config['link_regex']}#im", $clean_css, $matched);
        if (isset($matched[0])) {
            foreach ($matched[0] as $match) {
                $match_okay = false;
                foreach ($config['allowed_offsite_urls'] as $allowed_url) {
                    if (strpos($match, $allowed_url) !== false && strpos($match, '#') === false && strpos($match, '?') === false && strpos($match, ';') === false) {
                        $match_okay = true;
                if ($match_okay !== true) {
                    error(sprintf(_("Off-site link \"%s\" is not allowed in the board stylesheet"), $match));
        //Filter out imports from sites with potentially unsafe content
        $match_imports = '@import[^;]*';
        $matched = array();
        preg_match_all("#{$match_imports}#im", $clean_css, $matched);
        $unsafe_import_urls = array('https://a.pomf.se/');
        if (isset($matched[0])) {
            foreach ($matched[0] as $match) {
                $match_okay = true;
                foreach ($unsafe_import_urls as $unsafe_import_url) {
                    if (strpos($match, $unsafe_import_url) !== false && strpos($match, '#') === false) {
                        $match_okay = false;
                if ($match_okay !== true) {
                    error(sprintf(_("Potentially unsafe import \"%s\" is not allowed in the board stylesheet"), $match));
        $query = query('SELECT `uri`, `title`, `subtitle` FROM ``boards`` WHERE `8archive` = TRUE');
        file_write('8archive.json', json_encode($query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)));
        file_write($b . '/config.php', $config_file);
        file_write('stylesheets/board/' . $b . '.css', $clean_css);
        $_config = $config;
        // Faster than openBoard and bypasses cache...we're trusting the PHP output
        // to be safe enough to run with every request, we can eval it here.
        eval(str_replace('flags.php', "{$b}/flags.php", preg_replace('/^\\<\\?php$/m', '', $config_file)));
        // czaks: maybe reconsider using it, now that config is cached?
        // be smarter about rebuilds...only some changes really require us to rebuild all threads
        if ($_config['captcha']['enabled'] != $config['captcha']['enabled'] || $_config['new_thread_capt'] != $config['new_thread_capt'] || $_config['captcha']['extra'] != $config['captcha']['extra'] || $_config['blotter'] != $config['blotter'] || $_config['field_disable_name'] != $config['field_disable_name'] || $_config['show_sages'] != (isset($config['show_sages']) && $config['show_sages'])) {
            $query = query(sprintf("SELECT `id` FROM ``posts_%s`` WHERE `thread` IS NULL", $b)) or error(db_error());
            while ($post = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
        modLog('Edited board settings', $b);
    $query = prepare('SELECT * FROM boards WHERE uri = :board');
    $query->bindValue(':board', $b);
    $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
    $board = $query->fetchAll()[0];
    // Clean the cache
    if ($config['cache']['enabled']) {
        cache::delete('board_' . $board['uri']);
        cache::delete('config_' . $board['uri']);
        cache::delete('events_' . $board['uri']);
        unlink('tmp/cache/locale_' . $board['uri']);
    $css = @file_get_contents('stylesheets/board/' . $board['uri'] . '.css');
    mod_page(_('Board configuration'), 'mod/settings.html', array('board' => $board, 'css' => prettify_textarea($css), 'token' => make_secure_link_token('settings/' . $board['uri']), 'languages' => $possible_languages, 'allowed_urls' => $config['allowed_offsite_urls']));
            $dialplan->dialplan_detail_type = 'lua';
            //$dialplan->dialplan_detail_data = $call_flow_extension . ' LUA call_flow.lua';
            $dialplan->dialplan_detail_data = 'call_flow.lua';
            //$dialplan->dialplan_detail_break = '';
            //$dialplan->dialplan_detail_inline = '';
            $dialplan->dialplan_detail_group = '2';
            $dialplan->dialplan_detail_order = '030';
            //save the xml
            //apply settings reminder
            $_SESSION["reload_xml"] = true;
            //clear the cache
            $cache = new cache();
            $cache->delete("dialplan:" . $call_flow_context);
            //set the message
            if ($action == "add") {
                $_SESSION["message"] = $text['message-add'];
            if ($action == "update") {
                $_SESSION["message"] = $text['message-update'];
            //redirect the browser
            header("Location: call_flows.php");
    //if ($_POST["persistformvar"] != "true")
//(count($_POST) > 0 && strlen($_POST["persistformvar"]) == 0)
 if (permission_exists('extension_add') || permission_exists('extension_edit')) {
     //synchronize configuration
     if (is_writable($_SESSION['switch']['extensions']['dir'])) {
         require_once "app/extensions/resources/classes/extension.php";
         $ext = new extension();
     //write the provision files
     if (is_dir($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . PROJECT_PATH . '/app/provision')) {
         require_once "app/provision/provision_write.php";
         $ext = new extension();
     //clear the cache
     $cache = new cache();
     $cache->delete("directory:" . $extension . "@" . $user_context);
 //show the action and redirect the user
 if ($action == "add") {
     //prepare for alternating the row style
     $c = 0;
     $row_style["0"] = "row_style0";
     $row_style["1"] = "row_style1";
     //show the action and redirect the user
     if (count($generated_users) == 0) {
         //action add
         $_SESSION["message"] = $text['message-add'];
         header("Location: extension_edit.php?id=" . $extension_uuid);
     } else {
         //auto-generate user with extension as login name
         require_once "resources/header.php";
Exemple #17
 private function clearCache()
     cache::delete('comments' . $this->getObjId());
     cache::delete('count_comments' . $this->getObjId());
 public function set()
     //set the global variable
     global $db;
     //determine whether to update the dial string
     $sql = "select * from v_extensions ";
     $sql .= "where domain_uuid = '" . $this->domain_uuid . "' ";
     $sql .= "and extension_uuid = '" . $this->extension_uuid . "' ";
     $prep_statement = $db->prepare(check_sql($sql));
     $result = $prep_statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_NAMED);
     if (count($result) > 0) {
         foreach ($result as &$row) {
             $this->extension = $row["extension"];
             $this->number_alias = $row["number_alias"];
             $this->accountcode = $row["accountcode"];
             $this->toll_allow = $row["toll_allow"];
             $this->outbound_caller_id_name = $row["outbound_caller_id_name"];
             $this->outbound_caller_id_number = $row["outbound_caller_id_number"];
     //set the dial string
     if ($this->forward_all_enabled == "true") {
         $dial_string = "{presence_id=" . $this->forward_all_destination . "@" . $_SESSION['domain_name'];
         $dial_string .= ",instant_ringback=true";
         $dial_string .= ",domain_uuid=" . $_SESSION['domain_uuid'];
         $dial_string .= ",sip_invite_domain=" . $_SESSION['domain_name'];
         $dial_string .= ",domain_name=" . $_SESSION['domain_name'];
         $dial_string .= ",domain=" . $_SESSION['domain_name'];
         $dial_string .= ",extension_uuid=" . $this->extension_uuid;
         $dial_string .= ",toll_allow='" . $this->toll_allow . "'";
         if (strlen($this->accountcode) > 0) {
             $dial_string .= ",sip_h_X-accountcode=" . $this->accountcode;
             $dial_string .= ",accountcode=" . $this->accountcode;
         if (strlen($this->forward_caller_id_uuid) > 0) {
             $sql_caller = "select destination_number, destination_description from v_destinations where domain_uuid = '{$this->domain_uuid}' and destination_type = 'inbound' and destination_uuid = '{$this->forward_caller_id_uuid}'";
             $prep_statement_caller = $db->prepare($sql_caller);
             if ($prep_statement_caller) {
                 $row_caller = $prep_statement_caller->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
                 if (strlen($row_caller['destination_description']) > 0) {
                     $dial_string_caller_id_name = $row_caller['destination_description'];
                     $dial_string .= ",origination_caller_id_name={$dial_string_caller_id_name}";
                 if (strlen($row_caller['destination_number']) > 0) {
                     $dial_string_caller_id_number = $row_caller['destination_number'];
                     $dial_string .= ",origination_caller_id_number={$dial_string_caller_id_number}";
                     $dial_string .= ",outbound_caller_id_number={$dial_string_caller_id_number}";
         } else {
             if ($_SESSION['cdr']['call_forward_fix']['boolean'] == "true") {
                 $dial_string .= ",outbound_caller_id_name=" . $this->outbound_caller_id_name;
                 $dial_string .= ",outbound_caller_id_number=" . $this->outbound_caller_id_number;
                 $dial_string .= ",origination_caller_id_name=" . $this->outbound_caller_id_name;
                 $dial_string .= ",origination_caller_id_number=" . $this->outbound_caller_id_number;
         $dial_string .= "}";
         if (extension_exists($this->forward_all_destination)) {
             $dial_string .= "user/" . $this->forward_all_destination . "@" . $_SESSION['domain_name'];
         } else {
             if ($_SESSION['domain']['bridge']['text'] == "outbound" || $_SESSION['domain']['bridge']['text'] == "bridge") {
                 $bridge = outbound_route_to_bridge($_SESSION['domain_uuid'], $this->forward_all_destination);
                 $dial_string .= $bridge[0];
             } elseif ($_SESSION['domain']['bridge']['text'] == "lcr") {
                 $dial_string .= "lcr/" . $_SESSION['lcr']['profile']['text'] . "/" . $_SESSION['domain_name'] . "/" . $this->forward_all_destination;
             } elseif ($_SESSION['domain']['bridge']['text'] === "loopback") {
                 $dial_string .= "loopback/" . $this->forward_all_destination;
             } else {
                 $dial_string .= "loopback/" . $this->forward_all_destination;
         $this->dial_string = $dial_string;
     } else {
         $this->dial_string = '';
     //update the extension
     $sql = "update v_extensions set ";
     if (strlen($this->forward_all_destination) == 0 || $this->forward_all_enabled == "false") {
         if (strlen($this->forward_all_destination) == 0) {
             $sql .= "forward_all_destination = null, ";
         $sql .= "dial_string = null, ";
         $sql .= "forward_all_enabled = 'false' ";
     } else {
         $sql .= "forward_all_destination = '{$this->forward_all_destination}', ";
         $sql .= "dial_string = '" . check_str($this->dial_string) . "', ";
         $sql .= "forward_all_enabled = 'true' ";
     $sql .= "where domain_uuid = '{$this->domain_uuid}' ";
     $sql .= "and extension_uuid = '{$this->extension_uuid}' ";
     if ($this->debug) {
         echo $sql;
     //delete extension from memcache
     $cache = new cache();
     $cache->delete("directory:" . $this->extension . "@" . $this->domain_name);
     if (strlen($this->number_alias) > 0) {
         $cache->delete("directory:" . $this->number_alias . "@" . $this->domain_name);
    //update the destination dialplan_uuid
    if (strlen($destination_uuid) > 0) {
        $sql = "update v_destinations set ";
        $sql .= "dialplan_uuid = '" . $dialplan_uuid . "' ";
        $sql .= "where domain_uuid = '" . $_SESSION['domain_uuid'] . "' ";
        $sql .= "and destination_uuid = '" . $destination_uuid . "' ";
    //commit the atomic transaction
    $count = $db->exec("COMMIT;");
    //returns affected rows
    //clear the cache
    $cache = new cache();
    //synchronize the xml config
    //redirect message
    $_SESSION["message"] = $text['confirm-update-complete'];
    header("Location: " . PROJECT_PATH . "/app/dialplan/dialplans.php?app_uuid=c03b422e-13a8-bd1b-e42b-b6b9b4d27ce4");
//end if (count($_POST)>0 && strlen($_POST["persistformvar"]) == 0)
//initialize the destinations object
$destination = new destinations();

<script type="text/javascript">
	function type_onchange(dialplan_detail_type) {
Exemple #20
            echo "</pre>\n";
        //save the ivr menu
        $ivr = new ivr_menu();
        $ivr->domain_uuid = $_SESSION["domain_uuid"];
        if (strlen($ivr_menu_uuid) > 0) {
            $ivr->ivr_menu_uuid = $ivr_menu_uuid;
        $response = $ivr->save($_POST);
        if (strlen($response['uuid']) > 0) {
            $ivr_menu_uuid = $response['uuid'];
        //clear the cache
        $cache = new cache();
        $cache->delete("dialplan:" . $_SESSION["context"]);
        $cache->delete("configuration:ivr.conf:" . $ivr_menu_uuid);
        //redirect the user
        $_SESSION["message"] = $text['message-update'];
        header("Location: ivr_menu_edit.php?id=" . $ivr_menu_uuid);
    //if ($_POST["persistformvar"] != "true")
//(count($_POST)>0 && strlen($_POST["persistformvar"]) == 0)
//initialize the destinations object
$destination = new destinations();
//pre-populate the form
if (strlen($ivr_menu_uuid) == 0) {
    $ivr_menu_uuid = check_str($_REQUEST["id"]);
Exemple #21
function remove_config_from_cache($name)
    $cache = new cache();
    $hostname = trim(event_socket_request_cmd('api switchname'));
    if ($hostname) {
        $cache->delete($name . ':' . $hostname);
            $array['dialplan_details'][$x]['dialplan_detail_group'] = $row["dialplan_detail_group"] != '' ? $row["dialplan_detail_group"] : '0';
            $array['dialplan_details'][$x]['dialplan_detail_order'] = $row["dialplan_detail_order"];
    //add or update the database
    if ($_POST["persistformvar"] != "true") {
        $orm = new orm();
        //$message = $orm->message;
    //clear the cache
    $cache = new cache();
    $cache->delete("dialplan:" . $dialplan_context);
    //synchronize the xml config
    //set the message
    if ($action == "add") {
        $_SESSION['message'] = $text['message-add'];
    } else {
        if ($action == "update") {
            $_SESSION['message'] = $text['message-update'];
    header("Location: ?id=" . $dialplan_uuid . ($app_uuid != '' ? "&app_uuid=" . $app_uuid : null));
//(count($_POST)>0 && strlen($_POST["persistformvar"]) == 0)
//pre-populate the form
Exemple #23
    $database->fields['domain_uuid'] = $_SESSION['domain_uuid'];
    $database->fields['dialplan_uuid'] = $dialplan_uuid;
    $database->fields['dialplan_detail_uuid'] = uuid();
    $database->fields['dialplan_detail_tag'] = 'action';
    //condition, action, antiaction
    $database->fields['dialplan_detail_type'] = 'lua';
    $database->fields['dialplan_detail_data'] = 'app.lua ring_groups';
    $database->fields['dialplan_detail_order'] = '030';
    //save the xml
    //apply settings reminder
    $_SESSION["reload_xml"] = true;
    //clear the cache
    $cache = new cache();
    $cache->delete("dialplan:" . $ring_group_context);
    //set the message
    if ($action == "add") {
        //save the message to a session variable
        $_SESSION['message'] = $text['message-add'];
        //redirect the browser
        header("Location: ring_group_edit.php?id={$ring_group_uuid}");
    if ($action == "update") {
        //save the message to a session variable
        $_SESSION['message'] = $text['message-update'];
//(count($_POST)>0 && strlen($_POST["persistformvar"]) == 0)
//pre-populate the form
Exemple #24
            $dialplan->dialplan_detail_type = 'lua';
            //$dialplan->dialplan_detail_data = $call_flow_extension . ' LUA call_flow.lua';
            $dialplan->dialplan_detail_data = 'call_flow.lua';
            //$dialplan->dialplan_detail_break = '';
            //$dialplan->dialplan_detail_inline = '';
            $dialplan->dialplan_detail_group = '2';
            $dialplan->dialplan_detail_order = '030';
            //save the xml
            //apply settings reminder
            $_SESSION["reload_xml"] = true;
            //clear the cache
            $cache = new cache();
            $cache->delete("memcache delete dialplan:" . $call_flow_context);
            //set the message
            if ($action == "add") {
                $_SESSION["message"] = $text['message-add'];
            if ($action == "update") {
                $_SESSION["message"] = $text['message-update'];
            //redirect the browser
            header("Location: call_flows.php");
    //if ($_POST["persistformvar"] != "true")
//(count($_POST) > 0 && strlen($_POST["persistformvar"]) == 0)
Exemple #25
    $query = prepare('INSERT INTO ``mods`` VALUES (NULL, :username, :password, :salt, :type, :boards, :email)');
    $query->bindValue(':username', $username);
    $query->bindValue(':password', $password);
    $query->bindValue(':salt', $salt);
    $query->bindValue(':type', 20);
    $query->bindValue(':boards', $uri);
    $query->bindValue(':email', $email);
    $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
    $query = prepare('INSERT INTO ``boards`` (`uri`, `title`, `subtitle`) VALUES (:uri, :title, :subtitle)');
    $query->bindValue(':uri', $_POST['uri']);
    $query->bindValue(':title', $_POST['title']);
    $query->bindValue(':subtitle', $_POST['subtitle']);
    $query->execute() or error(db_error($query));
    $query = Element('posts.sql', array('board' => $uri));
    query($query) or error(db_error());
    if (!openBoard($_POST['uri'])) {
        error(_("Couldn't open board after creation."));
    if ($config['cache']['enabled']) {
    // Build the board
    $query = prepare("INSERT INTO ``board_create``(uri) VALUES(:uri)");
    $query->bindValue(':uri', $uri);
    $query->execute() or error(db_error());
    _syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "New board: {$uri}");
    $body = Element("8chan/create_success.html", array("config" => $config, "password" => $_POST['password'], "uri" => $uri));
    echo Element("page.html", array("config" => $config, "body" => $body, "title" => _("Success"), "subtitle" => _("This was a triumph")));
            if (strlen($vm_password) > 0) {
                $sql = "update v_voicemails set ";
                $sql .= "voicemail_password = '******' ";
                $sql .= "where domain_uuid = '{$domain_uuid}' ";
                if (is_numeric($extension)) {
                    $sql .= "and voicemail_id = '{$extension}'";
                } else {
                    $sql .= "and voicemail_id = '{$number_alias}'";
        //clear the cache
        $cache = new cache();
        $cache->delete("directory:" . $extension . "@" . $_SESSION['domain_name']);
        //set message and redirect user
        if ($action == "add") {
            $_SESSION["message"] = $text['message-add'];
        if ($action == "update") {
            $_SESSION["message"] = $text['message-update'];
        header("Location: index.php");
    //if ($_POST["persistformvar"] != "true")
//(count($_POST)>0 && strlen($_POST["persistformvar"]) == 0)
//pre-populate the form
if ($_POST["persistformvar"] != "true") {
  * Delete the given key from the cache.
  * @param string|int $key The key to delete.
  * @param bool $recurse When set to true the key will also be deleted from all stacked cache loaders and their stores.
  *     This happens by default and ensure that all the caches are consistent. It is NOT recommended to change this.
  * @return bool True of success, false otherwise.
 public function delete($key, $recurse = true)
     if ($this->requirelockingwrite && !$this->acquire_lock($key)) {
         return false;
     $result = parent::delete($key, $recurse);
     if ($this->requirelockingwrite && !$this->release_lock($key)) {
         debugging('Failed to release cache lock on delete operation... this should not happen.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
     return $result;
            $sql .= "where sip_profile_uuid = '{$sip_profile_uuid}'";
        //if ($action == "update")
        //get the hostname
        if ($sip_profile_name == nul) {
            $fp = event_socket_create($_SESSION['event_socket_ip_address'], $_SESSION['event_socket_port'], $_SESSION['event_socket_password']);
            if ($fp) {
                $switch_cmd = "hostname";
                $sip_profile_hostname = event_socket_request($fp, 'api ' . $switch_cmd);
        //clear the cache
        $cache = new cache();
        $cache->delete("configuration:sofia.conf:" . $sip_profile_hostname);
        //redirect the browser
        $_SESSION["message"] = $text['message-update'];
        header("Location: sip_profiles.php");
    //if ($_POST["persistformvar"] != "true")
//(count($_POST)>0 && strlen($_POST["persistformvar"]) == 0)
//pre-populate the form
if (count($_GET) > 0 && $_POST["persistformvar"] != "true") {
    $sip_profile_uuid = $_GET["id"];
    $sql = "select * from v_sip_profiles ";
    $sql .= "where sip_profile_uuid = '{$sip_profile_uuid}' ";
    $prep_statement = $db->prepare(check_sql($sql));
Exemple #29
 static function clearCache()
Exemple #30
  * Add a dialplan for call center
  * @var string $domain_uuid		the multi-tenant id
  * @var string $value	string to be cached
 public function dialplan()
     //delete previous dialplan
     if (strlen($this->dialplan_uuid) > 0) {
         //delete the previous dialplan
         $sql = "delete from v_dialplans ";
         $sql .= "where dialplan_uuid = '" . $this->dialplan_uuid . "' ";
         $sql .= "and domain_uuid = '" . $this->domain_uuid . "' ";
         $sql = "delete from v_dialplan_details ";
         $sql .= "where dialplan_uuid = '" . $this->dialplan_uuid . "' ";
         $sql .= "and domain_uuid = '" . $this->domain_uuid . "' ";
     //build the dialplan array
     $dialplan["app_uuid"] = "95788e50-9500-079e-2807-fd530b0ea370";
     $dialplan["domain_uuid"] = $this->domain_uuid;
     $dialplan["dialplan_name"] = $this->queue_name != '' ? $this->queue_name : format_phone($this->destination_number);
     $dialplan["dialplan_number"] = $this->destination_number;
     $dialplan["dialplan_context"] = $_SESSION['context'];
     $dialplan["dialplan_continue"] = "false";
     $dialplan["dialplan_order"] = "210";
     $dialplan["dialplan_enabled"] = "true";
     $dialplan["dialplan_description"] = $this->queue_description;
     $dialplan_detail_order = 10;
     //add the public condition
     $y = 1;
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["domain_uuid"] = $this->domain_uuid;
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_tag"] = "condition";
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_type"] = "\${caller_id_name}";
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_data"] = "^([^#]+#)(.*)\$";
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_break"] = "never";
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_group"] = "1";
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_order"] = $y * 10;
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["domain_uuid"] = $this->domain_uuid;
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_tag"] = "action";
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_type"] = "set";
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_data"] = "caller_id_name=\$2";
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_group"] = "1";
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_order"] = $y * 10;
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["domain_uuid"] = $this->domain_uuid;
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_tag"] = "condition";
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_type"] = "destination_number";
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_data"] = "^" . $this->destination_number . "\$";
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_break"] = "";
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_group"] = "2";
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_order"] = $y * 10;
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["domain_uuid"] = $this->domain_uuid;
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_tag"] = "action";
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_type"] = "answer";
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_data"] = "";
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_group"] = "2";
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_order"] = $y * 10;
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["domain_uuid"] = $this->domain_uuid;
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_tag"] = "action";
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_type"] = "set";
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_data"] = "hangup_after_bridge=true";
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_group"] = "2";
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_order"] = $y * 10;
     if (strlen($this->queue_cid_prefix) > 0) {
         $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["domain_uuid"] = $this->domain_uuid;
         $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_tag"] = "action";
         $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_type"] = "set";
         $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_data"] = "effective_caller_id_name=" . $this->queue_cid_prefix . "#\${caller_id_name}";
         $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_group"] = "2";
         $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_order"] = $y * 10;
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["domain_uuid"] = $this->domain_uuid;
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_tag"] = "action";
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_type"] = "callcenter";
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_data"] = $this->queue_name . '@' . $_SESSION["domain_name"];
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_group"] = "2";
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_order"] = $y * 10;
     if (strlen($this->queue_timeout_action) > 0) {
         $action_array = explode(":", $this->queue_timeout_action);
         $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["domain_uuid"] = $this->domain_uuid;
         $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_tag"] = "action";
         $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_type"] = $action_array[0];
         $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_data"] = substr($this->queue_timeout_action, strlen($action_array[0]) + 1, strlen($this->queue_timeout_action));
         $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_group"] = "2";
         $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_order"] = $y * 10;
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["domain_uuid"] = $this->domain_uuid;
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_tag"] = "action";
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_type"] = "hangup";
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_data"] = "";
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_group"] = "2";
     $dialplan["dialplan_details"][$y]["dialplan_detail_order"] = $y * 10;
     //add the dialplan permission
     $p = new permissions();
     $p->add("dialplan_add", 'temp');
     $p->add("dialplan_detail_add", 'temp');
     $p->add("dialplan_edit", 'temp');
     $p->add("dialplan_detail_edit", 'temp');
     //save the dialplan
     $orm = new orm();
     $dialplan_response = $orm->message;
     $this->dialplan_uuid = $dialplan_response['uuid'];
     //if new dialplan uuid then update the call center queue
     $sql = "update v_call_center_queues ";
     $sql .= "set dialplan_uuid = '" . $this->dialplan_uuid . "' ";
     $sql .= "where call_center_queue_uuid = '" . $this->call_center_queue_uuid . "' ";
     $sql .= "and domain_uuid = '" . $this->domain_uuid . "' ";
     //remove the temporary permission
     $p->delete("dialplan_add", 'temp');
     $p->delete("dialplan_detail_add", 'temp');
     $p->delete("dialplan_edit", 'temp');
     $p->delete("dialplan_detail_edit", 'temp');
     //synchronize the xml config
     //clear the cache
     $cache = new cache();
     $cache->delete("dialplan:" . $_SESSION['context']);
     //return the dialplan_uuid
     return $dialplan_response;