function __destruct()
     if (cLogsDb::$count_glob == 0 && DB_DEBUG) {
         //cLogs::$aLogsAll[] = array("DB_QUERIES",cLogsDb::$aDbFileLogs);

if (!isset($_index_rights)) {
    header("Location: " . getUrl() . "admin");
$Logs = new cLogs("addcapability.php");
$aErrors = array();
$aAlerts = array();
global $DB;
if (isset($_POST['add_capab'])) {
    foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) {
        $_POST[$k] = get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? trim($v) : trim(addslashes($v));
    $Check = new cCheckForm();
    $namePat = '/^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{1,50}$/';
    if ($Check->check('name', 'preg_match("' . $namePat . '",$test)', 'The NAME must be without whitespaces and diacritical marks and max. 50 symbols!')) {
        $Check->check('name', '$test==false', 'This capability already exists!', admin_capabExists($_POST['name']));
    $Check->check('description', 'strlen($test) > 0 && strlen($test) < 266', 'The description of capability is required with max length 255 symbols!');
    $Logs->addLog($Check->isValid(), 'add new one valid');
    if (!$Check->isValid()) {
        foreach ($Check->getErrors() as $k => $error) {
            $aErrors[] = admin_getErrorToPrint($k, $error);
    } else {
        try {
            $aVals = array();
            $aVals[] = array('name', $_POST['name']);
            $aVals[] = array('description', $_POST['description']);
            /// insert values ///
 private function insert($aUser)
     $time = getDateToDb(time() + AUTH_TIMEOUT);
     $sess = session_id();
     $res = cDb::insert('core_authentications', array(array('timeinit', $time), array('user', $aUser['id'], false), array('session', $sess), array('ip', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])));
     if (!$res) {
         cLogs::addLog("#### AuthInsert: false");
         $this->aErrors[] = getString("Some error during login process!", 'core');
         $this->aErrors[] = getString("Contact your admin to solve this problem!", 'core');
         return false;
     return true;

if (!session_id()) {
require_once "../core/";
require_once ROOT_PATH . "core/global_fce.php";
$DB = new cDb();
$CFG = new cCfg();
$Logs = new cLogs("index.php");
$Logs->addLog($_POST, "POST");
$_aErrors = array();
$_aAlerts = array();
$Authent = new cAuthentication();
$bAut = $Authent->authenticate();
if (!$bAut && ADMIN_PAGE_ACCESS_AUTHORIZIED || $bAut && !$CFG->hasCapability('superadmin')) {
    header("Location: " . HTTP_PATH);
$_index_rights = true;
foreach ($_GET as $k => $v) {
    $_GET[$k] = get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? trim($v) : trim(addslashes($v));
/// update capabilities ///
if (isset($_POST['update_capab'])) {
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

if (!isset($_index_rights)) {
    header("Location: " . getUrl() . "admin");
$Logs = new cLogs("adduser.php");
$aErrors = array();
$aAlerts = array();
global $DB;
if (isset($_POST['add_user'])) {
    foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) {
        $_POST[$k] = get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? trim($v) : trim(addslashes($v));
    $Check = new cCheckForm();
    $Check->check('name', 'strlen($test)>0 && strlen($test)<101', 'The name is required with max 100 symbols including whitespaces!');
    $Check->check('surname', 'strlen($test)>0 && strlen($test)<101', 'The surname is required with max 100 symbols including whitespaces!');
    $Check->check('role', 'is_numeric($test)', 'The role is required!');
    /// max. 50 symbols ///
    $loginPat = '/^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{1,50}$/';
    if ($Check->check('login', 'preg_match("' . $loginPat . '",$test)', 'The login must be without whitespaces and diacritical marks and max. 50 symbols!')) {
        /// check if login already exists ///
        $Check->check('login', '$test==false', 'This login already exists!', admin_userLoginExists($_POST['login']));
    $passwPat = '/^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{1,50}$/';
    if ($Check->check('password', 'strlen($test)>5 && strlen($test)<51', 'The password must have at least 6 symbols and max. 50, without diacritical marks and whitespaces!', $_POST['passw'])) {
        $Check->check('password', '$test==true', 'Verification of password is not correct!', $_POST['passw'] == $_POST['passw_ver']);
    $Logs->addLog($Check->isValid(), 'add new one valid');
    if (!$Check->isValid()) {
        foreach ($Check->getErrors() as $k => $error) {
            $bPageLng = $DB->insert('core_lngpages', array(array('title', $_POST['title']), array('page', $pageid, false), array('menutitle', $_POST['menu_title']), array('url', admin_createPageUrl($_POST['title']))));
    if ($bPage && $bPageLng) {
        /// create php file with action ///
        $hPage = fopen(ROOT_PATH . "pages/actions/" . $_POST['page'] . ".php", "w+");
        $toFile = "<?php\nclass " . $_POST['page'] . " extends cPageAction {\n\t\n\tpublic function __construct() {\n\t\tparent::__construct(get_class());\n\t\tself::action();\t\n\t}\n\t\n\tprivate function action() {\n\t\t/// your code goes here \n\t}\n}\n?>";
        fwrite($hPage, $toFile);
        return true;
    return false;
###################################### code ##############################################
$Logs = new cLogs("add.php");
$aErrors = array();
$aAlerts = array();
if (isset($_POST['add_template'])) {
    foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) {
        $_POST[$k] = get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? trim($v) : trim(addslashes($v));
    $Check = new cCheckForm();
    $namePat = '/^([a-z]+[a-z0-9_-]+){1,50}$/';
    /// existing templates wasn't selected ///
    if ($Check->check('newtemp', 'preg_match("' . $namePat . '",$test)', 'The name of TEMPLATE must be in lowercase letters without whitespaces and diacritical marks and max. 50 symbols! (e.g.: newhomepage or new_home-page1')) {
        $Check->check('newtemp', '$test==false', 'The name of TEMPLATE already exists!', admin_tempExists($_POST['newtemp']));
    $Logs->addLog($Check->isValid(), 'valid');

if (!isset($_index_rights)) {
    header("Location: " . getUrl() . "admin");
$Logs = new cLogs("addrole.php");
$aErrors = array();
$aAlerts = array();
global $DB;
if (isset($_POST['add_role'])) {
    foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) {
        $_POST[$k] = get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? trim($v) : trim(addslashes($v));
    $Check = new cCheckForm();
    /// max. 100 symbols ///
    if ($Check->check('name', 'strlen($test) > 0 && strlen($test) < 101', 'The name of role must be max. 100 symbols!')) {
        /// check if name already exists ///
        $Check->check('name', '$test==false', 'The name of role already exists!', admin_roleExists($_POST['name']));
    $Check->check('description', '$test != "" && strlen($test) <= 255', 'Description of role is required; with a maximum length 255!');
    $Check->check('parentid', 'is_numeric($test) || $test=="null"', 'The parent role is in wrong type');
    $Check->check('sort', 'is_numeric($test) || strlen($test)==0', 'The parent role is in wrong type');
    $Logs->addLog($Check->isValid(), 'add new one valid');
    if (!$Check->isValid()) {
        foreach ($Check->getErrors() as $k => $error) {
            $aErrors[] = admin_getErrorToPrint($k, $error);
    } else {
        try {
            $aVals = array();
            $lngExists = $DB->select('core_lngpages', 'id', array(array('lng', '=', null), 'AND', array('page', '=', $pageid)));
            if (count($lngExists)) {
                $bPageLng[] = $DB->update('core_lngpages', array(array('title', $_POST['title']), array('menutitle', $_POST['menu_title']), array('url', admin_createPageUrl($_POST['title'])), array('timemodified', getDateToDb())), array(array('lng', '=', null), 'AND', array('page', '=', $pageid)));
            } else {
                $bPageLng[] = $DB->insert('core_lngpages', array(array('title', $_POST['title']), array('page', $pageid, false), array('menutitle', $_POST['menu_title']), array('url', admin_createPageUrl($_POST['title']))));
        } else {
            $DB->delete('core_lngpages', array(array('lng', '=', null), 'AND', array('page', '=', $pageid)));
    return $bPage && count($bPageLng);
###################################### code ##############################################
$Logs = new cLogs("editpage.php");
$aErrors = array();
$aAlerts = array();
/// POST data to insert new page are sent ///
if (isset($_POST['submit']) && (isset($_POST['pageid']) && is_numeric($_POST['pageid']))) {
    foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) {
        $_POST[$k] = get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? trim($v) : trim(addslashes($v));
    $Check = new cCheckForm();
    /// existing templates wasn't selected ///
    $Check->check('temp', '$test !== "null"', 'TEMPLATE is required!');
    $bTitle = false;
    foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) {
        if (substr($k, 0, 3) == 'lng') {
            $Check->check('title' . substr($k, 3), 'strlen($test)>0', 'Title of PAGE' . strtoupper(substr($k, 3)) . ' is required!');

if (!isset($_index_rights) || !isset($_GET['id'])) {
    header("Location: " . getUrl() . "admin");
$Logs = new cLogs("editroles.php");
$aErrors = array();
$aAlerts = array();
global $DB;
if (isset($_POST['update_role'])) {
    foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) {
        $_POST[$k] = get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? trim($v) : trim(addslashes($v));
    $Check = new cCheckForm();
    $Check->check('General', 'is_numeric($test) && ' . ($_POST['roleid'] == $_GET['id']), 'There is no correct role!', $_POST['roleid']);
    if ($Check->check('name', 'strlen($test) > 0 && strlen($test) < 101', 'The name of role must be max. 100 symbols!')) {
        /// check if name already exists ///
        if ($exists = admin_roleExists($_POST['name'])) {
            $Logs->addLog($exists, 'role EXISTS');
            $exists = !($exists['id'] == $_POST['roleid']);
        $Logs->addLog($exists, 'role EXISTS');
        $Check->check('name', '$test==false', 'The name of role already exists!', $exists);
    $Check->check('description', '$test != "" && strlen($test) <= 255', 'Description of role is required; with a maximum length 255!');
    $Check->check('parentid', 'is_numeric($test) || $test=="null"', 'The parent role is in wrong type');
    $Check->check('sort', 'is_numeric($test) || strlen($test)==0', 'The parent role is in wrong type');
    $Logs->addLog($Check->isValid(), 'form valid');
    if (!$Check->isValid()) {
        foreach ($Check->getErrors() as $k => $error) {

if (!session_id()) {
require_once "core/";
require_once "core/global_fce.php";
require_once "";
$Logs = new cLogs("index.php");
$Logs->addLog($_POST, "POST");
$DB = new cDb();
$connection = $DB->connect();
if ($connection) {
    $CFG = new cCfg();
    if (!isset($_GET['_pageAction_'])) {
        if (is_string($CFG->getDefaultPage('path'))) {
            header("Location: " . $CFG->getDefaultPage('path'));
        } else {
                header("Location: " . HTTP_PATH . "admin");
    $action = get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? $_GET['_pageAction_'] : addslashes($_GET['_pageAction_']);
    $CORE = new cBuildIndex($action);
    if (MK_DEBUG) {
    $Authent = new cAuthentication();

if (!isset($_index_rights) || !isset($_GET['id'])) {
    header("Location: " . getUrl() . "admin");
###################################### code ##############################################
$Logs = new cLogs("edittemplate.php");
$aErrors = array();
$aAlerts = array();
global $DB;
if (isset($_POST['submit']) && (isset($_POST['tempid']) && is_numeric($_POST['tempid']))) {
    foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) {
        $_POST[$k] = get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? trim($v) : trim(addslashes($v));
    $Check = new cCheckForm();
    $Check->check('js', 'preg_match("/^(([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+(\\.)?[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)+(,([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+((\\.)?[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)*)+)*)?$/",$test)', 'The wrong type of string in JS field!');
    $Check->check('css', 'preg_match("/^(([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+(\\.)?[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)+(,([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+((\\.)?[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)*)+)*)?$/",$test)', 'The wrong type of string in CSS field!');
    $Logs->addLog($Check->isValid(), 'valid');
    if (!$Check->isValid()) {
        foreach ($Check->getErrors() as $k => $error) {
            $aErrors[] = admin_getErrorToPrint($k, $error);
    } else {
        if ($_POST['parent_temp'] != 'null') {
            $aVals[] = array('parentid', intval($_POST['parent_temp']), false);
        } else {
            $aVals[] = array('parentid', 'NULL', false);

if (!isset($_index_rights) || !isset($_GET['id'])) {
    header("Location: " . getUrl() . "admin");
$Logs = new cLogs("editroles.php");
$aErrors = array();
$aAlerts = array();
global $DB;
if (isset($_POST['update_user'])) {
    foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) {
        $_POST[$k] = get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? trim($v) : trim(addslashes($v));
    $aVals = array();
    $Check = new cCheckForm();
    $Check->check('General', 'is_numeric($test) && ' . ($_POST['userid'] == $_GET['id']), 'There is no correct user!', $_POST['userid']);
    $Check->check('name', 'strlen($test) > 0 && strlen($test) < 101', 'The name must be max. 100 symbols!');
    $Check->check('surname', 'strlen($test) > 0 && strlen($test) < 101', 'The surname must be max. 100 symbols!');
    $Check->check('role', 'is_numeric($test)', 'The role is in wrong format!');
    /// change login ///
    if (strlen($_POST['login'])) {
        /// max. 50 symbols ///
        $loginPat = '/^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{1,50}$/';
        if ($Check->check('login', 'preg_match("' . $loginPat . '",$test)', 'The login must be without whitespaces and diacritical marks and max. 50 symbols!')) {
            /// check if login already exists ///
            if ($exists = admin_roleExists($_POST['login'])) {
                $Logs->addLog($exists, 'user login EXISTS');
                $exists = !($exists['id'] == $_POST['userid']);
            $Logs->addLog($exists, 'user login EXISTS');