function loadRessources() { $response = sfContext::getInstance()->getResponse(); if (!c2cTools::mobileVersion()) { $response->addJavascript('/static/js/modal.js', 'last'); $response->addStylesheet('/static/css/modal.css', 'last'); } }
function phone_link($phone = '') { if (!empty($phone) && c2cTools::mobileVersion()) { $simple_phone = preg_replace('/\\(0\\)/', '', str_replace(array(' ', '.'), '', $phone)); // if number is not only digits,+,- do not try to present it as a link if (!ereg('[0-9\\+-]+', $simple_phone)) { return $phone; } $link = content_tag('a', $phone, array('href' => 'tel:' . $simple_phone)); return $link; } else { return $phone; } }
/** * Display flash message if needed */ function display_flash_message($type) { $flash = sfContext::getInstance()->getUser()->getAttribute($type, null, 'symfony/flash'); if ($flash) { $message = '<div class="' . $type . '" id="' . $type . '"><div>' . $flash . '</div></div>'; if (!c2cTools::mobileVersion()) { // show feedback div, highlight it, and then fade it out and remove it $js = javascript_queue("\$('#{$type}').delay(3000).animate({opacity:0}, {duration:1500, complete: function() { \$(this).hide(); }});"); } else { $js = javascript_queue("\$('#{$type}').click(function() { \$(this).hide(); });"); } return $message . $js; } }
function geocode_auto_complete($name, $service) { $mobile_version = c2cTools::mobileVersion(); $service_class = $service === 'nominatim' ? ' nominatim' : ' geonames'; $out = input_tag($name, '', array('class' => 'geocode_auto_complete' . $service_class, 'placeholder' => __('enter place name'), 'data-noresult' => __('no results'))); if ($mobile_version) { $out .= content_tag('span', '<br />' . __('autocomplete_help'), array('class' => 'mobile_auto_complete_background')); $out .= content_tag('span', 'X', array('class' => 'mobile_auto_complete_escape')); } // following script will automatically intanciate geocode autocompleter $out .= javascript_queue('$.ajax({ url: "' . minify_get_combined_files_url('/static/js/geocode_autocompleter.js') . '", dataType: "script", cache: true});'); return $out; }
function language_select_list($module, $id, $current_language, $translated_languages) { $mobile_version = c2cTools::mobileVersion(); $items = array(); foreach (Language::getAll() as $language => $value) { $lang = format_language_c2c($language); if ($current_language == $language) { $items[] = '<div class="current_lang">' . ($mobile_version ? $language : $lang) . '</div>'; } else { $existing_lang = in_array($language, $translated_languages); $options = $existing_lang ? array('class' => 'translated') : array('class' => 'not_translated', 'rel' => 'nofollow'); if (!$mobile_version) { $items[] = link_to($lang, "@document_by_id_lang?module={$module}&id={$id}&lang={$language}", $options); } else { $items[] = $existing_lang ? link_to($language, "@document_by_id_lang?module={$module}&id={$id}&lang={$language}", $options) : '<span class="not_translated">' . $language . '</span>'; } } } return implode(' | ', $items); }
public function executeGetmultipleselect() { $mobile_version = c2cTools::mobileVersion(); $separate_prefs = $this->hasRequestParameter('sep_prefs') ? $this->getRequestParameter('sep_prefs') : 'true'; $separate_prefs = $separate_prefs == 'false' ? false : true; $area_type = $this->getRequestParameter('area_type'); if (!$mobile_version) { $default_width = 'auto'; $default_height = '350px'; } else { $default_width = '216px'; $default_height = '3.8em'; } $height = $this->hasRequestParameter('height') ? $this->getRequestParameter('height') . 'px' : $default_height; $width = $this->hasRequestParameter('width') ? $this->getRequestParameter('width') . 'px' : $default_width; $select_id = $this->hasRequestParameter('select_id') ? $this->getRequestParameter('select_id') : 'places'; $select_name = $this->hasRequestParameter('select_id') ? $this->getRequestParameter('select_name') : 'areas'; $areas = $this->getAreas($area_type, $separate_prefs); sfLoader::loadHelpers(array('Tag', 'Form')); return $this->renderText(select_tag($select_name, options_for_select($areas, $separate_prefs ? null : c2cPersonalization::getInstance()->getPlacesFilter()), array('id' => $select_id, 'multiple' => true, 'style' => 'width:' . $width . '; height:' . $height . ';')) . input_hidden_tag($select_id . '_type', $area_type)); }
function start_section_tag($label, $container_id, $state = 'opened', $map = false, $first = false, $hide = false, $show_tip = true) { $class = 'article_titre_bg'; if ($first) { $class .= ' hfirst'; } $picto_class = $state == 'opened' ? 'picto_close' : 'picto_open'; $status = __($state == 'opened' ? 'section close' : 'section open'); $label = picto_tag($picto_class, '', array('id' => $container_id . '_toggle')) . __($label); if ($show_tip && !c2cTools::mobileVersion()) { $label .= '<span id="tip_' . $container_id . '" class="tips">[' . $status . ']</span>'; $up = '<a href="#header">' . picto_tag('action_up', __('menu'), array('class' => 'go_up')) . '</a>'; } else { $up = ''; } $style = $hide ? '" style="display:none' : ''; $html = '<div class="' . $class . '" id="' . $container_id . '_tbg' . $style . '">' . '<div class="title" id="' . $container_id . '_section_title" title="' . $status . '">' . '<a href="#" id="' . $container_id . '" data-toggle-view="' . $container_id . '">' . $label . '</a>' . $up . '</div>' . '</div>'; if (!$map) { $display = $state == 'opened' && !$hide ? '' : ' style="display:none;"'; $html .= '<section id="' . $container_id . '_section_container" class="section"' . $display . '>'; } return $html; }
<?php use_helper('Pagination', 'MyImage', 'Lightbox', 'JavascriptQueue', 'Link', 'Viewer', 'General'); $mobile_version = c2cTools::mobileVersion(); $id = $sf_params->get('id'); $lang = $sf_params->get('lang'); if (!$mobile_version) { // add lightbox ressources addLbMinimalRessources(); } else { echo javascript_queue('C2C.swipe_i18n = {"Big size": "' . __('Big size') . '",' . '"Original image": "' . __('Original image') . '",' . '"Informations": "' . __('Informations') . '"};'); use_javascript('/static/js/swipe.js', 'last'); use_javascript('/static/js/swipe.wrapper.js', 'last'); } echo display_title(__('images list'), $sf_params->get('module'), false, 'list_nav'); if (!c2cTools::mobileVersion()) { echo '<div id="nav_space"> </div>'; include_partial('nav4list'); //include_partial('documents/nav_news'); } echo display_content_top('list_content'); echo start_content_tag('images_content'); if (!$mobile_version) { echo javascript_tag('lightbox_msgs = Array("' . __('View image details') . '","' . __('View original image') . '");'); } echo '<p class="list_header">' . __('images presentation'); if ($nb_results == 0) { echo '<br /><br />' . __('there is no %1% to show', array('%1%' => __('images'))) . '</p>'; } else { echo '</p>'; $pager_navigation = pager_navigation($pager);
if ($has_associated_docs || $has_extra_docs) { ?> <div class="one_kind_association"> <div class="association_content"> <?php echo '<div class="assoc_img picto_' . $module . '" title="' . ucfirst(__($module)) . '"><span>' . ucfirst(__($module)) . __(' :') . '</span></div>'; if ($has_associated_docs) { $is_inline = isset($inline); //case for users list in outings $has_merge_inline = isset($merge_inline) && trim($merge_inline) != ''; if ($is_inline) { echo '<div class="linked_elt">'; } $is_first = true; $reduce_name = isset($reduce_name) && $reduce_name; $has_route_list_link = isset($route_list_module) && !empty($route_list_ids) && !c2cTools::mobileVersion(); if ($has_route_list_link) { $base_url = 'routes/list?'; $param2 = "{$route_list_module}={$route_list_ids}"; $link_text = substr(__('routes'), 0, 1); $title = "routes linked to {$module} and {$route_list_module}"; } foreach ($associated_docs as $doc) { $is_doc = isset($doc['is_doc']) && $doc['is_doc']; $doc_id = $doc['id']; $idstring = isset($type) ? ' id="' . $type . '_' . ($revert_ids ? $id : $doc_id) . '"' : ''; $class = 'linked_elt'; $level = isset($doc['level']) ? $doc['level'] : 0; if ($level > 1) { $class .= ' level' . $level; }
/** * Executes view action. */ public function executeView() { parent::executeView(); $mobile_version = c2cTools::mobileVersion(); if (!$this->document->isArchive() && $this->document['redirects_to'] == NULL) { sfLoader::loadHelpers(array('Pagination')); $user = $this->getUser(); $prefered_cultures = $user->getCulturesForDocuments(); $document = $this->document; $id = $this->document->get('id'); $topo_filter = $this->document->get('topo_filter'); $url_params = array(); $main_params = unpackUrlParameters($topo_filter, $main_url_params); // map filter $has_map = $this->document->get('has_map'); $has_map = !$mobile_version && !empty($has_map); $this->has_map = $has_map; if ($has_map) { $map_filter_temp = $this->document->get('map_filter'); $map_filter_temp = str_replace(' ', '', $map_filter_temp); $map_filter_temp = explode('|', $map_filter_temp); $map_filter = array(); foreach ($map_filter_temp as $filter) { $filter = explode(':', $filter); if (isset($filter[1])) { $map_filter[$filter[0]] = $filter[1]; } } if (empty($map_filter['objects'])) { $map_filter['objects'] = null; } if (!empty($map_filter['lon']) || !empty($map_filter['lat']) || !empty($map_filter['zoom'])) { if (empty($map_filter['lon'])) { $lon = $this->document->get('lon'); if (is_null($lon)) { $lon = 7; } } else { $lon = $map_filter['lon']; } if (empty($map_filter['lat'])) { $lat = $this->document->get('lat'); if (is_null($lat)) { $lat = 45.5; } } else { $lat = $map_filter['lat']; } if (empty($map_filter['zoom'])) { $zoom = 6; } else { $zoom = $map_filter['zoom']; } $map_filter['center'] = array($lon, $lat, $zoom); } else { $map_filter['center'] = null; } if (empty($map_filter['height'])) { $map_filter['height'] = null; } $this->map_filter = $map_filter; $this->has_geom = false; } // user filters: $perso = c2cPersonalization::getInstance(); $langs = $ranges = $activities = array(); if ($perso->isMainFilterSwitchOn()) { $langs = $perso->getLanguagesFilter(); $names = array_keys($main_params); if (!array_intersect($names, array('areas', 'summits', 'sites', 'huts', 'parkings', 'routes', 'books'))) { $ranges = $perso->getPlacesFilter(); } if (!in_array('act', $names)) { $activities = $perso->getActivitiesFilter(); } } // latest outings $nb_outings = $this->document->get('nb_outings'); $has_outings = !empty($nb_outings); $this->has_outings = $has_outings; if ($has_outings) { $outing_url_params = array(); $outing_params = $this->document->get('outing_filter'); $outing_params = unpackUrlParameters($outing_params, $outing_url_params); $outing_langs = $langs; $outing_ranges = $ranges; $outing_activities = $activities; if (isset($outing_params['perso'])) { $perso_params = explode('-', $outing_params['perso']); if (array_intersect(array('areas', 'act', 'cult', 'no'), $perso_params)) { if (!in_array('cult', $perso_params)) { $outing_langs = array(); } if (!in_array('areas', $perso_params)) { $outing_ranges = array(); } if (!in_array('act', $perso_params)) { $outing_activities = array(); } } } $latest_outings = Outing::listLatest($nb_outings, $outing_langs, $outing_ranges, $outing_activities, $outing_params); // choose best language for outings and regions names $latest_outings = Language::getTheBest($latest_outings, 'Outing'); $this->latest_outings = Language::getTheBestForAssociatedAreas($latest_outings); $this->outing_url_params = $outing_url_params; } // latest articles $nb_articles = $this->document->get('nb_articles'); $has_articles = !empty($nb_articles); $this->has_articles = $has_articles; if ($has_articles) { $article_url_params = array(); $article_params = $this->document->get('article_filter'); $article_params = unpackUrlParameters($article_params, $article_url_params); $this->latest_articles = Article::listLatest($nb_articles, $langs, $activities, $article_params); $this->article_url_params = $article_url_params; } // latest images if ($mobile_version) { $nb_images = sfConfig::get('app_recent_documents_images_mobile_limit'); } else { $nb_images = $this->document->get('nb_images'); } $has_images = !empty($nb_images); $this->has_images = $has_images; if ($has_images) { $image_url_params = array(); $image_params = $this->document->get('image_filter'); $image_params = unpackUrlParameters($image_params, $image_url_params); $latest_images = Image::listLatest($nb_images, $langs, $ranges, $activities, $image_params); $this->latest_images = Language::getTheBest($latest_images, 'Image'); $this->image_url_params = $image_url_params; } // latest videos $nb_videos = $this->document->get('nb_videos'); $has_videos = !$mobile_version && !empty($nb_videos); if ($has_videos) { $video_url_params = array(); $video_params = $this->document->get('video_filter'); $video_params = explode('|', $video_params, 3); if (count($video_params) == 3) { $video_item = array('url' => trim($video_params[0]), 'thumbnail' => trim($video_params[1]), 'title' => trim($video_params[2])); $latest_videos = array($video_item); $this->latest_videos = $latest_videos; } else { $has_videos = false; } } $this->has_videos = $has_videos; // forum 'mountain news' latest active threads $nb_news = $this->document->get('nb_news'); $has_news = !empty($nb_news); $this->has_news = $has_news; $news_filter_ids = array(); if ($has_news) { $news_filter_temp = $this->document->get('news_filter'); $news_filter_temp = explode('|', $news_filter_temp); $news_filter = array(); foreach ($news_filter_temp as $filter) { $filter = explode(':', $filter); if (isset($filter[1])) { $news_filter[$filter[0]] = explode(',', $filter[1]); } } $news_filter_ids = PunbbTopics::getForumIds('app_forum_mountain_news', $langs, $activities, $news_filter); $this->latest_mountain_news = PunbbTopics::listLatestById($nb_news, $news_filter_ids); $this->news_filter_ids = implode('-', $news_filter_ids); } // forum latest active threads $nb_topics = $this->document->get('nb_topics'); $has_topics = !empty($nb_topics); $this->has_topics = $has_topics; if ($has_topics) { $forum_filter_temp = $this->document->get('forum_filter'); $forum_filter_temp = explode('|', $forum_filter_temp); $forum_filter = array(); foreach ($forum_filter_temp as $filter) { $filter = explode(':', $filter); if (isset($filter[1])) { $forum_filter[$filter[0]] = explode(',', $filter[1]); } } $forum_filter_ids = PunbbTopics::getForumIds('app_forum_public_ids', $langs, $activities, $forum_filter); $this->latest_threads = PunbbTopics::listLatestById($nb_topics, $forum_filter_ids); $this->forum_filter_ids = implode('-', array_merge($news_filter_ids, $forum_filter_ids)); } $cda_config = sfConfig::get('app_portals_cda'); if ($id == $cda_config['id']) { $description = $this->document->get('description'); $has_description = !empty($description); $this->has_description = $has_description; $this->setTemplate('changerdapproche'); } sfLoader::loadHelpers(array('sfBBCode', 'SmartFormat')); $abstract = strip_tags(parse_links(parse_bbcode_abstract($this->document->get('abstract')))); $this->getResponse()->addMeta('description', $abstract); } }
$license_url .= $sf_user->getCulture(); $license_name = 'Creative Commons ' . __($license); $license_title = __("{$license} title"); $class = 'license_box'; if (isset($large) && $large) { $class .= ' large'; } ?> <footer class="<?php echo $class; ?> "> <?php echo '<div class="cc">' . link_to(picto_tag(($iscopyright ? '' : 'cc-') . $license), getMetaArticleRoute('licenses', false, ($iscopyright ? '' : 'cc-') . $license), array('title' => $license != 'copyright' ? 'Creative Commons' : 'Copyright')) . '</div>'; echo ' '; if ($iscopyright) { echo __('Image under copyright license'); } else { echo __('Page under %1% license', array('%1%' => "<a rel=\"license\" href=\"{$license_url}\" title=\"{$license_title}\">{$license_name}</a>")); } echo '<br />' . __('Images are under license specified in the original document of each image'); if (isset($version) && !c2cTools::mobileVersion()) { echo '<br /><span class="doc_infos">', __('Version #%1%, date %2%', array('%1%' => $version, '%2%' => format_date($created_at, 'D'))); if ($sf_user->hasCredential(sfConfig::get('app_credentials_moderator'))) { echo '<span class="no_print"> - ', __('Document generated %1% in %2%', array('%1%' => format_datetime(time()), '%2%' => round(1000 * $timer->getElapsedTime()))), '</span>'; } echo '</span>'; } ?> </footer>
echo ' <span class="meta">(' . implode(' - ', $outing_data) . ')</span>'; } if (isset($item['nb_images'])) { $images = picto_tag('picto_images_light', format_number_choice('[1]1 image|(1,+Inf]%1% images', array('%1%' => $item['nb_images']), $item['nb_images'])) . ' '; echo $images; } ?> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> <?php } ?> <div class="home_link_list"> <?php echo link_to($custom_footer_text, $custom_footer_link) . ' - ' . link_to(__('recent conditions'), $conditions_link) . ' - ' . link_to(__('Prepare outing'), getMetaArticleRoute('prepare_outings')); if ($sf_user->isConnected() && !c2cTools::mobileVersion()) { echo ' - ' . button_wizard(); } echo ' - ' . customize_link_to(); ?> </div> </div> <?php $cookie_position = array_search('last_outings', sfConfig::get('app_personalization_cookie_fold_positions')); echo javascript_tag('C2C.setSectionStatus(\'last_outings\', ' . $cookie_position . ', ' . (!$default_open ? 'false' : 'true') . ");"); ?> </div>
<?php use_helper('MyForm'); echo form_tag('documents/search', array('method' => 'get', 'class' => 'search')); echo '<div class="sbox">'; $prefix = isset($prefix) ? $prefix : ''; $autocomplete = c2cTools::mobileVersion() ? false : (isset($autocomplete) ? $autocomplete : false); echo search_box_tag($prefix, $autocomplete); echo '</div></form>';
<?php use_helper('Language', 'Sections', 'Viewer', 'AutoComplete', 'General', 'MyForm'); $is_connected = $sf_user->isConnected(); $is_moderator = $sf_user->hasCredential(sfConfig::get('app_credentials_moderator')); $id = $sf_params->get('id'); $lang = $document->getCulture(); $is_not_archive = !$document->isArchive(); $is_not_merged = !$document->get('redirects_to'); $mobile_version = c2cTools::mobileVersion(); $show_link_tool = $is_not_archive && $is_not_merged && $is_connected && !$mobile_version; display_page_header('articles', $document, $id, $metadata, $current_version, array('item_type' => '', 'nb_comments' => $nb_comments)); // lang-dependent content echo start_section_tag('Article', 'description'); include_partial('documents/i18n_section', array('document' => $document, 'languages' => $sf_data->getRaw('languages'), 'needs_translation' => $needs_translation, 'images' => $associated_images, 'filter_image_type' => $document->get('article_type') == 1)); echo end_section_tag(); // lang-independent content starts here echo start_section_tag('Information', 'data'); include_partial('data', array('document' => $document, 'nb_comments' => $nb_comments)); if ($is_not_archive) { echo '<div class="all_associations">'; include_partial('areas/association', array('associated_docs' => $associated_areas, 'module' => 'areas')); echo '</div>'; } echo end_section_tag(); if ($is_not_archive && $is_not_merged) { $is_personal_article = $document->get('article_type') == 2; // if the user is not a moderator, and personal article, use javascript to distinguish // between document author(s) and others $author_specific = !$is_moderator && $is_connected && $is_personal_article; if ($author_specific) {
/** * Parses REQUEST sent by filter form and keeps only relevant sort parameters. * @return array */ protected function filterSortParameters($result_type = null) { $sort = array(); if (($npp = $this->getRequestParameter('npp')) && $npp != (c2cTools::mobileVersion() ? sfConfig::get('app_list_mobile_maxline_number') : sfConfig::get('app_list_maxline_number'))) { $sort[] = "npp={$npp}"; } $module = $this->getModuleName(); if ($module != $result_type && $result_type == 'outings') { $sort[] = "orderby=date"; $sort[] = "order=desc"; } elseif (is_null($result_type) || $module == $result_type) { $default_order = sfConfig::get('app_list_default_order', 'asc'); $has_orderby = $this->addParam($sort, 'orderby'); if ($has_orderby) { $this->addParam($sort, 'order', $default_order); } $has_orderby = $this->addParam($sort, 'orderby2'); if ($has_orderby) { $this->addParam($sort, 'order2', $default_order); } $has_orderby = $this->addParam($sort, 'orderby3'); if ($has_orderby) { $this->addParam($sort, 'order3', $default_order); } } return $sort; }
/** * Executes list action. * Overrides documentsActions::executeList() */ public function executeList() { // params in order to add images of linked summits, parkings, etc... $request_array = array(); if ($this->hasRequestParameter('rsummits') && ($summit_ids = $this->getRequestParameter('rsummits'))) { if (!in_array($summit_ids, array('-', ' '))) { $request_array = array(explode('-', $summit_ids), 'sr', 'ri', 'si'); } } elseif ($this->hasRequestParameter('rparkings') && ($parking_ids = $this->getRequestParameter('rparkings'))) { if (!in_array($parking_ids, array('-', ' '))) { $request_array = array(explode('-', $parking_ids), 'pr', 'ri', 'pi'); } } elseif ($this->hasRequestParameter('rhuts') && ($hut_ids = $this->getRequestParameter('rhuts'))) { if (!in_array($hut_ids, array('-', ' '))) { $request_array = array(explode('-', $hut_ids), 'hr', 'ri', 'hi'); } } elseif ($this->hasRequestParameter('oroutes') && ($route_ids = $this->getRequestParameter('oroutes'))) { if (!in_array($route_ids, array('-', ' '))) { $request_array = array(explode('-', $route_ids), 'ro', 'oi', 'ri'); } } elseif ($this->hasRequestParameter('osites') && ($site_ids = $this->getRequestParameter('osites'))) { if (!in_array($site_ids, array('-', ' '))) { $request_array = array(explode('-', $site_ids), 'to', 'oi', 'ti'); } } if (!empty($request_array)) { $ids = array_shift($request_array); $pager = new c2cDoctrinePager('Image', c2cTools::mobileVersion() ? sfConfig::get('app_list_mobile_maxline_number') : sfConfig::get('app_list_maxline_number')); $this->pager = $pager; $q = $pager->getQuery(); $q->select('DISTINCT, i.image_type, i.geom_wkt, i.filename,, ii.culture, ii.search_name')->from('Image i')->leftJoin('i.associations a ON = a.linked_id')->leftJoin('i.ImageI18n ii')->where('(a.main_id IN (SELECT a2.linked_id FROM Association a2 WHERE a2.main_id IN (' . implode(',', $ids) . ') AND a2.type = ?) AND a.type = ?)' . ' OR (a.main_id IN (' . implode(',', $ids) . ') AND a.type = ?)', $request_array); $pager->setPage($this->getRequestParameter('page', 1)); $pager->init(); $nb_results = $pager->getNbResults(); $this->nb_results = $nb_results; // deal with format if (isset($this->format)) { $format = $this->format; } else { $format = $this->getRequestParameter('format', 'list'); $format = explode('-', $format); $this->format = $format; } if ($nb_results == 0 && !in_array('json', $format)) { $params_list = array_keys(c2cTools::getCriteriaRequestParameters()); if (count($params_list) == 1) { $param = reset($params_list); if (strpos($param, 'nam') !== false) { $this->query_string = $this->getRequestParameter($param); $this->setTemplate('../../documents/templates/simplenoresult'); } } } else { $this->items = $pager->getResults('array'); } $this->setPageTitle($this->__($this->getModuleName() . ' list')); $this->setTemplate('list'); } else { parent::executeList(); $nb_results = $this->nb_results; if ($nb_results == 0) { return; } $items = $this->query->execute(array(), Doctrine::FETCH_ARRAY); $this->items = Language::parseListItems($items, 'Image'); $this->setTemplate('list'); } if (in_array('json', $this->format)) { $this->setJsonResponse(); $this->setTemplate('../../documents/templates/jsonlist'); } }
/* In this section we put code for immediately hiding some sections according * to preferences stored in fold cookie * * The sections are hidden (or not) right after they are created in the DOM in * order to prevent visual glitches. Thus, the javascript has to be ready from * the beginning. As the file is kept very small (less than 1kb) it is ok to inline * it, avoiding an extra request. * * Following js code is the minified version of the web/static/fold_init*.js files * We have different vesions depending on the different use cases. Basically, the * following sections can be concerned: * - left navigation on standard version (every page) * - sections on home and portals * - map section (n that cases, some additional code is added by the map partials) */ $mobile = c2cTools::mobileVersion(); $module = $sf_context->getModuleName(); $action = $sf_context->getActionName(); if ($mobile) { if ($action == 'home' || $module == 'portals' && $action == 'view') { // fold_init_home_mobile.js ~ 510b ?> (function(e,t){e.shouldHide=function(e,n){var o=/(?:^|;)\s?fold=([tfx]{20})(?:;|$)/.exec(t.cookie) if(o)switch(o[1].charAt(e)){case"t":return!1 case"f":return!0}return!n},e.setSectionStatus=function(n,o,a){if(e.shouldHide(o,a)){if("map_container"==n)return!0 var s=e.section_open t.getElementById(n+"_section_container").style.display="none",t.getElementById(n+"_toggle").title=s for(var l=t.querySelectorAll("#"+n+" .nav_box_top"),i=0;i<l.length;i++)l[i].className+=" small"}}})(window.C2C=window.C2C||{},document) <?php } else { // fold init_default_mobile.js ~280b
function field_value_selector($name, $conf, $options) { $blank = _option($options, 'blank', false); $keepfirst = _option($options, 'keepfirst', true); $multiple = _option($options, 'multiple', false); $size = c2cTools::mobileVersion() ? _option($options, 'msize', 1) : _option($options, 'size', 0); $filled_options = _option($options, 'filled_options', true); $exclude = _option($options, 'exclude', null); $values = array_map('__', sfConfig::get($conf)); if ($exclude) { $exclude = is_array($exclude) ? $exclude : array($exclude); foreach ($exclude as $value) { unset($values[$value]); } } if (!$keepfirst) { unset($values[0]); } if ($filled_options) { $values[' '] = __('filled in'); $values['_'] = __('nonwell informed'); } $option_tags = options_for_select($values, '', array('include_blank' => $blank)); if ($multiple) { $select_param = array('multiple' => true); if ($size == 0) { $size = count($values); if ($filled_options) { $size -= 2; } } $select_param['size'] = $size; } else { $select_param = array(); } return select_tag($name, $option_tags, $select_param); }
function start_content_tag($content_class = '', $home = false) { $mobile_version = c2cTools::mobileVersion(); if (!empty($content_class)) { $content_class = ' ' . $content_class; } $js_tag = javascript_tag("C2C.setSectionStatus('nav', C2C.nav_status_cookie_position, C2C.default_nav_status)"); // TODO move smwhr else? return '<div class="content_article">' . (!$mobile_version ? '<div id="splitter" data-title-reduce="' . __('Reduce the bar') . '" data-title-enlarge="' . __('Enlarge the bar') . '"></div>' . $js_tag : '') . '<article class="article' . $content_class . '">'; }
<?php echo '(' . f_link_to($UnreadMsg, 'message_list.php') . ')'; if ($UnreadMsg && !c2cTools::mobileVersion()) { use_helper('JavascriptQueue'); echo javascript_queue("\$.ajax({ url: '" . minify_get_combined_files_url('/static/js/tinycon.min.js') . "', dataType: 'script', cache: true })\n .done(function() { Tinycon.setBubble({$UnreadMsg}); });"); }
<?php use_helper('JavascriptQueue', 'Form', 'MyMinify'); if (!empty($message) || $sf_user->hasCredential('moderator') && !c2cTools::mobileVersion()) { $output_message = empty($message) ? __('No message defined. Click to edit') : $sf_data->getRaw('message'); // unescaped data : we trust moderators ! ?> <div id="edit_me" class="front_message"><?php echo $output_message; ?> </div> <?php if ($sf_user->hasCredential('moderator') && !$mobile_version) { echo javascript_queue("\n \$.ajax({\n url: '" . minify_get_combined_files_url('/static/js/jquery.jeditable.js') . "',\n dataType: 'script',\n cache: true})\n .done(function() {\n \$('#edit_me')\n .addClass('editable')\n .editable('" . url_for('@default?module=common&action=edit&lang=' . $sf_user->getCulture()) . "', {\n type: 'textarea',\n submit: '<input type=\"submit\" value=\"" . __('Update') . "\" />',\n cancel: '<input type=\"submit\" value=\"" . __('Cancel') . "\" />',\n indicator: '" . __('saving...') . "',\n tooltip: '" . __('Click to edit') . "',\n onblur: 'ignore',\n rows: 4\n });\n });"); } }
/** * Detects list sort parameters: what field to order on, direction and * number of items per page (npp). * @return array */ public static function getListSortCriteria($model = 'Document', $default_npp = null, $max_npp = 100, $mi = 'mi') { $orderby_list = c2cTools::getRequestParameterArray(array('orderby', 'orderby2', 'orderby3')); $order_list = c2cTools::getRequestParameterArray(array('order', 'order2', 'order3'), sfConfig::get('app_list_default_order')); if (empty($default_npp)) { $default_npp = c2cTools::mobileVersion() ? sfConfig::get('app_list_mobile_maxline_number') : sfConfig::get('app_list_maxline_number'); } $npp = c2cTools::getRequestParameter('npp', $default_npp); if (!empty($max_npp)) { $npp = min($npp, $max_npp); } return self::buildSortCriteria($model, $orderby_list, $order_list, $npp, $mi); }
function format_book_data($books, $type, $main_id, $is_moderator = false) { $type_list = $type . '_list'; $module = 'books'; $main_module = c2cTools::Letter2Module(substr($type, 1, 1)); $strict = 1; $html = '<div class="association_content_inside_field">'; foreach ($books as $book) { $doc_id = $book['id']; $idstring = $type . '_' . $doc_id; $class = 'linked_elt'; $html .= '<div class="' . $class . '" id="' . $idstring . '">' . '<div class="assoc_img picto_' . $module . '" title="' . ucfirst(__($module)) . '"></div>'; $name = ucfirst($book['name']); $url = "@document_by_id_lang_slug?module={$module}&id={$doc_id}" . '&lang=' . $book['culture'] . '&slug=' . make_slug($book['name']); $html .= link_to($name, $url); if (isset($book['author']) && trim($book['author']) != '') { $html .= ' - ' . $book['author']; } if (isset($book['publication_date']) && trim($book['publication_date']) != '') { $html .= ' - ' . $book['publication_date']; } if ($is_moderator && $main_id && !c2cTools::mobileVersion()) { $html .= c2c_link_to_delete_element($type, $doc_id, $main_id, false, $strict); } $html .= '</div>'; } $html .= '</div>'; return $html; }
<?php $document = isset($document) ? $document : null; if ($sf_user->isConnected() && $document && !$document->get('geom_wkt') && !c2cTools::mobileVersion()) { if (!isset($message)) { $message = 'No geom info, please edit this document to add some'; } ?> <p class="default_text"><?php echo __($message); ?> </p> <?php }
public function executeManageimages() { if (!$this->getUser()->isConnected()) { $referer = $this->getRequest()->getReferer(); $this->setErrorAndRedirect('You need to login to access this page', $referer); } $user_id = $this->getUser()->getId(); // logged user id $this->pager = new c2cDoctrinePager('Image', c2cTools::mobileVersion() ? sfConfig::get('app_list_mobile_maxline_number') : sfConfig::get('app_list_maxline_number')); $q = $this->pager->getQuery(); $q->select(', i.filename, i.image_type,, ii.culture')->from('Image i')->leftJoin('i.associations a ON = a.linked_id')->leftJoin('i.ImageI18n ii')->leftJoin('i.versions v')->leftJoin('v.history_metadata hm'); $where = 'i.image_type = 2 AND v.version = 1 AND hm.user_id = ?'; $document_type = $this->getRequestParameter('dtyp'); if (!empty($document_type)) { if ($document_type <= 1) { $types = array('ai', 'mi', 'bi', 'hi', 'pi', 'ri', 'ti', 'si'); } else { $types = array('oi', 'ui'); } $where .= " AND a.type IN ( '" . implode("', '", $types) . "' )"; } else { $document_type = $this->getRequestParameter('ctyp'); if (!empty($document_type)) { $q->leftJoin('a.Article c'); if ($document_type <= 1) { $document_type = 1; } else { $document_type = 2; } $where .= " AND a.type = 'ci' AND c.article_type = {$document_type}"; } } $q->where($where, array($user_id)); $q->orderBy(' DESC'); $page = $this->getRequestParameter('page', 1); $this->pager->setPage($page); $this->pager->init(); $this->page = $page; if ($this->getRequest()->getMethod() == sfRequest::POST) { // images management $switch = $this->getRequestParameter('switch'); $lang = $this->getUser()->getCulture(); if (empty($switch)) { return $this->setNoticeAndRedirect('No image has been edited', "/users/manageimages?module=users&page={$page}"); } $conn = sfDoctrine::Connection(); $conn->beginTransaction(); $history_metadata = new HistoryMetadata(); $history_metadata->setComment('Switch to collaborative license'); $history_metadata->set('is_minor', true); $history_metadata->set('user_id', $user_id); $history_metadata->save(); foreach ($switch as $image_id) { // verify id corresponds to an image created by the user $img = Doctrine_Query::create()->select('')->from('Image i')->leftJoin('i.versions v')->leftJoin('v.history_metadata hm')->where('v.version = 1 AND hm.user_id = ? AND = ?', array($user_id, $image_id))->execute(); if (empty($img)) { $conn->rollback(); return $this->setNoticeAndRedirect('You do not have the right to change the license of theses images', "/users/manageimages?module=users&page={$page}"); } $db_doc = Document::find('Image', $image_id); $db_doc->set('image_type', 1); $db_doc->save(); // clear cache $this->clearCache('images', $image_id, false, 'view'); $associated_docs = Association::findAllAssociatedDocs($image_id, array('id', 'module')); foreach ($associated_docs as $doc) { // clear their view cache $this->clearCache($doc['module'], $doc['id'], false, 'view'); } } // apply modifications if everything went fine $conn->commit(); return $this->setNoticeAndRedirect('Your images have been successfully updated', "/users/manageimages?module=users&page={$page}"); } else { // display form $this->setPageTitle($this->__('User image management')); } }
<br /> <?php echo '<div class="orderform">' . __('Display'); $npp_options = options_for_select(array('10' => 10, '20' => 20, '30' => 30, '40' => 40, '50' => 50, '100' => 100), c2cTools::mobileVersion() ? 20 : 30); echo select_tag('npp', $npp_options); echo __('items per page'); $conf = 'mod_' . $sf_context->getModuleName() . '_sort_criteria'; $sort_fields = array_map('translate_sort_param', sfConfig::get($conf)); // First criteria of order if (!isset($orderby_default)) { $orderby_default = ''; } $orderby_options = options_for_select($sort_fields, $orderby_default, array('include_blank' => true)); echo select_tag('orderby', $orderby_options); if (!isset($order_default)) { $order_default = ''; } $order_options = options_for_select(array('asc' => __('ascending'), 'desc' => __('descending')), $order_default, array('include_blank' => true)); echo select_tag('order', $order_options); // Second criteria of order echo '<br />' . __('then by'); if (!empty($orderby_default)) { $orderby2_options = options_for_select($sort_fields, '', array('include_blank' => true)); } else { $orderby2_options = $orderby_options; } echo select_tag('orderby2', $orderby2_options); if (!empty($order_default)) { $order2_options = options_for_select(array('asc' => __('ascending'), 'desc' => __('descending')), '', array('include_blank' => true)); } else { $order2_options = $order_options;
<?php use_helper('Language'); $module = $sf_context->getModuleName(); if (!$document->isArchive()) { ?> <div class="switch_lang"> <div class="article_infos_titre"> <?php echo (c2cTools::mobileVersion() ? __('Switch lang short:') : __('Switch lang:')) . '</div>'; echo language_select_list($module, $document->get('id'), $document->getCulture(), $sf_data->getRaw('languages')); // instead of $languages: XSS protection deactivation ?> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if ($document->isAvailable()) { ?> <div class="article_contenu"> <?php $i18n_args = array('document' => $document, 'needs_translation' => isset($needs_translation) ? $needs_translation : false, 'images' => isset($images) ? $images : null); if (isset($filter_image_type)) { $i18n_args['filter_image_type'] = $filter_image_type; } if (isset($associated_books)) { $i18n_args['associated_books'] = $associated_books; $i18n_args['main_id'] = $document->get('id'); }
/** * Constructor of CaptchaBox. * Initializes foreground and background colors. * Initializes X & Y coordinates for image and box. * @access public */ function CaptchaBox() { $mobile_version = c2cTools::mobileVersion(); $this->boxX = $mobile_version ? 40 : 20; $this->boxY = $mobile_version ? 40 : 20; $this->background = array(255, 255, 255); $this->foreground = array(0, 0, 128); $this->boxPosX = $_SESSION["x"] ? $_SESSION["x"] : null; $this->boxPosY = $_SESSION["y"] ? $_SESSION["y"] : null; $this->imageX = $mobile_version ? 292 : 200; $this->imageY = 150; }
} catch (Exception $e) { $items = array(); } if (count($items) == 0) { ?> <p><?php echo __('No recent changes available'); ?> </p> <?php } else { ?> <ul class="docs_changes"> <?php $list_item = 0; $max_items = c2cTools::mobileVersion() ? sfConfig::get('app_recent_documents_latest_docs_mobile_limit') : 100; foreach ($items as $item) { ?> <?php if ($list_item > $max_items) { break; } // Add class to know if li is odd or even if ($list_item % 2 == 1) { ?> <li class="odd"> <?php } else { ?> <li class="even"> <?php
public static function do_videos($text, $show_videos = true) { if (stripos($text, '[/video]') !== false) { $mobile_version = c2cTools::mobileVersion(); $width = $mobile_version ? 310 : 400; $height = $mobile_version ? 232 : 300; $alternatif = '<strong>Flash plugin needed</strong>'; // first replace all [video] by [video $width,$height] // for mobile version, we force the dimensions $text = $mobile_version ? preg_replace('#\\[video( ([0-9]{2,4}),([0-9]{2,4}))?\\]#i', "[video {$width},{$height}]", $text) : preg_replace('#\\[video\\]#i', "[video {$width},{$height}]", $text); if ($show_videos) { $patterns = array('#\\[video( ([0-9]{2,4}),([0-9]{2,4}))?\\]https?:\\/\\/(www\\.)?youtube\\.com/watch\\?([=&\\w]+&)?v=([-\\w]+)(&.+)?(\\#.*)?\\[/video\\]#isU', '#\\[video( ([0-9]{2,4}),([0-9]{2,4}))?\\]https?:\\/\\/(www\\.)?youtu\\.be/([-\\w]+)(\\#.*)?\\[/video\\]#isU', '#\\[video( ([0-9]{2,4}),([0-9]{2,4}))?\\]https?://www\\.dailymotion\\.com/video/([\\da-zA-Z]+)_[-&;\\w]+(\\#.*)?\\[/video\\]#isU', '#\\[video( ([0-9]{2,4}),([0-9]{2,4}))?\\]https?://video\\.google\\.com/videoplay\\?docid=(\\d+)(\\#.*)?\\[/video\\]#isU', '#\\[video( ([0-9]{2,4}),([0-9]{2,4}))?\\]https?://(www\\.)?vimeo\\.com/(\\d+)(\\#.*)?\\[/video\\]#isU', '#\\[video( ([0-9]{2,4}),([0-9]{2,4}))?\\]https?://www\\.metacafe\\.com/watch/(\\d+/[_a-z]+)(/|\\.swf)(\\#.*)?\\[/video\\]#isU'); $replacements = array('<iframe class="video youtube-player" width="$2" height="$3" src="//$6"></iframe>', '<iframe class="video youtube-player" width="$2" height="$3" src="//$5"></iframe>', '<iframe class="video" width="$2" height="$3" src="//$4?theme=none&wmode=transparent"></iframe>', '<object class="video" width="$2" height="$3" data="$4"><param name="movie" value="$4" /><embed src="$4" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="$2" height="$3" /></object>', '<iframe class="video" src="//$5?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&color=ff9933" width="$2" height="$3"></iframe>', '<iframe class="video" src="$4/" width="$2" height="$3" allowFullScreen frameborder=0></iframe>'); } else { $patterns = array('#\\[video(.*?)\\](.*)\\[/video\\]\\n?#s'); $replacements = array(''); } $text = preg_replace($patterns, $replacements, $text); } return $text; }