Exemple #1
 function pageindex($inPath)
     $url = $this->getUrlParams($inPath);
     $page = $url['page'] ? (int) $url['page'] : 1;
     $categoryObj = new m_category();
     $this->params['catelist'] = $categoryObj->getOrderCate('    ');
     $condi = '';
     $goodsObj = new m_goods();
     if ($_POST) {
         $key = base_Utils::getStr($_POST['key'], 'html');
         $cat_id = (int) $_POST['cat_id'];
         $this->params['key'] = $key;
         $this->params['cat_id'] = $cat_id;
         $tableName = $goodsObj->tableName();
         if ($key) {
             $condi .= "{$tableName}.goods_name like '%{$key}%' or {$tableName}.goods_sn like '%{$key}%'";
         if ($cat_id) {
             $condi = $condi ? $condi . " and {$tableName}.cat_id = {$cat_id}" : "{$tableName}.cat_id = {$cat_id}";
     $rs = $goodsObj->getGoodsList($condi, $page);
     $this->params['goods'] = $rs->items;
     $this->params['pagebar'] = $this->PageBar($rs->totalSize, base_Constant::PAGE_SIZE, $page, $inPath);
     return $this->render('goods/index.html', $this->params);
Exemple #2
 function pagepurchase($inPath)
     $url = $this->getUrlParams($inPath);
     $goods_id = $url['gid'] ? (int) $url['gid'] : (int) $_POST['goods_id'];
     $url['ac'] = $url['ac'] ? $url['ac'] : "add";
     $purchaseObj = new m_purchase((int) $url['id']);
     switch ($url['ac']) {
         case "add":
             $goodsObj = base_mAPI::get("m_goods", $goods_id);
             if ($_POST) {
                 $goods_sn = base_Utils::getStr($_POST['goods_sn']);
                 $rs = $goodsObj->get("goods_sn = '{$goods_sn}'");
                 if (!$rs) {
                 $data['goods_id'] = $rs['goods_id'];
                 $data['goods_sn'] = $rs['goods_sn'];
                 $data['in_num'] = (double) $_POST['in_num'];
                 $data['in_price'] = (double) $_POST['in_price'];
                 if (!$data['in_num'] or !$data['in_price']) {
                 $data['content'] = base_Utils::getStr($_POST['content']);
                 if ($purchaseObj->create($data)) {
                     $this->ShowMsg("入库成功!", $this->createUrl("/purchase/index"), 2, 1);
                 $this->ShowMsg("入库出错!原因:" . $purchaseObj->getError());
             if ($url['id']) {
                 $this->params['goods'] = $purchaseObj->get();
             } else {
                 $this->params['goods'] = $goodsObj->get();
         case "del":
             if ($url['gid']) {
                 if ($purchaseObj->deleteOne($url['gid'])) {
                     $this->ShowMsg("删除成功!", $this->createUrl("/purchase/index"), 2, 1);
                 $this->ShowMsg("删除出错!原因:" . $purchaseObj->getError());
     $this->params['ac'] = $url['ac'];
     return $this->render('purchase/purchase.html', $this->params);
Exemple #3
  * 日志
  * @param int $goods_id
  * @param string $content
  * @param int $type 0添加商品 1入库 2出库
 function create($goods_id, $content, $type = 0)
     if (!goods_id or !$content) {
         $this->setError(0, "缺少必要参数");
         return false;
     $this->set("goods_id", $goods_id);
     $this->set("type", $type);
     $this->set("content", base_Utils::getStr($content));
     $this->set("user_id", $_COOKIE['admin_id']);
     $this->set("username", $_COOKIE['admin_name']);
     $this->set("dateymd", date("Y-m-d", $this->_time));
     $this->set("dateline", $this->_time);
     $res = $this->save();
     if ($res) {
         return $res;
     $this->setError(0, "保存数据失败:" . $this->getError());
     return false;
Exemple #4
 function pagesales($inPath)
     $ymd = date('Y-m-d', time());
     if ($_POST) {
         $purchaseObj = new m_purchase();
         $condi = '';
         $start = base_Utils::getStr($_POST['start']);
         $end = base_Utils::getStr($_POST['end']);
         if ($start) {
             $condi = "dateymd>={$start}";
             $condi .= $end ? " and dateymd<={$end}" : " and dateymd<={$ymd}";
         $this->params['title'] = "进货统计";
         $rs = $purchaseObj->select($condi, "dateymd,sum(in_num*in_price) as money", "group by dateymd")->items;
         $this->params['start'] = $start;
         $this->params['end'] = $end;
         $this->params['line'] = $this->linedata($rs);
     return $this->render('statistics/sales.html', $this->params);
Exemple #5
 function pagelog($inPath)
     $url = $this->getUrlParams($inPath);
     $page = $url['page'] ? (int) $url['page'] : 1;
     $type = (int) $url['type'];
     $ymd = date("Y-m-d", time());
     $condi = "type={$type}";
     if ($_POST) {
         $stime = base_Utils::getStr($_POST['stime']);
         $etime = base_Utils::getStr($_POST['etime']);
         if ($stime) {
             $etime = $etime ? $etime : $ymd;
             $condi .= " and dateymd between '{$stime}' and '{$etime}'";
     $logObj = new m_log();
     $rs = $logObj->select($condi, "", "", "order by log_id desc");
     $this->params['log'] = $rs->items;
     $this->params['stime'] = $stime;
     $this->params['etime'] = $etime;
     $this->params['type'] = $type;
     $this->params['pagebar'] = $this->PageBar($rs->totalSize, base_Constant::PAGE_SIZE, $page, $inPath);
     return $this->render('system/log.html', $this->params);
Exemple #6
  * 打印小票
  * @param array $inPath
 function pageprint($inPath)
     $url = $this->getUrlParams($inPath);
     $page = $url['page'] ? (int) $url['page'] : 1;
     $ymd = date("Y-m-d", time());
     $condi = '';
     if ($_POST) {
         $key = base_Utils::getStr($_POST['key']);
         $stime = base_Utils::getStr($_POST['stime']);
         $etime = base_Utils::getStr($_POST['etime']);
         if ($key) {
             $condi = "order_id ='{$key}' or goods_name like '%{$key}%' or realname like '%{$key}%' or membercardid ='{$key}'";
         if ($stime) {
             $etime = $etime ? $etime : $ymd;
             $condi = $condi ? $condi . " and" : "";
             $condi .= " dateymd between '{$stime}' and '{$etime}'";
     $saleObj = new m_sales();
     $rs = $saleObj->select($condi, "order_id,sum(price*num) as allprice,dateymd,sum(p_discount+m_discount) as discount,sum(refund_amount) as refund", "group by order_id", "order by sid desc");
     $this->params['sales'] = $rs->items;
     $this->params['key'] = $key;
     $this->params['stime'] = $stime;
     $this->params['etime'] = $etime;
     $this->params['pagebar'] = $this->PageBar($rs->totalSize, base_Constant::PAGE_SIZE, $page, $inPath);
     return $this->render('sales/print.html', $this->params);
Exemple #7
 function pageecshop($inPath)
     $url = $this->getUrlParams($inPath);
     $lastid = (int) $url['lastid'] ? (int) $url['lastid'] : 0;
     if ($_POST or $lastid > 0) {
         $pre = base_Utils::getStr($_REQUEST['pre']) ? base_Utils::getStr($_REQUEST['pre']) : $url['pre'];
         $num = (int) $_POST['num'] ? (int) $_POST['num'] : $url['num'];
         $ecshop = new m_plugins("ecshop");
         $categoryObj = new m_category();
         $goodsObj = new m_goods();
         $type = $_POST['type'] ? $_POST['type'] : $url['type'];
         if ($type == 1) {
             $table = $pre . "category";
             if ($lastid == 0) {
             $rs = $ecshop->_db->select($table, "cat_id>{$lastid}", "cat_id,cat_name,parent_id,sort_order,is_show", "order by cat_id asc")->items;
             if (is_array($rs[0])) {
                 foreach ($rs as $k) {
                     $itmes['cat_id'] = $k['cat_id'];
                     $itmes['cat_name'] = $k['cat_name'];
                     $itmes['pid'] = $k['parent_id'];
                     $itmes['sort'] = $k['sort_order'];
                     $itmes['is_show'] = $k['is_show'];
                     if (!$categoryObj->insert($itmes)) {
                         $this->showMsg('写入数据错误' . $categoryObj->getError());
                     $lastid = $k['cat_id'];
                 $this->showMsg("转换{$num}条完成!", $this->createUrl("/plugins/ecshop", array("lastid" => $lastid, "num" => $num, "type" => 1)) . "?pre={$pre}", 2, 1);
             } else {
                 $this->showMsg("转换完成", $this->createUrl("/plugins/ecshop"), 5, 1);
         } else {
             $table = $pre . "goods";
             if ($lastid == 0) {
                 $goodsObj->clearTable(array("goods", "member", "purchase", "sales", "log"));
             $rs = $ecshop->_db->select($table, "goods_id>{$lastid}", "", "order by goods_id asc")->items;
             if (is_array($rs[0])) {
                 $i = 0;
                 $j = 0;
                 foreach ($rs as $k) {
                     $itmes['cat_id'] = $k['cat_id'];
                     $itmes['goods_sn'] = $k['goods_sn'];
                     $itmes['goods_name'] = $k['goods_name'];
                     $itmes['market_price'] = $k['market_price'];
                     $itmes['out_price'] = $k['shop_price'];
                     $itmes['promote_price'] = $k['promote_price'];
                     $itmes['ispromote'] = $k['is_promote'];
                     $itmes['weight'] = $k['goods_weight'];
                     $itmes['unit'] = '';
                     $itmes['in_price'] = 0;
                     $itmes['ismemberprice'] = 1;
                     $itmes['promote_start_date'] = date("Y-m-d", $k['promote_start_date']);
                     $itmes['promote_end_date'] = date("Y-m-d", $k['promote_end_date']);
                     $itmes['warn_stock'] = $k['warn_number'];
                     $itmes['goods_desc'] = $k['goods_brief'];
                     if (!$goodsObj->create($itmes)) {
                     $lastid = $k['goods_id'];
                 $this->showMsg("共转换{$i}条数据,失败或者重复商品{$j}条!", $this->createUrl("/plugins/ecshop", array("lastid" => $lastid, "num" => $num, "type" => 2)) . "?pre={$pre}", 2, 1);
             } else {
                 $this->showMsg("转换商品完成", $this->createUrl("/plugins/ecshop"), 5, 1);
     $this->params['head_title'] = "Ecshop转换插件-" . $this->params['head_title'];
     return $this->render('plugins/ecshop/index.html', $this->params);