function ajaxregister()
		$lang = JFactory::getLanguage();
		$extension = 'com_users';
		$base_dir = JPATH_SITE;
		$language_tag = $lang->getTag();
		$reload = true;
		$lang->load($extension, $base_dir, $language_tag, $reload);
		$config = JFactory::getConfig();
		$db		= JFactory::getDbo();
		$params = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_users');
			// set message in here : Registration is disable
		$requestData ['name']= JRequest::getVar('name');
		$requestData ['username']= JRequest::getVar('username');
		$requestData ['password1']= JRequest::getVar('passwd1');
		$requestData ['password2']= JRequest::getVar('passwd2');
		$requestData ['email1']= JRequest::getVar('email1');
		$requestData ['email2']= JRequest::getVar('email2');
		if(JComponentHelper::getParams('com_users')->get('allowUserRegistration') == 0){
			// set message in here : Registration is disable
		// Initialise the table with JUser.
		$user = new JUser;
		// Merge in the registration data.
		foreach ($requestData as $k => $v) {
			$data[$k] = $v;

		// Prepare the data for the user object.
		$data['email']		= $data['email1'];
		$data['password']	= $data['password1'];
		$useractivation = $params->get ( 'useractivation' );
		// Check if the user needs to activate their account.
		if (($useractivation == 1) || ($useractivation == 2)) {
			$data ['activation'] = JApplication::getHash ( JUserHelper::genRandomPassword () );
			$data ['block'] = 1;
		$system	= $params->get('new_usertype', 2);
		$data['groups'] = array($system);
		// Bind the data.
		if (! $user->bind ( $data )) {
			awdwallController::ajaxResponse('$error$'.JText::sprintf ( 'COM_USERS_REGISTRATION_BIND_FAILED', $user->getError () ));
		// Load the users plugin group.

		// Store the data.
		if (!$user->save()) {
			awdwallController::ajaxResponse('$error$'.JText::sprintf('COM_USERS_REGISTRATION_SAVE_FAILED', $user->getError()));

		// Compile the notification mail values.
		$data = $user->getProperties();
		$data['fromname']	= $config->get('fromname');
		$data['mailfrom']	= $config->get('mailfrom');
		$data['sitename']	= $config->get('sitename');
		$data['siteurl']	= JURI::root();
		// Handle account activation/confirmation emails.
		if ($useractivation == 2)
			// Set the link to confirm the user email.					
			$data['activate'] = $data['siteurl'].'index.php?option=com_users&task=registration.activate&token='.$data['activation'];
			$emailSubject	= JText::sprintf(

			$emailBody = JText::sprintf(
		elseif ($useractivation == 1)
			// Set the link to activate the user account.						
			$data['activate'] = $data['siteurl'].'index.php?option=com_users&task=registration.activate&token='.$data['activation'];
			$emailSubject	= JText::sprintf(

			$emailBody = JText::sprintf(

		} else {

			$emailSubject	= JText::sprintf(

			$emailBody = JText::sprintf(

		// Send the registration email.
		$return = JFactory::getMailer()->sendMail($data['mailfrom'], $data['fromname'], $data['email'], $emailSubject, $emailBody);
		//Send Notification mail to administrators
		if (($params->get('useractivation') < 2) && ($params->get('mail_to_admin') == 1)) {
			$emailSubject = JText::sprintf(

			$emailBodyAdmin = JText::sprintf(

			// get all admin users
			$query = 'SELECT name, email, sendEmail' .
					' FROM #__users' .
					' WHERE sendEmail=1';

			$db->setQuery( $query );
			$rows = $db->loadObjectList();

			// Send mail to all superadministrators id
			foreach( $rows as $row )
				$return = JFactory::getMailer()->sendMail($data['mailfrom'], $data['fromname'], $row->email, $emailSubject, $emailBodyAdmin);

				// Check for an error.
				if ($return !== true) {
					return false;
		// Check for an error.
		if ($return !== true) {

			// Send a system message to administrators receiving system mails
			$db = JFactory::getDBO();
			$q = "SELECT id
				FROM #__users
				WHERE block = 0
				AND sendEmail = 1";
			$sendEmail = $db->loadColumn();
			if (count($sendEmail) > 0) {
				$jdate = new JDate();
				// Build the query to add the messages
				$q = "INSERT INTO ".$db->quoteName('#__messages')." (".$db->quoteName('user_id_from').
				", ".$db->quoteName('user_id_to').", ".$db->quoteName('date_time').
				", ".$db->quoteName('subject').", ".$db->quoteName('message').") VALUES ";
				$messages = array();

				foreach ($sendEmail as $userid) {
					$messages[] = "(".$userid.", ".$userid.", '".$jdate->toSql()."', '".JText::_('COM_USERS_MAIL_SEND_FAILURE_SUBJECT')."', '".JText::sprintf('COM_USERS_MAIL_SEND_FAILURE_BODY', $return, $data['username'])."')";
				$q .= implode(',', $messages);
			return false;
		if ($useractivation == 1)
			$return	= "useractivate";
		elseif ($useractivation == 2)
			$return	= "adminactivate";
			$return	= $user->id;
		if ($return === 'adminactivate'){
		} elseif ($return === 'useractivate') {
		} else {