  * Init the drawing of the component
 public function init(awDrawer $drawer)
     // Set component background
     $background = $this->getBackground();
     if ($background !== NULL) {
         $p1 = new awPoint(0, 0);
         $p2 = new awPoint($this->w - 1, $this->h - 1);
         if ($background instanceof awImage) {
             $drawer->copyImage($background, $p1, $p2);
         } else {
             $drawer->filledRectangle($background, new awLine($p1, $p2));
  * Draw the label
  * @param awDrawer $drawer
  * @param awPoint $p Label center
  * @param int $key Text position in the array of texts (default to zero)
 public function drawSpecial(awDrawer $drawer, awPoint $p, $key = 0, $theText)
     $theTextAW = new awText($theText);
     if ($key % $this->interval !== 0) {
     // Hide all labels
     if ($this->hide) {
     // Key is hidden
     if (array_key_exists($key, $this->hideKey)) {
     // Hide first label
     if ($key === 0 and $this->hideFirst) {
     // Hide last label
     if ($key === count($this->texts) - 1 and $this->hideLast) {
     $text = $theTextAW;
     if ($text !== NULL) {
         // Value must be hidden
         if (in_array($text->getText(), $this->hideValue)) {
         $x = $p->x;
         $y = $p->y;
         // Get padding
         list($left, $right, $top, $bottom) = $text->getPadding();
         $font = $text->getFont();
         $width = $font->getTextWidth($text);
         $height = $font->getTextHeight($text);
         switch ($this->hAlign) {
             case awLabel::RIGHT:
                 $x -= $width + $right;
             case awLabel::CENTER:
                 $x -= ($width - $left + $right) / 2;
             case awLabel::LEFT:
                 $x += $left;
         switch ($this->vAlign) {
             case awLabel::TOP:
                 $y -= $height + $bottom;
             case awLabel::MIDDLE:
                 $y -= ($height - $top + $bottom) / 2;
             case awLabel::BOTTOM:
                 $y += $top;
         $drawer->string($theTextAW, $this->move->move($x, $y));
 private function smoothFuture(awDrawer $drawer, awColor $color, $width, $height)
     if ($this->smooth) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < $this->size; $i++) {
             for ($j = 0; $j <= $i; $j++) {
                 $drawer->point($color, new awPoint($i, $this->size - $j - 1));
         for ($i = 0; $i < $this->size; $i++) {
             for ($j = 0; $j <= $i; $j++) {
                 $drawer->point($color, new awPoint($width - $this->size + $j, $height - $i - 1));
 public function drawComponent(awDrawer $drawer, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $aliasing)
     $count = count($this->datay);
     // Get start and stop values
     list($start, $stop) = $this->getLimit();
     // Build the polygon
     $polygon = new awPolygon();
     for ($key = 0; $key < $count; $key++) {
         $x = $this->datax[$key];
         $y = $this->datay[$key];
         if ($y !== NULL) {
             $p = awAxis::toPosition($this->xAxis, $this->yAxis, new awPoint($x, $y));
             $polygon->set($key, $p);
         } else {
             if ($this->linkNull === FALSE) {
                 $polygon->set($key, NULL);
     // Link points if needed
     if ($this->link) {
         $prev = NULL;
         foreach ($polygon->all() as $point) {
             if ($prev !== NULL and $point !== NULL) {
                 $drawer->line($this->lineColor, new awLine($prev, $point, $this->lineStyle, $this->lineThickness));
             $prev = $point;
     // Draw impulses
     if ($this->impulse instanceof awColor) {
         foreach ($polygon->all() as $key => $point) {
             if ($point !== NULL) {
                 $zero = awAxis::toPosition($this->xAxis, $this->yAxis, new awPoint($key, 0));
                 $drawer->line($this->impulse, new awLine($zero, $point, awLine::SOLID, 1));
     // Draw marks and labels
     foreach ($polygon->all() as $key => $point) {
         $this->mark->draw($drawer, $point);
         $this->label->draw($drawer, $point, $key);
 protected function line(awDrawer $drawer)
     $drawer->line($this->color, $this->line);
  * Draw border as an ellipse
  * @param awDrawer $drawer
  * @param awPoint $center Ellipse center
  * @param int $width Ellipse width
  * @param int $height Ellipse height
 public function ellipse(awDrawer $drawer, awPoint $center, $width, $height)
     // Border is hidden
     if ($this->hide) {
     switch ($this->style) {
         case awLine::SOLID:
             $drawer->ellipse($this->color, $center, $width, $height);
             trigger_error("Dashed and dotted borders and not yet implemented on ellipses", E_USER_ERROR);
 protected function drawTick(awDrawer $drawer, awPoint $p, $from, $to)
     //	echo $this->size.':'.$angle.'|<b>'.cos($angle).'</b>/';
     // The round avoid some errors in the calcul
     // For example, 12.00000008575245 becomes 12
     $p1 = $p;
     $p2 = $p;
     if ($from !== NULL) {
         $p1 = $p1->move(round($this->size * cos($from), 6), round($this->size * sin($from) * -1, 6));
     if ($to !== NULL) {
         $p2 = $p2->move(round($this->size * cos($to), 6), round($this->size * sin($to) * -1, 6));
     //echo $p1->x.':'.$p2->x.'('.$p1->y.':'.$p2->y.')'.'/';
     $vector = new awVector($p1, $p2);
     $drawer->line($this->color, $vector);
 public function drawComponent(awDrawer $drawer, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $aliasing)
     if ($this->lineMode === awLinePlot::MIDDLE) {
         $inc = $this->xAxis->getDistance(0, 1) / 2;
     } else {
         $inc = 0;
     $p1 = awAxis::toPosition($this->xAxis, $this->yAxis, new awPoint($this->lineStart, $this->lineValue));
     $p2 = awAxis::toPosition($this->xAxis, $this->yAxis, new awPoint($this->lineStop, $this->lineValue));
     $drawer->line($this->lineColor, new awLine($p1->move($inc, 0), $p2->move($inc, 0), $this->lineStyle, $this->lineThickness));
 private function drawGrid(awDrawer $drawer, awColor $color, $nx, $ny, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $type, $space, $hInterval, $vInterval)
     list($left, $right, $top, $bottom) = $space;
     $width = $x2 - $x1 - $left - $right;
     $height = $y2 - $y1 - $top - $bottom;
     foreach ($nx as $key => $n) {
         if ($key % $vInterval === 0) {
             $pos = (int) round($x1 + $left + $n * $width);
             $drawer->line($color, new awLine(new awPoint($pos, $y1), new awPoint($pos, $y2), $type));
     foreach ($ny as $key => $n) {
         if ($key % $hInterval === 0) {
             $pos = (int) round($y1 + $top + $n * $height);
             $drawer->line($color, new awLine(new awPoint($x1, $pos), new awPoint($x2, $pos), $type));
 public function draw(awDrawer $drawer)
     if ($this->hide) {
     $count = $this->count();
     // No legend to print
     if ($count === 0) {
     // Get text widths and heights of each element of the legend
     $widths = array();
     $heights = array();
     $texts = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
         list(, $title, ) = $this->legends[$i];
         $text = new awText($title, $this->textFont, $this->textColor, 0);
         $font = $text->getFont();
         $widths[$i] = $font->getTextWidth($text) + $this->textMargin->left + $this->textMargin->right;
         $heights[$i] = $font->getTextHeight($text);
         $texts[$i] = $text;
     // Maximum height of the font used
     $heightMax = array_max($heights);
     // Get number of columns
     if ($this->columns !== NULL) {
         $columns = $this->columns;
     } else {
         if ($this->rows !== NULL) {
             $columns = ceil($count / $this->rows);
         } else {
             $columns = $count;
     // Number of  rows
     $rows = (int) ceil($count / $columns);
     // Get maximum with of each column
     $widthMax = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
         // Get column width
         $column = $i % $columns;
         if (array_key_exists($column, $widthMax) === FALSE) {
             $widthMax[$column] = $widths[$i];
         } else {
             $widthMax[$column] = max($widthMax[$column], $widths[$i]);
     $width = $this->padding[0] + $this->padding[1] - $this->space;
     for ($i = 0; $i < $columns; $i++) {
         $width += $this->space + 5 + 10 + $widthMax[$i];
     $height = ($heightMax + $this->space) * $rows - $this->space + $this->padding[2] + $this->padding[3];
     // Look for legends position
     list($x, $y) = $drawer->getSize();
     $p = new awPoint($this->position->x * $x, $this->position->y * $y);
     switch ($this->hAlign) {
         case awLegend::CENTER:
             $p->x -= $width / 2;
         case awLegend::RIGHT:
             $p->x -= $width;
     switch ($this->vAlign) {
         case awLegend::MIDDLE:
             $p->y -= $height / 2;
         case awLegend::BOTTOM:
             $p->y -= $height;
     // Draw legend shadow
     $this->shadow->draw($drawer, $p, $p->move($width, $height), awShadow::OUT);
     // Draw legends base
     $this->drawBase($drawer, $p, $width, $height);
     // Draw each legend
     for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
         list($component, $title, $type) = $this->legends[$i];
         $column = $i % $columns;
         $row = (int) floor($i / $columns);
         // Get width of all previous columns
         $previousColumns = 0;
         for ($j = 0; $j < $column; $j++) {
             $previousColumns += $this->space + 10 + 5 + $widthMax[$j];
         // Draw legend text
         $drawer->string($texts[$i], $p->move($this->padding[0] + $previousColumns + 10 + 5 + $this->textMargin->left, $this->padding[2] + $row * ($heightMax + $this->space) + $heightMax / 2 - $heights[$i] / 2));
         // Draw legend icon
         switch ($type) {
             case awLegend::LINE:
             case awLegend::MARK:
             case awLegend::MARKONLY:
                 // Get vertical position
                 $x = $this->padding[0] + $previousColumns;
                 $y = $this->padding[2] + $row * ($heightMax + $this->space) + $heightMax / 2 - $component->getLegendLineThickness();
                 // Draw two lines
                 if ($component->getLegendLineColor() !== NULL) {
                     $color = $component->getLegendLineColor();
                     if ($color instanceof awColor and $type !== awLegend::MARKONLY) {
                         $drawer->line($color, new awLine($p->move($x, $y + $component->getLegendLineThickness() / 2), $p->move($x + 10, $y + $component->getLegendLineThickness() / 2), $component->getLegendLineStyle(), $component->getLegendLineThickness()));
                 if ($type === awLegend::MARK or $type === awLegend::MARKONLY) {
                     $mark = $component->getLegendMark();
                     if ($mark !== NULL) {
                         $mark->draw($drawer, $p->move($x + 5.5, $y + $component->getLegendLineThickness() / 2));
             case awLegend::BACKGROUND:
                 // Get vertical position
                 $x = $this->padding[0] + $previousColumns;
                 $y = $this->padding[2] + $row * ($heightMax + $this->space) + $heightMax / 2 - 5;
                 $from = $p->move($x, $y);
                 $to = $p->move($x + 10, $y + 10);
                 $background = $component->getLegendBackground();
                 if ($background !== NULL) {
                     $drawer->filledRectangle($component->getLegendBackground(), new awLine($from, $to));
                     // Draw rectangle border
                     $this->border->rectangle($drawer, $from->move(0, 0), $to->move(0, 0));
                 unset($background, $from, $to);
     // Draw legend text
     /*	$drawer->string(
     					$this->padding[0] + $previousColumns + 10 + 5 + $this->textMargin->left,
     					$this->padding[2] + $row * ($heightMax + $this->space) + $heightMax / 2 - $heights[$i] / 2
     $text1 = new awText('Weekly', new Tuffy(8), new Color(0, 0, 0, 0), 0);
     $text2 = new awText('Monthly', new Tuffy(8), new Color(0, 0, 0, 0), 0);
     $text3 = new awText('Yearly', new Tuffy(8), new Color(0, 0, 0, 0), 0);
     $point1 = new awPoint(412, 7);
     $point2 = new awPoint(412, 30);
     $point3 = new awPoint(412, 54);
     $drawer->string($text1, $point1);
     $drawer->string($text2, $point2);
     $drawer->string($text3, $point3);