  *Automatically load assests like fonts into your frontend
 public function load_shortcode_assets()
     $output = "";
     foreach (AviaBuilder::$resources_to_load as $element) {
         if ($element['type'] == 'iconfont') {
             $output .= avia_font_manager::load_font($element);
     echo $output;
  * The iconfont method renders a single icon-select element based on a font
  * @param array $element the array holds data like type, value, id, class, description which are necessary to render the whole option-section
  * @return string $output the string returned contains the html code generated within the method
 static function iconfont($element)
     $output = "";
     if (!empty($element['chars']) && is_array($element['chars'])) {
         $chars = $element['chars'];
     } else {
         $chars = avia_font_manager::load_charlist();
     //get either the passed font or the default font
     $std_font = isset($element['shortcode_data']['font']) ? $element['shortcode_data']['font'] : key(AviaBuilder::$default_iconfont);
     $output .= "<div class='avia_icon_select_container avia-attach-element-container'>";
     $run = 0;
     $active_font = "";
     foreach ($chars as $font => $charset) {
         if ($run === 1) {
             //if the el value is empty set it to the first char
             if (empty($element['std'])) {
                 $element['std'] = key($charset);
             $standard = avia_font_manager::get_display_char($element['std'], $std_font);
         $output .= "<div class='av-iconselect-heading'>Font: {$font}</div>";
         foreach ($charset as $key => $char) {
             $char = avia_font_manager::try_decode_icon($char);
             $charcode_prefix = "Charcode: \\";
             $active_char = "";
             if ($char == $standard && !empty($std_font) && $std_font == $font) {
                 $active_char = "avia-active-element";
                 $active_font = $font;
             $output .= "<span title='{$charcode_prefix}{$key}' data-element-nr='{$key}' data-element-font='{$font}' class='avia-attach-element-select avia_icon_preview avia-font-{$font} {$active_char}'>{$char}</span>";
     //default icon value
     $output .= self::hidden($element);
     //fake character value needed for backend editor
     $element['id'] = $element['id'] . "_fakeArg";
     $element['std'] = empty($standard) ? "" : $standard;
     $output .= self::hidden($element);
     //font value needed for backend and editor
     $element['id'] = "font";
     $element['std'] = $active_font;
     $element = self::ajax_modify_id($element);
     $output .= self::hidden($element);
     $output .= "</div>";
     return $output;
  *Automatically load assests like fonts into your frontend
 public function load_shortcode_assets()
     $output = "";
     $output .= avia_font_manager::load_font();
     /* if the builder is decoupled from the theme then make sure to only load iconfonts if they are actually necessary. in enfolds case it is
     			foreach(AviaBuilder::$resources_to_load as $element)
     				if($element['type'] == 'iconfont')
     					$output .= avia_font_manager::load_font();
     echo $output;
 static function get_char_from_fallback($key)
     $font = key(AviaBuilder::$default_iconfont);
     if (empty(self::$charlist_fallback)) {
         $config = AviaBuilder::$default_iconfont[$font];
         $chars = array();
         @(include $config['include'] . '/' . $config['compat']);
         self::$charlist_fallback = $chars;
     $key = $key - 1;
     $key = self::$charlist_fallback[$font][$key];
     return $key;