// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --> Additional definitions in (output after the styles defined here): // document->buildLayoutUpdate() // ----------------------- // -- STYLESHEETS // ----------------------- if (USE_MINIFIED) { $GLOBALS[SUBSITE]["stylesheets"]["all"][] = "min.css"; $GLOBALS[SUBSITE]["stylesheets"]["print"][] = "print.min.css"; } else { $GLOBALS[SUBSITE]["stylesheets"]["all"][] = "screen.css"; $GLOBALS[SUBSITE]["stylesheets"]["all"][] = "widget.css"; $GLOBALS[SUBSITE]["stylesheets"]["print"][] = "print.css"; } /* Load after 'screen.css' and 'widget.css' */ if (SHOW_MYMENU && auth::isAuthenticated() && !auth::isLogoutRequested()) { $GLOBALS[SUBSITE]["stylesheets"]["all"][] = "loginbar.css"; } if (SHOW_TEST_TABS) { $GLOBALS[SUBSITE]["stylesheets"]["all"][] = "margintabs.css"; } // ----------------------- // -- STYLESHEETS-CONDITIONAL // ----------------------- /* Keep for later editing $GLOBALS[SUBSITE]["stylesheets-conditional"]["lt IE 6"]["screen"][] = "hacks/msie5.css"; */ // ========================================================================= // ========================================================================= // -- COMMON SITE-WIDE SCRIPT FILES //
private function buildConfigOfPageUpdate() { // ----------------------------------------------------------- // -- (1) Update $this->configOfPage with menu configuration of current page // ----------------------------------------------------------- if (isset($this->allMenusArray[$this->pagePath])) { foreach ($this->allMenusArray[$this->pagePath] as $field => $value) { $this->setConfig($field, $value); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------- // -- (2) Massage some of the fields in $this->configOfPage // ----------------------------------------------------------- if (!$this->getConfig("requirelogin") && $this->getConfig("access")) { $this->setConfig("logintype", "link"); } // ----------------------- if ($this->getConfig("listincontext")) { $this->setConfig("notintopmenu", 1); } // ----------------------- // Login form should always be 'medwide' // ----------------------- if (auth::isLoginType("inline") && (!auth::isAuthenticated() || auth::isLogoutRequested() || !auth::isAccessGranted())) { $this->setConfig("wide", 0); $this->setConfig("medwide", 1); $this->setConfig("rightwide", 0); //$this->setConfig("nocolophon", 1); } // ----------------------- // Any kind of login form must have stylesheet 'loginform.css' // ----------------------- if ((auth::isLoginRequired() || auth::isLoginAllowed()) && (!auth::isAuthenticated() || auth::isLogoutRequested())) { $GLOBALS[SUBSITE]["stylesheets"]["all"][] = "loginform.css"; } // ----------------------- if (IS_ERRORPAGE) { $this->setConfig("title", "Oops! Something seems to have gone wrong..."); $this->setConfig("bodyid", "error"); } // if (IS_TESTSERVER) { // $this->setConfig("robots","noindex,nofollow,noodp,noydir"); // } //TODO: convert to current framework /* if ($this->getConfig("wide") ) { unset($GLOBALS["blocks"]["top"]); unset($GLOBALS["blocks"]["subtree"]); unset($GLOBALS["blocks"]["fixedimage"]); unset($GLOBALS["blocks"]["splashimage"]); unset($GLOBALS["blocks"]["sidebar"]); $GLOBALS["blocks"]["twotop"] = 1; } else if ($this->getConfig("medwide") ) { unset($GLOBALS["blocks"]["sidebar"]); } */ // For 'people/doorlabel' if (isset($_REQUEST["us"]) && count($_REQUEST["us"]) <= 4) { $this->setConfig("nobanner", 1); $this->setConfig("nobackground", 1); $this->setConfig("nocolophon", 1); $this->setConfig("nopagetitle", 1); } // ----------------------- if (isset($_REQUEST["eventlist_select"])) { $this->setConfig("url", functions::callMethod("event", "lib/event", "getEventListUrl")); } // ----------------------- if (isset($_REQUEST["statistics_preprints"])) { switch ($_REQUEST["preprints_type"]) { case "word": $this->setConfig("plaincss", 1); $this->setConfig("nomenu", 1); $this->setConfig("nocss", 1); $this->setConfig("nocolophon", 1); $this->setConfig("nobanner", 1); $this->setConfig("nosearch", 1); $this->setConfig("nopagetitle", 1); $this->setConfig("nobackground", 1); break; case "text": $this->setConfig("bodyid", "text"); break; } } // ----------------------- // If received data from login form, check authentication and redirect on success: // ----------------------- if ((isset($_REQUEST["auth_submitted"]) || isset($_SESSION["mypear_auth_attempted"])) && auth::checkLogin()) { $this->setConfig("url", $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]); } // ----------------------- // Possibly modify $this->configOfPage["bannertext"] // -- Initiated to "Nordic Institute <span class='only_online'><br></span>for // Theoretical Physics" in 'config_SUBSITE.php'. // -- NB that YB apps pages should be self-sufficient // ----------------------- // Legacy YB-style, with page title in banner box; probably no longer used if ($this->getConfig("titleinbanner") && !$this->getConfig("nopagetitle")) { $this->setConfig("bannertext", $this->getConfig("title")); } /* RESTORE if test tabs needed */ /* if (SHOW_TEST_TABS && IS_INDEXPAGE && isset($GLOBALS["frontselect"]) && ($GLOBALS["frontselect"]==10)) $this->setConfig("bannertext",""); */ // ----------------------- // Set $this->configOfPage["titletag"] // -- TITLE TAG IN <HEAD> // TITLE and TITLE_EXTENSION are defined in 'config.php' // ----------------------- $thetitle = ""; if (IS_ERRORPAGE) { $thetitle = TITLE . " - " . $this->httpstatus_sc . " " . $this->httpstatus_reason; } elseif (IS_INDEXPAGE) { $thetitle = TITLE . " - " . TITLE_EXTENSION; } elseif (!empty($_REQUEST["iid"])) { if (!isset($GLOBALS["newsClass"])) { if (!class_exists("fromdb_nwnews", FALSE)) { require_once PATH_CLASSES . "/fromdb/nwnews.php"; } $GLOBALS["newsClass"] = new fromdb_nwnews(); } $thearticle = $GLOBALS["newsClass"]->getIssue(NEWS_ANYISSUE, $_REQUEST["iid"]); $issue = !empty($thearticle["issue_year"]) && !empty($thearticle["issue_number"]) ? ". " . $thearticle["issue_year"] . ", Issue " . $thearticle["issue_number"] : ""; $thetitle = "Nordita Newsletter" . $issue . " - " . TITLE; } elseif (!empty($_REQUEST["u"])) { $userdata = functions::callMethod('people', 'lib/people', 'getPeopleArray'); $fullname = isset($userdata[$_REQUEST["u"]]) && !empty($userdata[$_REQUEST["u"]]["nw_fullname"]) ? $userdata[$_REQUEST["u"]]["nw_fullname"] . " - " : ""; $thetitle = $fullname . TITLE; } elseif ($this->getConfig("title")) { $thetitle = $this->getConfig("title") . " - " . TITLE; } elseif (!empty($_REQUEST["htmltitel"])) { $thetitle = $_REQUEST["htmltitel"] . " - " . TITLE; } $this->setConfig("titletag", $thetitle); /* RESTORE if test tabs needed */ /* if (SHOW_TEST_TABS && IS_INDEXPAGE && !empty($GLOBALS["frontselect"])) $this->setConfig("titletag","[" . $GLOBALS["frontselect"] . "] " . $this->getConfig("titletag")); */ }
public static function Btopmenu($id = "topmenu", $blockclass = "", $liclass = "") { $stdout = ""; if (IS_ENTRANCE) { return ""; } $work = $GLOBALS["documentClass"]->getMenuThisTop(); $txt = ""; foreach ($work as $subpage) { if (auth::isAccessGranted($subpage["access"])) { if (!empty($subpage)) { $txt .= " <li class='" . (!empty($liclass) ? $liclass . " " : "") . ($subpage["active"] && !empty($subpage["path"]) ? "expanded" : "collapsed") . ($subpage["path"] == PUBLICCRUMB ? " last " : "") . "'><a href='" . $subpage["url"] . "'>" . str_replace(TEST_PREFIX, "", str_replace(EXTERNAL_LINK, "", $subpage["title"])) . "</a></li>\r\n"; } } } /* RESTORE if test tabs needed */ /* if (SHOW_TEST_TABS && IS_INDEXPAGE && ($GLOBALS["frontselect"]==10)) $txt = " <li style='float:none;height:auto;margin:0px;padding:2px 15px 0px 65px;text-decoration:none;font-size:1.4em;font-weight:normal;font-family:\"Baskerville\",\"Times\",\"Times New Roman\",serif;letter-spacing:0.2em;'>The Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics</li>\r\n"; */ $stdout = " <div id='block-" . $id . "'" . (!empty($blockclass) ? " class='" . $blockclass . "'" : "") . ">\r\n" . " <ul>\r\n" . ($GLOBALS["documentClass"]->getConfig("requirelogin") && (!auth::isAuthenticated() || auth::isLogoutRequested()) ? "" : $txt) . " </ul>\r\n" . " </div> <!-- " . $id . " -->\r\n" . "\r\n"; return $stdout; }