  * Updates the cart contents.
 function onAction()
     global $application;
     $request = $application->getInstance('Request');
     if (!modApiFunc('Customer_Account', 'getCurrentSignedCustomer')) {
     $email = trim($request->getValueByKey('wl_send_email'));
     $validator =& $application->getInstance('CAValidator');
     if ($validator->isValid('email', $email)) {
         $mail = new ascHtmlMimeMail();
         $mail->setSubject(getMsg('CZ', 'WL_SEND_WISHLIST_SUBJECT'));
         $mail->setFrom(modApiFunc('Notifications', 'getExtendedEmail', '', 'EMAIL_STORE_OWNER', true));
         modApiFunc('Session', 'set', 'WishlistResultMessage', getMsg('CZ', 'WL_WISHLIST_SENT'));
     } else {
         modApiFunc('Session', 'set', 'WishlistErrorMessage', getMsg('CZ', 'WL_INCORRECT_EMAIL_SPECIFIED'));
     $request = new Request();
  * Sends a report to each of the recipient.
 function asc_send($subj, $body, $to_address)
     $mail = new ascHtmlMimeMail();
  * Prepares a letter to a user about changing his password.
  * @ paste e-mail addresses from config
 function letterAboutNewPassword($email, $password)
     $email_text = modApiFunc('TmplFiller', 'fill', "./../letters/", "new_admin_password.tpl.txt", array("Email" => $email, "Password" => $password));
     $email_subj = modApiFunc('TmplFiller', 'fill', "./../letters/", "new_admin_password_subj.tpl.txt", array());
     $mail = new ascHtmlMimeMail();
     $from_email = modApiFunc("Configuration", "getValue", SYSCONFIG_STORE_OWNER_EMAIL);
     if (!$this->isValidEmail($from_email)) {
         $admin_info = $this->getAcountInfoById(1);
         $from_email = isset($admin_info[0]["email"]) ? $admin_info[0]["email"] : "";
         if (!$this->isValidEmail($from_email)) {
             $from_email = "Avactis Shopping Cart Software";
     $from = $from_email;
     return $mail->send(array($email));
 function SendMailToAdmin()
     $value = "";
     $Nvalue = "";
     $Mod = modApiFunc('SecureStore', 'checkSessionForModifiedFile');
     $New = modApiFunc('SecureStore', 'checkSessionForNewlyAddedFile');
     $Msg = getMsg('SS', 'FIND_UPDATE_NO_RESULT_MSG');
     $NewA = getMsg('SS', 'NEWLY_ADDED_FILE');
     $NewM = getMsg('SS', 'MODIFIED_FILE');
     if ($Mod !== $Msg) {
         $value = $NewM . "<br/><br/>" . $Mod;
     if ($New !== $Msg) {
         $Nvalue = "<br/><br/>" . $NewA . "<br/><br/>" . $New;
     if ($value !== "" || $Nvalue !== "") {
         $Mail_Body = $value . $Nvalue;
         $email = modApiFunc('Configuration', 'getValue', SYSCONFIG_STORE_OWNER_SITE_ADMINISTRATOR_EMAIL);
         $mail = new ascHtmlMimeMail();
         $mail->setSubject(getMsg('SS', 'SS_SEND_FILES_DETAILS_SUBJECT'));
         $mail->setFrom(modApiFunc('Notifications', 'getExtendedEmail', $email, 'EMAIL_STORE_OWNER', true));
         if (!$mail->send(array($email))) {
             CTrace::wrn('Mailer error: ' . $mail->ErrorInfo);
         } else {
             CTrace::inf('Mail has been sent for file changes in last days');
         $tl_type = getMsg('NTFCTN', 'NTFCTN_TL_TYPE');
         $to = $email;
         $subj = getMsg('SS', 'SS_SEND_FILES_DETAILS_SUBJECT');
         $tl_header = getMsg('SS', 'SS_SEND_FILES_DETAILS_SUBJECT');
         $tl_body = $Mail_Body;
         modApiFunc('Timeline', 'addLog', $tl_type, $tl_header, $tl_body);
         $Msg = getMsg('SS', 'MAIL_SENT');
         modApiFunc('Session', 'set', 'MailSendResultMessage', $Msg);
     } else {
         $Msg = getMsg('SS', 'ERROR_TO_SEND_MAIL');
         modApiFunc('Session', 'set', 'MailSendResultMessage', $Msg);
     modApiFunc('Session', 'set', 'ModifiedFileResult', "");
     modApiFunc('Session', 'set', 'NewlyAddedFileResult', "");
  * @
 function onAction()
     global $application;
     $request = $application->getInstance('Request');
     $subaction = $request->getValueByKey("asc_subaction");
     if ($subaction != 'update' && $subaction != 'send') {
         $subaction = 'update';
     if ($subaction == 'update') {
         $messages["ERRORS"] = array();
         $messages["MESSAGES"] = array();
         $type = intval($request->getValueByKey("mail_type_select"));
         $host = trim($request->getValueByKey("mail_host"));
         $port = trim($request->getValueByKey("mail_port"));
         $auth = $request->getValueByKey("mail_auth");
         $user = trim($request->getValueByKey("mail_user"));
         $pass = trim($request->getValueByKey("mail_pass"));
         $SessionPost = $_POST;
         if ($type == 2) {
             if (_ml_strlen($host) == 0) {
                 $messages["ERRORS"][] = 'MAIL_SETTINGS_WARNING_HOST';
             if (_ml_strlen($port) == 0) {
                 $messages["ERRORS"][] = 'MAIL_SETTINGS_WARNING_PORT';
             if ($auth == "on") {
                 if (_ml_strlen($user) == 0) {
                     $messages["ERRORS"][] = 'MAIL_SETTINGS_WARNING_USER';
                 if (_ml_strlen($pass) == 0) {
                     $messages["ERRORS"][] = 'MAIL_SETTINGS_WARNING_PASS';
         if (sizeof($messages["ERRORS"])) {
             modApiFunc('Session', 'set', 'ResultMessage', $messages);
         } else {
             $values = array("MAIL_TYPE" => $type, "MAIL_HOST" => $host, "MAIL_PORT" => $port, "MAIL_AUTH" => $auth == "on" ? 1 : 0, "MAIL_USER" => $user, "MAIL_PASS" => $pass);
             modApiFunc('Configuration', 'setMailSettings', $values);
             $messages["MESSAGES"][] = 'MSG_MAIL_SETTINGS_UPDATED';
             modApiFunc('Session', 'set', 'ResultMessage', $messages);
     } else {
         $body = modApiFunc("Configuration", "getMailSettings");
         if ($body["MAIL_TYPE"] == 1) {
             $body = array("MAIL_TYPE" => getMsg("SYS", "MAIL_SETTINGS_SERVER_DEFAULTS"));
         } else {
             $body["MAIL_TYPE"] = getMsg("SYS", "MAIL_SETTINGS_SPECIFIC_SETTINGS");
             if ($body["MAIL_AUTH"] == 0) {
                 $body["MAIL_AUTH"] = "No";
             } else {
                 $body["MAIL_AUTH"] = "Yes";
         $from_address = modApiFunc("Configuration", "getValue", SYSCONFIG_STORE_OWNER_SITE_ADMINISTRATOR_EMAIL);
         $subject = getMsg("SYS", "MAIL_SETTINGS_AVACTIS_TEST_MAIL_SUBJECT");
         $body = getMsg("SYS", "MAIL_SETTINGS_AVACTIS_TEST_MAIL_BODY") . "\n\n" . print_r($body, true);
         $mail = new ascHtmlMimeMail();
         $to = trim($request->getValueByKey("mail_subject"));
         $rlt = $mail->send(array($to));
         if ($rlt) {
             $messages["MESSAGES"][] = 'MSG_MAIL_SENT';
         } else {
             $messages["ERRORS"][] = 'MAIL_NOT_SENT';
         modApiFunc('Session', 'set', 'ResultMessage', $messages);
     $request = new Request();
  * Sends a notification to each of the receiver.
 function send()
     if (!$this->haveToSend) {
     if (Configuration::getSupportMode(ASC_S_NOTIFICATIONS)) {
     // getting the recipients and languages
     $to = $this->getMLSendTo();
     // adding third party emails to "To" array
     if (isset($this->thirdparty_emails) && is_array($this->thirdparty_emails) && !empty($this->thirdparty_emails)) {
         foreach ($this->thirdparty_emails as $i => $email) {
             $to[] = $email;
     // saving the current languages
     $cur_lng = modApiFunc('MultiLang', 'getLanguage');
     $cur_res_lng = modApiFunc('MultiLang', 'getResourceLanguage');
     // processing the recipients
     foreach ($to as $address) {
         // skipping invalid records (paranoidal check)
         if (!isset($address[0]) || !$address[0]) {
         // setting the language for the current notification
         modApiFunc('MultiLang', 'setLanguage', @$address[1]);
         modApiFunc('MultiLang', 'setResourceLanguage', @$address[1]);
         $format = modApiFunc('Settings', 'getParamValue', 'EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_SETTINGS', 'EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_FORMAT');
         // there were some problems with Unix <-> Windows linefeeds
         // so we make it all Windows style
         $this->EmailText = str_replace("\n", "\r\n", str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $this->EmailText));
         $mail = new ascHtmlMimeMail();
         if ($format == "HTML") {
         } else {
         $from = $this->getSendFrom();
         //          $mail->setCc($from);
         $this->addEmailToTimeline($address[0], $mail->send(array($address[0])), @$address[1]);
     // restoting the languages
     modApiFunc('MultiLang', 'setLanguage', $cur_lng);
     modApiFunc('MultiLang', 'setResourceLanguage', $cur_res_lng);