function list_action() { $this->view->page=front::get('page') ?front::get('page') : 1; $this->pagesize=config::get('list_pagesize'); $limit=(($this->view->page -1) * $this->pagesize).','.$this->pagesize; $area=new area(); $where='1'; if (front::get('province_id')) $where.=' and id='.front::get('province_id'); if (front::get('city_id')) $where.=' and id='.front::get('city_id'); if (front::get('section_id')) $where.=' and id='.front::get('section_id'); if (front::get('id')) $where.=' and id='.front::get('id'); $this->view->area=$area->getrow($where); $archive=new archive(); $where='1'; if (front::get('province_id')) $where.=' and province_id='.front::get('province_id'); if (front::get('city_id')) $where.=' and city_id='.front::get('city_id'); if (front::get('section_id')) $where.=' and section_id='.front::get('section_id'); if (front::get('id')) $where.=' and section_id='.front::get('id').' or city_id='.front::get('id').' or province_id='.front::get('id'); $archives=$archive->getrows($where,$limit,'listorder,aid desc'); foreach ($archives as $order=>$arc) { $archives[$order]['url']=archive::url($arc); $archives[$order]['catname']=category::name($arc['catid']); $archives[$order]['caturl']=category::url($arc['catid']); $archives[$order]['adddate']=sdate($arc['adddate']); $archives[$order]['stitle']=strip_tags($arc['title']); } $this->view->pages=true; if(front::get('id')!='') { $this->view->areaid=front::get('id'); }elseif(front::get('province_id')!='') { $this->view->areaid=front::get('province_id'); }elseif(front::get('city_id')!='') { $this->view->areaid=front::get('city_id'); }elseif(front::get('section_id')!='') { $this->view->areaid=front::get('section_id'); } $this->view->archive['title'] = area::name($this->view->areaid); $this->view->archives=$archives; $this->view->record_count=$archive->rec_count($where); front::$record_count=$this->view->record_count; if (front::get('t') == 'wap') { $this->out('wap/area_list.html'); return; } $this->render(); }
/** * @brief查看订单 */ public function order_show() { //获得post传来的值 $order_id = IFilter::act(IReq::get('id'), 'int'); $data = array(); if ($order_id) { $order_show = new Order_Class(); $data = $order_show->getOrderShow($order_id); if ($data) { //获得折扣前的价格 $rule = new ProRule($data['real_amount']); $this->result = $rule->getInfo(); //获取地区 $data['area_addr'] = join(' ', area::name($data['province'], $data['city'], $data['area'])); $this->setRenderData($data); $this->redirect('order_show', false); } } if (!$data) { $this->redirect('order_list'); } }
public function getTakeselfList() { $id = IFilter::act(IReq::get('id'), 'int'); $type = IFilter::act(IReq::get('type')); $takeselfObj = new IQuery('takeself'); switch ($type) { case "province": $where = "province = " . $id; $takeselfObj->group = 'city'; break; case "city": $where = "city = " . $id; $takeselfObj->group = 'area'; break; case "area": $where = "area = " . $id; break; } $takeselfObj->where = $where; $takeselfList = $takeselfObj->find(); foreach ($takeselfList as $key => $val) { $temp = area::name($val['province'], $val['city'], $val['area']); $takeselfList[$key]['province_str'] = $temp[$val['province']]; $takeselfList[$key]['city_str'] = $temp[$val['city']]; $takeselfList[$key]['area_str'] = $temp[$val['area']]; } die(JSON::encode($takeselfList)); }
public function conver($expressConfig, $order_id, $seller_id = 0) { $resultArray = array(); //函数返回数据 $wholeData = array(); //实际的数据 //获取订单信息 $id = intval($order_id); $orderObj = new IModel('order'); $orderRow = $orderObj->getObj('id = ' . $id . ' and seller_id = ' . $seller_id); if (empty($orderRow)) { return null; } //获取发货地址信息 $shipInfoObj = new IModel('merch_ship_info'); $shipList = $shipInfoObj->query('is_del = 1 and seller_id = ' . $seller_id, '*', 'is_default', 'desc', '1'); if (empty($shipList)) { $shipRow = array('ship_user_name' => '', 'address' => '', 'telphone' => '', 'mobile' => '', 'postcode' => '', 'province' => '', 'city' => '', 'area' => ''); } else { $shipRow = $shipList[0]; } //获取订单总重量和总数量 $orderGoodsObj = new IModel('order_goods'); $orderTotal = $orderGoodsObj->getObj('order_id = ' . $id, 'SUM(goods_nums) as num_total,SUM(goods_weight * goods_nums) as weight_total'); /*拼接实际数据 $wholeData*/ //查询area地域数据 $areaData = area::name($orderRow['province'], $orderRow['city'], $orderRow['area'], $shipRow['province'], $shipRow['city'], $shipRow['area']); //获取site_config配置信息 $site_config = new Config('site_config'); $site_config = $site_config->getInfo(); $wholeData['ship_name'] = $orderRow['accept_name']; $wholeData['ship_area_0'] = isset($areaData[$orderRow['province']]) ? $areaData[$orderRow['province']] : ''; $wholeData['ship_area_1'] = isset($areaData[$orderRow['city']]) ? $areaData[$orderRow['city']] : ''; $wholeData['ship_area_2'] = isset($areaData[$orderRow['area']]) ? $areaData[$orderRow['area']] : ''; $wholeData['ship_addr'] = $orderRow['address']; $wholeData['ship_tel'] = $orderRow['telphone']; $wholeData['ship_mobile'] = $orderRow['mobile']; $wholeData['ship_zip'] = $orderRow['postcode']; $wholeData['ship_detail_addr'] = $wholeData['ship_area_0'] . $wholeData['ship_area_1'] . $wholeData['ship_area_2'] . $orderRow['address']; $wholeData['dly_name'] = $shipRow['ship_user_name']; $wholeData['dly_area_0'] = isset($areaData[$shipRow['province']]) ? $areaData[$shipRow['province']] : ''; $wholeData['dly_area_1'] = isset($areaData[$shipRow['city']]) ? $areaData[$shipRow['city']] : ''; $wholeData['dly_area_2'] = isset($areaData[$shipRow['area']]) ? $areaData[$shipRow['area']] : ''; $wholeData['dly_address'] = $shipRow['address']; $wholeData['dly_tel'] = $shipRow['telphone']; $wholeData['dly_mobile'] = $shipRow['mobile']; $wholeData['dly_zip'] = $shipRow['postcode']; $wholeData['date_y'] = date('Y'); $wholeData['date_m'] = date('m'); $wholeData['date_d'] = date('d'); $wholeData['order_id'] = $orderRow['order_no']; $wholeData['order_price'] = $orderRow['order_amount']; $wholeData['order_weight'] = isset($orderTotal['weight_total']) ? $orderTotal['weight_total'] : ''; $wholeData['order_count'] = isset($orderTotal['num_total']) ? $orderTotal['num_total'] : ''; $wholeData['order_memo'] = $orderRow['note']; $wholeData['ship_time'] = $orderRow['accept_time']; $wholeData['shop_name'] = isset($site_config['name']) ? $site_config['name'] : ''; $wholeData['tick'] = '√'; //进行数据替换 foreach ($expressConfig as $key => $val) { $item_tmp = JSON::decode($val); $item_tmp['typeText'] = isset($wholeData[$item_tmp['typeId']]) ? $wholeData[$item_tmp['typeId']] : ''; $resultArray[] = JSON::encode($item_tmp); } return $resultArray; }
function address_add() { $accept_name = IFilter::act(IReq::get('accept_name')); $province = IFilter::act(IReq::get('province'), 'int'); $city = IFilter::act(IReq::get('city'), 'int'); $area = IFilter::act(IReq::get('area'), 'int'); $address = IFilter::act(IReq::get('address')); $zip = IFilter::act(IReq::get('zip')); $telphone = IFilter::act(IReq::get('telphone')); $mobile = IFilter::act(IReq::get('mobile')); $user_id = $this->user['user_id']; if (!$user_id) { die(JSON::encode(array('data' => null))); } //整合的数据,检查数据库中是否存在此收货地址 $sqlData = array('user_id' => $user_id, 'accept_name' => $accept_name, 'zip' => $zip, 'telphone' => $telphone, 'province' => $province, 'city' => $city, 'area' => $area, 'address' => $address, 'mobile' => $mobile); $sqlArray = array(); foreach ($sqlData as $key => $val) { $sqlArray[] = $key . '="' . $val . '"'; } $model = new IModel('address'); $addressRow = $model->getObj(join(' and ', $sqlArray)); if ($addressRow) { $result = array('data' => null); } else { //获取地区text $areaList = area::name($province, $city, $area); //执行insert $model->setData($sqlData); $id = $model->add(); $sqlData['id'] = $id; $sqlData['province_val'] = $areaList[$province]; $sqlData['city_val'] = $areaList[$city]; $sqlData['area_val'] = $areaList[$area]; $result = array('data' => $sqlData); } die(JSON::encode($result)); }
<?php if (isset($seller)) { ?> <li>店主:<a class="orange" href="<?php echo IUrl::creatUrl("/site/home/id/" . $seller_id . ""); ?> "><?php echo isset($seller['true_name']) ? $seller['true_name'] : ""; ?> </a></li> <li>联系电话:<?php echo isset($seller['phone']) ? $seller['phone'] : ""; ?> </li> <li>所在地:<?php echo join(' ', area::name($seller['province'], $seller['city'], $seller['area'])); ?> </li> <li><strong> 该商品为平台店主销售并发货的商品,由店主收款并提供相应的售后服务。请您放心购买!</strong></li> <?php } ?> <!--商家信息 结束--> </ul> <!--配送方式的模板--> <script type='text/html' id='deliveInfoTemplate'> <%if(if_delivery == 0){%> <%=name%>:<b class="orange"><%=price%></b>(<%=description%>) <%}else{%>
/** * @brief 我的地址 */ public function address() { //取得自己的地址 $query = new IQuery('address'); $query->where = 'user_id = ' . $this->user['user_id']; $address = $query->find(); $areas = array(); if ($address) { foreach ($address as $ad) { $temp = area::name($ad['province'], $ad['city'], $ad['area'], $ad['school']); $areas[$ad['province']] = $temp[$ad['province']]; $areas[$ad['city']] = $temp[$ad['city']]; $areas[$ad['area']] = $temp[$ad['area']]; $areas[$ad['school']] = $temp[$ad['school']]; } } $this->areas = $areas; $this->address = $address; $this->redirect('address'); }
public function merge_template() { $this->layout = 'print'; $order_id = IFilter::act(IReq::get('id'), 'int'); $seller_id = IFilter::act(IReq::get('seller_id'), 'int'); $tb_order = new IModel('order'); $data = $tb_order->getObj('id=' . $order_id); if ($seller_id) { $sellerObj = new IModel('seller'); $config_info = $sellerObj->getObj('id = ' . $seller_id); $data['set']['name'] = isset($config_info['true_name']) ? $config_info['true_name'] : ''; $data['set']['phone'] = isset($config_info['phone']) ? $config_info['phone'] : ''; $data['set']['email'] = isset($config_info['email']) ? $config_info['email'] : ''; $data['set']['url'] = isset($config_info['home_url']) ? $config_info['home_url'] : ''; } else { $config = new Config("site_config"); $config_info = $config->getInfo(); $data['set']['name'] = isset($config_info['name']) ? $config_info['name'] : ''; $data['set']['phone'] = isset($config_info['phone']) ? $config_info['phone'] : ''; $data['set']['email'] = isset($config_info['email']) ? $config_info['email'] : ''; $data['set']['url'] = isset($config_info['url']) ? $config_info['url'] : ''; } //获取地区 $data['address'] = join(' ', area::name($data['province'], $data['city'], $data['area'])) . " " . $data['address']; $data['seller_id'] = $seller_id; $this->setRenderData($data); $this->redirect("merge_template"); }
/** * 获取订单基本信息 * @param $orderIdString string 订单ID序列 * @param $seller_id int 商家ID */ public function getOrderInfo($orderIdString, $seller_id = 0) { $orderObj = new IModel('order'); $areaIdArray = array(); $orderList = $orderObj->query('id in (' . $orderIdString . ') and seller_id = ' . $seller_id); if (!$orderList) { IError::show(403, "无查阅订单权限"); } foreach ($orderList as $key => $val) { $temp = area::name($val['province'], $val['city'], $val['area']); $orderList[$key]['province_str'] = $temp[$val['province']]; $orderList[$key]['city_str'] = $temp[$val['city']]; $orderList[$key]['area_str'] = $temp[$val['area']]; } return $orderList; }
public function order_report() { //搜索条件 $search = IFilter::act(IReq::get('search'), 'strict'); //条件筛选处理 list($join, $where) = order_class::getSearchCondition($search); //拼接sql $orderHandle = new IQuery('order as o'); $orderHandle->order = " desc"; $orderHandle->fields = "o.*, as distribute_name,u.username, as payment_name"; $orderHandle->join = $join; $orderHandle->where = $where; $orderList = $orderHandle->find(); $strTable = '<table width="500" border="1">'; $strTable .= '<tr>'; $strTable .= '<td style="text-align:center;font-size:12px;width:120px;">订单编号</td>'; $strTable .= '<td style="text-align:center;font-size:12px;" width="100">日期</td>'; $strTable .= '<td style="text-align:center;font-size:12px;" width="*">收货人</td>'; $strTable .= '<td style="text-align:center;font-size:12px;" width="*">收货地址</td>'; $strTable .= '<td style="text-align:center;font-size:12px;" width="*">电话</td>'; $strTable .= '<td style="text-align:center;font-size:12px;" width="*">订单金额</td>'; $strTable .= '<td style="text-align:center;font-size:12px;" width="*">实际支付</td>'; $strTable .= '<td style="text-align:center;font-size:12px;" width="*">支付方式</td>'; $strTable .= '<td style="text-align:center;font-size:12px;" width="*">支付状态</td>'; $strTable .= '<td style="text-align:center;font-size:12px;" width="*">发货状态</td>'; $strTable .= '<td style="text-align:center;font-size:12px;" width="*">商品信息</td>'; $strTable .= '</tr>'; foreach ($orderList as $k => $val) { $strTable .= '<tr>'; $strTable .= '<td style="text-align:center;font-size:12px;"> ' . $val['order_no'] . '</td>'; $strTable .= '<td style="text-align:left;font-size:12px;">' . $val['create_time'] . ' </td>'; $strTable .= '<td style="text-align:left;font-size:12px;">' . $val['accept_name'] . ' </td>'; $strTable .= '<td style="text-align:left;font-size:12px;">' . join(' ', area::name($val['province'], $val['city'], $val['area'])) . $val['address'] . ' </td>'; $strTable .= '<td style="text-align:left;font-size:12px;"> ' . $val['telphone'] . ' ' . $val['mobile'] . ' </td>'; $strTable .= '<td style="text-align:left;font-size:12px;">' . $val['payable_amount'] . ' </td>'; $strTable .= '<td style="text-align:left;font-size:12px;">' . $val['real_amount'] . ' </td>'; $strTable .= '<td style="text-align:left;font-size:12px;">' . $val['payment_name'] . ' </td>'; $strTable .= '<td style="text-align:left;font-size:12px;">' . Order_Class::getOrderPayStatusText($val) . ' </td>'; $strTable .= '<td style="text-align:left;font-size:12px;">' . Order_Class::getOrderDistributionStatusText($val) . ' </td>'; $orderGoods = Order_class::getOrderGoods($val['id']); $strGoods = ""; foreach ($orderGoods as $good) { $strGoods .= "商品编号:" . $good->goodsno . " 商品名称:" . $good->name; if ($good->value != '') { $strGoods .= " 规格:" . $good->value; } $strGoods .= "<br />"; } unset($orderGoods); $strTable .= '<td style="text-align:left;font-size:12px;">' . $strGoods . ' </td>'; $strTable .= '</tr>'; } $strTable .= '</table>'; unset($orderList); $reportObj = new report(); $reportObj->setFileName('order'); $reportObj->toDownload($strTable); exit; }
/** * 获取订单基本信息 * @param $orderIdString string 订单ID序列 */ public function getOrderInfo($orderIdString) { $orderObj = new IModel('order'); $areaIdArray = array(); $orderList = $orderObj->query('id in (' . $orderIdString . ')'); foreach ($orderList as $key => $val) { $temp = area::name($val['province'], $val['city'], $val['area']); $orderList[$key]['province_str'] = $temp[$val['province']]; $orderList[$key]['city_str'] = $temp[$val['city']]; $orderList[$key]['area_str'] = $temp[$val['area']]; } return $orderList; }
/** * @brief查看订单 */ public function order_show() { //获得post传来的值 $order_id = IFilter::act(IReq::get('id'), 'int'); $data = array(); if ($order_id) { $order_show = new Order_Class(); $data = $order_show->getOrderShow($order_id, 0, $this->seller['seller_id']); if ($data) { //获取地区 $data['area_addr'] = join(' ', area::name($data['province'], $data['city'], $data['area'])); $this->setRenderData($data); $this->redirect('order_show', false); } } if (!$data) { $this->redirect('order_list'); } }