  * This function display the informations related to the addresses whom idHistoriqueAdresse is given in param
  * @param array of idHistorique $idList : a list of idHistoriqueAdresse to display
  * @return $html : the list of addresses to display
 public function displayList($idList = array(), $nbResult = 0)
     $html = "";
     //Template loading
     $t = new Template('modules/archi/templates/');
     $t->set_filenames(array('addressesList' => 'addressesList.tpl'));
     if (empty($idList)) {
         $t->assign_vars(array('messageInfo' => "Aucun résultat !", 'titre' => 'Résultats'));
         $this->messages->addWarning("Aucun résultat à afficher.");
     } else {
         $starttime = microtime(true);
         $optionsPagination = array('nbResult' => 0, 'nbPages' => 0, 'currentPage' => 0, 'nextPage' => 0, 'previousPage' => 0, 'nbResultPerPage' => 10, 'offset' => 4);
         //Pagination display
         if (isset($this->variablesGet['debut']) && $this->variablesGet['debut'] != '') {
             $optionsPagination['currentPage'] = $this->variablesGet['debut'] / $optionsPagination['nbResultPerPage'];
         } else {
             $optionsPagination['debut'] = 0;
             $optionsPagination['currentPage'] = 0;
         $addressesInfromations = $this->getAddressesInfoFromIdHA($idList, $optionsPagination);
         if ($nbResult > 1) {
             $optionsPagination['nbResult'] = $nbResult;
             $nbReponses = $nbResult;
             $optionsPagination['nbPages'] = ceil($nbReponses / $optionsPagination['nbResultPerPage']);
             if ($optionsPagination['currentPage'] < $optionsPagination['nbPages']) {
                 $optionsPagination['nextPage'] = $optionsPagination['currentPage'] + 1;
             } else {
                 $optionsPagination['nextPage'] = $optionsPagination['nbPages'];
             if ($optionsPagination['currentPage'] > 1) {
                 $optionsPagination['previousPage'] = $optionsPagination['currentPage'] - 1;
             } else {
                 $optionsPagination['previousPage'] = 1;
             $url = array();
             //Call link generation
             $url = $this->generatePaginationLinks($optionsPagination);
             $nbReponses .= " réponses";
         } else {
             $nbReponses = $nbResult . " réponse";
         $t->assign_vars(array('nbReponses' => $nbReponses, 'titre' => 'Résultats'));
         // Template filling
         $paramsUrlDesc = $this->variablesGet;
         $paramsUrlAsc = $this->variablesGet;
         $paramsUrlDesc['order'] = "desc";
         $paramsUrlAsc['order'] = "asc";
         $urlAsc = $this->creerUrl('', '', $paramsUrlAsc);
         $urlDesc = $this->creerUrl('', '', $paramsUrlDesc);
         $t->assign_block_vars('liens', array('urlDesc' => $urlAsc, 'urlAsc' => $urlDesc));
         //Generating next/previous pagination link
         $siblingIndex = $this->getNextPreviousPages($optionsPagination['currentPage'], $optionsPagination['nbPages']);
         $indexToDisplay = $this->getPaginationIndex($optionsPagination);
         foreach ($indexToDisplay as $indexPage) {
             $t->assign_block_vars('nav', array('urlNbOnClick' => '', 'urlNb' => $url[$indexPage], 'nb' => $indexPage + 1, 'urlPrecendant' => $url[$siblingIndex['previousPage']], 'urlSuivant' => $url[$siblingIndex['nextPage']]));
             // Dirty hack for displaying strong tag on current page
             if ($indexPage == $optionsPagination['currentPage']) {
                 $t->assign_block_vars('nav.courant', array());
         $t->assign_block_vars('urlNextPagination', array('urlSuivant' => $url[$siblingIndex['nextPage']]));
         $t->assign_block_vars('urlBackPagination', array('urlPrecedent' => $url[$siblingIndex['previousPage']]));
         * Addresses display
         * Loop on each address infos
         * Structure of $info :
         * Array
         				    [nom] => 22 rue du général castelnau
         				    [idHistoriqueAdresse] => 2
         				    [idAdresse] => 2
         				    [idEvenementGroupeAdresse] => 1289
         				    [titresEvenements] => Array
         				            [0] => 22 rue du général castelnau
         				            [1] => Photos de nuit
         				            [2] => Visite des appartements
         				            [3] => Evenement sans titre
         				            [4] => Visite des parties communes
         				            [5] => détails art nouveau
         foreach ($addressesInfromations as $info) {
             $titreEvenements = "";
             $illustration = $this->getUrlImageFromAdresse($info['idHistoriqueAdresse'], 'moyen', array('idEvenementGroupeAdresse' => $info['idEvenementGroupeAdresse'], 'placeholder' => "images/placeholder.jpg"));
             //Processing name of the address
             $nom = ucfirst($info['nom']);
             $fulladdress = ucfirst($this->getIntituleAdresseFrom($info['idEvenementGroupeAdresse'], $type = 'idEvenementGroupeAdresse'));
             $titre = $info['titre'];
             $input = array('idEvenementGA' => $info['idEvenementGroupeAdresse'], 'idAdresse' => $info['idAdresse']);
             $intituleAdresse = "";
             if (isset($titre) && !empty($titre) && $titre != '') {
                 $intituleAdresse = "<b>" . $titre . "</b> ";
             $intituleAdresse .= $fulladdress . ' ';
             $arrayUrl = $this->generateUrlListAddresses($input, $this->variablesGet['modeAffichage'], $intituleAdresse);
             //Regular case
             //Personne case
             if (isset($info['idPersonne']) && $info['idPersonne'] != '') {
                 $urlImageIllustration = archiPersonne::getImage($info['idPersonne'], 'resized', true, array('height' => 130, 'width' => 130));
                 $addressUrl = $this->creerUrl('', 'evenementListe', array('selection' => 'personne', "id" => $info['idPersonne']));
                 $titre = $info['nom'];
                 $urlDetailOnClick = '';
             } else {
                 $urlImageIllustration = $illustration['url'];
                 $addressUrl = $this->creerUrl('', '', array('archiAffichage' => 'adresseDetail', "archiIdAdresse" => $info['idAdresse'], "archiIdEvenementGroupeAdresse" => $info['idEvenementGroupeAdresse']));
                 $addressUrl = $arrayUrl['urlDetailHref'];
                 $urlDetailOnClick = $arrayUrl['urlDetailOnClick'];
             // Event title
             $titreEvenements = implode(" - ", $info['titresEvenements']);
             // Getting all the events links on one line
             $modeAffichage = $this->variablesGet['modeAffichage'];
             if ($modeAffichage == 'calqueImage' || $modeAffichage == 'calqueImageChampsMultiples' || $modeAffichage == 'calqueImageChampsMultiplesRetourSimple' || $modeAffichage == 'calqueEvenement' || $modeAffichage == 'popupRechercheAdressePrisDepuis' || $modeAffichage == 'popupRechercheAdresseVueSur' || $modeAffichage == "popupAjoutAdressesLieesSurEvenement" || $modeAffichage == "popupDeplacerEvenementVersGroupeAdresse" || $modeAffichage == 'popupRechercheAdresseAdminParcours') {
                 $titreEvenements = "";
             } else {
                 $titreEvenements = implode(" - ", $info['titresEvenements']);
                 // Getting all the events links on one line
             $t->assign_block_vars('adresses', array('nom' => $titre, 'adresseComplete' => $fulladdress, 'urlImageIllustration' => $urlImageIllustration, 'alt' => $nom, 'urlDetailHref' => $addressUrl, 'titresEvenements' => $titreEvenements, 'urlDetailOnClick' => $urlDetailOnClick));
         //End foreach
     //End else (regular display w/ errors)
     //Filling template, getting content, returning it
     $html .= ob_get_contents();
     return $html;
  * Affiche la liste des personnes liées à une source
  * @param int $idSource ID de la source
  * @return void
  * */
 public static function getPersonsFromSource($idSource)
     global $config;
     $req = "SELECT idEvenement\n            FROM `historiqueEvenement`\n            WHERE `idSource` =" . $idSource;
     $res = $config->connexionBdd->requete($req);
     $e = new archiEvenement();
     while ($event = mysql_fetch_object($res)) {
         $idEvenementGroupeAdresse = $e->getIdEvenementGroupeAdresseFromIdEvenement($event->idEvenement);
         if ($idPerson = archiPersonne::isPerson($idEvenementGroupeAdresse)) {
             $person = new archiPersonne($idPerson);
             $people[] = $person->getInfosPersonne($idPerson);
     if (isset($people)) {
         $already = array();
         print "<b>Voici la liste des personnes auxquelles cette source est attachée</b>";
         print '<table class="results">';
         foreach ($people as $person) {
             if (!in_array($person['idPersonne'], $already)) {
                 $already[] = $person['idPersonne'];
                 print '<tr class="listAddressItem">
                 <td><a href="' . $config->creerUrl("", "evenementListe", array("selection" => "personne", "id" => $person['idPersonne'])) . '"><img src="' . archiPersonne::getImage($person['idPersonne'], "mini", false) . '" border=0 alt=""></a> <span><br/><a href="' . $config->creerUrl("", "evenementListe", array("selection" => "personne", "id" => $person['idPersonne'])) . '" >' . stripslashes($person['prenom'] . " " . $person['nom']) . '</a></span><br/><span style="font-size:11px;">' . $person['nomMetier'] . '</span></td>
         print '</table>';