  * Get resource log
  * Get the full log for the current resource up tu the current revision
  * @return arbitXml
 protected function getResourceLog()
     if (($log = vcsCache::get($this->path, $this->currentVersion, 'log')) === false) {
         // Refetch the basic logrmation, and cache it.
         $process = new vcsSvnCliProcess();
         // Fecth for specified version, if set
         if ($this->currentVersion !== null) {
             $process->argument('-r0:' . $this->currentVersion);
         // Execute logr command
         $return = $process->argument('log')->argument(new pbsPathArgument($this->root . $this->path))->execute();
         // Transform XML into object array
         $xmlLog = arbitXml::loadString($process->stdoutOutput);
         $log = array();
         foreach ($xmlLog->logentry as $entry) {
             $log[(string) $entry['revision']] = new vcsLogEntry($entry['revision'], $entry->author, $entry->msg, strtotime($entry->date));
         uksort($log, array($this, 'compareVersions'));
         $last = end($log);
         // Cache extracted data
         vcsCache::cache($this->path, $this->currentVersion = (string) $last->version, 'log', $log);
     return $log;
  * Parse XML file
  * Parse the given XML into arbitXmlNode objects using the XMLReader class.
  * @param string $xmlFile
  * @return arbitXmlNode
 protected static function parseXml($xmlFile)
     $reader = new XMLReader();
     // Use custom error handling to suppress warnings and errors during
     // parsing.
     $libXmlErrors = libxml_use_internal_errors(true);
     // Try to open configuration file, and throw parsing exception if
     // something fails.
     $errors = array();
     // Just open, errors will not occure before actually reading.
     // Current node, processed. Start with a reference to th root node.
     $current = $root = new arbitXml();
     // Stack of parents for the current node. We store this list, because
     // we do not want to store a parent node reference in the nodes, as
     // this breaks with var_export'ing those structures.
     $parents = array($root);
     // Start processing the XML document
     // The read method may issue warning, even if
     // libxml_use_internal_errors was set to true. That sucks, and we need
     // to use the @ here...
     while (@$reader->read()) {
         switch ($reader->nodeType) {
             case XMLReader::ELEMENT:
                 // A new element, which results in a new configuration node as
                 // a child of the current node
                 // Get name of new element
                 $nodeName = $reader->name;
                 // We create a new object, so append the current node as
                 // future parent node to the parent stack.
                 array_push($parents, $current);
                 // Create new child and reference node as current working
                 // node
                 $current = $current->{$nodeName} = new arbitXmlNode();
                 // After reading the elements we need to know about this
                 // for further progressing
                 $emptyElement = $reader->isEmptyElement;
                 // Process elements attributes, if available
                 if ($reader->hasAttributes) {
                     // Read all attributes and store their values in the
                     // current configuration node
                     while ($reader->moveToNextAttribute()) {
                         $current[$reader->name] = $reader->value;
                 if (!$emptyElement) {
                     // We only break for non empty elements.
                     // For empty elements the element may also be counted
                     // as a closing tag, so that we want also process the
                     // next case statement.
             case XMLReader::END_ELEMENT:
                 // At the end of a element set the current pointer back to its
                 // parent
                 // Pop new current node from parents stack
                 $current = array_pop($parents);
             case XMLReader::TEXT:
             case XMLReader::CDATA:
                 // Text and CData node are added as node content.
                 // Append string, in case several text or Cdata nodes exist
                 // in one node
                 $current->setContent((string) $current . $reader->value);
                 // Everything else can be ignored for now..
     // Check if errors occured while reading configuration
     if (count($errors = libxml_get_errors())) {
         // Reset libxml error handling to old state
         throw new arbitXmlParserException($xmlFile, $errors);
     // Reset libxml error handling to old state
     return $root->skipRoot();
  * Get blame information for resource
  * The method should return author and revision information for each line,
  * describing who when last changed the current resource. The returned
  * array should look like:
  * <code>
  *  array(
  *      T_LINE_NUMBER => array(
  *          'author'  => T_STRING,
  *          'version' => T_STRING,
  *      ),
  *      ...
  *  );
  * </code>
  * If some file in the repository has no blame information associated, like
  * binary files, the method should return false.
  * Optionally a version may be specified which defines a later version of
  * the resource for which the blame information should be returned.
  * @param mixed $version
  * @return mixed
 public function blame($version = null)
     $version = $version === null ? $this->getVersionString() : $version;
     if (!in_array($version, $this->getVersions(), true)) {
         throw new vcsNoSuchVersionException($this->path, $version);
     if (($blame = vcsCache::get($this->path, $version, 'blame')) === false) {
         // Refetch the basic blamermation, and cache it.
         $process = new vcsSvnCliProcess();
         // Execute command
         $return = $process->argument('blame')->argument(new pbsPathArgument($this->root . $this->path))->execute();
         $xml = arbitXml::loadString($process->stdoutOutput);
         // Check if blame information si available. Is absent fro binary
         // files.
         if (!$xml->target) {
             return false;
         $blame = array();
         $contents = preg_split('(\\r\\n|\\r|\\n)', $this->getVersionedContent($version));
         foreach ($xml->target[0]->entry as $nr => $entry) {
             $blame[] = new vcsBlameStruct($contents[$nr], $entry->commit[0]['revision'], $entry->commit[0]->author, strtotime($entry->commit[0]->date));
         vcsCache::cache($this->path, $version, 'blame', $blame);
     return $blame;
  * Convert current node into a document node
  * @return arbitXml
 public function toDocument()
     return arbitXml::__set_state(array('childs' => $this->childs, 'attributes' => $this->attributes, 'content' => $this->content));