function openqrm_puppet_resource($cmd, $resource_fields) { global $event; global $OPENQRM_SERVER_BASE_DIR; global $OPENQRM_SERVER_IP_ADDRESS; global $OPENQRM_EXEC_PORT; $resource_id = $resource_fields["resource_id"]; $resource = new resource(); $resource->get_instance_by_id($resource_id); $resource_ip = $resource->ip; $resource_name = $resource->hostname; $event->log("openqrm_puppet_resource", $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'], 5, "openqrm-puppet-resource-hook.php", "Handling {$cmd} event {$resource_id}/{$resource_name}/{$resource_ip}", "", "", 0, 0, $resource_id); // we do only care if we serving an appliance $appliance = new appliance(); $appliance_record_set = array(); $appliance_id_array = array(); $appliance_record_set = $appliance->get_all_ids(); // the appliance_array from getlist is a 2-dimensional array foreach ($appliance_record_set as $index => $appliance_id_array) { foreach ($appliance_id_array as $index => $id) { $tapp = new appliance(); $tapp->get_instance_by_id($id); $tapp_state = $tapp->state; $tapp_resources = $tapp->resources; if (!strcmp($tapp_state, "active")) { if ($tapp_resources == $resource_id) { // we found the resources active appliance, running the cmd $appliance_name = $tapp->name; switch ($cmd) { case "start": $openqrm_server = new openqrm_server(); $openqrm_server->send_command("{$OPENQRM_SERVER_BASE_DIR}/openqrm/plugins/puppet/bin/openqrm-puppet-manager start {$id} {$appliance_name} {$resource_ip} --openqrm-cmd-mode background"); break; case "stop": $openqrm_server = new openqrm_server(); $openqrm_server->send_command("{$OPENQRM_SERVER_BASE_DIR}/openqrm/plugins/puppet/bin/openqrm-puppet-manager stop {$id} {$appliance_name} {$resource_ip} --openqrm-cmd-mode background"); break; } } } } } }
$appliance_function = str_replace("-", "_", $appliance_function); // add $appliance_function("add", $appliance_fields); // start $appliance_fields['appliance_stoptime'] = ''; $appliance_fields['appliance_starttime'] = $now; $appliance_fields['appliance_state'] = 'active'; $appliance->update($next_appliance_id, $appliance_fields); $appliance_function("start", $appliance_fields); } } break; case 'remove': // remove all appliance with resource set to localserver id $appliance = new appliance(); $appliance_id_list = $appliance->get_all_ids(); foreach ($appliance_id_list as $appliance_list) { $appliance_id = $appliance_list['appliance_id']; $app_resource_remove_check = new appliance(); $app_resource_remove_check->get_instance_by_id($appliance_id); if ($app_resource_remove_check->resources == $local_server_id) { // stop + remove hooks $now = $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']; $appliance_fields = array(); $appliance_fields['appliance_stoptime'] = $now; $appliance_fields['appliance_state'] = 'stopped'; // fill in the rest of the appliance info in the array for the plugin hook $appliance_fields["appliance_id"] = $appliance_id; $appliance_fields["appliance_name"] = $app_resource_remove_check->name; $appliance_fields["appliance_kernelid"] = $app_resource_remove_check->kernelid; $appliance_fields["appliance_imageid"] = $app_resource_remove_check->imageid;
function image() { $response = ''; $errors = array(); $message = array(); $image_command = $this->response->html->request()->get('image_command'); if ($image_command !== '') { switch ($image_command) { case 'add': $root_device = $this->response->html->request()->get('root_device'); if ($this->deployment->type == 'kvm-gluster-deployment') { $image_name = $this->response->html->request()->get('image_name'); } else { $image_name = basename($root_device); } // check if image name is not in use yet $image = new image(); $image->get_instance_by_name($image_name); if (strlen($image->id)) { $errors[] = sprintf($this->lang['error_exists'], $image_name); } else { $tables = $this->openqrm->get('table'); $image_fields = array(); $image_fields["image_id"] = (int) str_replace(".", "", str_pad(microtime(true), 15, "0")); $image_fields['image_name'] = $image_name; $image_fields['image_type'] = $this->deployment->type; $image_fields['image_rootfstype'] = 'local'; $image_fields['image_storageid'] = $this->storage->id; $image_fields['image_comment'] = "Image Object for volume {$image_name}"; $image_fields['image_rootdevice'] = $root_device; $image = new image(); $image->add($image_fields); $message[] = sprintf($this->lang['msg_added_image'], $image_name); } break; case 'remove': $image_id = $this->response->html->request()->get('image_id'); // check if image is not in use any more before removing $remove_error = 0; $appliance = new appliance(); $appliance_id_list = $appliance->get_all_ids(); foreach ($appliance_id_list as $appliance_list) { $appliance_id = $appliance_list['appliance_id']; $app_image_remove_check = new appliance(); $app_image_remove_check->get_instance_by_id($appliance_id); if ($app_image_remove_check->imageid == $image_id) { $image_is_used_by_appliance .= $appliance_id . " "; $remove_error = 1; } } if ($remove_error == 1) { $errors[] = sprintf($this->lang['error_image_still_in_use'], $image_id, $image_is_used_by_appliance); } else { $image_remove = new image(); $image_remove->remove($image_id); $message[] = sprintf($this->lang['msg_removed_image'], $image_id); } break; } if (count($errors) === 0) { $response = join('<br>', $message); } else { $msg = array_merge($errors, $message); $response = join('<br>', $msg); } } else { $response = ''; } return $response; }
function create($cu_id, $virtualization_type, $name, $mac, $additional_nics, $cpu, $memory, $disk, $timeout, $vncpassword, $source_image_id = null) { global $OPENQRM_SERVER_BASE_DIR; global $OPENQRM_SERVER_IP_ADDRESS; global $OPENQRM_EXEC_PORT; global $RESOURCE_INFO_TABLE; global $host_start_from_off_timeout; global $RootDir; $this->init($timeout); global $event; $vmware_mac_address_space = "00:50:56"; $vtype = new virtualization(); $vtype->get_instance_by_id($virtualization_type); $virtualization_plugin_name = $vtype->get_plugin_name(); $event->log("create", $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'], 5, "cloudvm.class.php", "Trying to create new VM type {$virtualization_type} ({$virtualization_plugin_name}) {$mac}/{$cpu}/{$memory}/{$disk}", "", "", 0, 0, 0); // here we need to find out if we have a virtualization host providing the type of VMs as requested // find out the host virtualization type via the plugin name $vhost_type = new virtualization(); $vhost_type->get_instance_by_type($virtualization_plugin_name); $event->log("create", $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'], 5, "cloudvm.class.php", "Trying to find a virtualization host from type {$vhost_type->type} {$vhost_type->name}", "", "", 0, 0, 0); // check if resource-pooling is enabled $cp_conf = new cloudconfig(); $show_resource_pools = $cp_conf->get_value(25); // resource_pools enabled ? $vm_provision_delay = $cp_conf->get_value(40); // delay provisioning of VMs ? $vm_loadbalance_algorithm = $cp_conf->get_value(41); // which LB to select ? // for all in appliance list, find virtualization host appliances $appliance_tmp = new appliance(); $appliance_id_list = $appliance_tmp->get_all_ids(); $active_appliance_list = array(); $active_appliance_resource_list = array(); foreach ($appliance_id_list as $id_arr) { foreach ($id_arr as $id) { $appliance = new appliance(); $appliance->get_instance_by_id($id); // active ? if ($appliance->stoptime == 0 || $appliance->resources == 0) { if ($appliance->virtualization == $vhost_type->id) { // we have found an active appliance from the right virtualization type // Now we check that its resource is active and not in error $cvm_resource = new resource(); $cvm_resource->get_instance_by_id($appliance->resources); if (strcmp($cvm_resource->state, "active")) { continue; } // here we check if there is still enough space // to create the new VM -> max_vm setting per resource $res_hostlimit = new cloudhostlimit(); $res_hostlimit->get_instance_by_resource($appliance->resources); if (strlen($res_hostlimit->id)) { if ($res_hostlimit->max_vms >= 0) { $new_current_vms = $res_hostlimit->current_vms + 1; if ($new_current_vms > $res_hostlimit->max_vms) { $event->log("create", $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'], 2, "cloudvm.class.php", "Hostlimit max_vm is reached for resource {$appliance->resources}", "", "", 0, 0, $appliance->resources); continue; } } } // resource pooling enabled ? if (strcmp($show_resource_pools, "true")) { // disabled, add any appliance from the right virtualization type $active_appliance_list[] .= $id; $active_appliance_resource_list[] .= $appliance->resources; //$event->log("create", $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'], 2, "cloudvm.class.php", "------- resource pooling is disabled", "", "", 0, 0, 0); } else { //$event->log("create", $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'], 2, "cloudvm.class.php", "------- resource pooling is enabled $appliance->resources", "", "", 0, 0, 0); // resource pooling enabled, check to which user group the resource belongs to $private_resource = new cloudrespool(); $private_resource->get_instance_by_resource($appliance->resources); // is this resource configured in the resource pools ? //$event->log("create", $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'], 2, "cloudvm.class.php", "------- resource pool id $private_resource->id !", "", "", 0, 0, 0); if (strlen($private_resource->id)) { //$event->log("create", $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'], 2, "cloudvm.class.php", "------- resource $appliance->resources is in a resource pool", "", "", 0, 0, 0); // is it hidden ? if ($private_resource->cg_id >= 0) { //$event->log("create", $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'], 2, "cloudvm.class.php", "------- resource $appliance->resources is also configured in resource pool (not hidden)", "", "", 0, 0, 0); $cloud_user = new clouduser(); $cloud_user->get_instance_by_id($cu_id); $cloud_user_group = new cloudusergroup(); $cloud_user_group->get_instance_by_id($cloud_user->cg_id); //$event->log("create", $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'], 2, "cloudvm.class.php", "------- we have found the users group $cloud_user_group->id", "", "", 0, 0, 0); // does it really belongs to the users group ? if ($private_resource->cg_id == $cloud_user_group->id) { // resource belongs to the users group, add appliance to list //$event->log("create", $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'], 2, "cloudvm.class.php", "------- adding appliance $id ", "", "", 0, 0, 0); $active_appliance_list[] .= $id; $active_appliance_resource_list[] .= $appliance->resources; //} else { // $event->log("create", $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'], 2, "cloudvm.class.php", "Appliance $id (resource $appliance->resources) is NOT in dedicated for the users group", "", "", 0, 0, 0); } //} else { // $event->log("create", $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'], 2, "cloudvm.class.php", "Appliance $id (resource $appliance->resources) is marked as hidden", "", "", 0, 0, 0); } } } } } } } // did we found any active host ? if (count($active_appliance_list) < 1) { $event->log("create", $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'], 2, "cloudvm.class.php", "Warning ! There is no active virtualization host type {$vhost_type->name} available to bring up a new VM", "", "", 0, 0, 0); $event->log("create", $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'], 2, "cloudvm.class.php", "Notice : Trying to find a Host which can start-from-off .....", "", "", 0, 0, 0); // if this method finds a host it will block until the host is up + active $cloud_host_start_from_off = new cloudhoststartfromoff(); $start_from_off_appliance_id = $cloud_host_start_from_off->find_host_to_start_from_off($vhost_type->id, $show_resource_pools, $cu_id, $host_start_from_off_timeout); if ($start_from_off_appliance_id > 0) { //$event->log("create", $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'], 2, "cloudvm.class.php", "------- adding appliance $id ", "", "", 0, 0, 0); $active_appliance_list[] .= $start_from_off_appliance_id; // add to active resource list $start_from_off_appliance = new appliance(); $start_from_off_appliance->get_instance_by_id($start_from_off_appliance_id); $active_appliance_resource_list[] .= $start_from_off_appliance->resources; } else { // here we did not found any host to start-from-off $event->log("create", $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'], 2, "cloudvm.class.php", "Warning ! Could not find any virtualization host type {$vhost_type->name} to start-from-off", "", "", 0, 0, 0); $event->log("create", $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'], 2, "cloudvm.class.php", "Warning ! Giving up trying to start a new VM type {$vhost_type->name}", "", "", 0, 0, 0); return false; } } // ! for all virt-localboot VMs we need to make sure the VM is created on // ! the same host as the image is located, for all others we try to lb $less_load_resource_id = -1; if (strstr($vtype->type, "-vm-local")) { $origin_appliance = new appliance(); $origin_appliance->get_instance_by_name($name); // if we have a cloudappliance already this create is coming from unpause // The host to create the new VM on must be the image storage resource $vstorage_cloud_app = new cloudappliance(); $vstorage_cloud_app->get_instance_by_appliance_id($origin_appliance->id); if (strlen($vstorage_cloud_app->id)) { $vstorage_image = new image(); $vstorage_image->get_instance_by_id($origin_appliance->imageid); $vstorage = new storage(); $vstorage->get_instance_by_id($vstorage_image->storageid); $vstorage_host_res_id = $vstorage->resource_id; // check if the origin host is in the active appliances we have found if (in_array($vstorage_host_res_id, $active_appliance_resource_list)) { $event->log("create", $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'], 5, "cloudvm.class.php", "Origin host {$vstorage_host_res_id} is active. Creating the new VM", "", "", 0, 0, 0); $resource = new resource(); $resource->get_instance_by_id($vstorage_host_res_id); $less_load_resource_id = $vstorage_host_res_id; } else { $event->log("create", $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'], 2, "cloudvm.class.php", "Origin host {$vstorage_host_res_id} is not active. Not creating the new VM", "", "", 0, 0, 0); } } else { // if we do not have a cloudappliance yet we can (should) loadbalance the create VM request $event->log("create", $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'], 5, "cloudvm.class.php", "Using Loadbalancing Algorithm " . $vm_loadbalance_algorithm . " for creating the new VM", "", "", 0, 0, 0); // the cloud-deployment hook of the virt-localboot VM will adapt the image storage id to the host id switch ($vm_loadbalance_algorithm) { case '0': $less_load_resource_id = $this->vm_balance_load($active_appliance_list); break; case '1': $less_load_resource_id = $this->vm_balance_memory($active_appliance_list, $memory); break; case '2': $less_load_resource_id = $this->vm_balance_random($active_appliance_list); break; case '3': $less_load_resource_id = $this->vm_balance_first_available($active_appliance_list); break; default: $less_load_resource_id = $this->vm_balance_load($active_appliance_list); break; } } } else { $event->log("create", $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'], 5, "cloudvm.class.php", "Using Loadbalancing Algorithm " . $vm_loadbalance_algorithm . " for creating the new VM", "", "", 0, 0, 0); switch ($vm_loadbalance_algorithm) { case '0': $less_load_resource_id = $this->vm_balance_load($active_appliance_list); break; case '1': $less_load_resource_id = $this->vm_balance_memory($active_appliance_list, $memory); break; case '2': $less_load_resource_id = $this->vm_balance_random($active_appliance_list); break; case '3': $less_load_resource_id = $this->vm_balance_first_available($active_appliance_list); break; default: $less_load_resource_id = $this->vm_balance_load($active_appliance_list); break; } } if ($less_load_resource_id >= 0) { $event->log("create", $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'], 5, "cloudvm.class.php", "Found Virtualization host resource {$less_load_resource_id} as the target for the new VM ", "", "", 0, 0, 0); } // additional network cards if ($additional_nics > 0) { $anic = 1; $additional_nic_str = ""; $mac_gen_res = new resource(); while ($anic <= $additional_nics) { $mac_gen_res->generate_mac(); switch ($virtualization_plugin_name) { # VMware VMs need to get special macs case 'vmware-esx': $nic_nr = $anic; $suggested_mac = $mac_gen_res->mac; $new_forth_byte_first_bit = rand(1, 3); $mac_gen_res_vmw = strtolower($vmware_mac_address_space . ":" . substr($suggested_mac, 9)); $mac_gen_res_vmw = substr_replace($mac_gen_res_vmw, $new_forth_byte_first_bit, 9, 1); $additional_nic_str .= " -m" . $nic_nr . " " . $mac_gen_res_vmw; break; # VMs network parameter starts with -m1 # VMs network parameter starts with -m1 default: $nic_nr = $anic; $additional_nic_str .= " -m" . $nic_nr . " " . $mac_gen_res->mac; break; } $anic++; } } // swap, for the cloud VMs we simply calculate memory * 2 $swap = $memory * 2; // start the VM on the appliance resource $host_resource = new resource(); $host_resource->get_instance_by_id($less_load_resource_id); $host_resource_ip = $host_resource->ip; // we need to have an openQRM server object too since some of the // virtualization commands are sent from openQRM directly $openqrm = new openqrm_server(); // create the new resource + setting the virtualization type $vm_resource_ip = ""; // add to openQRM database $vm_resource_fields["resource_ip"] = $vm_resource_ip; $vm_resource_fields["resource_mac"] = $mac; $vm_resource_fields["resource_localboot"] = 0; $vm_resource_fields["resource_vtype"] = $vtype->id; $vm_resource_fields["resource_vhostid"] = $less_load_resource_id; $vm_resource_fields["resource_vname"] = $name; $new_resource_id = (int) str_replace(".", "", str_pad(microtime(true), 15, "0")); $vm_resource_fields["resource_id"] = $new_resource_id; $host_resource->add($vm_resource_fields); // send new-resource command now after the resource is created logically $openqrm->send_command("openqrm_server_add_resource {$new_resource_id} {$mac} {$vm_resource_ip}"); // let the new resource commands settle sleep(10); // plug in the virtualization cloud hook $virtualization_cloud_hook = "{$RootDir}/plugins/{$virtualization_plugin_name}/openqrm-{$virtualization_plugin_name}-cloud-hook.php"; if (file_exists($virtualization_cloud_hook)) { $event->log("create", $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'], 5, "cloudvm.class", "Found plugin {$virtualization_plugin_name} handling to create the VM.", "", "", 0, 0, $new_resource_id); require_once "{$virtualization_cloud_hook}"; $virtualization_method = "create_" . $vtype->type; $virtualization_method = str_replace("-", "_", $virtualization_method); $virtualization_method($less_load_resource_id, $name, $mac, $memory, $cpu, $swap, $additional_nic_str, $vncpassword, $source_image_id); } else { $event->log("cloud", $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'], 5, "cloudvm.class", "Do not know how to create VM from type {$virtualization_plugin_name}.", "", "", 0, 0, 0); // remove resource object $vm_resource = new resource(); $vm_resource->get_instance_by_id($new_resource_id); $vm_resource->remove($new_resource_id, $mac); return false; } // update hostlimits quite early to avoid overloading a Host with non-starting VMs // add or update hostlimits $res_hostlimit = new cloudhostlimit(); $res_hostlimit->get_instance_by_resource($host_resource->id); if (strlen($res_hostlimit->id)) { // update $current_vms = $res_hostlimit->current_vms + 1; $cloud_hostlimit_fields["hl_current_vms"] = $current_vms; $res_hostlimit->update($res_hostlimit->id, $cloud_hostlimit_fields); } else { // add $cloud_hostlimit_fields["hl_id"] = (int) str_replace(".", "", str_pad(microtime(true), 15, "0")); $cloud_hostlimit_fields["hl_resource_id"] = $host_resource->id; $cloud_hostlimit_fields["hl_max_vms"] = -1; $cloud_hostlimit_fields["hl_current_vms"] = 1; $res_hostlimit->add($cloud_hostlimit_fields); } $event->log("create", $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'], 5, "cloudvm.class.php", "New VM created with resource id " . $new_resource_id . " and started. Waiting now until it is active/idle", "", "", 0, 0, 0); if ($vm_provision_delay > 0) { $event->log("create", $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'], 5, "cloudvm.class.php", "Delaying the provisioning of resource id " . $new_resource_id . " for " . $vm_provision_delay . " seconds.", "", "", 0, 0, 0); sleep($vm_provision_delay); } // setting this object resource id as return state $this->resource_id = $new_resource_id; }
function image() { $response = ''; $errors = array(); $message = array(); $image_command = $this->response->html->request()->get('image_command'); if ($image_command !== '') { switch ($image_command) { case 'add': $root_device = $this->response->html->request()->get('root_device'); $image_name = $this->response->html->request()->get('image_name'); // check if image name is not in use yet $image = new image(); $image->get_instance_by_name($image_name); if (strlen($image->id)) { $errors[] = sprintf($this->lang['error_exists'], $image_name); } else { $image_rootfstype = ''; // for lvm-aoe deployment we need to get the shelf + slot from get_root_identifiert $ident_file = $this->openqrm->get('basedir') . '/plugins/lvm-storage/web/storage/' . $this->resource->id . '.lvm.' . $image_name . '.adapt'; $get_ident_command = $this->openqrm->get('basedir') . '/plugins/lvm-storage/bin/openqrm-lvm-storage adapt'; $get_ident_command .= ' -n ' . $image_name; $get_ident_command .= ' -t ' . $this->deployment->type . ' -v ' . $this->volgroup; $get_ident_command .= ' -u ' . $this->openqrm->admin()->name . ' -p ' . $this->openqrm->admin()->password; $get_ident_command .= ' --openqrm-ui-user ' . $this->user->name; $get_ident_command .= ' --openqrm-cmd-mode background'; if (file_exists($ident_file)) { unlink($ident_file); } $this->resource->send_command($this->resource->ip, $get_ident_command); while (!file_exists($ident_file)) { usleep(10000); // sleep 10ms to unload the CPU clearstatcache(); } $found = false; if ($this->deployment->type == 'lvm-aoe-deployment') { $name = $root_device; $root_device = ''; $ident_lines = explode("\n", file_get_contents($ident_file)); if (count($ident_lines) >= 1) { foreach ($ident_lines as $ident_line) { if ($ident_line !== '') { $ident_line = explode(',', $ident_line); $ident_root_path = explode(':', $ident_line[1]); $ident_check = $ident_root_path[1]; if ($name === $ident_check) { $root_device = $ident_line[1]; $image_rootfstype = 'ext3'; $found = true; break; } } } } } else { if ($this->deployment->type == 'lvm-iscsi-deployment') { $image_rootfstype = 'ext3'; $found = true; } else { if ($this->deployment->type == 'lvm-nfs-deployment') { $image_rootfstype = 'nfs'; $found = true; } } } if ($found) { $tables = $this->openqrm->get('table'); $image_fields = array(); $image_fields["image_id"] = (int) str_replace(".", "", str_pad(microtime(true), 15, "0")); $image_fields['image_name'] = $image_name; $image_fields['image_type'] = $this->deployment->type; $image_fields['image_rootfstype'] = $image_rootfstype; $image_fields['image_storageid'] = $this->storage->id; $image_fields['image_comment'] = "Image Object for volume {$image_name}"; $image_fields['image_rootdevice'] = $root_device; $image = new image(); $image->add($image_fields); $message[] = sprintf($this->lang['msg_added_image'], $image_name); } else { $message[] = sprintf($this->lang['msg_add_failed'], $image_name); } } break; case 'remove': $image_id = $this->response->html->request()->get('image_id'); // check if image is not in use any more before removing $remove_error = 0; $appliance = new appliance(); $appliance_id_list = $appliance->get_all_ids(); foreach ($appliance_id_list as $appliance_list) { $appliance_id = $appliance_list['appliance_id']; $app_image_remove_check = new appliance(); $app_image_remove_check->get_instance_by_id($appliance_id); if ($app_image_remove_check->imageid == $image_id) { $image_is_used_by_appliance .= $appliance_id . " "; $remove_error = 1; } } if ($remove_error == 1) { $errors[] = sprintf($this->lang['error_image_still_in_use'], $image_id, $image_is_used_by_appliance); } else { $image_remove = new image(); $image_remove->remove($image_id); $message[] = sprintf($this->lang['msg_removed_image'], $image_id); } break; } if (count($errors) === 0) { $response = join('<br>', $message); } else { $msg = array_merge($errors, $message); $response = join('<br>', $msg); } } else { $response = ''; } return $response; }
function remove() { $response = $this->get_response(); $remove_image_id = $this->response->html->request()->get($this->identifier_name); $force_remove = $response->html->request()->get('force_remove'); $form = $response->form; $image = new image(); if ($remove_image_id !== '') { $submit = $form->get_elements('submit'); $submit->handler = 'onclick="wait();"'; $form->add($submit, 'submit'); $submit = $form->get_elements('cancel'); $submit->handler = 'onclick="cancel();"'; $form->add($submit, 'cancel'); $image->get_instance_by_id($remove_image_id); $d['param_f' . $remove_image_id]['label'] = $image->name; $d['param_f' . $remove_image_id]['object']['type'] = 'htmlobject_input'; $d['param_f' . $remove_image_id]['object']['attrib']['type'] = 'checkbox'; $d['param_f' . $remove_image_id]['object']['attrib']['name'] = $this->identifier_name; $d['param_f' . $remove_image_id]['object']['attrib']['value'] = $remove_image_id; $d['param_f' . $remove_image_id]['object']['attrib']['checked'] = true; $d['force_remove']['label'] = $this->lang['msg_force_remove']; $d['force_remove']['object']['type'] = 'htmlobject_input'; $d['force_remove']['object']['attrib']['type'] = 'checkbox'; $d['force_remove']['object']['attrib']['name'] = 'force_remove'; $d['force_remove']['object']['attrib']['value'] = 1; $d['force_remove']['object']['attrib']['checked'] = false; $form->add($d); if (!$form->get_errors() && $response->submit()) { $errors = array(); $message = array(); if ($force_remove == 1) { $image->get_instance_by_id($remove_image_id); $image_is_used_by_appliance = ""; $remove_error = 0; $appliance = new appliance(); $appliance_id_list = $appliance->get_all_ids(); foreach ($appliance_id_list as $appliance_list) { $appliance_id = $appliance_list['appliance_id']; $app_image_remove_check = new appliance(); $app_image_remove_check->get_instance_by_id($appliance_id); if ($app_image_remove_check->imageid == $remove_image_id) { $image_is_used_by_appliance .= $appliance_id . " "; $remove_error = 1; } } if ($remove_error == 1) { $message[] = sprintf($this->lang['msg_not_removing_active'], $remove_image_id, $image_is_used_by_appliance); } else { $image_name = $image->name; $image->remove($remove_image_id); $form->remove($this->identifier_name . '[' . $remove_image_id . ']'); $message[] = sprintf($this->lang['msg'], $image_name); } } else { $message[] = sprintf($this->lang['msg_not_removing'], $image->name); } if (count($errors) === 0) { $response->msg = join('<br>', $message); } else { $msg = array_merge($errors, $message); $response->error = join('<br>', $msg); } } } else { $response->msg = ''; } return $response; }
function statistics() { $resources_all = 0; $resources_active = 0; $resources_available = 0; $dc_load_overall = 0; $appliance_load_overall = 0; $appliance_active = 0; $storage_load_overall = 0; $storage_active = 0; $cpu_total = 0; $mem_used = 0; $mem_total = 0; // run only each minute $db = openqrm_get_db_connection(); $rs = $db->Execute("select MAX(datacenter_id) from {$this->_db_table}"); foreach ($rs as $index => $dc) { if (isset($dc['MAX(datacenter_id)'])) { $this->last_statistics = $dc['MAX(datacenter_id)']; } else { if (isset($dc['max'])) { $this->last_statistics = $dc['max']; } } } // get an array of resources which are assigned to an appliance $appliance_resources_array = array(); $appliance = new appliance(); $appliance_list = $appliance->get_all_ids(); foreach ($appliance_list as $app) { $app_id = $app['appliance_id']; $g_appliance = new appliance(); $g_appliance->get_instance_by_id($app_id); $g_appliance_resource = $g_appliance->resources; if (!strcmp($g_appliance->state, "active") || $g_appliance_resource == 0) { if ($g_appliance_resource != "-1") { $appliance_resources_array[] .= $g_appliance_resource; } } } // get an array of resources which are a storage server $storage_resources_array = array(); $storage = new storage(); $storage_list = $storage->get_list(); foreach ($storage_list as $store) { $storage_id = $store['value']; $g_storage = new storage(); $g_storage->get_instance_by_id($storage_id); $g_storage_resource = $g_storage->resource_id; $storage_resources_array[] .= $g_storage_resource; } $resource = new resource(); $resource_list = $resource->get_list(); foreach ($resource_list as $res) { $res_id = $res['resource_id']; //echo "!! res_id $res_id <br>"; $g_resource = new resource(); $g_resource->get_instance_by_id($res_id); // start gathering $resources_all++; $cpu_total = $cpu_total + $g_resource->cpunumber; $mem_used = $mem_used + $g_resource->memused; $mem_total = $mem_total + $g_resource->memtotal; // resource load if ("{$g_resource->imageid}" == "1" && "{$g_resource->state}" == "active") { // idle $resources_available++; } else { if ("{$g_resource->state}" == "active") { // active $resources_active++; $dc_load_overall = $dc_load_overall + $g_resource->load; // is storage ? if (in_array($g_resource->id, $storage_resources_array)) { $storage_active++; $storage_load_overall = $storage_load_overall + $g_resource->load; } // is appliance ? if (in_array($g_resource->id, $appliance_resources_array)) { $appliance_active++; $appliance_load_overall = $appliance_load_overall + $g_resource->load; } } } } if ($resources_active != 0) { $dc_load_overall = $dc_load_overall / $resources_active; $dc_load_overall = number_format($dc_load_overall, 2, '.', ''); } if ($appliance_active != 0) { $appliance_load_overall = $appliance_load_overall / $appliance_active; $appliance_load_overall = number_format($appliance_load_overall, 2, '.', ''); } if ($storage_active != 0) { $storage_load_overall = $storage_load_overall / $storage_active; $storage_load_overall = number_format($storage_load_overall, 2, '.', ''); } $datacenter_fields = array(); $datacenter_fields['datacenter_load_overall'] = $dc_load_overall; $datacenter_fields['datacenter_load_server'] = $appliance_load_overall; $datacenter_fields['datacenter_load_storage'] = $storage_load_overall; $datacenter_fields['datacenter_cpu_total'] = $cpu_total; $datacenter_fields['datacenter_mem_total'] = $mem_total; $datacenter_fields['datacenter_mem_used'] = $mem_used; $stats_count = $this->get_count(); if ($stats_count >= $this->resolution) { $rs = $db->Execute("select MIN(datacenter_id) from {$this->_db_table}"); foreach ($rs as $index => $dc) { if (isset($dc['MIN(datacenter_id)'])) { $this->oldest_statistics_id = $dc['MIN(datacenter_id)']; } else { if (isset($dc['min'])) { $this->oldest_statistics_id = $dc['min']; } } } $rs = $db->Execute("delete from {$this->_db_table} where datacenter_id={$this->oldest_statistics_id}"); $stats_count = $this->get_count(); } $datacenter_fields['datacenter_id'] = (int) str_replace(".", "", str_pad(microtime(true), 15, "0")); $result = $db->AutoExecute($this->_db_table, $datacenter_fields, 'INSERT'); if (!$result) { $this->event->log("add", $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'], 2, "datacenter.class.php", "Failed updating datacenter " . $datacenter_fields['datacenter_id'], "", "", 0, 0, 0); } }
function remove() { $response = $this->get_response(); $kernels = $response->html->request()->get($this->identifier_name); $form = $response->form; $kernel = new kernel(); if ($kernels !== '') { $submit = $form->get_elements('submit'); $submit->handler = 'onclick="wait();"'; $form->add($submit, 'submit'); $submit = $form->get_elements('cancel'); $submit->handler = 'onclick="cancel();"'; $form->add($submit, 'cancel'); $i = 0; foreach ($kernels as $id) { $kernel = $kernel->get_instance_by_id($id); $d['param_f' . $i]['label'] = $kernel->name; $d['param_f' . $i]['object']['type'] = 'htmlobject_input'; $d['param_f' . $i]['object']['attrib']['type'] = 'checkbox'; $d['param_f' . $i]['object']['attrib']['name'] = $this->identifier_name . '[' . $i . ']'; $d['param_f' . $i]['object']['attrib']['value'] = $id; $d['param_f' . $i]['object']['attrib']['checked'] = true; $i++; } $form->add($d); if (!$form->get_errors() && $response->submit()) { $errors = array(); $message = array(); foreach ($kernels as $key => $id) { $kernel = $kernel->get_instance_by_id($id); // check that this is not the default kernel if ($id == 1) { $message[] = sprintf($this->lang['msg_not_removing_default']); continue; } // check that this kernel is not in use any more $kernel_is_used_by_appliance = ""; $remove_error = 0; $appliance = new appliance(); $appliance_id_list = $appliance->get_all_ids(); foreach ($appliance_id_list as $appliance_list) { $appliance_id = $appliance_list['appliance_id']; $app_kernel_remove_check = new appliance(); $app_kernel_remove_check->get_instance_by_id($appliance_id); if ($app_kernel_remove_check->kernelid == $id) { $kernel_is_used_by_appliance .= $appliance_id . " "; $remove_error = 1; } } if ($remove_error == 1) { $message[] = sprintf($this->lang['msg_not_removing_active'], $id, $kernel_is_used_by_appliance); continue; } $kernel_name = $kernel->name; $kernel->remove($id); $form->remove($this->identifier_name . '[' . $key . ']'); $message[] = sprintf($this->lang['msg'], $kernel_name); } if (count($errors) === 0) { $response->msg = join('<br>', $message); } else { $msg = array_merge($errors, $message); $response->error = join('<br>', $msg); } } } else { $response->msg = ''; } return $response; }
function remove() { $response = $this->get_response(); $resources = $response->html->request()->get($this->identifier_name); $force_remove = $response->html->request()->get('force_remove'); $form = $response->form; $resource = new resource(); if ($resources !== '') { $submit = $form->get_elements('submit'); $submit->handler = 'onclick="wait();"'; $form->add($submit, 'submit'); $submit = $form->get_elements('cancel'); $submit->handler = 'onclick="cancel();"'; $form->add($submit, 'cancel'); $i = 0; foreach ($resources as $id) { $resource = $resource->get_instance_by_id($id); $d['param_f' . $i]['label'] = $resource->hostname; $d['param_f' . $i]['object']['type'] = 'htmlobject_input'; $d['param_f' . $i]['object']['attrib']['type'] = 'checkbox'; $d['param_f' . $i]['object']['attrib']['name'] = $this->identifier_name . '[' . $i . ']'; $d['param_f' . $i]['object']['attrib']['value'] = $id; $d['param_f' . $i]['object']['attrib']['checked'] = true; $i++; } $d['force_remove']['label'] = $this->lang['msg_force_remove']; $d['force_remove']['object']['type'] = 'htmlobject_input'; $d['force_remove']['object']['attrib']['type'] = 'checkbox'; $d['force_remove']['object']['attrib']['name'] = 'force_remove'; $d['force_remove']['object']['attrib']['value'] = 1; $d['force_remove']['object']['attrib']['checked'] = false; $form->add($d); if (!$form->get_errors() && $response->submit()) { $errors = array(); $message = array(); foreach ($resources as $key => $id) { $resource = $resource->get_instance_by_id($id); if ($force_remove != 1) { // check that the state is poweroff or error if ($resource->state != 'error' && $resource->state != 'off' && $resource->state != 'unknown') { $message[] = sprintf($this->lang['msg_still_active'], $id); continue; } // check that resource is not still used by an appliance $resource_is_used_by_appliance = ""; $remove_error = 0; $appliance = new appliance(); $appliance_id_list = $appliance->get_all_ids(); foreach ($appliance_id_list as $appliance_list) { $appliance_id = $appliance_list['appliance_id']; $app_resource_remove_check = new appliance(); $app_resource_remove_check->get_instance_by_id($appliance_id); if ($app_resource_remove_check->resources == $id) { $resource_is_used_by_appliance .= $appliance_id . " "; $remove_error = 1; } } if ($remove_error == 1) { $message[] = sprintf($this->lang['msg_not_removing'], $id, $resource_is_used_by_appliance); continue; } // check that this is a physical resource, VMs are removed through their VM Manager if ($resource->vtype != 1) { $virtualization = new virtualization(); $virtualization->get_instance_by_id($resource->vtype); $virtualization_name = str_replace('-vm', '', $virtualization->type); $message[] = sprintf($this->lang['msg_not_removing_vm'], $id, $virtualization_name); continue; } } $resource->remove($id, $resource->mac); $form->remove($this->identifier_name . '[' . $key . ']'); $message[] = sprintf($this->lang['msg'], $id); } if (count($errors) === 0) { $response->msg = join('<br>', $message); } else { $msg = array_merge($errors, $message); $response->error = join('<br>', $msg); } } } else { $response->msg = ''; } return $response; }
function dc_status() { // number of idle systems $resources_all = 0; // active deployed resources $resources_active = 0; // resources in error state $resources_error = 0; // physical resources $resources_physical = 0; // virtual resources $resources_virtual = 0; // number of idle systems $resources_available = 0; // physical resource available $resources_available_physical = 0; // virtal resource available $resources_available_virtual = 0; // overall load $dc_load_overall = 0; // active appliance load $appliance_load_overall = 0; // peak in appliance load $appliance_load_peak = 0; // active appliances $appliance_active = 0; // active appliance with resource in error state $appliance_error = 0; // storage load $storage_load_overall = 0; // storage peak $storage_load_peak = 0; // active storages $storage_active = 0; // storage with resource in error state $storage_error = 0; // get an array of resources which are assigned to an appliance $appliance_resources_array = array(); $appliance = new appliance(); $appliance_list = $appliance->get_all_ids(); foreach ($appliance_list as $app) { $app_id = $app['appliance_id']; $g_appliance = new appliance(); $g_appliance->get_instance_by_id($app_id); $g_appliance_resource = $g_appliance->resources; if (!strcmp($g_appliance->state, "active") || $g_appliance_resource == 0) { if ($g_appliance_resource != "-1") { $appliance_resources_array[] .= $g_appliance_resource; } } } // get an array of resources which are a storage server $storage_resources_array = array(); $storage = new storage(); $storage_list = $storage->get_list(); foreach ($storage_list as $store) { $storage_id = $store['value']; $g_storage = new storage(); $g_storage->get_instance_by_id($storage_id); $g_storage_resource = $g_storage->resource_id; $storage_resources_array[] .= $g_storage_resource; } $restype = 0; $resource = new resource(); $resource_list = $resource->get_list(); foreach ($resource_list as $res) { $res_id = $res['resource_id']; //echo "!! res_id $res_id <br>"; $g_resource = new resource(); $g_resource->get_instance_by_id($res_id); // start gathering $resources_all++; // physical or virtual ? if (strlen($g_resource->vtype) && $g_resource->vtype != "NULL") { $virtualization = new virtualization(); $virtualization->get_instance_by_id($g_resource->vtype); if (strstr($virtualization->type, "-vm")) { // virtual $resources_virtual++; $restype = 1; } else { // physical $resources_physical++; $restype = 0; } } else { // we treat unknown system types as physical $resources_physical++; $restype = 0; } // resource load // is idle or active ? if ("{$g_resource->imageid}" == "1" && "{$g_resource->state}" == "active") { // idle $resources_available++; // virtual or physical ? if ($restype == 0) { $resources_available_physical++; } else { $resources_available_virtual++; } } else { if ("{$g_resource->state}" == "active") { // active $resources_active++; $dc_load_overall = $dc_load_overall + $g_resource->load; // is storage ? if (in_array($g_resource->id, $storage_resources_array)) { $storage_active++; $storage_load_overall = $storage_load_overall + $g_resource->load; // is peak ? if ($g_resource->load > $storage_load_peak) { $storage_load_peak = $g_resource->load; } } // is appliance ? if (in_array($g_resource->id, $appliance_resources_array)) { $appliance_active++; $appliance_load_overall = $appliance_load_overall + $g_resource->load; // is peak ? if ($g_resource->load > $appliance_load_peak) { $appliance_load_peak = $g_resource->load; } } } else { if ("{$g_resource->state}" == "error") { // error $resources_error++; // is storage ? if (in_array($g_resource->id, $storage_resources_array)) { $storage_error++; } // is appliance ? if (in_array($g_resource->id, $appliance_resources_array)) { $appliance_error++; } } } } } // end of gathering // divide with number of active resources, appliances + storages if ($resources_active != 0) { $dc_load_overall = $dc_load_overall / $resources_active; $dc_load_overall = number_format($dc_load_overall, 2, '.', ''); } if ($appliance_active != 0) { $appliance_load_overall = $appliance_load_overall / $appliance_active; $appliance_load_overall = number_format($appliance_load_overall, 2, '.', ''); } if ($storage_active != 0) { $storage_load_overall = $storage_load_overall / $storage_active; $storage_load_overall = number_format($storage_load_overall, 2, '.', ''); } echo "{$dc_load_overall},{$storage_load_overall},{$storage_load_peak},{$appliance_load_overall},{$appliance_load_peak},{$resources_all},{$resources_physical},{$resources_virtual},{$resources_available},{$resources_available_physical},{$resources_available_virtual},{$resources_error},{$appliance_error},{$storage_error}"; exit(0); }
function __free_cloud_ips($cr_id, $noop) { $error = ''; $cc_conf = new cloudconfig(); $show_ip_mgmt = $cc_conf->get_value(26); // ip-mgmt enabled ? if ($cr_id == 0) { // check and clean all ips if (!strcmp($show_ip_mgmt, "true")) { if (file_exists($this->webdir . "/plugins/ip-mgmt/.running")) { require_once $this->webdir . "/plugins/ip-mgmt/class/ip-mgmt.class.php"; $ip_mgmt = new ip_mgmt(); $ip_mgmt_id_array = $ip_mgmt->get_ids(); foreach ($ip_mgmt_id_array as $ip_id) { $ip = $ip_mgmt->get_instance('id', $ip_id['ip_mgmt_id']); $state = $ip['ip_mgmt_state']; $token = $ip['ip_mgmt_token']; $found_token = false; // check if the appliance still exists if (strlen($ip['ip_mgmt_appliance_id'])) { $ip_appliance = new appliance(); if ($ip_appliance->is_id_free($ip['ip_mgmt_appliance_id'])) { // error $error .= "found left over ip " . $ip['ip_mgmt_address'] . "<br>"; } } // check if we have a token set, if yes check all appliances for that token if (strlen($token) && $token != '0') { $ip_appliance = new appliance(); $ip_appliance_id_array = $ip_appliance->get_all_ids(); foreach ($ip_appliance_id_array as $ip_app_id_arr) { $ip_app_id = $ip_app_id_arr['appliance_id']; $ip_appliance->get_instance_by_id($ip_app_id); if (strlen($ip_appliance->capabilities)) { $pos = strpos($ip_appliance->capabilities, $token); if ($pos !== false) { $found_token = true; } } } if (!$found_token) { // error $error .= "found left over ip with token set / appliance missing " . $ip[ip_mgmt_address] . "<br>"; } } else { if ($state == 1) { // error $error .= "found left over ip with no token set " . $ip[ip_mgmt_address] . "<br>"; } } } } } } else { // clean ips for a specific cr $cr_ip = new cloudrequest(); $cr_ip->get_instance_by_id($cr_id); if (!strcmp($show_ip_mgmt, "true")) { if (file_exists($this->webdir . "/plugins/ip-mgmt/.running")) { require_once $this->webdir . "/plugins/ip-mgmt/class/ip-mgmt.class.php"; $ip_mgmt_array = explode(",", $cr_ip->ip_mgmt); foreach ($ip_mgmt_array as $ip_mgmt_config_str) { $collon_pos = strpos($ip_mgmt_config_str, ":"); $nic_id = substr($ip_mgmt_config_str, 0, $collon_pos); $ip_mgmt_id = substr($ip_mgmt_config_str, $collon_pos + 1); $ip_mgmt_fields = array(); $ip_mgmt_fields["ip_mgmt_appliance_id"] = NULL; $ip_mgmt_fields["ip_mgmt_nic_id"] = NULL; $ip_mgmt_assign = new ip_mgmt(); if ($noop) { $ip_mgmt_assign->update_ip($ip_mgmt_id, $ip_mgmt_fields); } else { // error $error .= "freeing up ip " . $ip_mgmt_id . "<br>"; } } } } } return $error; }
function find_host_to_start_from_off($virtualization_type_id, $resource_pools_enabled, $cu_id, $timeout) { global $OPENQRM_SERVER_BASE_DIR; global $OPENQRM_SERVER_IP_ADDRESS; global $OPENQRM_EXEC_PORT; global $RESOURCE_INFO_TABLE; global $vmware_mac_address_space; global $RootDir; $this->init($timeout); global $event; // find out the host virtualization type via the plugin name $vhost_type = new virtualization(); $vhost_type->get_instance_by_id($virtualization_type_id); $event->log("find_host_to_start_from_off", $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'], 5, "cloudhoststartfromoff.class.php", "Trying to find a powered-off virtualization host from type {$vhost_type->type} {$vhost_type->name}", "", "", 0, 0, 0); // for all in appliance list, find virtualization host appliances $appliance_tmp = new appliance(); $appliance_id_list = $appliance_tmp->get_all_ids(); $in_active_appliance_list = array(); foreach ($appliance_id_list as $id_arr) { foreach ($id_arr as $id) { $appliance = new appliance(); $appliance->get_instance_by_id($id); $sfo_resource = new resource(); $sfo_resource->get_instance_by_id($appliance->resources); // state off ? if (!strcmp($appliance->state, "stopped") && !strcmp($sfo_resource->state, "off")) { if ($appliance->virtualization == $virtualization_type_id) { // we have found an active appliance from the right virtualization type // // here we check if there is still enough space // to create the new vm -> max_vm setting per resource $res_hostlimit = new cloudhostlimit(); $res_hostlimit->get_instance_by_resource($appliance->resources); if (strlen($res_hostlimit->id)) { if ($res_hostlimit->max_vms >= 0) { $new_current_vms = $res_hostlimit->current_vms + 1; if ($new_current_vms >= $res_hostlimit->max_vms) { $event->log("find_host_to_start_from_off", $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'], 2, "cloudhoststartfromoff.class.php", "Hostlimit max_vm is reached for resource {$appliance->resources}", "", "", 0, 0, $appliance->resources); continue; } } } // resource pooling enabled ? if (strcmp($resource_pools_enabled, "true")) { // disabled, add any appliance from the right virtualization type // $event->log("find_host_to_start_from_off", $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'], 5, "cloudhoststartfromoff.class.php", "resource pooling is disabled", "", "", 0, 0, 0); // check if the resource can start-from-off $can_start_from_off = $sfo_resource->get_resource_capabilities('SFO'); if ($can_start_from_off == 1) { $in_active_appliance_list[] .= $id; $event->log("find_host_to_start_from_off", $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'], 5, "cloudhoststartfromoff.class.php", "Resource pooling is disabled, adding appliance {$id}", "", "", 0, 0, 0); } else { $event->log("find_host_to_start_from_off", $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'], 2, "cloudhoststartfromoff.class.php", "Resource pooling is disabled, resource of appliance {$id} cannot start-from-off", "", "", 0, 0, 0); } } else { // $event->log("find_host_to_start_from_off", $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'], 2, "cloudhoststartfromoff.class.php", "resource pooling is enabled $appliance->resources", "", "", 0, 0, 0); // resource pooling enabled, check to which user group the resource belongs to $private_resource = new cloudrespool(); $private_resource->get_instance_by_resource($appliance->resources); // is this resource configured in the resource pools ? // $event->log("find_host_to_start_from_off", $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'], 2, "cloudhoststartfromoff.class.php", "resource pool id $private_resource->id ", "", "", 0, 0, 0); if (strlen($private_resource->id)) { // $event->log("find_host_to_start_from_off", $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'], 2, "cloudhoststartfromoff.class.php", "resource $appliance->resources is in a resource pool", "", "", 0, 0, 0); // is it hidden ? if ($private_resource->cg_id >= 0) { // $event->log("find_host_to_start_from_off", $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'], 2, "cloudhoststartfromoff.class.php", "resource $appliance->resources is also configured in resource pool (not hidden)", "", "", 0, 0, 0); $cloud_user = new clouduser(); $cloud_user->get_instance_by_id($cu_id); $cloud_user_group = new cloudusergroup(); $cloud_user_group->get_instance_by_id($cloud_user->cg_id); // $event->log("find_host_to_start_from_off", $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'], 2, "cloudhoststartfromoff.class.php", "we have found the users group $cloud_user_group->id", "", "", 0, 0, 0); // does it really belongs to the users group ? if ($private_resource->cg_id == $cloud_user_group->id) { // resource belongs to the users group, add appliance to list // check if the resource can start-from-off $sfo_resource = new resource(); $sfo_resource->get_instance_by_id($appliance->resources); $can_start_from_off = $sfo_resource->get_resource_capabilities('SFO'); if ($can_start_from_off == 1) { $in_active_appliance_list[] .= $id; $event->log("find_host_to_start_from_off", $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'], 5, "cloudhoststartfromoff.class.php", "Adding appliance {$id}", "", "", 0, 0, 0); } else { $event->log("find_host_to_start_from_off", $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'], 2, "cloudhoststartfromoff.class.php", "Resource of appliance {$id} cannot start-from-off", "", "", 0, 0, 0); } } else { $event->log("find_host_to_start_from_off", $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'], 2, "cloudhoststartfromoff.class.php", "Appliance {$id} (resource {$appliance->resources}) is NOT in dedicated for the users group", "", "", 0, 0, 0); } } else { $event->log("find_host_to_start_from_off", $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'], 2, "cloudhoststartfromoff.class.php", "Appliance {$id} (resource {$appliance->resources}) is marked as hidden", "", "", 0, 0, 0); } } else { $event->log("find_host_to_start_from_off", $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'], 2, "cloudhoststartfromoff.class.php", "Appliance {$id} (resource {$appliance->resources}) is NOT member of any resource pools", "", "", 0, 0, 0); } } } } } } // did we found any active host ? if (count($in_active_appliance_list) < 1) { $event->log("find_host_to_start_from_off", $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'], 2, "cloudhoststartfromoff.class.php", "Warning ! There is no virtualization host type {$vhost_type->name} available to start-from-off", "", "", 0, 0, 0); $event->log("find_host_to_start_from_off", $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'], 2, "cloudhoststartfromoff.class.php", "Warning : Giving up to start a virtualization host type {$vhost_type->name} from power-off state .....", "", "", 0, 0, 0); return 0; } // simply take the first one foreach ($in_active_appliance_list as $in_active_id) { $in_active_appliance = new appliance(); $in_active_appliance->get_instance_by_id($in_active_id); break; } // simply start the appliance, the rest will be done by the appliance start hook sending power-on // monitor until it is fully up or timeout $event->log("find_host_to_start_from_off", $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'], 5, "cloudhoststartfromoff.class.php", "Notice: Starting host appliance {$in_active_id}, waiting until it is fully active ...", "", "", 0, 0, 0); $in_active_appliance->start(); // check until it is full up $in_active_resource = new resource(); $sec_loops = 0; while (0 == 0) { echo " "; flush(); sleep(2); $sec_loops++; $sec_loops++; // check if the resource is active $in_active_resource->get_instance_by_id($in_active_appliance->resources); if (!strcmp($in_active_resource->state, "active")) { // the host is up :) return the appliance id of the host $event->log("find_host_to_start_from_off", $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'], 5, "cloudhoststartfromoff.class.php", "Notice: Host resource id {$in_active_resource->id} successfully started from power-off", "", "", 0, 0, 0); return $in_active_id; } if ($this->timeout <= $sec_loops) { $event->log("find_host_to_start_from_off", $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'], 2, "cloudhoststartfromoff.class.php", "Error:Timeout while waiting for resource id {$in_active_resource->id} to start-from-off", "", "", 0, 0, 0); return 0; } } }