Exemple #1

include "../../application.php";
$appx = new app();
$dbu = new db();
$appx->load_lib('url', 'msg', 'form', 'nav', 'admlib', 'lang.eng');
$formix = new form();
$admlib = new admlib();
$msgx = new msg();
$urlx = new url();
$appx->set_default($act, 'browse');
$appx->set_default($step, 1);
* Action : browse
if ($act == "browse") {
    $page = $_REQUEST['page'];
    // get the requested page
    $paging = 50;
    // get how many rows we want to have into the grid
    $sidx = $_REQUEST['sidx'];
    // get index row - i.e. user click to sort
    $sord = $_REQUEST['sord'];
    // get the direction
    $where = "WHERE 1=1 AND a.id_reff ='" . $p_id . "'";
    $tab_provinsi = "";
    if (isset($_REQUEST["kcari"])) {
        $_SESSION["kcari"] = $_REQUEST["kcari"];
Exemple #2

include "../../application.php";
$appx = new app();
$dbu = new db();
$uly = new url();
//Get our locations from the database.
$radius = 20;
// Search the rows in the markers table
$kat = "";
if ($_POST[kate] != "") {
    $kat = "WHERE a.id_kat ='" . $_POST[kate] . "'";
$lat = $_POST[lat];
$lng = $_POST[lng];
//$alamat = $_POST[alamat];
$urlnya = $dbu->lookup('nama', 'action', "action='21' and id_bahasa='" . $_SESSION[bhs] . "'");
$query = "SELECT distinct a.website, b.nama as dest,a.id_kat, b.slogan, b.alamat, a.pos_lat as lat , a.pos_long as lng, ( 3959 * acos( cos( radians('" . $lat . "') ) * cos( radians( a.pos_lat ) ) * cos( radians( a.pos_long ) - radians('" . $lng . "') ) + sin( radians('" . $lat . "') ) * sin( radians( a.pos_lat ) ) ) ) AS distance, a.thumb, a.icon_map ,LTRIM(' url') as urlc FROM " . $app[table][destinasi] . " as a LEFT JOIN " . $app[table][destinasi_bahasa] . " as b ON(a.id_reff = b.id_reff) " . $kat . " HAVING distance < '" . $radius . "' ORDER BY distance asc";
$dbu->query($query, $rnear, $hit_near);
$dnear = "";
if ($hit_near > 0) {
    $hit = 0;
    while ($nea = $dbu->fetch($rnear)) {
        $nea[urlc] = $app[www] . "/" . $urlnya . "/" . $uly->shortLink($nea[dest]) . "/";
        $nea[thumb] = $appx->cekFile('/destinasi/thumb/', $nea[thumb], 'default.jpg');
        $nea[thumb] = $app[data_www] . '/destinasi/thumb/' . $nea[thumb];
        $nea[icon_map] = $appx->cekFile('/destinasi/icon/', $nea[icon_map], 'default.png');
        $nea[icon_map] = $app[data_www] . '/destinasi/icon/' . $nea[icon_map];
        $dnear[$hit] = $nea;

$stats = new stats();
$dbu = new db();
$appx = new app();
$feedex = new feed();
$stats->log_stats($rs_act["nama"], $act, $p_id, $sub, $step, $cat, $status, $tab);
$app['nopage'] = $rs_act["action"];
//echo $p_id;exit;
$pid = str_replace("-", "%", $p_id);
$idnya = $dbu->lookup("id", $app[table][komunitas], "nama LIKE '%" . $pid . "%'");
$komm = $dbu->get_record($app[table][komunitas], "id = '" . $idnya . "'");
$komm[logo] = $appx->cekFile('/komunitas/logo/', $komm[logo], 'default.png');
$komm[logo] = $app[data_www] . '/komunitas/logo/' . $komm[logo];
include "fill/fill_community_detail.php";
Exemple #4

include "../application.php";
$appx = new app();
$appx->load_lib('stats', 'url', 'msg', 'form', 'nav', 'file', 'admlib', 'usrlib');
## START #######################################################################
$appx->set_default($act, '');
$appx->set_default($step, 1);
$admlibx = new admlib();
$dbu = new db();
$formix = new form();
$msgx = new msg();
if ($act == "" || $act == 'traveler_friend') {
    $pgconfig = $dbu->get_record("konfig", "id", 1);
    if ($_SESSION['adminsession']) {
        header("location: {$app['webmin']}/index.php?act=home");
    } elseif ($_SESSION['membersession']) {
        header("location: {$app['webmin']}/index.php?act=member");
    } else {
        include "dsp_login.php";
* login
* gambaran : validasi login
if ($act == "login") {