/** * Execute the job. * */ public function handle() { if (Cache::has($this->cache_key())) { return Cache::get($this->cache_key()); } $curl = new \anlutro\cURL\cURL(); $params = ['key' => env('GOOGLE_MAP_SERVER_KEY'), 'address' => $this->location]; $url = 'https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?' . http_build_query($params); $response = $curl->get($url); $data = json_decode($response->body); Cache::forever($this->cache_key(), $data); return Cache::get($this->cache_key()); }
/** * Execute the job. * */ public function handle() { if (Cache::has($this->cache_key())) { return Cache::get($this->cache_key()); } $curl = new \anlutro\cURL\cURL(); $params = ['key' => env('GOOGLE_MAP_SERVER_KEY'), 'input' => $this->location, 'language' => 'pt-BR', 'region' => 'br', 'types' => '(cities)', 'components' => 'country:BR', 'sensor' => 'false']; $url = 'https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/autocomplete/json?' . http_build_query($params); $response = $curl->get($url); $data = json_decode($response->body); Cache::forever($this->cache_key(), $data); return Cache::get($this->cache_key()); }
protected function guardAgainstInsufficientBitcoinBalance($address) { /** * Uses Blockchain.info * (Hardcoded for now.) */ $curl = new \anlutro\cURL\cURL(); $response = $curl->get("https://blockchain.info/q/addressbalance/{$address}?confirmations=0"); /** * Returns false if the * funds are sufficient */ if ($response->body > 0.0001) { return false; } /** * We have a problem. */ return true; }
public function set_current() { $curl = new anlutro\cURL\cURL(); $response = json_decode($curl->get('http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?units=metric&lat=' . $this->lat . '&lon=' . $this->lng . '&APPID=6cfd180eeb2bd61dbaf2be616d347544')->body); $this->windspeed = $response->wind->speed; $this->temperature = number_format($response->main->temp); $this->ride = false; $this->weather_detailed = $response->weather[0]->description; $this->location = $response->name; $rideweather = false; switch (strtolower($response->weather[0]->description)) { case 'thunderstorm with light rain': case 'thunderstorm with rain': case 'thunderstorm with heavy rain': case 'light thunderstorm': case 'thunderstorm': case 'heavy thunderstorm': case 'ragged thunderstorm': case 'thunderstorm with light drizzle': case 'thunderstorm with drizzle': case 'thunderstorm with heavy drizzle': case 'moderate rain': case 'heavy intensity rain': case 'very heavy rain': case 'extreme rain': case 'freezing rain': case 'shower rain': case 'heavy intensity shower rain': case 'ragged shower rain': case 'light snow': case 'snow': case 'heavy snow': case 'sleet': case 'shower sleet': case 'light rain and snow': case 'rain and snow': case 'light shower snow': case 'shower snow': case 'heavy shower snow': case 'tornado': case 'tropical storm': case 'hurricane': case 'sand/Dust Whirls': case 'fog': case 'sand': case 'dust': case 'VOLCANIC ASH': case 'SQUALLS': case 'TORNADO': case 'windy': case 'hail': case 'drizzle': case 'heavy intensity drizzle': case 'drizzle rain': case 'heavy intensity drizzle rain': case 'shower rain and drizzle': case 'heavy shower rain and drizzle': case 'shower drizzle': case 'light intensity drizzle rain': case 'light intensity drizzle': case 'light intensity shower rain': case 'light rain': $this->weather = 'bad'; $this->descriptive = 'bad'; $rideweather = 'bad'; break; case 'sky is clear': case 'few clouds': case 'scattered clouds': case 'broken clouds': case 'overcast clouds': $this->weather = 'good'; $rideweather = 'good'; $this->descriptive = 'good'; break; case 'mist': case 'smoke': case 'haze': $this->weather = 'maybe'; $rideweather = 'maybe'; $this->descriptive = 'maybe'; break; } if ($this->temperature > 14 && $rideweather === 'good') { $this->ride = 'good'; } elseif ($this->temperature > 10 && ($rideweather === 'maybe' || $rideweather === 'good')) { $this->ride = 'maybe'; } else { $this->ride = 'bad'; } }
public static function get_by_str($str) { $curl = new anlutro\cURL\cURL(); $response = json_decode($curl->get('http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/search?accept-language=en-gb&addressdetails=1&limit=4&format=json&q=' . urlencode($str))); return $response; }