* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * Authors: Martin Tatzber <*****@*****.**> */ require_once '../config/vilesci.config.inc.php'; require_once '../include/basis_db.class.php'; require_once '../include/mail.class.php'; require_once '../include/ampel.class.php'; $db = new basis_db(); $ampel = new ampel(); $ampel->getAll(true); foreach ($ampel->result as $a) { if (!$a->email) { continue; } $qry = $a->benutzer_select; $message = $a->beschreibung['German']; $subject = $a->kurzbz; if ($result = $db->db_query($qry)) { while ($row = $db->db_fetch_object($result)) { $uid = $row->uid; $mail = new mail($uid . '@' . DOMAIN, 'cis@' . DOMAIN, $subject, $message); if ($mail->send()) { echo "Email an {$uid} versandt\n"; } else {
$selected = ''; } echo '<OPTION value="' . $basis->convert_html_chars($row->ampel_id) . '" ' . $selected . '>'; echo $basis->convert_html_chars($row->kurzbz); echo '</OPTION>'; } echo '</SELECT>'; echo '<input type="submit" value="OK" />'; echo '</form><br>'; if (!isset($_POST['ampel_id'])) { echo $p->t('tools/waehlenSieEineOEoderAmpel'); exit; } $oe_arr = $oe_kurzbz != '' ? array($oe_kurzbz) : $oes; //echo 'OE: '.$oe_kurzbz.' Ampel:'.$ampel_id; $ampel = new ampel(); if (!$ampel->loadAmpelMitarbeiter($oe_arr, $ampel_id)) { die('Fehler:' . $ampel->errormsg); } if ($ampel_id != '') { $ampel_aktuell = new ampel($ampel_id); echo $ampel_aktuell->beschreibung[$sprache]; } echo ' <table id="myTable" class="tablesorter"> <thead> <tr> <th>' . $p->t('tools/ampelStatus') . '</th> <th>' . $p->t('tools/ampelKurzbz') . '</th> <th>' . $p->t('tools/ampelMitarbeiter') . '</th> <th>' . $p->t('global/organisationseinheit') . '</th>
<?php require_once '../config/cis.config.inc.php'; require_once '../include/functions.inc.php'; require_once '../include/ampel.class.php'; require_once '../include/datum.class.php'; require_once '../include/phrasen.class.php'; $sprache = getSprache(); $p = new phrasen($sprache); if (is_user_logged_in()) { $user = get_uid(); $ampel = new ampel(); $ampel->loadUserAmpel($user); $rot = 0; $gelb = 0; $datum = new datum(); foreach ($ampel->result as $row) { $ts_deadline = $datum->mktime_fromdate($row->deadline); $vlz = "-" . $row->vorlaufzeit . " day"; $ts_vorlaufzeit = strtotime($vlz, $ts_deadline); $ts_now = $datum->mktime_fromdate(date('Y-m-d')); if ($ts_deadline < $ts_now) { $rot++; } else { if ($ts_vorlaufzeit <= $ts_now && $ts_now <= $ts_deadline) { $gelb++; } } } if ($rot == 0 && $gelb == 0) { echo '<a href="private/tools/ampelverwaltung.php" target="content" title="' . $p->t("tools/ampelsystem") . '"><span style="color: #A5AFB6">' . $p->t("tools/ampelsystem") . '</span></a> <span style="color: #A5AFB6">|</span> ';
$datum_obj = new datum(); ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <title>Ampel - Details</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../skin/fhcomplete.css" type="text/css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../skin/vilesci.css" type="text/css"> </head> <body> <?php $action = isset($_GET['action']) ? $_GET['action'] : 'new'; $ampel_id = isset($_REQUEST['ampel_id']) ? $_REQUEST['ampel_id'] : ''; $ampel = new ampel(); if ($action == 'save') { $kurzbz = isset($_POST['kurzbz']) ? $_POST['kurzbz'] : die('Kurzbz fehlt'); foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { if (mb_strstr($key, 'beschreibung')) { $idx = mb_substr($key, mb_strlen('beschreibung')); $beschreibung[$idx] = $value; } } $benutzer_select = isset($_POST['benutzer_select']) ? $_POST['benutzer_select'] : die('Benutzer_select fehlt'); $deadline = isset($_POST['deadline']) ? $_POST['deadline'] : die('Deadline fehlt'); $vorlaufzeit = isset($_POST['vorlaufzeit']) ? $_POST['vorlaufzeit'] : die('Vorlaufzeit fehlt'); $verfallszeit = isset($_POST['verfallszeit']) ? $_POST['verfallszeit'] : die('verfallszeit fehlt'); $email = isset($_POST['email']); $new = isset($_POST['new']) ? $_POST['new'] : 'true'; if ($new == 'true') {
</div>'; if (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'delete') { if (!$rechte->isBerechtigt('basis/ampel', null, 'suid')) { die('Sie haben keine Berechtigung fuer diese Seite'); } if (!isset($_GET['ampel_id'])) { die('Fehlender Parameter Statistik'); } $ampel = new ampel(); if ($ampel->delete($_GET['ampel_id'])) { echo '<span class="ok">Eintrag wurde erfolgreich gelöscht</span>'; } else { echo '<span class="error">' . $ampel->errormsg . '</span>'; } } $ampel = new ampel(); if (!$ampel->getAll()) { die($ampel->errormsg); } echo '<table class="tablesorter" id="myTable"> <thead> <tr> <th>ID</th> <th>Kurzbz</th> <th>Deadline</th> <th>Vorlaufzeit</th> <th>Verfallszeit</th> <th colspan="3">Aktion</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody>';
$message = '<script type="text/javascript">window.parent.loadampel()</script>'; } else { $message = '<span class="error">' . $ampel->errormsg . '</span>'; } } else { $message = '<span class="error">' . $p->t('tools/ampelBereitsBestaetigt') . '</span>'; } } else { $message = '<span class="error">' . $p->t('tools/nichtZugeteilt') . '</span>'; } } else { $message = '<span class="error">' . $p->t('tools/ampelNichtGefunden') . '</span>'; } } echo $message; $ampel = new ampel(); $ampel->loadUserAmpel($user, true, true); echo ' <table id="myTable" class="tablesorter"> <thead> <tr> <th></th> <th>' . $p->t('tools/ampelErledigt') . '</th> <th>' . $p->t('tools/ampelBeschreibung') . '</th> <th>' . $p->t('tools/ampelDeadline') . '</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> '; foreach ($ampel->result as $row) { $ts_deadline = $datum_obj->mktime_fromdate($row->deadline);