require 'components/query_string_standard.php';
    require 'subclasses/alumniemplrecord.php';
    $dbh_alumniemplrecord = new alumniemplrecord();
    $object_name = 'dbh_alumniemplrecord';
    require 'components/create_form_data.php';
    if ($_POST['btn_cancel']) {
        log_action('Pressed cancel button');
    if ($_POST['btn_submit']) {
        log_action('Pressed submit button');
        $message .= $dbh_alumniemplrecord->sanitize($arr_form_data)->lst_error;
        if ($dbh_alumniemplrecord->check_uniqueness($arr_form_data)->is_unique) {
            //Good, no duplicate in database
        } else {
            $message = "Record already exists with the same primary identifiers!";
        if ($message == "") {
require 'subclasses/alumniemplrecord_html.php';
$html = new alumniemplrecord_html();
$html->draw_header('Add Alumniemplrecord', $message, $message_type);
$html->draw_listview_referrer_info($filter_field_used, $filter_used, $page_from, $filter_sort_asc, $filter_sort_desc);
            $token = generate_token(0, 'fs');
            $csv_name = $token . $_SESSION['user'] . '_alumniemplrecord_' . $timestamp . '.csv';
            $filename = TMP_DIRECTORY . '/' . $csv_name;
            $csv_contents = $dbh_alumniemplrecord->export_to_csv();
            $csv_file = fopen($filename, "wb");
            fwrite($csv_file, $csv_contents);
            chmod($filename, 0755);
            $csv_name = urlencode($csv_name);
            $message = 'CSV file successfully generated: <a href="/' . BASE_DIRECTORY . '/download_generic.php?filename=' . $csv_name . '">Download the CSV file.</a>';
            $message_type = 'system';
require 'subclasses/alumniemplrecord_html.php';
$html = new alumniemplrecord_html();
$html->draw_header('CSV Exporter: Alumniemplrecord', $message, $message_type);
echo '<div class="container">';
echo '<fieldset class="container_invisible">';
$html->draw_fieldset_header('Table Data to CSV Export');
echo '<tr><td>';
$html->display_info('Exporting data to CSV will let you have an offline backup of this module.');
$html->display_tip('Your system admin can use this CSV file to restore data for this module in case of catastrophic data loss on the server.');
echo '</td></tr>';
echo '</fieldset>';
echo '</div>';