  * Adds filter SQL to current query
  * @param string $query query to add filter condition
  * @return string
 protected function _addFilter($query)
     $articleViewName = $this->_getViewName('oxarticles');
     $query = parent::_addFilter($query);
     // display variants or not ?
     $query .= $this->getConfig()->getRequestParameter('blVariantsSelection') ? ' group by ' . $articleViewName . '.oxid ' : '';
     return $query;
  * Adds filter SQL to current query
  * @param string $sQ query to add filter condition
  * @return string
 protected function _addFilter($sQ)
     $sArtTable = $this->_getViewName('oxarticles');
     $sQ = parent::_addFilter($sQ);
     // display variants or not ?
     $sQ .= $this->getConfig()->getRequestParameter('blVariantsSelection') ? ' group by ' . $sArtTable . '.oxid ' : '';
     return $sQ;
  * Adds filter SQL to current query
  * @param string $sQ query to add filter condition
  * @return string
 protected function _addFilter($sQ)
     $sArtTable = $this->_getViewName('oxarticles');
     $sQ = parent::_addFilter($sQ);
     // display variants or not ?
     if (!$this->getConfig()->getConfigParam('blVariantsSelection')) {
         $sQ .= " and {$sArtTable}.oxparentid = '' ";
     return $sQ;
  * Removes article from delivery configuration
 public function removeArtFromDel()
     $aChosenArt = $this->_getActionIds('oxobject2delivery.oxid');
     // removing all
     if ($this->getConfig()->getRequestParameter('all')) {
         $sQ = parent::_addFilter("delete oxobject2delivery.* " . $this->_getQuery());
     } elseif (is_array($aChosenArt)) {
         $sQ = "delete from oxobject2delivery where oxobject2delivery.oxid in (" . implode(", ", oxDb::getDb()->quoteArray($aChosenArt)) . ") ";
  * Removes article from Attribute list
  * @return null
 public function removeattrarticle()
     $aChosenCat = $this->_getActionIds('oxobject2attribute.oxid');
     if (oxConfig::getParameter('all')) {
         $sO2AttributeView = $this->_getViewName('oxobject2attribute');
         $sQ = parent::_addFilter("delete {$sO2AttributeView}.* " . $this->_getQuery());
     } elseif (is_array($aChosenCat)) {
         $sQ = "delete from oxobject2attribute where oxobject2attribute.oxid in (" . implode(", ", oxDb::getInstance()->quoteArray($aChosenCat)) . ") ";
  * Adds article to Selection list
 public function addArtToSel()
     $aAddArticle = $this->_getActionIds('oxarticles.oxid');
     $soxId = oxRegistry::getConfig()->getRequestParameter('synchoxid');
     if (oxRegistry::getConfig()->getRequestParameter('all')) {
         $sArtTable = $this->_getViewName('oxarticles');
         $aAddArticle = $this->_getAll(parent::_addFilter("select {$sArtTable}.oxid " . $this->_getQuery()));
     if ($soxId && $soxId != "-1" && is_array($aAddArticle)) {
         $oDb = oxDb::getDb();
         foreach ($aAddArticle as $sAdd) {
             $oNewGroup = oxNew("oxBase");
             $oNewGroup->oxobject2selectlist__oxobjectid = new oxField($sAdd);
             $oNewGroup->oxobject2selectlist__oxselnid = new oxField($soxId);
             $oNewGroup->oxobject2selectlist__oxsort = new oxField((int) $oDb->getOne("select max(oxsort) + 1 from oxobject2selectlist where oxobjectid =  " . $oDb->quote($sAdd) . " ", false, false));
  * Adding article to accessories article list
 public function addArticleAcc()
     $oArticle = oxNew("oxArticle");
     $aChosenArt = $this->_getActionIds('oxarticles.oxid');
     $soxId = oxRegistry::getConfig()->getRequestParameter('synchoxid');
     // adding
     if (oxRegistry::getConfig()->getRequestParameter('all')) {
         $sArtTable = $this->_getViewName('oxarticles');
         $aChosenArt = $this->_getAll(parent::_addFilter("select {$sArtTable}.oxid " . $this->_getQuery()));
     if ($oArticle->load($soxId) && $soxId && $soxId != "-1" && is_array($aChosenArt)) {
         foreach ($aChosenArt as $sChosenArt) {
             $oNewGroup = oxNew("oxBase");
             $oNewGroup->oxaccessoire2article__oxobjectid = new oxField($sChosenArt);
             $oNewGroup->oxaccessoire2article__oxarticlenid = new oxField($oArticle->oxarticles__oxid->value);
             $oNewGroup->oxaccessoire2article__oxsort = new oxField(0);
  * Removes article from Promotions list
  * @return null
 public function removeartfromact()
     $aChosenArt = $this->_getActionIds('oxactions2article.oxid');
     $sOxid = oxConfig::getParameter('oxid');
     if (oxConfig::getParameter('all')) {
         $sQ = parent::_addFilter("delete oxactions2article.* " . $this->_getQuery());
     } elseif (is_array($aChosenArt)) {
         $sQ = "delete from oxactions2article where oxactions2article.oxid in (" . implode(", ", oxDb::getInstance()->quoteArray($aChosenArt)) . ") ";
  * Removes article from Promotions list
 public function removeArtFromAct()
     $aChosenArt = $this->_getActionIds('oxactions2article.oxid');
     $sOxid = oxRegistry::getConfig()->getRequestParameter('oxid');
     if (oxRegistry::getConfig()->getRequestParameter('all')) {
         $sQ = parent::_addFilter("delete oxactions2article.* " . $this->_getQuery());
     } elseif (is_array($aChosenArt)) {
         $sChosenArticles = implode(", ", oxDb::getInstance()->quoteArray($aChosenArt));
         $sQ = "delete from oxactions2article where oxactions2article.oxid in (" . $sChosenArticles . ") ";
  * Adds selected article (articles) to discount list
 public function addDiscArt()
     $config = $this->getConfig();
     $articleIds = $this->_getActionIds('oxarticles.oxid');
     $discountListId = $config->getRequestParameter('synchoxid');
     // adding
     if ($config->getRequestParameter('all')) {
         $articleTable = $this->_getViewName('oxarticles');
         $articleIds = $this->_getAll(parent::_addFilter("select {$articleTable}.oxid " . $this->_getQuery()));
     if ($discountListId && $discountListId != self::NEW_DISCOUNT_LIST_ID && is_array($articleIds)) {
         foreach ($articleIds as $articleId) {
             $this->addArticleToDiscount($discountListId, $articleId);
  * Adds selected article (articles) to discount list
 public function addDiscArt()
     $oConfig = $this->getConfig();
     $aChosenArt = $this->_getActionIds('oxarticles.oxid');
     $soxId = $oConfig->getRequestParameter('synchoxid');
     // adding
     if ($oConfig->getRequestParameter('all')) {
         $sArticleTable = $this->_getViewName('oxarticles');
         $aChosenArt = $this->_getAll(parent::_addFilter("select {$sArticleTable}.oxid " . $this->_getQuery()));
     if ($soxId && $soxId != "-1" && is_array($aChosenArt)) {
         foreach ($aChosenArt as $sChosenArt) {
             $oObject2Discount = oxNew("oxbase");
             $oObject2Discount->oxobject2discount__oxdiscountid = new oxField($soxId);
             $oObject2Discount->oxobject2discount__oxobjectid = new oxField($sChosenArt);
             $oObject2Discount->oxobject2discount__oxtype = new oxField("oxarticles");
  * Removes article from Attribute list
 public function removeAttrArticle()
     $aChosenCat = $this->_getActionIds('oxobject2attribute.oxid');
     if (oxRegistry::getConfig()->getRequestParameter('all')) {
         $sO2AttributeView = $this->_getViewName('oxobject2attribute');
         $sQ = parent::_addFilter("delete {$sO2AttributeView}.* " . $this->_getQuery());
     } elseif (is_array($aChosenCat)) {
         $sChosenCategories = implode(", ", oxDb::getDb()->quoteArray($aChosenCat));
         $sQ = "delete from oxobject2attribute where oxobject2attribute.oxid in (" . $sChosenCategories . ") ";
  * Adding article to corssselling list
  * @return null
 public function addarticlecross()
     $aChosenArt = $this->_getActionIds('oxarticles.oxid');
     $soxId = oxConfig::getParameter('synchoxid');
     // adding
     if (oxConfig::getParameter('all')) {
         $sArtTable = $this->_getViewName('oxarticles');
         $aChosenArt = $this->_getAll(parent::_addFilter("select {$sArtTable}.oxid " . $this->_getQuery()));
     $oArticle = oxNew("oxarticle");
     if ($oArticle->load($soxId) && $soxId && $soxId != "-1" && is_array($aChosenArt)) {
         foreach ($aChosenArt as $sAdd) {
             $oNewGroup = oxNew('oxbase');
             $oNewGroup->oxobject2article__oxobjectid = new oxField($sAdd);
             $oNewGroup->oxobject2article__oxarticlenid = new oxField($oArticle->oxarticles__oxid->value);
             $oNewGroup->oxobject2article__oxsort = new oxField(0);