Exemple #1
$allowableValues = array("Allowable Value1", "Allowable Value2", "Dropdown Value", "CRUD");
$tblDemo->defineAllowableValues("fldCertainFields", $allowableValues);
//set field fldCheckbox to be a checkbox
#i can disallow deleting of rows from the table
#i can disallow adding rows to the table
#i can add a button that performs some action deleting of rows for the entire table
//$tblDemo->addButtonToRow("Add", "add_item.php", "all");
#set the number of rows to display (per page)
#set a filter box at the top of the table
#if really desired, a filter box can be used for all fields
#i can set the size of the filter box
//$tblDemo->setAjaxFilterBoxSize('fldField1', 3);
#i can format the data in cells however I want with formatFieldWithFunction
#this is arguably one of the most important (visual) functions
$tblDemo->formatFieldWithFunction('fldField1', 'makeBlue');
$tblDemo->formatFieldWithFunction('fldField2', 'makeBold');
//$tblDemo->modifyFieldWithClass("fldField1", "zip required"); 	//for testing masked input functionality
//$tblDemo->modifyFieldWithClass("fldField2", "phone");			//for testing masked input functionality
//$tblDemo->onAddExecuteCallBackFunction("mycallbackfunction"); //uncomment this to try out an ADD ROW callback function
$tblDemo->deleteText = "delete";
Exemple #2
#Add WHERE clause so we only display information specific to the event that was selected
$tblEventAttendee->addWhereClause("WHERE fkEventID = {$eventID}");
#I could add filter boxes to the top, but have chosen not to do so; commenting these out
//using addValueOnInsert so when someone signs up it will automatically add them to this event
$tblEventAttendee->addValueOnInsert("fkEventID", $eventID);
//using addValueOnInsert to track their IP address
$tblEventAttendee->addValueOnInsert("fldIPAddress", $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]);
$tblEventAttendee->setTextboxWidth("fldTimeArriving", 8);
$tblEventAttendee->setTextboxWidth("fldLastName", 25);
$tblEventAttendee->setTextareaHeight("fldComments", 70);
//comment field should be a bit wider height
#set the number of rows to display (per page)
//after 25 people, the resultset will paginate
$tblEventAttendee->setAddPlaceholderText("fldTimeArriving", $fldTime);
$tblEventAttendee->setAddFieldNote("fldTimeArriving", "Leave blank if you'll be on time.");
$tblEventAttendee->setAddFieldNote("fldWillBeLate", "If you will be arriving late, please enter the time in the next box.");
$tblEventAttendee->modifyFieldWithClass("fldTimeArriving", "time");
$tblEventAttendee->modifyFieldWithClass("fldLastName", "required");
$tblEventAttendee->modifyFieldWithClass("fldFirstName", "required");
$tblEventAttendee->formatFieldWithFunction("fldWillBeLate", "displayWillBeLate");
$tblEventAttendee->formatFieldWithFunctionAdvanced("fldTimeArriving", "displayArrivalTime");
$tblEventAttendee->emptyTableMessage = "No one has signed up yet! Press the '<b>Add Person</b>' button below to sign up for this event.";
$tblEventAttendee->addMessage = "You have been added to this event.";
//i liked this table feel; but any css can be used from http://icant.co.uk/csstablegallery
#implement a callback function on signing up to create cookie
Exemple #3
$tblFriend->displayAs("fldPhone", "Phone");
$tblFriend->displayAs("fldEmail", "Email");
$tblFriend->displayAs("fldBestFriend", "Best Friend?");
$tblFriend->displayAs("fldDateMet", "Date We Met");
$tblFriend->displayAs("fldFriendRating", "Rating");
$tblFriend->displayAs("fldOwes", "Owes Me How Much?");
$tblFriend->displayAs("fldPicture", "Image");
$tblFriend->displayAs("fkMarriedTo", "Married To");
#disallow new friends to be added (removes the add button)
#use if you only want to show a few of the fields (not all)
//$tblFriend->showOnly("fldName, fldAddress, fldState, fldOwes");
#use if you want to rearrange the order your fields display (different from table schema)
//$tblFriend->orderFields("pkFriendID, fldAddress, fldName, fldState");
#set the number of rows to display (per page)
#set a filter box at the top of the table
$tblFriend->addAjaxFilterBox('fldName', 20);
#allow picture to be a file upload
$tblFriend->setFileUpload('fldPicture', 'uploads/', 'uploads/');
#format field output
$tblFriend->formatFieldWithFunction('fldOwes', 'addDollarSign');
$tblFriend->formatFieldWithFunction('fldPicture', 'displayImage');
$tblFriend->defineCheckbox("fldBestFriend", "Y", "N");
#modify field with class
$tblFriend->modifyFieldWithClass("fldDateMet", "datepicker");
$tblFriend->modifyFieldWithClass("fldZip", "zip required");
Exemple #4
        } else {
            $where = "";
            $limit = 10;
$tbl = new ajaxCRUD("點位", "point", "id");
// $tbl->turnOffAjaxEditing();
if (!empty($where)) {
$tbl->displayAs("name", "名稱");
$tbl->displayAs("alias", "別名");
$tbl->displayAs("type", "種類");
$tbl->formatFieldWithFunction('type', 'showIcon');
$tbl->displayAs("class", "等");
$tbl->displayAs("number", "號碼");
$tbl->displayAs("status", "狀態");
$tbl->displayAs("ele", "高度");
$tbl->displayAs("comment", "註解");
$tbl->displayAs("mt100", "百岳");
$tbl->displayAs("checked", "檢查");
$tbl->defineCheckbox('checked', '1', '0');
if ($_GET['x'] && $_GET['y']) {
Exemple #5
$tblDemo->defineCheckbox("fldCheckbox", "1", "0");
$tblDemo->formatFieldWithFunction('fldField1', 'makeBlue');
$tblDemo->formatFieldWithFunction('fldField2', 'makeBold');
echo "<h2>Table tblDemo</h2>\n";
echo "<br /><hr ><br />\n";
$tblDemo2 = new ajaxCRUD("Item", "tblDemo2", "pkID");
$tblDemo2->displayAs("fldField1", "Field1");
$tblDemo2->displayAs("fldField2", "Field2");
$tblDemo2->displayAs("fldCertainFields", "Color");
$tblDemo2->displayAs("fldLongField", "Long Field");
$allowableValues2 = array("Green", "Blue", "Red", "Periwinkle");
$tblDemo2->defineAllowableValues("fldCertainFields", $allowableValues2);
$tblDemo2->setTextareaHeight('fldLongField', 50);
$tblDemo2->formatFieldWithFunction('fldField2', 'makeBlue');
$tblDemo2->formatFieldWithFunction('fldField1', 'makeBold');
echo "<h2>Table tblDemo2</h2>\n";
function makeBold($val)
    return "<b>{$val}</b>";
function makeBlue($val)
    return "<span style='color: blue;'>{$val}</span>";
//$allowableValues = array("Allowable Value1", "Allowable Value2", "Dropdown Value", "CRUD");
// $tblDemo->defineAllowableValues("fldCertainFields", $allowableValues);
//set field fldCheckbox to be a checkbox
#i can disallow deleting of rows from the table
#i can disallow adding rows to the table
#i can add a button that performs some action deleting of rows for the entire table
//$tblDemo->addButtonToRow("Add", "add_item.php", "all");
#set the number of rows to display (per page)
#set a filter box at the top of the table
#if really desired, a filter box can be used for all fields
#i can set the size of the filter box
//$tblDemo->setAjaxFilterBoxSize('fldField1', 3);
#i can format the data in cells however I want with formatFieldWithFunction
#this is arguably one of the most important (visual) functions
//$tblDemo->formatFieldWithFunction('fldField1', 'makeBlue');
//$tblDemo->formatFieldWithFunction('fldField2', 'makeBold');
//$tblDemo->modifyFieldWithClass("fldField1", "zip required"); 	//for testing masked input functionality
//$tblDemo->modifyFieldWithClass("fldField2", "phone");			//for testing masked input functionality
//$tblDemo->onAddExecuteCallBackFunction("mycallbackfunction"); //uncomment this to try out an ADD ROW callback function
$tblDemo->deleteText = "delete";
Exemple #7
$chatlines = new ajaxCRUD("chatlines", "chatlines", "id");
$groups = new ajaxCRUD("groups", "groups", "id");
$handles = new ajaxCRUD("handles", "handles", "id");
$messages = new ajaxCRUD("messages", "messages", "id");
$roles = new ajaxCRUD("roles", "roles", "id");
$tickets = new ajaxCRUD("tickets", "tickets", "id");
$updates = new ajaxCRUD("updates", "updates", "id");
$users = new ajaxCRUD("users", "users", "id");

<div id="TopContainer" class="rounded"></div>
<div id="MainContainer">
      <span id="select-table">
          <select id="table-selector">
              <option value="#autotext-div">autotext</option>
              <option value="#chatlines-div">chatlines</option>
              <option value="#groups-div">groups</option>
              <option value="#handles-div">handles</option>
              <option value="#messages-div">messages</option>
              <option value="#roles-div">roles</option>
              <option value="#tickets-div">tickets</option>
Exemple #8
//$tblDemo->addOrderBy("ORDER BY fldField1 ASC");
#i can set certain fields to only allow certain values
$allowableValues = array("Allowable Value 1", "Allowable Value2", "Dropdown Value", "CRUD");
$tblDemo->defineAllowableValues("fldCertainFields", $allowableValues);
#i can disallow deleting of rows from the table
#i can disallow adding rows to the table
#i can add a button that performs some action deleting of rows for the entire table
//$tblDemo->addButtonToRow("Add", "add_item.php", "all");
#set the number of rows to display (per page)
#set a filter box at the top of the table
#if really desired, a filter box can be used for all fields
#i can set the size of the filter box
//$tblDemo->setAjaxFilterBoxSize('fldField1', 3);
#i can format the data in cells however I want with formatFieldWithFunction
#this is arguably one of the most important (visual) functions
$tblDemo->formatFieldWithFunction('fldField1', 'makeBlue');
$tblDemo->formatFieldWithFunction('fldField2', 'makeBold');
#actually show the table
#my self-defined functions used for formatFieldWithFunction
function makeBold($val)