Exemple #1
 public function action_delete()
     $role = ORM::factory('Role', arr::get($_POST, 'id'));
     if (!$role->loaded()) {
         ajax::error(__('Role not found. Has it been deleted already?'));
     try {
     } catch (exception $e) {
         ajax::error(__('An uncaught error occurred: :error', array(':error' => $e->getMessage())));
 public function action_delete()
     $vacation = ORM::factory('Vacation', arr::get($_POST, 'id', ''));
     if (!$vacation->loaded()) {
         ajax::error('Ferien blev ikke fundet. Er den allerede blevet slettet?');
     try {
     } catch (exception $e) {
         ajax::error('Der opstod en fejl: ' . $e->getMessage());
 public function action_toggleread()
     $message = ORM::factory('Message', arr::get($_POST, 'id'));
     if (!$message->loaded()) {
         ajax::error(__('The message wasn\'t found. Has it already been deleted?'));
     $message->read = arr::get($_POST, 'read', '0');
     try {
     } catch (exception $e) {
         ajax::error(__('An uncaught error occurred: :error', array(':error' => $e->getMessage())));
Exemple #4
 public function action_getautosave()
     if (!user::logged()) {
         ajax::error('You must be logged in');
     $user = user::get();
     $autosave = ORM::factory('Page')->where('user_id', '=', $user->id)->where('type', '=', 'autosave')->find();
     $content = '';
     if ($autosave->loaded() && $autosave->content != '') {
         $content = $autosave->decode($autosave->content);
     ajax::success('', array('content' => $content, 'md5' => md5($content)));
 public function action_get()
     $contenttype = ORM::factory('Contenttype', arr::get($_GET, 'id', ''));
     if (!$contenttype->loaded()) {
         ajax::error(__('Contenttype not found. Has it been deleted?'));
     $items = array();
     $contents = $contenttype->contents->find_all();
     if ((bool) $contents->count()) {
         foreach ($contents as $content) {
             $items[] = array('id' => $content->id, 'title' => $content->title());
     ajax::success('', array('id' => $contenttype->id, 'type' => $contenttype->type, 'slug' => $contenttype->slug, 'icon' => $contenttype->icon, 'hierarchical' => $contenttype->hierarchical, 'has_categories' => $contenttype->has_categories, 'has_tags' => $contenttype->has_tags, 'has_timestamp' => $contenttype->has_timestamp, 'has_thumbnail' => $contenttype->has_thumbnail, 'has_author' => $contenttype->has_author, 'display' => $contenttype->display, 'items' => $items));
Exemple #6
 public function action_twitter()
     $redirect = '';
     try {
         $connection = new TwitterOAuth(arr::get($this->creds, 'key'), arr::get($this->creds, 'secret'));
         $tmp = $connection->getRequestToken('http://morningpages.net/auth/twittercallback');
         Session::instance()->set('twitter_oauth_token', arr::get($tmp, 'oauth_token', ''));
         Session::instance()->set('twitter_oauth_token_secret', arr::get($tmp, 'oauth_token_secret', ''));
         $redirect = $connection->getAuthorizeURL($tmp);
     } catch (exception $e) {
         ajax::error('Oh no! Something went wrong and we couldn\'t get a hold of Twitter! They might be too busy right now. You can either wait a bit and see if Twitter wakes up or use another way of logging in.');
Exemple #7
 public function action_takechallenge()
     if (!user::logged()) {
         ajax::error('You must be logged in to sign up for the challenge!');
     $user = user::get();
     if ($user->doing_challenge()) {
         ajax::error('You are already doing the challenge! Complete it first, then sign up again.');
     $challenge = ORM::factory('User_Challenge');
     $challenge->user_id = $user->id;
     $challenge->start = $user->timestamp();
     $challenge->progress = 0;
     if ($user->wrote_today()) {
         $challenge->progress = 1;
     $user->add_event('Signed up for the 30 day challenge!');
     ajax::success('Awesome! You have signed up for the challenge! Good luck!', array('progress' => $challenge->progress));
 public function action_create()
     $content = ORM::factory('Content', arr::get($_POST, 'parent', ''));
     if (!$content->loaded()) {
         ajax::error('The content wasn\'t found. Has it been deleted?');
     $title = arr::get($_POST, 'title', false);
     if (!$title) {
         $title = $content->title;
     $clone = $content->copy();
     $clone->splittest = $content->id;
     $clone->splittest_title = $title;
     try {
         ajax::success('Splittest created', array('splittest' => array('id' => $clone->id, 'title' => $clone->splittest_title)));
     } catch (exception $e) {
         ajax::error('An error occurred and the splittest couldn\'t be created. The site said: ' . $e->getMessage());
 public function action_add()
     $title = arr::get($_POST, 'title', false);
     if (!$title || empty($title)) {
         ajax::error('A title is required');
     $option = ORM::factory('Option');
     $option->optiongroup_id = arr::get($_POST, 'group');
     $option->title = $title;
     $option->key = arr::get($_POST, 'key', '');
     $option->type = arr::get($_POST, 'type', 'text');
     $option->description = arr::get($_POST, 'description', '');
     $option->editable = arr::get($_POST, 'editable', '1');
     try {
         ajax::success('Option added', array('option' => $option->info()));
     } catch (exception $e) {
         ajax::error('Something went wrong: ' . $e->getMessage());
 public function action_delete()
     if ($_POST) {
         $id = arr::get($_POST, 'id', false);
         if (!$id) {
             error(__('No data recieved'));
         try {
             if (is_array($id)) {
                 foreach ($id as $fid) {
                     ORM::factory('File', $fid)->delete();
             } else {
                 ORM::factory('File', arr::get($_POST, 'id', false))->delete();
         } catch (exception $e) {
             ajax::error(__('An uncaught error occurred and the file couldn\'t be deleted: :error', array(':error' => $e->getMessage())));
Exemple #11
 public function action_xml()
     if (!user::logged()) {
         ajax::error('You must be logged in to use this feature');
     $user = user::get();
     $pages = $user->pages->where('type', '=', 'page')->find_all();
     $xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>';
     $xml .= '<channel>';
     $namelen = strlen($user->username);
     $possessive = $user->username . "'s";
     if (substr($user->username, $namelen - 1, $namelen) == 's') {
         $possessive = $user->username . "'";
     $xml .= '<title>' . $possessive . ' morning pages</title>';
     $xml .= '<language>en-US</language>';
     $xml .= '<author>' . $user->username . '</author>';
     $xml .= '<pages>';
     if ((bool) $pages->count()) {
         foreach ($pages as $page) {
             $xml .= '<page>';
             $xml .= '<published>';
             $xml .= '<date>' . $page->daystamp() . '</date>';
             $xml .= '<timestamp>' . $page->created . '</timestamp>';
             $xml .= '</published>';
             $xml .= '<content><![CDATA[' . $page->rawcontent() . ']]></content>';
             $xml .= '<wordcount>' . $page->wordcount . '</wordcount>';
             $xml .= '</page>';
     $xml .= '</pages>';
     $xml .= '</channel>';
     $this->response->headers('Content-Type', 'text/xml');
     $this->response->send_file(true, 'pages.xml');
Exemple #12
 public function action_delete()
     $user = $this->post();
     if (arr::get($_POST, 'action') == 'transfer') {
         $newowner = arr::get($_POST, 'newowner', 3);
         $content = $user->contents->find_all();
         if ((bool) $content->count()) {
             foreach ($content as $cont) {
                 $cont->user_id = $newowner;
     try {
         ajax::info(__('User deleted'));
     } catch (exception $e) {
         ajax::error(__('An uncaught error occurred: :error', array(':error' => $e->getMessage())));
 public function action_updateWidgets()
     $dashboard = ORM::factory('Dashboard', arr::get($_POST, 'id'));
     if (!$dashboard->loaded()) {
         ajax::error('he dashboard wasn\'t found. Has it been deleted in the meantime?');
     $widgets = arr::get($_POST, 'widgets', false);
     if ($widgets && (bool) count($widgets)) {
         foreach ($widgets as $w) {
             $widget = ORM::factory('Widget', arr::get($w, 'id'));
             if ($widget->loaded()) {
                 $widget->sizex = arr::get($w, 'sizex');
                 $widget->sizey = arr::get($w, 'sizey');
                 $widget->col = arr::get($w, 'col');
                 $widget->row = arr::get($w, 'row');
Exemple #14
 public function action_delete()
     $block = ORM::factory('Block', arr::get($_POST, 'block_id'));
     if (!$block->loaded()) {
         ajax::error('Blokken blev ikke fundet.');
     try {
     } catch (exception $e) {
         ajax::error('Der opstod en fejl og blokken kunne ikke slettes. Siden sagde: ' . $e->getMessage());
 public function action_addinternal()
     $menu = ORM::factory('Menu', arr::get($_POST, 'id', ''));
     if (!$menu->loaded()) {
         ajax::error(__('The menu wasn\'t found. Has it been deleted in the meantime?'));
     $content = ORM::factory('Content', arr::get($_POST, 'content', ''));
     if (!$content->loaded()) {
         ajax::error(__('The content wasn\'t found. Has it been deleted in the meantime?'));
     $item = ORM::factory('Menu_Item');
     $item->menu_id = $menu->id;
     $item->content_id = $content->id;
     $item->linktext = $content->title();
     $item->titletext = $content->title();
     $item->order = $menu->items->count_all();
     try {
         ajax::success('', array('item' => $item->info()));
     } catch (exception $e) {
         ajax::error(__('An error occurred and the menuitem couldn\'t be added: :error', array(':error' => $e->getMessage())));
Exemple #16
 public function action_addmeta()
     $meta = ORM::factory('Blocktype_Meta');
     $meta->blocktype_id = arr::get($_POST, 'blocktype_id', '');
     $meta->key = arr::get($_POST, 'key', '');
     $meta->value = arr::get($_POST, 'value', '');
     try {
         ajax::success('', array('meta' => $meta->info()));
     } catch (exception $e) {
Exemple #17
 public function action_upload()
     $block = ORM::factory('Block', arr::get($_POST, 'blockid'));
     if (!$block->loaded()) {
         ajax::error('Block not found');
     try {
         $files = arr::get($_FILES, 'files', false);
         $file = ORM::factory('File');
         $block->add('files', $file->id);
         $img = '<img src="' . $file->get_thumb(75, 75) . '" class="img-polaroid" />';
         $view = View::factory('Cms/Content/blocks/gallery/image');
         $view->file = $file;
         ajax::success('OK', array('file' => $view->render()));
     } catch (exception $e) {
         ajax::error('Fejl! Kunne ikke uploade filen: ' . $e->getMessage());
Exemple #18
 public function action_deletepost()
     if (!user::logged()) {
         ajax::error('You must be logged in to do that.');
     $id = arr::get($_POST, 'id', false);
     $object = ORM::factory('Talkreply', $id);
     if (!$object->loaded()) {
         ajax::error('I couldn\'t find that post. Has it already been deleted? Please contact us if you think this is a mistake');
     if (!user::can_edit($object)) {
         ajax::error('That doesn\'t seem to be your post to delete. Please contact us if you think this is a mistake');
     $object->deleted = time();
     $object->deleted_by = user::get()->id;
     try {
         $object->talk->deleted = 0;
         if ($object->op == 1) {
             $talk = $object->talk;
             $talk->deleted = 1;
         ajax::info('Your post has been deleted.');
     } catch (exception $e) {
         Kohana::$log->add(Log::CRITICAL, 'Couldn\'t delete Model_Talkreply: :message. User_id: :userid, postreply_id: :replyid', array(':message' => $e->getMessage(), ':userid' => user::get()->id, ':replyid' => $object->id));
         ajax::error('Something went wrong and your post couln\'t be deleted. Please try again or contact us if you think this is a mistake.');
Exemple #19
 public function action_getblocks()
     $content = ORM::factory('Content', arr::get($_POST, 'id', false));
     if (!$content->loaded()) {
         ajax::error(__('The content wasn\'t found. Has it been deleted in the meantime?'));
     $blocks = $content->blocks->where('parent', '=', arr::get($_POST, 'parent', '0'))->find_all();
     $json = array();
     if ($blocks->count()) {
         foreach ($blocks as $block) {
             $json[] = $block->info();
     ajax::success('ok', array('blocks' => $json));
Exemple #20
 public function action_savesetting()
     if (!user::logged()) {
         ajax::error('You must be logged in');
     $user = user::get();
     $option = $user->option;
     $setting = arr::get($_POST, 'setting', false);
     $value = arr::get($_POST, 'value', false);
     if (!$setting || $value === false) {
         ajax::error('Something wen\'t wrong and your setting couldn\'t be saved. I received no data!');
     $update_timestamp = false;
     switch ($setting) {
         case 'reminder':
             $option->reminder = $value;
             $update_timestamp = true;
         case 'reminder_hour':
             $option->reminder_hour = $value;
             $update_timestamp = true;
         case 'reminder_minute':
             $option->reminder_minute = $value;
             $update_timestamp = true;
         case 'reminder_meridiem':
             $option->reminder_meridiem = $value;
             $update_timestamp = true;
         case 'timezone_id':
             $option->timezone_id = $value;
             $update_timestamp = true;
         case 'privacymode':
             $option->privacymode = $value;
         case 'privacymode_minutes':
             $option->privacymode_minutes = $value;
         case 'hemingwaymode':
             $option->hemingwaymode = $value;
         case 'public':
             $option->public = $value;
         case 'rtl':
             $option->rtl = $value;
         case 'language':
             $option->language = (int) $value;
             ajax::error('Something wen\'t wrong and your setting couldn\'t be saved. I received no data!');
     try {
         if ($update_timestamp) {
             $option->next_reminder = $user->get_next_reminder($user);
     } catch (ORM_Validation_Exception $e) {
         ajax::error('An error occurred and your setting couldn\'t be saved.', array('errors' => $e->errors()));

$file = ORM::factory('file', arr::get($_POST, 'fileid'));
if (!$file->loaded()) {
    ajax::error('Fejl! Filen blev ikke fundet. Er den blevet slettet i mellemtiden?');
$width = arr::get($_POST, 'width', false);
if (!$width) {
    $width = $file->width;
$height = arr::get($_POST, 'height', false);
if (!$height) {
    $height = $file->height;
$file = $file->get($width, $height);
$class = '';
if (arr::get($_POST, 'float', '') == 'left') {
    $class = 'alignleft';
if (arr::get($_POST, 'float', '') == 'right') {
    $class = 'alignright';
$file = '<img src="' . $file . '" width="' . $width . '" height="' . $height . '" alt="' . arr::get($_POST, 'alt', '') . '" class="' . $class . '" />';
ajax::success('ok', array('file' => $file));
Exemple #22
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with Jeedom. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
try {
    require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../core/php/core.inc.php';
    include_file('core', 'authentification', 'php');
    if (!isConnect('admin')) {
        throw new Exception(__('401 - Accès non autorisé', __FILE__), -1234);
    if (init('action') == 'remove') {
        $connection = connection::byId(init('id'));
        if (!is_object($connection)) {
            throw new Exception(__('Connexion inconnue. Vérifiez l\'id', __FILE__));
    if (init('action') == 'ban') {
        $connection = connection::byId(init('id'));
        if (!is_object($connection)) {
            throw new Exception(__('Connexion inconnue. Vérifiez l\'id', __FILE__));
    throw new Exception(__('Aucune méthode correspondante à : ', __FILE__) . init('action'));
    /*     * *********Catch exeption*************** */
} catch (Exception $e) {
    ajax::error(displayExeption($e), $e->getCode());
Exemple #23
 public function action_filebrowser_upload()
     try {
         $file = ORM::factory('File')->upload($_FILES['files']);
         ajax::success('OK', array('file' => $file->info()));
     } catch (exception $e) {
         ajax::error(__('An error occurred and the file :filename couldn\'t be uploaded: :error', array(':error' => $e->getMessage(), ':filename' => $file['name'][0])));