  * Prepare command method
  * @return string
  * @author Michal Piotrowski
 protected function prepare()
     $command = $this->getCommand();
     $dir = substr($this->getCommand(), 3);
     $afConsole = afStudioConsole::getInstance();
     $pwd = $afConsole->getPwd();
     if ($dir == '/') {
     } elseif ($dir == '..') {
         $tmp_dir = explode('/', $pwd);
         $cut_dir = array_pop($tmp_dir);
         $tmp_dir = implode('/', $tmp_dir);
     } else {
         $tmp_dir = $dir;
         if (is_dir($tmp_dir)) {
         } else {
             $tmp_dir = $pwd . '/' . $dir;
             if (is_dir($tmp_dir)) {
     return $this->getCommand();
  * Retrieve the instance of this class.
  * @return afStudioConsole
 public static function getInstance()
     if (!isset(self::$instance)) {
         self::$instance = new self();
     return self::$instance;
  * Rename module name inside actions
  * @param string $name 
  * @param string $renamed 
  * @param string $place 
  * @param string $type 
  * @return void
  * @author Sergey Startsev
 public static function renameAction($name, $renamed, $place, $type)
     $afConsole = afStudioConsole::getInstance();
     $root = afStudioUtil::getRootDir();
     $dir = "{$root}/{$type}s/{$place}/modules/{$renamed}";
     $actionsPath = "{$dir}/actions/actions.class.php";
     // rename actions class
     if (file_exists($actionsPath)) {
         self::renameActionContent($actionsPath, $name, $renamed);
     // generated lib actions class
     $actionsLibPath = "{$dir}/lib/Base{$name}Actions.class.php";
     if (file_exists($actionsLibPath)) {
         self::renameActionContent($actionsLibPath, $name, $renamed);
         afsFileSystem::create()->rename($actionsLibPath, "{$dir}/lib/Base{$renamed}Actions.class.php");
  * Rename action name inside module
  * @param string $name 
  * @param string $renamed 
  * @param string $module
  * @param string $place 
  * @param string $type 
  * @return boolean
  * @author Sergey Startsev
 public static function renameAction($name, $renamed, $module, $place, $type)
     $root = afStudioUtil::getRootDir();
     $afConsole = afStudioConsole::getInstance();
     $console = '';
     $module_dir = "{$root}/{$type}s/{$place}/modules/{$module}";
     $action_dir = "{$module_dir}/actions";
     $predictActions = "{$name}Action.class.php";
     $predictActionsPath = "{$module_dir}/actions/{$predictActions}";
     $oldName = "{$name}Action.class.php";
     $newName = "{$renamed}Action.class.php";
     $oldPath = "{$action_dir}/{$oldName}";
     $newPath = "{$action_dir}/{$newName}";
     if (file_exists($oldPath)) {
         $action = file_get_contents($oldPath);
         $action = str_ireplace("{$name}Action", "{$renamed}Action", $action);
         afStudioUtil::writeFile($oldPath, $action);
         return afsFileSystem::create()->rename($oldPath, $newPath);
     return true;
  * Main method - execution setted command
  * @return string
  * @author Sergey Startsev
 public final function execute()
     $command = $this->prepare();
     $result = array();
     if (empty($command)) {
         if (!method_exists($this, 'getDescription')) {
             throw new afsBaseConsoleCommandException("If command empty - you should define getDescription method");
         $result[] = $this->getDescription();
     } else {
         // execute
         $afConsole = afStudioConsole::getInstance();
         $pwd = $afConsole->getPwd();
         if (!empty($pwd)) {
             $pwd = trim($pwd);
             $command = "cd " . escapeshellarg($pwd) . " && {$command}";
         passthru($command . ' 2>&1', $status);
         $raw = ob_get_clean();
         // getting command execute code
         $this->last_executed_status = $status;
         if ($status > 0) {
             $result[] = $this->render($command) . afsRenderConsoleCommand::render($raw, array('class' => 'afStudio_result_command'));
         } else {
             $arr = explode("\n", $raw);
             $result[] = $this->render($command);
             foreach ($arr as $a) {
                 $res[] = afsRenderConsoleCommand::render($a, array('class' => 'afStudio_result_command'));
             if ($res) {
                 $result[] = implode('', $res);
     return $result;
Exemple #6
  * Autofix for checking is all migrations executed
  * @return void
  * @author Sergey Startsev
 protected function autofixIsAllMigrationsExecuted()
     \afStudioConsole::getInstance()->execute(array('sf propel:migrate'));
  * Adding to module functionality
  * @param string $application - application name 
  * @param string $name - module name
  * @return afResponse
  * @author Sergey Startsev
 private function addToApp($application, $module)
     $afConsole = afStudioConsole::getInstance();
     if (!$application || !$module) {
         return afResponseHelper::create()->success(false)->message("Can't create new module <b>{$module}</b> inside <b>{$application}</b> application!");
     $console = $afConsole->execute("sf generate:module {$application} {$module}");
     $isCreated = $afConsole->wasLastCommandSuccessfull();
     if ($isCreated) {
         $console .= $afConsole->execute('sf cc');
         $message = "Created module <b>{$module}</b> inside <b>{$application}</b> application!";
     } else {
         $message = "Could not create module <b>{$module}</b> inside <b>{$application}</b> application!";
     return afResponseHelper::create()->success($isCreated)->message($message)->console($console);
  * Setting model definition 
  * @param array $definition 
  * @param string $connection 
  * @return afResponse
  * @author Sergey Startsev
 public function setModelDefinition($model_name, $definition, $connection = 'propel')
     $response = afResponseHelper::create();
     if (!is_array($definition)) {
         return $response->success(false)->message('Definition contains wrong structure');
     $schema_file = $this->getSchemaFile();
     $table_name = $this->getTableNameByModel($model_name);
     $definition_model_name = array_key_exists('_attributes', $definition) && array_key_exists('phpName', $definition['_attributes']) ? $definition['_attributes']['phpName'] : $model_name;
     if (!array_key_exists($model_name, $this->propelSchemaArray[$schema_file]['classes'])) {
         return $response->success(false)->message("Model '{$model_name}' doesn't exists");
     if (!array_key_exists($table_name, $this->originalSchemaArray[$schema_file][$connection])) {
         return $response->success(false)->message("Table '{$table_name}' doesn't exists");
     if (($test_table_name = $this->getTableNameByModel($definition_model_name)) && $test_table_name != $table_name) {
         return $response->success(false)->message("Model '{$definition_model_name}' from definition already exists in schema and not belongs current table");
     $this->originalSchemaArray[$schema_file][$connection][$table_name] = $definition;
     afStudioConsole::getInstance()->execute('sf afs:fix-perms');
     return $response->success(true);
  * Update existed schemas from database
  * @return string - Console results
  * @author Sergey Startsev
 public static function updateSchemas()
     $console = afStudioConsole::getInstance()->execute(array('sf cc', 'sf appflower:validator-cache frontend cache yes', 'sf afs:update-schema', 'sf propel:build-model', 'sf propel:build-forms'));
     return $console;
  * Export data for a model
  * @return afResponse
  * @author Radu Topala
 protected function processExportData()
     $model = new $this->modelName();
     $peer = $model->getPeer();
     $table = $peer::TABLE_NAME;
     $db = afStudioUtil::getDbParams();
     $backupDir = sfConfig::get('sf_root_dir') . '/data/sql/backup/';
     $backupFile = $backupDir . $table . '_' . time() . '.sql';
     $webFile = 'data/sql/backup/' . $table . '_' . time() . '.sql';
     $console_result = afStudioConsole::getInstance()->execute(array("mkdir {$backupDir}", "mysqldump -u{$db['username']} -p{$db['password']} {$db['dbname']} {$table} --no-create-info --lock-tables --quick --complete-insert > {$backupFile}"));
     return afResponseHelper::create()->success(true)->message("A data backup of {$this->modelName} model was created at <a href=\"/studio#file#{$webFile}\">./{$webFile}</a>")->console($console_result);
<script type="text/javascript">
var afStudioConsoleCommands = '<?php 
echo afStudioConsole::getCommands(false);
var afStudioUser = <?php 
echo html_entity_decode($afStudioUser);
var afStudioHost = { 
	name: '<?php 
echo afStudioConsole::getInstance()->getUnameShort();
	user: '******' 
$projectPath = sfConfig::get('sf_root_dir');
$projectInPath = explode('/', $projectPath);
unset($projectInPath[count($projectInPath) - 1]);
$projectInPath = implode('/', $projectInPath);
var afProjectInPath = '<?php 
echo $projectInPath;
var afTemplateConfig = <?php 
echo json_encode(afStudioUtil::getTemplateConfig());
  * Rename page processing
  * @return afResponse
  * @author Sergey Startsev
 protected function processDelete()
     $application = $this->getParameter('app');
     $page_name = pathinfo($this->getParameter('page'), PATHINFO_FILENAME);
     $permissions = new Permissions();
     $is_writable = $permissions->isWritable(sfConfig::get('sf_apps_dir') . '/' . $application . '/config/pages/');
     if ($is_writable !== true) {
         return $is_writable;
     $page = afsPageModelHelper::retrieve($page_name, $application);
     if ($page->isNew()) {
         return afResponseHelper::create()->success(false)->message("Page <b>{$page_name}</b> doesn't exists");
     $response = $page->delete();
     if ($response->getParameter(afResponseSuccessDecorator::IDENTIFICATOR)) {
         $response->console(afStudioConsole::getInstance()->execute('sf cc'));
     return $response;
  * Add plugin functionality
  * @return afResponse
  * @author Sergey Startsev
 protected function processAdd()
     $name = $this->getParameter('name');
     $root = sfConfig::get('sf_root_dir');
     $console = afStudioConsole::getInstance();
     $response = afResponseHelper::create();
     $filesystem = afsFileSystem::create();
     $permissions = new Permissions();
     $are_writable = $permissions->areWritable(array($root . "/plugins/"));
     if ($are_writable !== true) {
         return $are_writable;
     $dir = "{$root}/plugins/{$name}";
     if (empty($name)) {
         return $response->success(false)->message('Please enter plugin name');
     if (substr($name, -6) != 'Plugin') {
         return $response->success(false)->message("Plugin '{$name}' should Contains 'Plugin' in the end");
     if (file_exists($dir)) {
         return $response->success(false)->message("Plugin '{$name}' already exists");
     $dirs = array($dir, "{$dir}/config", "{$dir}/modules");
     foreach ($dirs as $dir) {
     if (file_exists($dir)) {
         // create config file with auto enable all modules in current plugin
         $created = afStudioUtil::writeFile("{$dir}/config/config.php", afStudioPluginCommandTemplate::config($name));
         $console_result = $console->execute(array('afs fix-perms', 'sf cc'));
         return $response->success(true)->message("Plugin '{$name}' successfully created")->console($console_result);
     return $response->success(false)->message("Some problems to create dirs, please check permissions, and run fix-perms task");
  * Execute console command actiom
  * @param sfWebRequest $request 
  * @return string - json
  * @author Sergey Startsev
 public function executeConsole(sfWebRequest $request)
     return $this->renderJson(afResponseHelper::create()->success(true)->console(afStudioConsole::getInstance()->execute(trim($request->getParameter("command"))))->asArray());
  * Export project functionality
  * @return afResponse
  * @author Sergey Startsev
 protected function processExport()
     // ini set for windows
     ini_set("max_execution_time", "300");
     $response = afResponseHelper::create();
     $by_os = $this->getParameter('by_os', 'true');
     $type = $this->getParameter('type', 'project');
     $path = $this->getParameter('path', sys_get_temp_dir());
     if (substr($path, -1, 1) != DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) {
         $path .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
     $name = $this->getParameter('name', pathinfo(afStudioUtil::getRootDir(), PATHINFO_BASENAME));
     $console_result = afStudioConsole::getInstance()->execute("sf afs:export --type={$type} --by_os={$by_os} --path={$path} --project_name={$name}");
     $postfix = $type == 'db' ? 'sql' : 'tar.gz';
     if (!file_exists("{$path}{$name}.{$postfix}")) {
         return $response->success(false)->message('Please check permissions, and propel settings');
     return $response->success(true)->data(array(), array('name' => $name, 'file' => "{$name}.{$postfix}", 'path' => $path), 0)->console($console_result);
  * Generate all widgets for all models
  * @return afResponse
  * @author Sergey Startsev
 protected function processGenerateAll()
     $type = $this->getParameter('type', 'list,edit,show');
     $refresh = $this->getParameter('refresh', 'false');
     $console_output = afStudioConsole::getInstance()->execute("sf afs:generate-widget-all --type={$type} --refresh={$refresh}");
     return afResponseHelper::create()->success(true)->console($console_output);
  * Getting commands list test
  * @depends testInitialization
  * @author Sergey Startsev
 public function testGettingCommands()
     $commands = afStudioConsole::getInstance()->getCommands();
     $this->assertTrue(is_array($commands), 'getCommands should return array');
  * Returns Prepared commands results - for now just imploded values
  * @return string
  * @author Sergey Startsev
 public static function processRun()
     $commands = array('sf propel:build-model', 'sf appflower:validator-cache frontend cache yes', 'sf cc');
     return afStudioConsole::getInstance()->execute($commands);