  * Require existence of a directory
  * @since ADD MVC 0.5
 public static function require_dir_exists($dir, $writable = null)
     if (!file_exists($dir)) {
         throw new e_system("Directory {$dir} is not existing", add::config());
     if (!is_writable($dir)) {
         throw new e_system("Directory {$dir} is not writable", add::config());
  * The pre-view process
  * @since ADD MVC 0.0
 public function process()
     # Required Directories
     self::require_dir_exists(add::config()->caches_dir, true);
     $this->require_dir($this->view()->compile_dir, true);
     $this->require_dir($this->view()->cache_dir, true);
     # Other essential directories
  * Smarty construct
  * @since ADD MVC 0.0
 public function __construct()
     $C = add::config();
     if (is_array($C->views_dir)) {
         $this->setTemplateDir(array_merge($C->views_dir, array($C->add_dir . '/views/')));
     } else {
         $this->setTemplateDir(array($C->views_dir, $C->add_dir . '/views/'));
     $this->compile_dir = $C->caches_dir . '/smarty_compile/';
     $this->config_dir = $C->configs_dir . '/smarty/';
     $this->cache_dir = $C->caches_dir . '/smarty_cache/';
  * Login
  * @param array $gpc - contains $gpc['username'] and $gpc['password']
 public function process_mode_login($gpc)
     # validation on controller
     if (empty($gpc['username'])) {
         throw new e_user_input("Blank username");
     if (empty($gpc['password'])) {
         throw new e_user_input("Blank password");
     # login the session user class
     if (member::login($gpc['username'], $gpc['password']) instanceof member) {
  * Smarty construct
  * @since ADD MVC 0.0
 public function __construct()
     $C = add::config();
     if (is_array($C->views_dir)) {
         $this->setTemplateDir(array_merge($C->views_dir, array($C->add_dir . '/views/')));
     } else {
         $this->setTemplateDir(array($C->views_dir, $C->add_dir . '/views/'));
     $this->compile_dir = $C->caches_dir . '/smarty_compile/';
     $this->config_dir = $C->configs_dir . '/smarty/';
     $this->cache_dir = $C->caches_dir . '/smarty_cache/';
     if (add::is_development()) {
         foreach (array($this->compile_dir, $this->cache_dir) as $dir) {
             if (!is_dir($dir)) {
                 $this->_dir_perms = 0777;
             } else {
                 if (!is_writable($dir)) {
                     # Do something
  * Settings and stuffs
  * @since ADD MVC 0.8-data_mining
 public function __construct()
     if (!isset($this->cookie_dir)) {
         $this->cookie_dir = add::config()->caches_dir . '/' . preg_replace('/\\W+/', '_', get_called_class()) . '.class.cookies';
     if ($this->enable_cache) {
         $this->cache_dir = add::config()->caches_dir . '/' . preg_replace('/\\W+/', '_', get_called_class()) . '.class.cache';
         if (!file_exists($this->cache_dir)) {
             mkdir($this->cache_dir, 0777);
     if ($this->curl_options[CURLOPT_HTTPPROXYTUNNEL] && empty($this->curl_options[CURLOPT_PROXY]) && !empty($this->proxies) && is_array($this->proxies)) {
         $this->curl_options[CURLOPT_PROXY] = $this->proxies[array_rand($this->proxies)];
         $this->cookie_dir = add::config()->caches_dir . '/cookies_' . preg_replace('/\\W+/', '_', __FILE__) . "_" . preg_replace("/\\W+/", "_", $this->curl_options[CURLOPT_PROXY]);
  * login_redirect()
  * @since ADD MVC 0.0
 static function login_redirect()
     add::redirect(add::config()->path . 'login?redirect=' . urlencode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']));
  * is_developer()
  * Checks if the user is developer according to his/her IP
  * @since ADD MVC 0.7.2
 public static function is_developer()
     return in_array(current_user_ip(), add::config()->developer_ips) || current_ip_in_network();
  * is_developer()
  * Checks if the user is developer according to his/her IP
  * @since ADD MVC 0.7.2
 public static function is_developer()
     # Fix for issue #6
     if (current_ip_in_network()) {
         return true;
     if (isset(add::config()->developer_ips)) {
         return in_array(current_user_ip(), (array) add::config()->developer_ips);
     } else {
         return false;
 public function fetch_view()
     $this->view()->assign('C', add::config());
     return $this->view()->fetch(static::view_filepath());
if (!isset($C)) {
    die("No config found");
require $C->add_dir . '/classes/add.class.php';
$GLOBALS[add::CONFIG_VARNAME] = add::config($C);
$C->incs_dir = $C->root_dir . '/includes';
$C->classes_dirs = array_merge(array($C->incs_dir . '/classes', $C->add_dir . '/classes'), isset($C->classes_dirs) && is_array($C->classes_dirs) ? $C->classes_dirs : array());
$C->configs_dir = $C->incs_dir . '/configs';
$C->views_dir = $C->incs_dir . '/views';
$C->caches_dir = $C->incs_dir . '/caches';
if (add::is_development() && !is_writeable($C->caches_dir)) {
    $C->caches_dir = sys_get_temp_dir() . '/add_mvc_caches';
    if (!file_exists($C->caches_dir)) {
        mkdir($C->caches_dir, 0700);
$C->assets_dir = $C->root_dir . '/assets';
$C->images_dir = $C->assets_dir . '/images';
$C->css_dir = $C->assets_dir . '/css';
$C->js_dir = $C->assets_dir . '/js';
$C->domain = ($C->sub_domain ? "{$C->sub_domain}." : "") . $C->super_domain;
$C->base_url = "http://{$C->domain}" . $C->path;
 * assets

require '../config.php';
require_once "{$C->add_dir}/init.php";
add::config()->environment_status = 'live';
$email = $_GET['email'];
if ($email) {
    e_add::$email_addresses = $email;
    $exceptions = array('e_developer', 'e_syntax', 'e_hack', 'e_spam', 'e_system');
    $rand_excemption = $exceptions[array_rand($exceptions)];
    throw new $rand_excemption('ERROR! ' . $rand_excemption);
<form method="GET">
   <input type="text" name="email" />
   <input type="submit" />
  * Handle exception
 public function handle_exception()
     $this->message = str_replace(add::config()->root_dir, '< mvc-path >', $this->data->message);
     return parent::handle_exception();

require 'config.php';
#echo "ADD DIR: ".$C->add_dir;
require $C->add_dir . '/init.php';
if (add::config()->debug_sql && add::is_development() && add::is_developer()) {
    locust_mule_db::singleton()->debug = true;
$C->assets_path = $C->base_url . 'assets/';
$C->css_path = $C->assets_path . 'css/';
$C->js_path = $C->assets_path . 'js/';
$C->images_path = $C->assets_path . 'images/';
$C->assets_libs_path = $C->assets_path . 'libs/';
 * No errors if live
 * @since ADD MVC 0.7.2
if (add::is_live()) {
} else {
     * When development, record the time spent on script execution
     * @since ADD MVC 0.7.2
    if (add::is_development()) {
        $GLOBALS['add_mvc_root_timer'] = add_development_timer::start("Framework Configuration");
        add::config()->root_timer = $GLOBALS['add_mvc_root_timer'];
 * Libraries
  * cache path of the current url
  * @since ADD MVC 0.5
 public function cache_path()
     # Fix https://code.google.com/p/add-mvc-framework/issues/detail?id=152
     if (!$this->enable_cache) {
         return null;
     if (empty($this->cache_dir)) {
         $this->cache_dir = add::config()->caches_dir . '/' . preg_replace('/\\W+/', '_', get_called_class()) . '.class.cache';
         if (!file_exists($this->cache_dir)) {
             mkdir($this->cache_dir, 0777);
     # ^ Fix https://code.google.com/p/add-mvc-framework/issues/detail?id=152
     e_developer::assert($this->cache_dir, "Cache directory variable is blank");
     $cache_file_name = sha1($this->url);
     if ($this->curl_options[CURLOPT_HTTPPROXYTUNNEL]) {
         $cache_file_name .= sha1($this->curl_options[CURLOPT_PROXY]);
     return $this->cache_dir . '/' . $cache_file_name;
  * environment check: is_development()
  * @since ADD MVC 0.7
 public static function is_development()
     return add::config()->environment_status === 'development';
  * Returns the file and line number of the caller of the function
  * @since ADD MVC 0.0
 static function caller_file_line()
     $backtraces = debug_backtrace();
     foreach ($backtraces as $backtrace) {
         $is_trace_class_debug = $backtrace['class'] == __CLASS__ || is_subclass_of($backtrace['class'], __CLASS__);
         if (empty($backtrace['class']) || !$is_trace_class_debug) {
         $file_line = $backtrace['file'] . ':' . $backtrace['line'];
     if (!$file_line) {
         return "Unknown Location";
     $file_line = preg_replace('/^' . preg_quote(add::config()->root_dir, '/') . '\\//', '', $file_line);
     return $file_line;
 public function Connect()
     return $this->adodb->Connect(add::config()->mysql_host, add::config()->mysql_username, add::config()->mysql_password, add::config()->mysql_db_name);
 * To be used to check if PHP Version is correct
 * @since ADD MVC 0.1
if (version_compare(phpversion(), ADD_MIN_PHP_VERSION) === -1) {
    die("ADD MVC Error: PHP version must be at least " . ADD_MIN_PHP_VERSION . " or higher!");
if (!isset($C)) {
    $C = new STDClass();
# Sets the add_dir if not set. And it may be smart not to let the user(developer) set this on the first place
if (empty($C->add_dir)) {
    $C->add_dir = realpath(dirname(__FILE__));
require $C->add_dir . '/classes/add.class.php';
$GLOBALS[add::CONFIG_VARNAME] = add::config($C);
if (php_sapi_name() == "cli") {
# Set the handlers
# Set the includes dir
if (!isset($C->incs_dir)) {
    $C->incs_dir = $C->root_dir . '/includes';
# Merge config declared class directories
$C->classes_dirs = array_merge(array($C->incs_dir . '/classes'), isset($C->classes_dirs) ? is_array($C->classes_dirs) ? $C->classes_dirs : (array) $C->classes_dirs : array(), array($C->add_dir . '/classes'));
# Set these rarely used directory variables
  * login_redirect()
  * extend to change
  * @since ADD MVC 0.0
 static function login_redirect()
     add::redirect(add::config()->path . static::LOGIN_PAGE . "?redirect=" . urlencode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']));
 static function singleton()
     return add::config();
 public static function load_classes()
     static::load_dir_classes(add::config()->add_dir . '/classes');
  * Autoload class function
  * @param string $classname
  * @todo on 1.0, move the ifs() and deprecate filename without .class.
  * @author albertdiones@gmail.com
  * @since ADD MVC 0.0
  * @version 1.0
 static function load_class($classname)
     global $C;
     if (class_exists('e_developer', false)) {
         e_developer::assert($classname, "Blank classname");
     $incs_class_filepath = add::config()->classes_dir . "/{$classname}.class.php";
     if (file_exists($incs_class_filepath)) {
         $class_filepath = $incs_class_filepath;
     # Backward support to 0.0
     if (empty($class_filepath)) {
         $incs_class_filepath = add::config()->classes_dir . "/{$classname}.php";
         if (file_exists($incs_class_filepath)) {
             $class_filepath = $incs_class_filepath;
             trigger_error("{$class_filepath} format is deprecated", E_USER_NOTICE);
     if (empty($class_filepath)) {
         $class_filepath_wildcard = $C->incs_dir . '/classes/*/' . $classname . '.class.php';
         $class_filepath_search = glob($class_filepath_wildcard);
         # Backward support to 0.0
         if (!$class_filepath_search) {
             $class_filepath_wildcard = $C->incs_dir . '/classes/*/' . $classname . '.php';
             if ($class_filepath_search = glob($class_filepath_wildcard)) {
                 trigger_error("{$class_filepath_search[0]} format is deprecated", E_USER_NOTICE);
         if (!$class_filepath_search) {
             $class_filepath_wildcard = $C->add_dir . '/classes/*/' . $classname . '.class.php';
             $class_filepath_search = glob($class_filepath_wildcard);
         # Backward support to 0.0
         if (!$class_filepath_search) {
             $class_filepath_wildcard = $C->add_dir . '/classes/*/' . $classname . '.php';
             if ($class_filepath_search = glob($class_filepath_wildcard)) {
                 trigger_error("{$class_filepath_search[0]} format is deprecated", E_USER_NOTICE);
         if ($class_filepath_search) {
             $class_filepath = $class_filepath_search[0];
     # Backward support to 0.2
     if (empty($class_filepath)) {
         $class_filepath = $C->add_dir . '/classes/' . $classname . '.php';
         if (file_exists($class_filepath)) {
             trigger_error("{$class_filepath} format is deprecated", E_USER_NOTICE);
         if (!file_exists($class_filepath)) {
             $class_filepath = null;
     /*if (empty($class_filepath)) {
          $e_class = 'e_developer';
          if (class_exists($e_class)) {
             throw new $e_class("$classname not found",array($C->add_dir,add::config()->classes_dir));
          else {
             throw new Exception("$classname not found" . $C->add_dir . " " . add::config()->classes_dir );
     if ($class_filepath) {
         include_once $class_filepath;
     if ($class_filepath && !class_exists($classname) && !interface_exists($classname)) {
         $e_class = 'e_developer';
         if (class_exists($e_class)) {
             throw new $e_class("{$classname} not found from {$class_filepath}");
         } else {
             throw new Exception("{$classname} not found from {$class_filepath}");
     return class_exists($classname);
  * meta keywords
  * @since ADD MVC 0.1, ctrl_tpl_page 0.1
  * @deprecated use the view instead
 public function meta_keywords()
     return isset(add::config()->default_meta_keywords) ? add::config()->default_meta_keywords : null;
  * Returns the file and line number of the caller of the function
  * @since ADD MVC 0.0
 static function caller_file_line()
     $backtrace = static::caller_backtrace();
     if (!$backtrace) {
         return "Unknown Location";
     $file_line = $backtrace['file'] . ':' . $backtrace['line'];
     $file_line = preg_replace('/^' . preg_quote(add::config()->root_dir, '/') . '\\//', '', $file_line);
     return $file_line;
  * is_developer()
  * Checks if the user is developer according to his/her IP
  * @since ADD MVC 0.7.2
 public static function is_developer()
      * @see http://code.google.com/p/add-mvc-framework/issues/detail?id=39
     if (php_sapi_name() == "cli") {
         return true;
     # Fix for issue #6
     if (current_ip_in_network()) {
         return true;
     if (isset(add::config()->developer_ips)) {
         return in_array(current_user_ip(), (array) add::config()->developer_ips);
     } else {
         return false;
  * Smarty construct
  * @since ADD MVC 0.7
 public function __construct()
     $this->setTemplateDir(array(add::config()->views_dir . '/exceptions', add::config()->add_dir . '/views/exceptions'));
  * Prints the config value
  * @since ADD MVC 0.7.4
 public static function print_config($field, $boolean = false)
     $value = isset(add::config()->{$field}) ? add::config()->{$field} : null;
     $label = "config - {$field}";
     if ($boolean) {
         $value = (bool) $value;
         $label .= " declared";
     static::print_data($label, $value);
  * Handling Exceptions
  * @since ADD MVC 0.7
 public function handle_sensitive_exception($user_message = "An error has occured")
     if (add::is_development()) {
     } else {
         $this->view()->assign('exception', $this);
         $this->view()->assign('C', add::config());