private function generate($sTable, $tField) { $ret = "\n"; $sXmlStructure = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' . $ret; $sXmlStructure .= '<structure>' . $ret; $sXmlStructure .= '<colonne primaire="true">id</colonne>' . $ret; foreach ($tField as $sField) { if (trim($sField) == '') { continue; } $sXmlStructure .= '<colonne>' . trim($sField) . '</colonne>' . $ret; } $sXmlStructure .= '</structure>' . $ret; $sXmlMax = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>' . $ret; $sXmlMax .= '<main>' . $ret; $sXmlMax .= '<max><![CDATA[1]]></max>' . $ret; $sXmlMax .= '</main>' . $ret; $sPath = _root::getConfigVar('path.generation') . _root::getParam('id') . '/data/xml/base/' . $sTable . '/'; $oFile = new _file($sPath . 'structure.xml'); $oFile->setContent($sXmlStructure); $oFile->save(); $sPath = _root::getConfigVar('path.generation') . _root::getParam('id') . '/data/xml/base/' . $sTable . '/'; $oFile = new _file($sPath . 'max.xml'); $oFile->setContent($sXmlMax); $oFile->save(); }
/** * constructeur * @access public * @param array tableau a verifier ($_POST,tableau de la row...) */ public function __construct($tPost) { $this->tPost = $tPost; $sClass = _root::getConfigVar('check.class', 'plugin_check'); $this->oCheck = new $sClass(); $this->bCheck = true; }
public function _showXml() { $oAuteur = model_auteur::getInstance()->findById(_root::getParam('id')); $oXml = new plugin_xmlObject($oAuteur); $oXml->setListColumn(array('id', 'nom', 'prenom')); $oXml->show(); }
public function regenerateIndexXml($sConfig, $sTable, $sIndex) { //$sConfig='xml'; if (_root::getConfigVar('db.' . $sConfig . '.sgbd') == 'xml') { if (!file_exists(_root::getConfigVar('db.' . $sConfig . '.database'))) { $sBuilderDbPath = _root::getConfigVar('') . 'genere/' . _root::getParam('id') . '/public/' . _root::getConfigVar('db.' . $sConfig . '.database'); if (file_exists($sBuilderDbPath)) { _root::setConfigVar('db.' . $sConfig . '.database', $sBuilderDbPath); } else { throw new Exception('Base inexistante ' . _root::getConfigVar('db.' . $sConfig . '.database') . ' ni ' . $sBuilderDbPath); } } } else { if (_root::getConfigVar('db.' . $sConfig . '.sgbd') == 'csv') { if (!file_exists(_root::getConfigVar('db.' . $sConfig . '.database'))) { $sBuilderDbPath = _root::getConfigVar('') . 'genere/' . _root::getParam('id') . '/public/' . _root::getConfigVar('db.' . $sConfig . '.database'); if (file_exists($sBuilderDbPath)) { _root::setConfigVar('db.' . $sConfig . '.database', $sBuilderDbPath); } else { throw new Exception('Base inexistante ' . _root::getConfigVar('db.' . $sConfig . '.database') . ' ni ' . $sBuilderDbPath); } } } } $oModelFactory = new model_mkfbuilderfactory(); $oModelFactory->setConfig($sConfig); return $oModelFactory->getSgbd()->generateIndexForTable($sTable, $sIndex); }
private function generate($sTable, $tField) { $tNewField = array('id'); foreach ($tField as $sField) { if (trim($sField) == '') { continue; } $tNewField[] = trim($sField); } $sStructure = implode(';', $tNewField); $oDir = new _dir(_root::getConfigVar('path.generation') . _root::getParam('id') . '/data/json'); if (!$oDir->exist()) { $oDir->save(); } $oDir = new _dir(_root::getConfigVar('path.generation') . _root::getParam('id') . '/data/json/base'); if (!$oDir->exist()) { $oDir->save(); } $oDir = new _dir(_root::getConfigVar('path.generation') . _root::getParam('id') . '/data/json/base/' . $sTable . ''); if (!$oDir->exist()) { $oDir->save(); } $sPath = _root::getConfigVar('path.generation') . _root::getParam('id') . '/data/json/base/' . $sTable . '/'; $oFile = new _file($sPath . 'structure.csv'); $oFile->setContent($sStructure); $oFile->save(); $sPath = _root::getConfigVar('path.generation') . _root::getParam('id') . '/data/json/base/' . $sTable . '/'; $oFile = new _file($sPath . 'max.txt'); $oFile->setContent(1); $oFile->save(); }
public function _index() { $msg = ''; $detail = ''; if ($this->isPost()) { $sModule = _root::getParam('module'); $sActions = _root::getParam('actions'); $tAction = explode("\n", $sActions); if ($this->projectMkdir('module/' . $sModule) == true) { $detail = trR('creationRepertoire', array('#REPERTOIRE#' => 'module/' . $sModule)); } else { $detail = trR('repertoireDejaExistant', array('#REPERTOIRE#' => 'module/' . $sModule)); } if ($this->projectMkdir('module/' . $sModule . '/view') == true) { $detail .= '<br />' . trR('creationRepertoire', array('#REPERTOIRE#' => 'module/' . $sModule . '/view')); } else { $detail .= '<br />' . trR('repertoireDejaExistant', array('#REPERTOIRE#' => 'module/' . $sModule . '/view')); } $this->genModuleMain($sModule, $tAction); $msg = trR('moduleGenereAvecSucces', array('#MODULE#' => $sModule, '#listACTION#' => implode(',', $tAction))); $detail .= '<br />' . trR('CreationDuFichierVAR', array('#FICHIER#' => 'module/' . $sModule . '/main.php')); foreach ($tAction as $sAction) { $detail .= '<br />' . trR('CreationDuFichierVAR', array('#FICHIER#' => 'module/' . $sModule . '/view/' . $sAction . '.php')); } $detail .= '<br />' . tr('accessibleVia'); foreach ($tAction as $sAction) { $detail .= '<br />- <a href="data/genere/' . _root::getParam('id') . '/public/index.php?:nav=' . $sModule . '::' . $sAction . '">index.php?:nav=' . $sModule . '::' . $sAction . '</a>'; } } $oTpl = $this->getView('index'); $oTpl->msg = $msg; $oTpl->detail = $detail; return $oTpl; }
/** * constructeur * @access public * @param string $sToken */ public function __construct() { $this->sSalt = 'fdsfA34T679hjfdsAfef'; $this->iLifetime = _root::getConfigVar('security.xsrf.timeout.lifetime'); $this->bUseSession = _root::getConfigVar('security.xsrf.session.enabled', 0); $this->sSessionVar = 'xsrfTokenArray'; }
/** * retourne le code html d'une image * @access public * @param string $sSrc path de l'image, par defaut utilisera le path.img configure dans conf/site.php * @param string $sAlt texte alternatif * @param array $tOption tableau contenant autant d'options a ajouter * array('style'=>'border:1px') >> <img style="border:1px"... * @return string retourne le code html de l'image */ public function getImg($sSrc, $sAlt = null, $tOption = null) { if ($sAlt == null) { $sAlt = $sSrc; } $sOptions = $this->getOptionFromTab($tOption); return '<img src="' . _root::getConfigVar('path.img') . $sSrc . '" title="' . $sAlt . '" ' . $sOptions . '/>'; }
private function load($sId) { if ($this->_toFile and isset($this->_toFile[$sId])) { return; } $oFile = new _file(_root::getConfigVar('path.cache') . $sId . '.cachevar'); $this->_toFile[$sId] = $oFile; }
public function _show() { $oExamplemodel = model_examplemodel::getInstance()->findById(_root::getParam('id')); $oView = new _view('examplemodule::show'); $oView->oExamplemodel = $oExamplemodel; //icishow $this->oLayout->add('main', $oView); }
/** * charge le fichier de langue situe dans la section [path], valeur de i18n * @access public static * @param string $sLang (doit etre present dans le fichier de config [language] allow separer par des virgules */ public static function load($sLang) { $tAllowed = preg_split('/,/', _root::getConfigVar('language.allow')); if (!in_array($sLang, $tAllowed) and $sLang != _root::getConfigVar('language.default')) { throw new Exception('Lang not allowed, list allow:' . _root::getConfigVar('language.allow')); } include_once _root::getConfigVar('path.i18n') . $sLang . '.php'; self::$tLangue = _root::getConfigVar('tLangue'); }
public function _projetEmbedded() { if (_root::getParam('action') == 'model') { $tLink = array(); } else { //if(_root::getParam('action')=='module'){ $tLink = array('Modules' => 'title', 'Créer un module' => 'module', 'Créer un module CRUD' => 'crud', 'Créer un module Lecture seule' => 'crudreadonly', 'Créer un module d\'authentification' => 'authmodule', 'Créer un module d\'authentification avec inscription' => 'authwithinscriptionmodule', 'Modules intégrable' => 'title', 'Créer un module menu ' => 'addmodulemenu', 'Créer un module intégrable' => 'moduleembedded', 'Créer un module CRUD intégrable' => 'crudembedded', 'Créer un module Lecture seule intégrable' => 'crudembeddedreadonly'); } $oTpl = new _tpl('menu::projetEmbedded'); $oTpl->tLink = $tLink; return $oTpl; }
public function _index() { $tLink = array('Articles' => 'article::list', 'Articles pagine' => 'article::listPagination', 'Articles via module table' => 'article::listModuleTable', 'Utiliser des classes metiers' => 'article::myclass', 'Appeler des sous module' => 'private_article::list', 'Graphiques' => 'chart::examples', 'Graphiques SVG' => 'chart::examplesSVG', 'Google Map' => 'default::googleMap', 'Auteurs xml' => 'auteurxml::list', 'Products "virtuel"' => 'virtualProducts::list', 'Prive' => 'prive::list'); if (_root::getACL()->can('edit', 'acl')) { $tLink['Manage accounts'] = 'account::list'; $tLink['Manage groups'] = 'group::list'; $tLink['Manage permission'] = 'permission::list'; } $oView = new _view('menu::index'); $oView->tLink = $tLink; return $oView; }
public function _list() { //cache if (_root::getCache()->isCached('sidebar_categories')) { $oView = _root::getCache()->getCached('sidebar_categories'); return $oView; } $tCategories = model_categories::getInstance()->findAll(); $oView = new _view('categories::list'); $oView->tCategories = $tCategories; _root::getCache()->setCache('sidebar_categories', $oView); return $oView; }
public function _category() { $oView = new _view('default::index'); $this->oLayout->add('main', $oView); //posts (main) $oModuleExamplemodule = new module_posts(); $oModuleExamplemodule->setCategory(_root::getParam('id')); //si vous souhaitez indiquer au module integrable des informations sur le module parent $oModuleExamplemodule->setRootLink('default::categoryDetail', array('id' => _root::getParam('id'))); //recupere la vue du module $oViewModule = $oModuleExamplemodule->_index(); //assigner la vue retournee a votre layout $this->oLayout->add('main', $oViewModule); }
/** * @access public */ public function _connect() { //on regenere un nouvel id de session session_regenerate_id(true); $this->_bConnected = true; $_SESSION['ip'] = sha1($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) { $_SESSION['userAgent'] = sha1($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); } else { $_SESSION['userAgent'] = sha1('noUserAgent'); } if ((int) _root::getConfigVar('auth.session.timeout.enabled') == 1) { $_SESSION['timeout'] = time() + (int) _root::getConfigVar('auth.session.timeout.lifetime'); } }
public static function _redirect($sRootModule, $tRootParams, $sModuleName, $sModuleAction, $tModuleParam = null) { $sPrefix = $sModuleName; $tParam = array(); if ($tRootParams) { $tParam = $tRootParams; } $tParam[$sPrefix . 'Action'] = $sModuleAction; if ($tModuleParam) { foreach ($tModuleParam as $sKey => $sVal) { $tParam[$sPrefix . $sKey] = $sVal; } } return _root::redirect($sRootModule, $tParam); }
public function _index() { module_builder::getTools()->rootAddConf('conf/connexion.ini.php'); $tConnexion = _root::getConfigVar('db'); $tSqlite = array(); foreach ($tConnexion as $sConfig => $val) { if (substr($val, 0, 6) == 'sqlite') { $tSqlite[substr($sConfig, 0, -4)] = $val; } } $msg = ''; $detail = ''; if ($this->isPost()) { $sDbFilename = _root::getParam('sDbFilename'); $sTable = _root::getParam('sTable'); $tField = _root::getParam('tField'); $tType = _root::getParam('tType'); $tSize = _root::getParam('tSize'); try { $oDb = new PDO($sDbFilename); } catch (PDOException $exception) { die($exception->getMessage()); } $oDb->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); $sSql = 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ' . $sTable . '('; $sSql .= 'id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT'; foreach ($tField as $i => $sField) { $sSql .= ','; $sSql .= $sField . ' ' . $tType[$i]; if ($tType[$i] == 'VARCHAR') { $sSql .= '(' . $tSize[$i] . ')'; } } $sSql .= ')'; try { $oDb->exec($sSql); } catch (PDOException $exception) { die($exception->getMessage()); } $msg = trR('baseTableGenereAvecSucces', array('#maTable#' => $sTable, '#listField#' => implode(',', $tField))); $detail = trR('creationFichier', array('#FICHIER#' => ' sqlite ' . $sDbFilename)); } $oTpl = $this->getView('index'); $oTpl->msg = $msg; $oTpl->detail = $detail; $oTpl->tSqlite = $tSqlite; return $oTpl; }
public function _index() { module_builder::getTools()->rootAddConf('conf/connexion.ini.php'); $tConnexion = _root::getConfigVar('db'); $tSqlite = array(); foreach ($tConnexion as $sConfig => $val) { if (substr($val, 0, 6) == 'sqlite') { $tSqlite[substr($sConfig, 0, -4)] = $val; } } $msg = ''; $detail = ''; if (_root::getRequest()->isPost()) { $sDbFilename = _root::getParam('sDbFilename'); $sTable = _root::getParam('sTable'); $tField = _root::getParam('tField'); $tType = _root::getParam('tType'); $tSize = _root::getParam('tSize'); try { $oDb = new PDO($sDbFilename); } catch (PDOException $exception) { die($exception->getMessage()); } $oDb->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); $sSql = 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ' . $sTable . '('; $sSql .= 'id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT'; foreach ($tField as $i => $sField) { $sSql .= ','; $sSql .= $sField . ' ' . $tType[$i]; if ($tType[$i] == 'VARCHAR') { $sSql .= '(' . $tSize[$i] . ')'; } } $sSql .= ')'; try { $oDb->exec($sSql); } catch (PDOException $exception) { die($exception->getMessage()); } $msg = 'Table ' . $sTable . ' (champs: ' . implode(',', $tField) . ') généré avec succès'; $detail = 'Création du fichier sqlite ' . $sDbFilename; } $oTpl = new _Tpl('moduleSqlite::index'); $oTpl->msg = $msg; $oTpl->detail = $detail; $oTpl->tSqlite = $tSqlite; return $oTpl; }
public function _index() { $msg = ''; $detail = ''; if ($this->isPost()) { $sTable = _root::getParam('sTable'); $tField = explode("\n", _root::getParam('sField')); $this->generate($sTable, $tField); $msg = trR('baseTableGenereAvecSucces', array('#maTable#' => $sTable, '#listField#' => implode(',', $tField))); $detail .= '<br />' . trR('creationFichier', array('#FICHIER#' => 'data/csv/base/' . $sTable . '.csv')); } $oTpl = $this->getView('index'); $oTpl->msg = $msg; $oTpl->detail = $detail; return $oTpl; }
public function _project() { $bBootstrap = 0; if (file_exists('data/genere/' . _root::getParam('id') . '/layout/bootstrap.php')) { $bBootstrap = 1; } if ($bBootstrap) { $tType = array('all', 'bootstrap'); } else { $tType = array('all', 'normal'); } $sLang = _root::getConfigVar('language.default'); $tLinkModule = array(); foreach ($tType as $sType) { $sPathModule = _root::getConfigVar('path.module') . '/mods/' . $sType; $tModulesAll = scandir($sPathModule); foreach ($tModulesAll as $sModule) { if (file_exists($sPathModule . '/' . $sModule . '/info.ini')) { $tIni = parse_ini_file($sPathModule . '/' . $sModule . '/info.ini'); $priority = 999; if (isset($tIni['priority'])) { $priority = $tIni['priority']; } $sPriority = sprintf('%03d', $priority); $tLinkModule[$tIni['category']][$tIni['title.' . $sLang] . ' <sup>version ' . $tIni['version'] . '</sup>'] = $sPriority . 'mods_' . $sType . '_' . $sModule . '::index'; } } } //$tModules=scandir(_root::getConfigVar('path.module')).'/mods/normal'; $tTitle = array('market', 'coucheModel', 'modules', 'modulesEmbedded', 'views', 'databasesEmbedded', 'unitTest'); $tLink = array(); foreach ($tTitle as $sTitle) { if (isset($tLinkModule[$sTitle])) { $tLinkModuleCat = $tLinkModule[$sTitle]; asort($tLinkModuleCat); $tLink[tr('menu_' . $sTitle)] = 'title'; foreach ($tLinkModuleCat as $sLabel => $sLink) { $tLink[$sLabel] = substr($sLink, 3); } } } $oTpl = $this->getView('project'); $oTpl->tLink = $tLink; return $oTpl; }
public function generate($sTable, $tField) { $ret = "\n"; $sep = ';'; $sFile = '1' . $ret; $sFile .= 'id' . $sep; foreach ($tField as $sField) { if (trim($sField) == '') { continue; } $sFile .= trim($sField) . $sep; } $sFile .= $ret; $sPath = _root::getConfigVar('path.generation') . _root::getParam('id') . '/data/csv/base/' . $sTable . '.csv'; $oFile = new _file($sPath); $oFile->setContent($sFile); $oFile->save(); }
private function process() { if (_root::getRequest()->isPost() == false) { return null; } $this->msg = tr('coucheModeleGenereAvecSucces'); $this->detail = trR('CreationDuFichierVAR', array('#FICHIER#' => 'model/model_' . $sTable)); $this->projectMkdir('module/' . $sModuleMenuName); /*SOURCE*/ $oSourceModel = $this->getObjectSource('example.php'); /*SOURCE*/ $oSourceModel->setPattern('#maTable#', $maTable); $sSnippet = $oSourceModel->getSnippet('monSnippet', array('#maVar#' => $maValeur)); /*SOURCE*/ $oSourceModel->setPattern('#sSnippet#', $sSnippet); /*SOURCE*/ $oSourceModel->save(); }
private function process() { if (_root::getRequest()->isPost() == false) { return null; } $tError = null; $msg = null; $detail = null; $sModule = _root::getParam('modulename'); $tMethod = _root::getParam('tMethod'); $tLabel = _root::getParam('tLabel'); $ok = 1; //check formulaire foreach ($tMethod as $i => $sMethod) { if ($tLabel[$i] == '') { $tError[$i] = tr('remplissezLeLibelle'); $ok = 0; } } if ($ok) { if (module_builder::getTools()->projetmkdir('module/' . $sModule) == true) { $detail = trR('creationRepertoire', array('#REPERTOIRE#' => 'module/' . $sModule)); if (module_builder::getTools()->projetmkdir('module/' . $sModule . '/view') == true) { $detail .= '<br />' . trR('creationRepertoire', array('#REPERTOIRE#' => 'module/' . $sModule . '/view')); $this->genModuleMenuMain($sModule, $tMethod, $tLabel); $msg = trR('moduleGenereAvecSucces', array('#MODULE#' => $sModule)); $detail .= '<br />' . trR('CreationDuFichierVAR', array('#FICHIER#' => 'module/' . $sModule . '/main.php')); $detail .= '<br />' . trR('CreationDuFichierVAR', array('#FICHIER#' => 'module/' . $sModule . '/view/index.php')); $sCode = '<?php ' . "\n"; $sCode .= '//assignez le menu a l\'emplacement menu' . "\n"; $sCode .= '$this->oLayout->addModule(\'menu\',\'' . $sModule . '::index\');' . "\n"; $detail .= '<br/><br/>' . tr('pourLutiliserAjoutez') . '<br /> ' . highlight_string($sCode, 1); } else { $detail .= '<br />' . trR('repertoireDejaExistant', array('#REPERTOIRE#' => 'module/' . $sModule . '/view')); } } else { $detail = trR('repertoireDejaExistant', array('#REPERTOIRE#' => 'module/' . $sModule . '/view')); } } $this->tError = $tError; $this->detail = $detail; $this->msg = $msg; }
public function _index() { $msg = ''; $detail = ''; if ($this->isPost()) { $sTable = _root::getParam('sTable'); $tField = explode("\n", _root::getParam('sField')); $this->projectMkdir('data/xml/base/' . $sTable); $this->generate($sTable, $tField); $msg = trR('baseTableGenereAvecSucces', array('#maTable#' => $sTable, '#listField#' => implode(',', $tField))); $detail = trR('creationRepertoire', array('#REPERTOIRE#' => 'data/xml/base/' . $sTable)); $detail .= '<br />' . trR('creationFichier', array('#FICHIER#' => 'data/xml/base/' . $sTable . '/structure.xml')); $detail .= '<br />' . trR('creationFichier', array('#FICHIER#' => 'data/xml/base/' . $sTable . '/max.xml')); } $oTpl = $this->getView('index'); $oTpl->msg = $msg; $oTpl->detail = $detail; return $oTpl; }
public static function autoload($sClass) { $tab = preg_split('/_/', $sClass); if ($sClass[0] == '_') { include _root::getConfigVar('path.lib') . 'class' . $sClass . '.php'; } else { if (in_array($tab[0], array('plugin', 'model', 'abstract'))) { include _root::getConfigVar('path.' . $tab[0]) . $sClass . '.php'; } else { if ($tab[0] == 'module') { if (count($tab) == 2 or _root::getConfigVar('module.folder.organized', 0) == 0) { include _root::getConfigVar('path.module') . substr($sClass, 7) . '/main.php'; } else { unset($tab[0]); include _root::getConfigVar('path.module') . implode('/', $tab) . '/main.php'; } } else { if ($tab[0] == 'row') { include _root::getConfigVar('path.model') . 'model_' . substr($sClass, 4) . '.php'; } else { if ($tab[0] == 'sgbd' and in_array($tab[1], array('syntax', 'pdo'))) { include _root::getConfigVar('path.lib') . 'sgbd/' . $tab[1] . '/' . $sClass . '.php'; } else { if ($tab[0] == 'sgbd') { include _root::getConfigVar('path.lib') . 'sgbd/' . $sClass . '.php'; //definissez ici votre regle de chargement //ici, si la classe debute par my_, on la cherche dans ../myClass } else { if (substr($sClass, 0, 3) == 'my_') { //on inclut la classe en tronquant my_ //exple: my_metier => ../myClass/metier.php include '../myClasses/' . substr($sClass, 3) . '.php'; } else { return false; } } } } } } } }
public function _index() { $msg = ''; $detail = ''; if ($this->isPost()) { $sModule = _root::getParam('module'); $sActions = _root::getParam('actions'); $tAction = explode("\n", $sActions); if ($this->projectMkdir('module/' . $sModule) == true) { $detail = trR('creationRepertoire', array('#REPERTOIRE#' => 'module/' . $sModule)); } else { $detail = trR('repertoireDejaExistant', array('#REPERTOIRE#' => 'module/' . $sModule)); } if ($this->projectMkdir('module/' . $sModule . '/view') == true) { $detail .= '<br />' . trR('creationRepertoire', array('#REPERTOIRE#' => 'module/' . $sModule . '/view')); } else { $detail .= '<br />' . trR('repertoireDejaExistant', array('#REPERTOIRE#' => 'module/' . $sModule . '/view')); } $this->genModuleMain($sModule, $tAction); $msg = trR('moduleGenereAvecSucces', array('#MODULE#' => $sModule, '#listACTION#' => implode(',', $tAction))); $detail .= '<br />' . trR('CreationDuFichierVAR', array('#FICHIER#' => 'module/' . $sModule . '/main.php')); foreach ($tAction as $sAction) { $detail .= '<br />' . trR('CreationDuFichierVAR', array('#FICHIER#' => 'module/' . $sModule . '/view/' . $sAction . '.php')); } $sCode = '<?php ' . "\n"; $sCode .= '//instancier le module' . "\n"; $sCode .= '$oModule' . ucfirst(strtolower($sModule)) . '=new module_' . $sModule . ";\n"; $sCode .= '//recupere la vue du module' . "\n"; $sCode .= '$oView=$oModule' . ucfirst(strtolower($sModule)) . '->_index();' . "\n"; $sCode .= "\n"; $sCode .= '//assigner la vue retournee a votre layout' . "\n"; $sCode .= '$this->oLayout->add(\'main\',$oView);' . "\n"; $detail .= '<br/><br/>' . tr('pourLutiliserIndiquez') . ':<br /> ' . highlight_string($sCode, 1); } $oTpl = $this->getView('index'); $oTpl->msg = $msg; $oTpl->detail = $detail; return $oTpl; }
private function genModuleMain($sModule, $tAction) { $sContent = module_builder::getTools()->stringReplaceIn(array('_examplemodule' => '_' . $sModule), 'data/sources/projet/module/example/main.php'); preg_match_all('/#debutaction#(.*)?#finaction#/s', $sContent, $tMatch); $sMethodeSource = $tMatch[1][0]; $sMethodes = ''; foreach ($tAction as $sAction) { $sAction = trim($sAction); if ($sAction == '') { continue; } $sMethodes .= preg_replace('/examplemodule/', $sModule, preg_replace('/exampleaction/', $sAction, $sMethodeSource)); $oFileTpl = new _file(_root::getConfigVar('path.generation') . _root::getParam('id') . '/module/' . $sModule . '/view/' . $sAction . '.php'); $oFileTpl->setContent('vue ' . $sModule . '::' . $sAction); $oFileTpl->save(); $oFileTpl->chmod(0666); } $sContent = preg_replace('/\\/\\/ICI--/', $sMethodes, $sContent); $oFile = new _file(_root::getConfigVar('path.generation') . _root::getParam('id') . '/module/' . $sModule . '/main.php'); $oFile->setContent($sContent); $oFile->save(); $oFile->chmod(0666); }
public function processSave() { if (!_root::getRequest()->isPost() or _root::getParam('formmodule') != self::$sModuleName) { //si ce n'est pas une requete POST on ne soumet pas return null; } $oPluginXsrf = new plugin_xsrf(); if (!$oPluginXsrf->checkToken(_root::getParam('token'))) { //on verifie que le token est valide return array('token' => $oPluginXsrf->getMessage()); } $iId = module_posts::getParam('id', null); if ($iId == null) { $oPosts = new row_posts(); } else { $oPosts = model_posts::getInstance()->findById(module_posts::getParam('id', null)); } $tId = model_posts::getInstance()->getIdTab(); $tColumn = model_posts::getInstance()->getListColumn(); foreach ($tColumn as $sColumn) { $oPluginUpload = new plugin_upload($sColumn); if ($oPluginUpload->isValid()) { $sNewFileName = _root::getConfigVar('path.upload') . $sColumn . '_' . date('Ymdhis'); $oPluginUpload->saveAs($sNewFileName); $oPosts->{$sColumn} = $oPluginUpload->getPath(); continue; } else { if (_root::getParam($sColumn, null) === null) { continue; } else { if (in_array($sColumn, $tId)) { continue; } } } $oPosts->{$sColumn} = _root::getParam($sColumn, null); } if ($oPosts->save()) { //une fois enregistre on redirige (vers la page liste) $this->redirect('list'); } else { return $oPosts->getListError(); } }
echo tr('extensions'); ?> </th> <th style="width:80px"><?php echo tr('local'); ?> </th> <th></th> <th></th> </tr> <?php foreach ($this->tBloc as $oBloc) { ?> <?php if (_root::getParam('hideInstalled') and isset($this->tLocalIni[$oBloc['id']]) and $this->tLocalIni[$oBloc['id']] == $oBloc['version']) { ?> <?php } else { ?> <?php $nbLine++; ?> <tr> <td><?php echo $oBloc['title'] . ' <i>' . $oBloc['id'] . '</i>'; ?> <br/><span class="author"><?php echo $oBloc['author']; ?>