
_::define_controller('mail', function () {
    // simple mail, not SMTP!
    $html = 'hello <b>world</b>, go to mi site please <a href="http://google.com">mi site</a>';
    $mail = new mailer('*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', 'testing mailer', $html);
    $result = $mail->send();
    if (!$result) {
}, true);
Exemple #2

if (!defined('PHPQUERY_LOADER')) {
    include '../../index.html';
class ipn
    // usamos mi trait Property
    use Property;
    // atributos privados
    private $notify_validate_request_content = null;
    private $notify_validate_request_header = null;
    // variables.
    private $item_name = null;
    // nombre del producto
    private $payment_status = null;
    // estado del pago
    private $payment_amount = null;
    // precio pagado
    private $payment_currency = null;
    // ?
    private $transaction_id = null;
    // id de transacción de paypal
    private $receiver_email = null;
    // nuestro mail
    private $client_email = null;
    // mail del que compró
    private $error = false;
    private $error_msg = null;

_::define_controller('ipn_request', function () {
    $data = new ipn();
}, true);

_::define_controller('search', function () {
    $toSearch = _::$post['q'];
    $search = new Buscador((string) $toSearch);
    // get querys to execute in db
    $querys = $search->getQuerys();
    foreach ($querys as $query) {
        $pdo = _::$db->prepare('SELECT id FROM posts WHERE title_post LIKE \'%' . $query . '%\'');
        $results = $pdo->fetchAll();
        // join all results
    $LIMIT = 10;
    // limit of results
    // delete repeated results
    $results = $search->filterQuerys('id', $LIMIT);
    // $search->error (BOOLEAN)
    /* $search->error_id (ONE OF THIS CONSTANTS:
     * Little TEXT, little words, many words, respectively)
    // now, in $results is array of results
}, true);

_::define_controller('download', function () {
    // force download uploads/file.php
    $file = new file('uploads/', 'file.php');
_::define_controller('upload', function () {
    // for upload:
    $file = new file();
    $location = $file->upload('FIELD', 'uploads/', true, true, array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif'));

// put this line if you use the userErrorHandler in all controllers in this file
_::define_controller('ajax_example', function () {
    // you need load userErrorHandler component, the framework don't load by default this component, you load it if you use.
    // you can put declaration line in index.php if you use the component in all controllers, or out of define_controller if you use in all controllers of this file.
    // first make a erros using a key word
    _e::set('KEY_WORD', 'this is a example');
    // now when you need error, use get function:
    try {
        // This is an error
        if (true) {
            throw new Exception(_e::get('KEY_WORD'));
        // use _e::get('KEY_WORD'); to get json of error
    } catch (Exception $error) {
        // now, show the standarized error json.
    // the json error, have this structure
    	code: 000,
    	key: "KEY_WORD",
    	message: "message of error"
    code is number automatically generated.