public function testProcessStatusAndMessagesForEachRow()
     Yii::app()->user->userModel = User::getByUsername('super');
     $import = new Import();
     $serializedData['importRulesType'] = 'ImportModelTestItem';
     $import->serializedData = serialize($serializedData);
     $testTableName = $import->getTempTableName();
     $this->assertTrue(ImportTestHelper::createTempTableByFileNameAndTableName('importTest.csv', $testTableName, true));
     $count = ImportDatabaseUtil::getCount($testTableName);
     $this->assertEquals(5, $count);
     //Now add import results.
     $resultsUtil = new ImportResultsUtil($import);
     $rowDataResultsUtil = new ImportRowDataResultsUtil(2);
     $rowDataResultsUtil->addMessage('the first message');
     $rowDataResultsUtil = new ImportRowDataResultsUtil(3);
     $rowDataResultsUtil->addMessage('the second message');
     $rowDataResultsUtil = new ImportRowDataResultsUtil(4);
     $rowDataResultsUtil->addMessage('the third message');
     $sql = 'select * from ' . $testTableName . ' where id != 1';
     $tempTableData = ZurmoRedBean::getAll($sql);
     $compareData = array(array('id' => 2, 'column_0' => 'abc', 'column_1' => '123', 'column_2' => 'a', 'status' => 1, 'serializedMessages' => serialize(array('the first message')), 'analysisStatus' => null, 'serializedAnalysisMessages' => null), array('id' => 3, 'column_0' => 'def', 'column_1' => '563', 'column_2' => 'b', 'status' => 2, 'serializedMessages' => serialize(array('the second message')), 'analysisStatus' => null, 'serializedAnalysisMessages' => null), array('id' => 4, 'column_0' => 'efg', 'column_1' => '456', 'column_2' => 'a', 'status' => 3, 'serializedMessages' => serialize(array('the third message')), 'analysisStatus' => null, 'serializedAnalysisMessages' => null), array('id' => 5, 'column_0' => 'we1s', 'column_1' => null, 'column_2' => 'b', 'status' => null, 'serializedMessages' => null, 'analysisStatus' => null, 'serializedAnalysisMessages' => null));
     $this->assertEquals($compareData, $tempTableData);
 public function testRun()
     $quote = DatabaseCompatibilityUtil::getQuote();
     //Create 2 imports, and set one with a date over a week ago (8 days ago) for the modifiedDateTime
     $import = new Import();
     $serializedData['importRulesType'] = 'ImportModelTestItem';
     $import->serializedData = serialize($serializedData);
     ImportTestHelper::createTempTableByFileNameAndTableName('importAnalyzerTest.csv', $import->getTempTableName(), true);
     $modifiedDateTime = DateTimeUtil::convertTimestampToDbFormatDateTime(time() - 60 * 60 * 24 * 8);
     $sql = "Update item set modifieddatetime = '" . $modifiedDateTime . "' where id = " . $import->getClassId('Item');
     $staleImportId = $import->id;
     $import2 = new Import();
     $serializedData['importRulesType'] = 'ImportModelTestItem';
     $import2->serializedData = serialize($serializedData);
     ImportTestHelper::createTempTableByFileNameAndTableName('importAnalyzerTest.csv', $import2->getTempTableName(), true);
     $this->assertEquals(2, Import::getCount());
     $tableExists = ZurmoRedBean::$writer->doesTableExist($import->getTempTableName());
     $job = new ImportCleanupJob();
     $tableExists = ZurmoRedBean::$writer->doesTableExist($import->getTempTableName());
     $imports = Import::getAll();
     $this->assertEquals(1, count($imports));
     $this->assertEquals($import2->id, $imports[0]->id);
  * Given a name, get the custom field data model.  Attempts to retrieve from cache, if it is not available,
  * will attempt to retrieve from persistent storage, cache the model, and return.
  * @param string $name
  * @return CustomFieldData model
  * @throws NotFoundException
 public static function getByName($name, $shouldCache = true)
     if (isset(self::$cachedModelsByName[$name])) {
         return self::$cachedModelsByName[$name];
     try {
         // not using default value to save cpu cycles on requests that follow the first exception.
         return GeneralCache::getEntry('CustomFieldData' . $name);
     } catch (NotFoundException $e) {
         assert('$name != ""');
         $bean = ZurmoRedBean::findOne('customfielddata', "name = :name ", array(':name' => $name));
         assert('$bean === false || $bean instanceof RedBean_OODBBean');
         if ($bean === false) {
             $customFieldData = new CustomFieldData();
             $customFieldData->name = $name;
             $customFieldData->serializedData = serialize(array());
             // An unused custom field data does not present as needing saving.
         } else {
             $customFieldData = self::makeModel($bean);
         if ($shouldCache) {
             self::$cachedModelsByName[$name] = $customFieldData;
             GeneralCache::cacheEntry('CustomFieldData' . $name, $customFieldData);
         return $customFieldData;
  * Runs a query to get all the dates for meetings based on SearchAttributeData.  Then the data is processed
  * and @returns a data array of dates and quantity.  Quantity stands for how many meetings in a given date.
  * (non-PHPdoc)
  * @see CalendarDataProvider::getData()
 public function getData()
     $sql = $this->makeSqlQuery();
     $rows = ZurmoRedBean::getAll($sql);
     $data = array();
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
         $localTimeZoneAdjustedDate = DateTimeUtil::convertDbFormattedDateTimeToLocaleFormattedDisplay($row['startdatetime'], 'medium', null);
         if (isset($data[$localTimeZoneAdjustedDate])) {
             $data[$localTimeZoneAdjustedDate]['quantity'] = $data[$localTimeZoneAdjustedDate]['quantity'] + 1;
         } else {
             $data[$localTimeZoneAdjustedDate] = array('date' => $localTimeZoneAdjustedDate, 'quantity' => 1, 'dbDate' => $row['startdatetime']);
     foreach ($data as $key => $item) {
         if ($item['quantity'] == 1) {
             $label = Zurmo::t('MeetingsModule', '{quantity} MeetingsModuleSingularLabel', array_merge(LabelUtil::getTranslationParamsForAllModules(), array('{quantity}' => $item['quantity'])));
         } else {
             $label = Zurmo::t('MeetingsModule', '{quantity} MeetingsModulePluralLabel', array_merge(LabelUtil::getTranslationParamsForAllModules(), array('{quantity}' => $item['quantity'])));
         $data[$key]['label'] = $label;
         if ($item['quantity'] > 5) {
             $quantityClassSuffix = 6;
         } else {
             $quantityClassSuffix = $item['quantity'];
         $data[$key]['className'] = 'calendar-events-' . $quantityClassSuffix;
     return $data;
 public function testRun()
     $quote = DatabaseCompatibilityUtil::getQuote();
     $super = User::getByUsername('super');
     Yii::app()->user->userModel = $super;
     $box = EmailBox::resolveAndGetByName(EmailBox::NOTIFICATIONS_NAME);
     $folder = EmailFolder::getByBoxAndType($box, EmailFolder::TYPE_SENT);
     //Create 2 sent notifications, and set one with a date over a week ago (8 days ago) for the modifiedDateTime
     $emailMessage = EmailMessageTestHelper::createDraftSystemEmail('My Email Message', $super);
     $emailMessage->folder = $folder;
     $saved = $emailMessage->save();
     $modifiedDateTime = DateTimeUtil::convertTimestampToDbFormatDateTime(time() - 60 * 60 * 24 * 8);
     $sql = "Update item set modifieddatetime = '" . $modifiedDateTime . "' where id = " . $emailMessage->getClassId('Item');
     $emailMessage2 = EmailMessageTestHelper::createDraftSystemEmail('My Email Message 2', $super);
     $emailMessage2->folder = $folder;
     $saved = $emailMessage2->save();
     $this->assertEquals(2, EmailMessage::getCount());
     $job = new ClearSentNotificationsEmailJob();
     $emailMessages = EmailMessage::getAll();
     $this->assertEquals(1, count($emailMessages));
     $this->assertEquals($emailMessage2->id, $emailMessages[0]->id);
  * Deletes all job logs where the modifiedDateTime was more than 1 week ago.
  * Runs operation in bulk to improve performance when large jobLogs are present.
  * @see BaseJob::run()
 public function run()
     $oneWeekAgoTimeStamp = DateTimeUtil::convertTimestampToDbFormatDateTime(time() - 60 * 60 * 24 * 7);
     $sql = 'DELETE from item, joblog using joblog inner join item on ' . ' = joblog.item_id where joblog.enddatetime <= "' . $oneWeekAgoTimeStamp . '"';
     return true;
 public function testSaveAllMetadata()
     $super = User::getByUsername('super');
     Yii::app()->user->userModel = $super;
     $messageLogger = new MessageLogger();
     InstallUtil::autoBuildDatabase($messageLogger, true);
     chdir(COMMON_ROOT . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'protected' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'commands');
     $command = "php zurmocTest.php manageMetadata super saveAllMetadata";
     if (!IS_WINNT) {
         $command .= ' 2>&1';
     exec($command, $output);
     // Check if data are saved for some specific View
     $moduleMetadata = ZurmoRedBean::getRow("SELECT * FROM globalmetadata WHERE classname='NotesModule'");
     $this->assertTrue($moduleMetadata['id'] > 0);
     $this->assertTrue(strlen($moduleMetadata['serializedmetadata']) > 0);
     // Check if data are saved for some specific View
     $modelMetadata = ZurmoRedBean::getRow("SELECT * FROM globalmetadata WHERE classname='Note'");
     $this->assertTrue($modelMetadata['id'] > 0);
     $this->assertTrue(strlen($modelMetadata['serializedmetadata']) > 0);
     // Check if data are saved for some specific View
     $viewMetadata = ZurmoRedBean::getRow("SELECT * FROM globalmetadata WHERE classname='ContactsListView'");
     $this->assertTrue($viewMetadata['id'] > 0);
     $this->assertTrue(strlen($viewMetadata['serializedmetadata']) > 0);
  * @return array
 protected function makeCombinedData()
     $combinedRows = array();
     //todo: should fix and get proper table name of attribute instead of passing in item
     $groupBy = $this->resolveGroupBy('EmailMessage', 'sentDateTime');
     $beginDateTime = DateTimeUtil::convertDateIntoTimeZoneAdjustedDateTimeBeginningOfDay($this->beginDate);
     $endDateTime = DateTimeUtil::convertDateIntoTimeZoneAdjustedDateTimeEndOfDay($this->endDate);
     if ($this->marketingList == null) {
         $searchAttributeData = static::makeCampaignsSearchAttributeData('createdDateTime', $beginDateTime, $endDateTime, $this->campaign);
         $sql = static::makeCampaignsSqlQuery($searchAttributeData, $groupBy);
         $rows = ZurmoRedBean::getAll($sql);
         foreach ($rows as $row) {
             $this->addNewRowToCombinedRows($row, $combinedRows);
     if ($this->campaign == null) {
         $searchAttributeData = static::makeAutorespondersSearchAttributeData('createdDateTime', $beginDateTime, $endDateTime, $this->marketingList);
         $sql = static::makeAutorespondersSqlQuery($searchAttributeData, $groupBy);
         $rows = ZurmoRedBean::getAll($sql);
         foreach ($rows as $row) {
             $this->addNewRowToCombinedRows($row, $combinedRows);
     return $combinedRows;
 public function testRun()
     //Create 2 jobLogs, and set one with a date over a week ago (8 days ago) for the endDateTime
     $eightDaysAgoTimestamp = DateTimeUtil::convertTimestampToDbFormatDateTime(time() - 60 * 60 * 24 * 8);
     $jobLog = new JobLog();
     $jobLog->type = 'Monitor';
     $jobLog->startDateTime = $eightDaysAgoTimestamp;
     $jobLog->endDateTime = $eightDaysAgoTimestamp;
     $jobLog->status = JobLog::STATUS_COMPLETE_WITHOUT_ERROR;
     $jobLog->isProcessed = false;
     $jobLog2 = new JobLog();
     $jobLog2->type = 'ImportCleanup';
     $jobLog2->startDateTime = DateTimeUtil::convertTimestampToDbFormatDateTime(time());
     $jobLog2->endDateTime = DateTimeUtil::convertTimestampToDbFormatDateTime(time());
     $jobLog2->status = JobLog::STATUS_COMPLETE_WITHOUT_ERROR;
     $jobLog2->isProcessed = false;
     $sql = 'select count(*) count from item';
     $row = ZurmoRedBean::getRow($sql);
     $this->assertEquals(4, $row['count']);
     $job = new JobLogCleanupJob();
     $jobLogs = JobLog::getAll();
     $this->assertEquals(1, count($jobLogs));
     $this->assertEquals($jobLog2->id, $jobLogs[0]->id);
     $sql = 'select count(*) count from item';
     $row = ZurmoRedBean::getRow($sql);
     $this->assertEquals(3, $row['count']);
 public function testProperlyDeletingActivityItems()
     Yii::app()->user->userModel = User::getByUsername('super');
     $count = ZurmoRedBean::getRow('select count(*) count from activity_item');
     $this->assertEquals(0, $count['count']);
     $account = AccountTestHelper::createAccountByNameForOwner('anAccount', Yii::app()->user->userModel);
     $deleted = $account->delete();
     $count = ZurmoRedBean::getRow('select count(*) count from activity_item');
     $this->assertEquals(0, $count['count']);
     $account2 = AccountTestHelper::createAccountByNameForOwner('anAccount2', Yii::app()->user->userModel);
     $opportunity = OpportunityTestHelper::createOpportunityByNameForOwner('anOpp', Yii::app()->user->userModel);
     $task = TaskTestHelper::createTaskWithOwnerAndRelatedAccount('aTask', Yii::app()->user->userModel, $account2);
     $taskId = $task->id;
     $count = ZurmoRedBean::getRow('select count(*) count from activity_item');
     $this->assertEquals(2, $count['count']);
     $deleted = $account2->delete();
     $count = ZurmoRedBean::getRow('select count(*) count from activity_item');
     $this->assertEquals(1, $count['count']);
     //Make sure things render ok even with the account deleted.
     $content = ActivitiesUtil::renderSummaryContent(Task::getById($taskId), 'someUrl', LatestActivitiesConfigurationForm::OWNED_BY_FILTER_ALL, 'HomeModule');
  * Given a model and external system id, update the external system id in the database for that model
  * @param object $model
  * @param string $externalSystemId
 public static function updateByModel(RedBeanModel $model, $externalSystemId)
     assert('$externalSystemId == null || is_string($externalSystemId)');
     $columnName = self::EXTERNAL_SYSTEM_ID_COLUMN_NAME;
     $tableName = $model::getTableName();
     ZurmoRedBean::exec("update " . $tableName . " set {$columnName} = '" . $externalSystemId . "' where id = " . $model->id);
 public static function getUserExternalSystemIds()
     $columnName = ExternalSystemIdUtil::EXTERNAL_SYSTEM_ID_COLUMN_NAME;
     $userTableName = User::getTableName();
     $sql = 'select ' . $columnName . ' from ' . $userTableName;
     return ZurmoRedBean::getCol($sql);
  * Given a event, perform the deletion of conversationItems related to the event sender.
  * @param CEvent $event
 public function deleteConversationItems(CEvent $event)
     $model = $event->sender;
     assert('$model instanceof Item');
     $itemId = $model->getClassId('Item');
     $sql = 'DELETE from conversation_item where item_id = ' . $itemId;
 public static function cacheEntry($identifier, $entry)
     assert('is_string($entry) || is_numeric($entry)');
     parent::cacheEntry($identifier, $entry);
     if (static::supportsAndAllowsDatabaseCaching()) {
         ZurmoRedBean::exec("insert into actual_rights_cache\n                             (identifier, entry) values ('" . $identifier . "', '" . $entry . "') on duplicate key\n                             update entry = " . $entry);
  * @return int
 public function calculateTotalItemCount()
     $selectQueryAdapter = new RedBeanModelSelectQueryAdapter();
     $sql = $this->makeSqlQueryForFetchingTotalItemCount($selectQueryAdapter);
     $rows = ZurmoRedBean::getAll($sql);
     $count = count($rows);
     return $count;
 public static function findGameTableRowsThatAreDuplicatedByPersonKey($tableName)
     // Begin Not Coding Standard
     $sql = "SELECT count(*) as count, person_item_id " . "FROM `" . $tableName . "` " . "GROUP BY person_item_id having count(person_item_id) > 1";
     // End Not Coding Standard
     return ZurmoRedBean::getAll($sql);
 public static function addTransactionResolvedForOptimization($gamePoint, $value)
     $transaction = new GamePointTransaction();
     $transaction->value = $value;
     $tableName = GamePointTransaction::getTableName();
     $sql = "UPDATE {$tableName} SET gamepoint_id = '" . $gamePoint->id . "'\n                    WHERE id = '" . $transaction->id . "'";
 public static function getKeys(RedBean_OODBBean $bean, $typeName, $name = null)
     $fieldName = self::getLinkField($typeName, $name);
     $id = (int) $bean->{$fieldName};
     $columnPrefix = self::resolveColumnPrefix($name);
     $columnName = $columnPrefix . $bean->getMeta("type") . '_id';
     $ids = ZurmoRedBean::getCol("select id from {$typeName} where " . $columnName . " = {$bean->id}");
     return $ids;
Exemple #19
 public static function isCategoryInUseById($categoryId)
     $categories = Category::getById($categoryId);
     $rows = ZurmoRedBean::getAll('SELECT * FROM customfieldvalue WHERE multiplevaluescustomfield_id IN (SELECT category_multiplevaluescustomfield_id FROM costbook) AND VALUE="' . $categories->name . '"');
     if (count($rows) > 0) {
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;
 protected function validJoinHelper($modelClassName, $attributeName, $relatedAttributeName)
     $searchAttributeData = array();
     $searchAttributeData['clauses'] = array(1 => array('attributeName' => $attributeName, 'relatedAttributeName' => $relatedAttributeName, 'operatorType' => OperatorRules::TYPE_IS_NOT_NULL, 'value' => null));
     $searchAttributeData['structure'] = '1';
     $searchAttributeDataAndClassNames = array(array($modelClassName => $searchAttributeData));
     $sql = RedBeanModelsDataProvider::makeUnionSql($searchAttributeDataAndClassNames, null, true);
     $result = ZurmoRedBean::GetAll($sql);
  * Given a event, perform the deletion of conversationItems related to the event sender.
  * @param CEvent $event
 public function deletePersonsOrAccountsItems(CEvent $event)
     $model = $event->sender;
     assert('$model instanceof Item');
     $itemId = $model->getClassId('Item');
     $sql = 'DELETE from emailmessagerecipient_item where item_id = ' . $itemId;
     $sql = 'DELETE from emailmessagesender_item where item_id = ' . $itemId;
 public static function isUnitofmeasureInUseById($unitofmeasureId)
     $unitofmeasures = Unitofmeasure::getById($unitofmeasureId);
     $rows = ZurmoRedBean::getAll('SELECT * FROM customfield WHERE id IN (SELECT unitofmeasure_customfield_id FROM costbook) AND VALUE="' . $unitofmeasures->name . '"');
     if (count($rows) > 0) {
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;
 public static function getByName($name)
     assert('$name != ""');
     $bean = ZurmoRedBean::findOne('a', "name = :name ", array(':name' => $name));
     assert('$bean === false || $bean instanceof RedBean_OODBBean');
     if ($bean === false) {
         throw new NotFoundException();
     return self::makeModel($bean);
  * Get by specifying a class name and user. The class name is unique
  * and the data is saved in such a way that only one record will be
  * created per class name / user combination.
  * @see GlobalMetadata
 public static function getByClassNameAndUser($className, User $user)
     assert('$className != ""');
     $bean = ZurmoRedBean::findOne('perusermetadata', "className = '{$className}' and _user_id = {$user->id}");
     assert('$bean === false || $bean instanceof RedBean_OODBBean');
     if ($bean === false) {
         throw new NotFoundException();
     return self::makeModel($bean);
  * Get by specifying a class name. The class name is unique
  * and so one object will be returned.
 public static function getByClassName($className)
     assert('$className != ""');
     $bean = ZurmoRedBean::findOne('globalmetadata', "className = '{$className}'");
     assert('$bean === false || $bean instanceof RedBean_OODBBean');
     if ($bean === false) {
         throw new NotFoundException();
     return self::makeModel($bean);
 public function getChartData()
     $customFieldData = CustomFieldDataModelUtil::getDataByModelClassNameAndAttributeName('Opportunity', 'stage');
     $labels = CustomFieldDataUtil::getDataIndexedByDataAndTranslatedLabelsByLanguage($customFieldData, Yii::app()->language);
     $sql = static::makeChartSqlQuery();
     $rows = ZurmoRedBean::getAll($sql);
     $chartData = array();
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
         $chartData[] = array('value' => $this->resolveCurrencyValueConversionRateForCurrentUserForDisplay($row['amount']), 'displayLabel' => static::resolveLabelByValueAndLabels($row['stage'], $labels));
     return $chartData;
 public static function getAddProductSearchData($category, $costOfGoods)
     $allAssemblySql = 'SELECT A.*, D.value AS UnitOfMeasure,B.value AS Category FROM 
         costbook A
         LEFT JOIN customfieldvalue AS B ON B.multiplevaluescustomfield_id=A.category_multiplevaluescustomfield_id
         LEFT JOIN customfield AS C ON =A.costofgoodssold_customfield_id
         LEFT JOIN customfield AS D ON A.unitofmeasure_customfield_id
         IF("ALL"="' . $category . '",TRUE,B.VALUE="' . $category . '")
         AND IF("ALL"="' . $costOfGoods . '",TRUE,C.VALUE="' . $costOfGoods . '")';
     return ZurmoRedBean::getAll($allAssemblySql);
 public function getChartData()
     $sql = static::makeSqlQuery(static::makeSearchAttributeData($this->autoresponder));
     $row = ZurmoRedBean::getRow($sql);
     $data = static::resolveChartDataBaseGroupElements();
     foreach ($data as $index => $notUsed) {
         if ($row[$index] != null) {
             $data[$index] = $row[$index];
     return $data;
 public static function getByName($name)
     assert('$name != ""');
     $bean = ZurmoRedBean::findOne('testselfrelatingmodel', "name = :name ", array(':name' => $name));
     assert('$bean === false || $bean instanceof RedBean_OODBBean');
     if ($bean === false) {
         if ($name == Group::EVERYONE_GROUP_NAME) {
             return self::createEveryoneGroup();
         throw new NotFoundException();
     return self::makeModel($bean);
 public function testRun()
     $quote = DatabaseCompatibilityUtil::getQuote();
     //Create 2 export items, and set one with a date over a week ago (8 days ago) for the modifiedDateTime
     $exportItem = new ExportItem();
     $exportItem->isCompleted = 0;
     $exportItem->exportFileType = 'csv';
     $exportItem->exportFileName = 'test';
     $exportItem->modelClassName = 'Account';
     $exportItem->serializedData = serialize(array('test', 'test2'));
     $fileContent = new FileContent();
     $fileContent->content = 'test';
     $exportFileModel = new ExportFileModel();
     $exportFileModel->fileContent = $fileContent;
     $exportFileModel->name = $exportItem->exportFileName . ".csv";
     $exportFileModel->type = 'application/octet-stream';
     $exportFileModel->size = strlen($fileContent->content);
     $exportFileModel1Id = $exportFileModel->id;
     $exportItem->exportFileModel = $exportFileModel;
     $modifiedDateTime = DateTimeUtil::convertTimestampToDbFormatDateTime(time() - 60 * 60 * 24 * 8);
     $sql = "Update item set modifieddatetime = '" . $modifiedDateTime . "' where id = " . $exportItem->getClassId('Item');
     // Second exportItem, that shouldn't be deleted.
     $exportItem2 = new ExportItem();
     $exportItem2->isCompleted = 0;
     $exportItem2->exportFileType = 'csv';
     $exportItem2->exportFileName = 'test';
     $exportItem2->modelClassName = 'Account';
     $exportItem2->serializedData = serialize(array('test', 'test2'));
     $fileContent2 = new FileContent();
     $fileContent2->content = 'test';
     $exportFileModel2 = new ExportFileModel();
     $exportFileModel2->fileContent = $fileContent2;
     $exportFileModel2->name = $exportItem->exportFileName . ".csv";
     $exportFileModel2->type = 'application/octet-stream';
     $exportFileModel2->size = strlen($fileContent->content);
     $exportFileModel2Id = $exportFileModel2->id;
     $exportItem2->exportFileModel = $exportFileModel2;
     $job = new ExportCleanupJob();
     $exportItems = ExportItem::getAll();
     $this->assertEquals(1, count($exportItems));
     $this->assertEquals($exportItem2->id, $exportItems[0]->id);